Chapter 942

On the circuit of the Golden Port International Circuit, Rolls-Royce Ghost finally remembered that it was equipped with a 6.6T V-type 12-cylinder engine and was a rear-drive car.

Obviously it was a huge monster with a length of nearly five meters, but under Anliang’s control, it was just playing drifting!

Chen Siyu drove a BMW M8C to follow Anliang, and when Anliang drifted around, she also drifted around.

In order to ensure safety, Chen Siyu waited for Anliang to complete the turn before following up. It was not the kind in the movie ~ double drifting side by side with each other.

That kind of drifting technique is probably the one-handed drifting talent of Fujiwara Tofu shop-right?

There is a reason to say one -, drift with one hand?

Come on, leave the steering wheel to you, get out of the car before watching you drift!

rest assured!

You have an accident, carry it yourself!

Anliang drove the Rolls Royce Gust for three laps. When he got off the track, Chen Siyu followed off the track. After the two cars stopped, Chen Siyu came over immediately.

“Rolls-Royce drifting is so handsome!” Chen Siyu faintly showed that he was going to play in person.

Anliang reminded, “The Rolls-Royce’s body is too long, and the wheelbase is more than three meters, plus the weight of the car is close to tons. When you drift, pay attention to safety and control the speed.”

“Hmm!” Chen Siyu nodded.

“I will sit in the co-pilot and press down for you. If I ask you to slow down later, you will slow down honestly.” Anliang reminded.

Chen Siyu nodded repeatedly, “Okay!”

This time, Chen Siyu drove a Rolls-Royce Gust into the track. In the first corner, Chen Siyu carefully tentatively tried the drifting style of this behemoth.

In the VIP lounge, Ning Ruoshuang was playing with her mobile phone, and Song Qian was sending messages among her best friends.

‘Song Qian: @陈思雨: Wow! Thinking of rain! What is the situation? Did you ignore me? ’

‘Song Qian: Have you repented? ’

‘Song Qian: When is your boyfriend free? ’

‘Song Qian: I waited for three days, and three days later, three days later, from the Lantern Festival to Valentine’s Day, eldest sister, I can’t hold on anymore! ’

Ning Ruoshuang saw Song Qian’s message, she took a photo of the Golden Port International Circuit and sent it to the group.

‘Ning Ruoshuang: [Picture]’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Qianqian, Siyu and Master An are racing wildly on the track, there is no time to read the information. ’(Read more @

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Master An really had something to deal with before. ’

‘Song Qian: I know, Tianyun Investment Company! ’

‘Song Qian: I heard it is over? ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Well, it’s over, so today we are playing outside. ’

‘Song Qian: Am I really a concubine? ’

‘Song Qian: You forgot about me again! ’

‘Song Qian: I cried as soon as I wow! ’

‘Song Qian: Please remember me, please, I waited and waited and waited, and waited until my tears were soaked up. You forgot about me. I was so difficult! ’

‘Song Qian: I told my dad, I have a boyfriend, ask for help, I really can’t hold it! ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: I’ll tell them when they come out of the track. ’

‘Song Qian: Shuangshuang, my life is left to you! ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: How can it be so serious? ’

‘Song Qian: It’s really serious. I’m unable to complain. My dad introduced all kinds of crooked melons. He said that he introduced a high-quality resource today, and he doesn’t know what monsters and monsters are. ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: What if it’s good? ’

‘Song Qian: Forget it, I don’t believe my father’s eyes. ’

‘Song Qian: Shuangshuang, my life will be saved by you, when will they finish it? ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: What’s the situation on your side? ’

0 ····Find flowers 0 ······

‘Song Qian: At three o’clock in the afternoon, Costa from SKP. ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: That’s definitely not a problem. Our charter time ends at 12 noon, and then find a place to eat, and then go to SKP to wait for you, right? ’

‘Song Qian: Don’t don’t don’t, what do you want to eat at noon, I invite you to dinner. ’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: When Master Hoi An comes back, I will ask him and give you an answer. ’

‘Song Qian: Okay! ’

After half an hour, Chen Siyu drove Rolls-Royce Ghost back to the departure waiting area.

As soon as she got off the bus, she still cheered with excitement, “Master An, this is so fun, this is really fun!”

…….. …. …….

Anliang vomited, “You are not allowed to use it to drift without my company in the future!”

“Huh?” Chen Siyu asked suspiciously, “Why?”

“Dare to ask why?” Anliang snorted, “You just have to pick your feet and become addicted to food, just drifting, do you know how dangerous it is? It’s really scary!

When Chen Siyu was drifting with Rolls Royce Gust, Anliang reminded her to slow down more than once!

Rolls-Royce Gust is too heavy, almost a ton, it is really difficult for this kind of thing to drift.

“I know~” Chen Siyu responded coquettishly.

In the departure waiting area, Anliang threw the car keys of the two cars to the staff of the Golden Port International Circuit and asked them to inspect the two cars, mainly the tires and brakes.

The biggest loss of drag racing is tires. After a drag racing, changing tires is the basic operation.

When Anliang led Chen Siyu back to the VIP lounge, Ning Ruoshuang said, “Master An, Qianqian said to invite us to dinner at noon.”

“Huh?” Anliang was puzzled.

“You promised to impersonate her boyfriend last time. She needs help today, Master An, are you going to help today?” Ning Ruoshuang explained the situation. six.

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