Chapter 667

Anliang’s three friends in the Imperial City gave him a gift package, thus solving the trouble of Anliang’s own choice.

Faced with Chen Siyu’s inquiry, Ning Ruoshuang responded without hesitation, “I will choose No. 8805!”

Chen Siyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

This choice means that Ning Ruoshuang really does not fight or grab, not noisy or make trouble, at least for now.

In Chen Siyu’s view, if Ning Ruoshuang chose No. 8906 upstairs, wouldn’t it be hoped that she would be better than her?

After all, the same apartment type, higher floors, is there no hint?

No. 8805 on the opposite side is much simpler, with a smaller room number and a smaller area, just right!

Ning Ruoshuang herself had such considerations, so she directly chose No. 8805 instead of No. 8906. The two of them had a very tacit understanding.

The careful thinking of girls in 077 is so delicate!

Hearing Ning Ruoshuang’s choice, Anliang didn’t think much about it. He thought that Ning Ruoshuang was because it was easier to visit door-to-door.

“All right, you will give me your ID card tomorrow, and you will settle down directly under your name.” Anliang explained.

“Huh?” Ning Ruoshuang was a little surprised. She and Anliang haven’t really determined the relationship yet, have they?

Anliang seems to have guessed Ning Ruoshuang’s thoughts, “Siyu and I had the same situation before, you will know if you ask her, she also directly settled this apartment to her.

Chen Siyu’s face flushed, she understood Anliang’s meaning, Anliang said that she had sent the room first without sleeping, Chen Siyu could not help twisting the tender meat on Anliang’s waist.

Anliang hummed and turned over, pushed Chen Siyu down directly, and then kissed unceremoniously.

Ning Ruoshuang was a bit at a loss on the side.

It’s weird to watch my boyfriend and my best friend kissing!

Almost two minutes later, Anliang let go of Chen Siyu, but pulled Ning Ruoshuang down again. Does Ning Ruoshuang think he can escape?(Read more @

Chen Siyu watched Anliang kiss Ning Ruoshuang, she also felt very strange, a little uncomfortable, but thinking that Anliang kissed her first, it seemed good?

Strange comparability among girls?

When Anliang let go of Ning Ruoshuang, Chen Siyu immediately hummed, “You bad man, go to the guest room!”

Ning Ruoshuang seconded, “I support Siyu!”

If Anliang stays in the master bedroom again, I’m afraid they will be bullied again, right?

Chen Siyu can accept the situation just now, and Ning Ruoshuang can also accept it, but in a further situation, Chen Siyu can’t accept it, and Ning Ruoshuang can’t accept it.

Anliang tried to figure out the bottom line, and he didn’t know how to make it. He stood up and said, “Okay, it’s getting late, you guys rest early.”

“Hmm!” Chen Siyu responded.

Ning Ruoshuang also nodded.

After waiting for Anliang to leave the master bedroom, Chen Siyu immediately went to the door and locked the door behind him to avoid being attacked by Anliang in the middle of the night. Who knows if this bad man will come over in the middle of the night?

Anliang walked out of the master bedroom. He first went to the guest bathroom to wash, and then lay on the bed in the guest room. The bed in the guest room is also ×2 meters in size, but it lacks a separate toilet.

Anliang uses the interpersonal scanning system to check the data information of Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. Although both of them behaved normally just now, Anliang still has to check the data to be relieved.

After all, he started on Chen Siyu’s bestie, he was a little bit uneasy.

Checking the information of Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang through the interpersonal scanning system, neither Chen Siyu nor Ning Ruoshuang’s favorability has declined. Chen Siyu still has 96 points, and Ning Ruoshuang still has 92 points.

Chen Siyu’s favorability has not decreased, should it be a subtle change in his previous mentality?

At the beginning, Anliang didn’t know what changed Chen Siyu’s mentality, but now he finally understands that Chen Siyu accepted his favor and is willing to make some compromises, right?

Worthy of being a winner in life model!

Anliang likes the current situation.

As for Ning Ruoshuang’s favorability a bit lower?

rest assured!

Brother Liang knows it!

There is only one channel leading to the depths of the girl’s heart. Student Xiao’an has not entered this channel yet, so naturally the degree of favorability has not been raised.

Waiting for Xiao An to enter this channel to the depths of the girl’s heart, and her favorability will naturally rise.

After confirming that there is no problem with the goodwill of the two, Anliang scanned the circle of friends again, and finally fell asleep contentedly.

When Anliang was sleeping, a storm was brewing in Xia Guo’s Internet. A large number of posts about the success of the school appeared, and these posts were even linked.

For example, there is a post about Xu Heming, and there is a post supplementing that Xu Heming studied under Chen Anzhi, and then the various dark histories of Chen Anzhi are involved, and then the situation of Ji Jianjing is also revealed.

Even the video of the richest man in Malaysia by Chen Anzhi was found, and the recent situation of the two was compared.

In just one night, the entire network of Xia Guo was filled with various stories behind the success studies, extracting all the history of success studies from 2000 to 2020. .

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