Chapter 941

The VIP lounge at Golden Harbor International Circuit.

Anliang was sitting on the sofa looking at the information of the Imperial Capital group of friends.

‘Li Cunyuan: @ Anliang: Brother Liang, you won! ’

‘Anliang:? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Thirteen of the 20 imperial capital circles have managed nearly seven billion funds in Prosperity Dingming, and they all decided to withdraw. ’

‘Anliang: That’s really good news! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Should I pull a WeChat group? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: These people want to establish an investment group to facilitate the exchange of information. ’

‘Anliang: Yes. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Okay, I will pull the group first, and then transfer the group to Brother Liang. ’

In less than three minutes, Li Cunyuan pulled the corresponding group and transferred the group owner to Anliang.

Anliang first changed the group name to ‘Emperor Capital Anxin Group’ and then sent a message within the group.

‘Anliang: @Everyone: Hello everyone, I’m Anliang from Anxin Investment. I’m with my girlfriend, so your boyfriend or girlfriend, whatever you want to eat with me or talk about work, I All can’t be done! ’

‘Li Mingfei:…’

‘Li Mingfei: Single drifted by. ’353

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Good Brother Liang! ’

‘Anliang: Good little fish! ’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Good Brother Liang! ’

‘Anliang: Hello, Brother Ronghua! ’

‘Anliang: Hello, everyone. Regarding Anxin Investment, we will follow the instructions in the Yunjing International Banquet Hall last time. I will announce the account number of Anxin Investment Company and the number of receptions received by Wailian. ’

‘Anliang: I have told Anxin Investment Company about the specific situation. After your funds pass, the corresponding file will be established. ’

‘Anliang: If you want to travel to Tianfu, then go to Anxin Investment Company to sign a contract in person. ’

‘Anliang: If you are too lazy to bother, then use the postal contract signing model. Our Anxin Investment Company will send you a template contract. You will find a law firm to review it yourself, and then sign it and mail it to Anxin Investment Company. Finally, Anxin Investment Company will review it. After there is no problem, we will affix the official seal and send you a contract. ’

‘Anliang: In addition to the funds withdrawn from Shengshidingming, each company has a maximum limit of 2 billion funds, and single-person investment is also calculated within each company’s common limit. ’(Read more @

‘Anliang: For example, if Xiaoyu himself wants to invest 50 million, then their family only invests 1.95 billion. ’

‘Anliang: The deadline is set before 12 noon on Sunday. ’

‘Anliang: I wish you all a happy holiday, my girlfriend is calling me, go ahead! ’

These people invested money in Anxin Investment Company. They did make a profit, but will Brother Liang lose?

In fact, for these people’s funds, Anliang has a plan to make big money!

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had already come to Anliang side by side. Anliang was talking about work and naturally did not avoid them. After he finished talking, he threw his mobile phone on the coffee table and asked casually, “Shuangshuang’s situation. how is it?”

“Very good!” Chen Siyu replied affirmatively.

Ning Ruoshuang also responded confidently, “I suddenly feel that driving is easy.”

“I hope so!” Anliang replied, “By the way, I just saw in the group. Today is Valentine’s Day. I almost forgot. What do you want?”

Chen Siyu shook his head and said, “You didn’t want anything, you just bought us jewelry, and you gave us another million in front of you. I don’t think there is a shortage of anything!”

Ning Ruoshuang nodded in agreement, “Well, I don’t think I lack anything.”

In fact, neither Chen Siyu nor Ning Ruoshuang value the so-called Valentine’s Day.

The so-called Valentine’s Day on February 14 is more of a business concept hyped by businesses.

As for the girl who cares about Valentine’s Day?

Because there is another excuse to receive gifts, right?

If it is like Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, Anliang will not choose any special holidays before giving them gifts, but if they need them or Anliang feels they need them, then send them on the spot, okay?

Even a set of Van Cleef & Arpels high jewelry series necklaces and bracelets with more than three million dollars, Anliang did not postpone the gift until Valentine’s Day.

According to mainstream thinking, this precious gift should be given on a special day, right?

However, in Anliang’s view, Chen Siyu needs a set of jewelry for the town to perform on stage, so just buy one.

Need a special day?

The same goes for Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. They never thought about asking for anything on Valentine’s Day, so naturally they did not value this so-called ‘festival’.

This is the different needs and different views on things.

“Is there nothing missing?” Anliang hummed, “Isn’t your women always missing a piece of clothing in their wardrobe?”

“Humph!” Chen Siyu hummed.

Ning Ruoshuang also gave Anliang a white look.

“Okay, I’m going to run two laps too!” Anliang explained.

Chen Siyu handed over the keys of the BMW M8C.

Anliang greeted, “Gust’s car key is also used. It is a T twelve-cylinder engine and a rear-drive vehicle. I will show you the correct driving method!”

Chen Siyu hesitated, “Its length is close to 5.5 meters, are you going to use it for drifting?”

“Try it!” Anliang responded.

Chen Siyu handed over the keys of Rolls-Royce Gust, and Anliang took it and prepared to leave.

Chen Siyu reminded, “Mobile phone!”

“Oh!” Anliang came back and held the phone.

Chen Siyu followed, “Give me the key to the BMW. I want to play with you. I want to see how you can drift with Gust.”

“By the way, Shuangshuang, will you go with me?” Chen Siyu greeted.

Ning Ruoshuang directly refused, “I’m a little scared, I don’t want to go!”

Chen Siyu likes drag racing, and Ning Ruoshuang prefers to drive honestly. After all, she is an iceberg girl with a quieter personality. .

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