Chapter 657

In the kebab shop, the three imperial capital friends all brought female companions, and each sat with their female companions.

“Brother Liang, here!” Li Cunyuan greeted.

This kebab shop is a square table, and Li Cunyuan and their female companions each took one side. If Anliang only brought Chen Siyu, it would be just right.

But now there is still Ning Ruoshuang!

Li Cunyuan greeted, “Waiter, add another seat!”

Anliang denied, “No, we just squeeze it!”

“Cough!” Yun Haiyang was rolling a bunch of big waists, and he was almost choked.

Just squeeze the horse!

This is a long bench, three people squeeze it?


Qian Xiaogang silently praised Anliang. He looked at Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to see how they reacted.

In the end, neither Ning Ruoshuang nor Chen Siyu meant to refute!

Anliang sat generously in the middle of the long bench, Chen Siyu sat on the left and Ning Ruoshuang sat on the right.


Yun Haiyang said that he served it!

Qian Xiaogang also expressed his acceptance!

Li Cunyuan glanced suspiciously at Chen Siyu, and then asked, “Brother Liang, sister-in-law, look at the menu.”

Chen Siyu refused first, “I won’t eat anymore, I just ate a lot at night.”

Anliang seconded, “The one on the table is fine. Brother Yuan, tell me, how did we get the wool?”

Li Cunyuan took out a stack of leaflets and several leaflets, and handed them to Anliang.

“Here, Brother Liang, you must hold on!” Li Cunyuan reminded.

Yun Haiyang couldn’t help laughing, “I think Brother Liang will be embarrassed to kill others after reading it!”

Qian Xiaogang seconded, “Stop talking, I will laugh once every time!”

Anliang received the brochure and leaflet, and he checked the leaflet first.

Do you want your child to succeed?(Read more @

Do you want your child to win at the starting line?

Do you know the potential of your child?

Please don’t let your children lose at the starting line!

Please let your child play his talent!

Please be assured that your child can succeed!

Anliang’s photos were printed on these leaflets, and a special ‘biography’ was written.

Successful students:

Anliang, from Shengqing, is 18 years old and is a freshman from Tianfu School of Economics.

Anliang has participated in our [Youth Leadership Speaking Training Camp] since he was a child. He is one of our most successful students!

At present, Anliang has become a representative of contemporary youth and a well-deserved youth leader.

Through our training in [Youth Leadership Training Camp], Anliang, who was originally autistic, not only overcomes the autistic psychology, but also enters the university, and has mastered all the knowledge of the four years of university as a freshman.

What is even better is that Anliang has applied what he has learned. At the age of only 18, he has gained hundreds of millions of dollars through the stock market!

Parents, what are you waiting for?

Your child is the next youth leader!

After reading the leaflet, Anliang participated in the [Youth Leadership Training Camp] from an early age.

Autism is also okay!

This Nima…

Out of nothing?

Anliang checked the photo on the leaflet again. This photo was on the campus wall, so someone reposted the campus wall and was targeted by this successful training program?

“Brother Liang, how does it feel to have autism?” Chen Siyu asked jokingly.

Ning Ruoshuang couldn’t help but smile.

“Brother Liang, you continue to read the brochure, the things in it are even more outrageous, all kinds of things that embarrass you, what is the IQ 300, what is the gold medal of the International Youth Talent Competition, what is the super seed of the United Nations Global Talent Program, it is embarrassing to see. Cancer is committed!” Yun Haiyang reminded Anliang.

Anliang stared directly at death!

Don’t talk about watching it, listening to it is embarrassing and committing cancer, okay?

“What the hell is this?” Anliang complained.

Li Cunyuan responded, “Youth leader speech training camp lectures, a deformed successful marketing program, we only discovered. After investigation, it was determined that it spread for at least a month and the spread was very secretive.”

“Have you found out who it is?” Anliang asked.

“A guy named Ji Jianjing, who claimed to be the [Prince of Asian Services Dealers], had participated in a variety show of super speeches before, and now he is crazy about Brother Liang’s wool.” Li Cunyuan responded.

Yun Haiyang added on the side, “This person also has a show operation!”

Anliang looked at the ocean of clouds.

Yun Haiyang didn’t sell the gates, “These materials are obtained from the patrol station, and similar materials are piled up at the patrol station!”

Yun Haiyang continued, “Because this Ji Jianjing called the police and reported this incident, saying that someone deliberately framed him and used false propaganda materials to discredit his youth leader speech training camp.”

“Is this operation not showing up?” Yun Haiyang asked.

“The thief shouts to catch the thief to avoid legal risks?” Anliang saw through.

This operation is a real show!

But this operation will directly avoid the legal risk of false propaganda, because Ji Jianjing has already filed a report to push out the legal risks of false propaganda.

So Sao operation has the benefits of Sao operation! .

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