Chapter 668

January 10th.

Just after seven o’clock in the morning, Anliang woke up.

Except for special circumstances, Anliang would basically not sleep in, even at school. Anliang would wake up early to accompany Baiyue to have breakfast, and would bring breakfast to his three dog sons in the same dormitory.

As for whether it’s better to sleep late or get up more self-disciplined, what’s the difference?

There is nothing wrong with sleeping late, and there is no problem with getting up in a self-discipline.

The bullshit brick family likes to talk about things!

After a simple wash, Anliang checked the information on the phone, and the secret communication software of Renyi Security Company sent the message from Ji Wancheng on the 4th Tianji Shen fortune.

‘Fourth: The task is done! ’

Ji Wancheng’s report is very simple, no screenshots, no detailed explanation, only four words, indicating that he has completed the task.

Anliang casually opened the Weibo of ‘Discover New-Fresh Things Every Day’.

In Weibo, there are so many topics related to success learning, and there are even top ten hotly searched topics.

Anliang clicked a few posts to check the situation. These posts are not only the Shuijun posts made by Ji Wancheng, but also the tap water posts.

For example, someone posted a photo of Xu Heming ten years ago, and provided a series of bill deposit receipts, indicating that Xu Heming was defrauded ten years ago.

Some people even shared a history of blood and tears 20 years ago. They were deceived by Chen Anzhi more than one million 20 years ago. In the end, they only learned all kinds of laughter and brainwashing techniques.

Some people also broke the information about Ji Jianjing’s address in the imperial capital. The parents who had become Ji Jianjing’s believers also seemed to have turned their backs. Some parents found out that their children seemed to be in fact just like what was said on the Internet. It’s just brainwashing to pass jokes.

How much these parents supported Ji Jianjing in the first place, but now they hate Ji Jianjing.

In one post, a parent was organizing to block Ji Jianjing’s road by pulling banners, asking Ji Jianjing to refund him, and then publicly apologize.

‘interesting! Anliang’s inspiration flashed.

It seems you can take advantage of things like drawing banners?

It just so happened that Anliang knew Liu Xingbang, who had three teachings and nine ranks. It was okay for Liu Xingbang to organize a banner to block the benzene field, right?(Read more @

It’s not illegal to pull a banner anyway!

Organize a dozen people every day, and arrange two more Bentian cars, so that banners and loudspeakers can be displayed at the 4S sales store of Bentian Motors. The life of the people of the country is at stake. ’

The cost of this solution should be very low, but the effect should be very good!

After all, users who buy cars, even if they like Bentian again, no matter how good Bentian’s marketing advertisements are, when they go to buy a car, they will see banners and loud speakers outside the sales store. ?

Anliang constructed a strategy against Bentian Motor in an instant in his mind, and he continued to check the information on the Internet that he had learned successfully.

In addition to Weibo, Beep, Block, Qiuqiu, WeChat public account, etc., a lot of social networks have all kinds of deep posts about successful school life and life.

Especially in WeChat, Anliang even saw some middle-aged and elderly relatives reposting relevant successful gossip messages in the Moments, reminding relatives with children not to be fooled.

From this point, we can see that the operation of the 4th Heavenly Mystery and Divine Calculation was indeed very successful!

In fact, there is another reason.

The world has been hard to learn for a long time!

Anliang hit this point!

The success learning system collapsed almost overnight.

0 ········Find flowers···························································································································································

After all, success learning is indeed a false proposition. If it is really successful, why don’t the success learning lecturers take it by themselves?

Of course, the success lecturer must be very successful, because he fooled a group of students who wanted to succeed and made him succeed. Isn’t it a success?

Anliang looked back and looked at the previous post of the imperial capital’s local invitation to organize a group to pull a banner. The number of applicants has exceeded fifty. It seems that Teacher Ji Jianjing is in a disaster?

This person still wants to squeeze his wool?

‘Ding! ’

‘The host strongly suppressed the success of learning, greatly curbed the cancer of success, and saved a large number of flowers of the motherland. ’

0 ……. …….

‘Congratulations to the host for winning the [Premium Random Lucky Draw Package], do you want to open it? ’

Turned out to be a premium random lucky draw package?

It used to be an ordinary random lottery gift package, is it finally generous this time?

It seems that Cheng Chengxue is really a cancer?

‘turn on! Anliang chose to open the high-level random lucky draw package. He is curious about what the high-level random lucky draw package can get?

Seeking a copy of “Taiwei’s View of Mind and Ultimate Cavern Youtian Oracle”!

This slurred thing is called Xiuxian Dafa!

The life winner system naturally ignored Anliang’s request. If the life winner system can send out a reminder message, I am afraid to remind Liang brother to sleep in and dream more. Is there anything in the dream?

In the case of double celebration on Brother Liang’s birthday and New Year’s Day, the life winner system rewarded Anliang with a chance to make a wish, which was specially explained.

Cultivation to become immortal?

impossible things!

Therefore, it is impossible for a high-level random lottery package to offer that kind of thing. Brother Liang is purely self-healing! on.

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