Chapter 956

Yunjing International Apartment, big tea room.

Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang arrived at the same time.

Anliang greeted first, “Brother Yuan, Brother Gang, let’s go directly to the topic, Anxin Investment Company has sent all the data over.”

When saying hello, Anliang directly turned on an 85-inch TV as the screen, and projected the data sent by Anxin Investment Company onto the 85-inch TV.

“Look, this is our total cost of 10.25 billion, and I lost an extra 250 million in it.” Anliang said openly, and he added additional investment.

“I didn’t ask you to invest more. According to the situation at that time, you shouldn’t be able to make more money, right?” Anliang explained.

Li Cunyuan nodded affirmatively, “2.5 billion capital is already close to the limit.”

Yun Haiyang seconded, “Not only did I reach the limit, but I was also overcapitalized. I owed a lot of debts waiting to be paid.

“I barely made up the 2.5 billion. More funds are probably the mortgage car, but it is completely unnecessary.” Qian Xiaogang sighed.

“The timing of our entry is January 27, at a price of 345 yuan per gram of gold. This data was generated when we entered the market. You can see for yourself.” Anliang explained the data for three 957 people information.

“We only increased the leverage ratio by 12.5 times, so at the most dangerous time at the time, when Brother Yuan informed me that something was bad, we were still profitable.” Anliang said with a smile.

Li Cunyuan complained, “I was almost scared to death at the time!”

Anliang continued to explain the data, “The corresponding price of our just clearance and exit is 453 yuan per gram of gold, so our profit margin is a little more than 391% after doubling the leverage, which is this row of data, retaining the percentage. Six digits after the decimal point fully ensure the correctness of the data.”

“According to a total principal of 10.25 billion, our profit is 40.1 billion 869.56 million yuan, my profit is 10.6 billion 869 thousand yuan, and each of you’s profit is 9.7 billion 826 million 700 thousand yuan.” Anliang explained.

“This time our Anxin Investment Company will withhold [100 million] funds as related investment management expenses, so each of you’s profit is 9.7 billion yuan, plus 2.5 billion in principal, you can get 12.2 billion in total. Funds.” Anliang explained.

Although everyone was deducted more than 80 million yuan in handling fees, how would the three of Li Cunyuan care?

With a full profit of 9.7 billion, plus the corresponding principal, they will directly become a billionaire with a value of more than 10 billion, or a billionaire with a cash of more than 10 billion, okay?

According to this calculation method, the three of Li Cunyuan received a total of 100 million yuan in funds, Anliang received 13.5 billion in funds, and a total of 258.69 million in funds will remain in Anxin Investment Company.

After the corresponding bonuses were issued, these funds were naturally Anliang’s funds.

“Brothers, we have become tens of billions of local tyrants?” Qian Xiaogang was startled.(Read more @

Yun Haiyang responded in a daze, “According to Brother Liang, we have indeed become billionaires!”

Li Cunyuan took a deep breath, “Yes, we are billionaires!”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Qian Xiaogang immediately cheered, “We are billionaires! I want to buy all kinds of things, I want to buy airplanes, I want to buy yachts, and I want to buy manors!”

Yun Haiyang replied, “I want to buy and buy too, I want to buy all kinds of supercars, and lose one if I hit one, let me see how expensive the supercar is!”

Li Cunyuan thought for a while before responding, “Maybe I can buy a piece of land in Tongzhou District and build a horse farm?”

Anliang murmured, “I advise you three not to think too much!”

“Huh?” Li Cunyuan looked at Anliang suspiciously.

Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang also looked at Anliang.

“Did you suddenly forget about the graphene battery industry that I said before?” Anliang reminded.

Qian Xiaogang asked tentatively, “This shouldn’t require a lot of money, right?”

“100 million is not too little, and 10 billion is not too much. But in the future, it will be a trillion-level super enterprise. As for how much money will be invested, my suggestion here is that the more the better. This kind of opportunity is not always there. Entering the graphene industry, our four companies are equivalent to having the core basic disk of the future!” Anliang explained.

“It seems that my plane and yacht are gone!” Qian Xiaogang sighed.

Yun Haiyang also sighed, “I’d better drive a second-hand Carrera, I think there is nothing wrong with it.”

Li Cunyuan seconded, “The imperial capital already has a horse farm, I just buy a horse.”

The billionaires who just vowed to buy and buy, they withered in a blink of an eye, and Anliang almost laughed out loud.

“When it comes to tens of billions of profits, we still let go first. Now there are two questions before us.” Anliang looked at the three.

“First of all, the tens of billions of funds are placed in tax havens. Are you sure you can withstand the pressure?” Anliang asked, “After all, these funds will generate more than 8 billion tax if we don’t use any tax avoidance methods.”

“We don’t actually have pressure.” Li Cunyuan explained, “This matter is not widely spread, right?”

Yun Haiyang asked, “Brother Liang, do many people know about our money?”

“As of now, apart from some of the executives and core members of Anxin Investment, only we know.” Anliang responded, “Anxin Investment has a very high degree of security.”

“That’s not a big problem, we are just reasonable tax avoidance!” Li Cunyuan explained, “Reasonable tax avoidance is not tax evasion. There is no problem with these funds in tax havens.”

Li Cunyuan added, “When the graphene industry is financing, we can enter the capital as a foreign capital, and then we can smoothly complete the non-destructive transfer of funds.”

“Yes!” Anliang nodded in agreement.

“The second question, I am going to formalize our interest group. The four of us build a club as the core, and then all the people who invest funds in the Anxin Investment Company can be absorbed as peripheral members of the club, including those who played with us before. , All can become peripheral members.” Anliang explained.

“Do you think we established the club, what is the proper name?” Anliang asked.

Qian Xiaogang was the first to respond, “Just call the Ten Billion Club!”

He added, “The four of us are billionaire-level bigwigs. It’s okay to call this name, right?”


Brother Liang: What’s the name of the club?


Update time: 06:17:57, September 5, 2020, ask for a monthly pass~


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