Chapter 658

Chen Siyu was looking through the brochure. As Yun Haiyang said, the introduction in the brochure was too embarrassing.

“Brother Liang, take a look. This PS is too perfect to tell that it is fake.” Chen Siyu pointed to the picture in the brochure, which was the picture of Anliang’s speech at the Youth Leadership Training Camp.

Chen Siyu naturally knows that Anliang cannot participate in these things, so this picture must be fake, but can it be fake?

“Brother Liang, from the current point of view, when Ji Jianjing has performed the show operation, it has become quite difficult for us to target him from the legal level. He can use this way of shouting and catching the thief to continue to promote. The wool was stalked.” Yun Haiyang explained.

Qian Xiaogang responded, “I can find someone to do him here. We have already determined his residence, as well as the trajectory of his daily activities. Anyone can break his leg.”

Li Cunyuan asked, “Brother Liang, what do you think is appropriate?”

Anliang thought about it, Qian Xiaogang’s proposal would definitely not work!

Break his leg?

If you really want to interrupt his leg, do you still need Qian Xiaogang to go out?

“Where does this person come from?-” Anliang asked.

Yun Haiyang responded, “In my opinion, this guy is a liar!”

Li Cunyuan seconded, “I also think he is a liar. We have already learned about the situation from the patrol station. The so-called [Youth Leadership Training Camp] is the traditional brainwashing education for success, so that children can overcome their timidity and face to face. When dealing with unfamiliar environments and strangers, you can also repeatedly shout slogans and talk freely.”

This kind of effect seems pretty good at first glance?

After all, let the children overcome their timidity.

But do children actually need to overcome timidity like this?

This kind of thing, similar to [Chuanxiao], passed some unhealthy values ​​to the children prematurely, so that the children could not establish the correct cognition by themselves.

Think about it, if a child of seven or eight years old, or even younger, actually talks about success, chanting slogans, wouldn’t it be a kind of sadness?

Qian Xiaogang added, “Although this person is a liar, according to what we know, this person has developed a large number of parents and believers in the imperial capital. The more important thing is that these parents really believe in him.”

“By the way, the price of this [Young Leaders Speech Training Camp] is very expensive, and the basic class is 188,000 yuan. This price can only listen to the big lecture of the liar.” Qian Xiaogang added.

“The advanced version of 388,000 yuan can join the ten-person elite class, and then 988,000 will become the disciple of the liar and enjoy one-on-one lecture services.” Qian Xiaogang continued.(Read more @

Li Cunyuan added, “According to the information revealed from the patrol station, this person has recruited thousands of students in the imperial capital!”

So many?

Anliang was shocked!

If calculated on the basis of one thousand people, even if all of them are basic classes, that would be 100 million yuan?

Sure enough, it’s stalking wool!

“These parents are too stupid?” Anliang vomited.

Yun Haiyang responded, “The main reason is that their advertisements are too tied to people, so they don’t let their children lose at the starting line, and it does have an effect.”

“Some parents have very poor judgment ability. Watching their children can talk about successful topics in front of everyone and give various public speeches. Many parents can’t stand this effect!” Yun Haiyang added.

that’s the truth!

Anliang sighed, “This person is a bit disgusting. For the benefit, he stretched out his black hand to the child. By the way, have you investigated his specific identity?”

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“Under investigation, but the progress is relatively slow.” Li Cunyuan responded.

Qian Xiaogang added, “The main reason is that the problem is not big, and the efficiency of the patrol station is low.”

The efficiency of the patrol station is low?

Anliang has a solution!

He did not avoid Chen Siyu and directly dialed Liu Xinyi’s number. After waiting for Liu Xinyi to connect, Anliang said first, “Comrade Liu, I am friends with you?”

Liu Xinyi responded cautiously, “Yes.”

“Friends should help each other?” Anliang continued to ask.

“What’s the matter with you?” Liu Xinyi asked back.

Anliang said quickly, “I need you to check someone for me, and I hope to get all his relevant information.”

If it’s just general information, there is no need for Liu Xinyi to help investigate.

“Who?” Liu Xinyi asked without refusal.

“A liar!” Anliang briefly described the situation, “This person is a bit disgusting. I want you to check his information before I decide how to solve the problem.”

“I will report it. As for whether I will help you, I’m not sure.” Liu Xinyi responded.

“Okay!” Anliang added, “Remember to tell me if there is a result.”

“Okay.” Liu Xinyi agreed.

Anliang hung up the phone, and he took the initiative to say, “I just contacted the National Security Investigation Bureau. They want to investigate a person. I believe there will be results soon.”

Li Cunyuan looked at Anliang in surprise, “Brother Liang is actually related to them?”

Anliang said modestly, “It’s a little bit related.”

Yun Haiyang said gleefully, “If they enter, then Ji Jianjing will be unlucky!”

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