Chapter 659

Anliang is not worried about what the National Security Investigation Bureau will not help.

If it is to investigate an ordinary person, the National Security Investigation Bureau may not help, but if it is investigating an apparently problematic fraud, there is no problem.

Inside the kebab shop, Anliang asked curiously, “Brother Ocean, are you with Xiaoyu?”

Anliang had just finished asking, and he suffered the death gaze of Yun Haiyang!

Qian Xiaogang couldn’t help but laughed.

Li Cunyuan shivered and dared not speak, for fear that Anliang’s next sentence was that he was with Miao Xueyi.

Hu Xiaoyu responded openly, “Me and Haiyang are trying to contact.”

“Ahem, Brother Liang, please let me go!” Yun Haiyang was unable to complain.

This beep Anliang himself has a girlfriend in Shengqing and a girlfriend in the Imperial Capital. Now he still fucks him!

If it wasn’t for Yun Haiyang to ask Anliang how to do it, he would now die at the same pace.

Hu Xiaoyu joked on the side, “I found a big problem!”

Everyone looked at Hu Xiaoyu, waiting for Hu Xiaoyu to explain the big problem.

“Recall if this is the case. When buying a car before, Brother Liang took his sister-in-law’s best-in-law; when eating later, Liang brother also took his sister-in-law’s best Sister-in-law’s best friend. You taste, you taste carefully!” Hu Xiaoyu explained.

Yun Haiyang looked at Anliang proudly, is this retribution?

Anliang looked at Hu Xiaoyu speechlessly, he was bringing her together with Yun Haiyang!

Don’t know good people?

Ning Ruoshuang’s white face was slightly red.

Before Anliang answered, Chen Siyu answered first, “Don’t you even know?”

Everyone looked at Chen Siyu suspiciously again.

Yun Haiyang asked curiously, “Sister-in-law, what should we know?”

“She is also Brother Liang’s girlfriend, Brother Liang didn’t tell you?” Chen Siyu said astonishingly!

! ! !

Whether it was Yun Haiyang, Li Cunyuan, or Qian Xiaogang, they all looked at Chen Siyu in shock, then at Anliang, and then at Ning Ruoshuang.

“Brother Liang Niu beep!” Yun Haiyang shouted directly.(Read more @

Qian Xiaogang seconded, “Brother Liang Niu beep!”

Li Cunyuan gave a thumbs up, “I took it! Brother Liang, I really took it! Reasonable, Brother Liang, you go to a lecture, I think there is no problem in charging more expensive than Ji Jianjing!”

Anliang didn’t speak, he turned his head to the left and looked at Chen Siyu. The big cat in the imperial capital really doubted him!

Where is the break…

and many more!

Brother Liang finally thought of the problem!

He and Ning Ruoshuang hugged at home several times before, and did not take a shower before going out, let alone change clothes.

Later when he was cooking at the burning pot, Chen Siyu hugged him when they met. Song Qian was still teasing the public not to show affection.

So at that time, it was not showing affection, but taking advantage of the hug, secretly smelling the smell on his body, and then discovered the smell of Ning Ruoshuang?

The big cat in the imperial capital…

No wonder she repeatedly tried Anliang before!

But here comes the problem!

The big cat in the Emperor Ming Dynasty has already discovered the problem, and the danger prediction ability has not issued a warning?

More importantly, Chen Siyu talked and laughed to accompany Anliang to taste burning pot dishes, and the pleasure coefficient of the food enjoyment cashback card was directly the coefficient of full marks.

If Chen Siyu had anger and unhappiness in his heart at that time, I am afraid that he would not be able to provide a full score of pleasure coefficient, right?

In addition, the four people behind were strolling around Pan Garden happily, and Chen Siyu showed no signs of an outbreak, so she accepted Ning Ruoshuang by default?

Is it because Ning Ruoshuang’s family situation is so miserable that she has sympathy?

In addition, Anliang is really good to her, all kinds of buy, buy and get free, and super double talent, it seems to be a perfect fairy boyfriend, right?

Based on this situation, Chen Siyu acquiesced in this matter?

Facing Anliang’s gaze, Chen Siyu looked at Anliang calmly, with a smile in her eyes, as if waiting for Anliang’s answer 0 ……..

Anliang silently uses the interpersonal relationship scanning system to view Chen Siyu’s information.

The good impression score is 96 points, and there is no reduction in it!

Three items of data after the update:

Pure essence: 79

Morality: 91

Good health: 96

Purity Essence scored 79 because of the existence of Anliang.

The morality is as high as 91 points?

The physical fitness is also very high!

Looking at the undiminished favorability level, coupled with the previous situation of cooking in the burning pot, Anliang was silent in his heart, and he directly hugged Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang.

“No, I’m sorry, buddies, I forgot to tell you that on the left is your sister-in-law, and on the right is also your sister-in-law, understand?” Anliang admitted cleanly!

He didn’t realize that Ning Ruoshuang’s favorability increased silently at this moment.

When Anliang confessed directly, Chen Siyu sighed, “Huh! I knew that you bullied Shuangshuang at home today!”

Ning Ruoshuang quickly responded, “Nothing!”

Anliang nodded, “Really not. I will tell you about this matter when I go home.”

The three brothers in the imperial capital were silly looking at this situation!

Isn’t Chen Siyu joking just now? .

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