Chapter 957

Ten billion club?


It’s too earthy!

The key is to be a bit too straightforward and a little too high-profile.

But Qian Xiaogang is a spiritual guy with the image of a hedgehog, and such a name is completely in line with Qian Xiaogang’s aesthetics.

Yun Haiyang was the first to refuse, “Don’t don’t, Brother Gang, I beg you, the name of the Ten Billion Club is like a souvenir package with over 100 million deposits.”

Li Cunyuan seconded, “I also think the Ten Billion Club is a bit too straightforward.”

Yun Haiyang suggested, “What do you think of the name of the four noble sons?”

Qian Xiaogang vomited, “You said Brother Liang and Brother Yuan are called noble sons. I don’t think there is anything wrong with me. I can be regarded as a half noble son, but Hai~Brother Yang, forget it!”

“Fuck?” Yun Haiyang looked at Qian Xiaogang speechlessly, “Gangzi-Brother, did I offend you?”

“No… Brother Haiyang, let’s just talk about the matter. One time when you dated Sun Linru, Sun Linru paid for the house, right?” Qian Xiaogang-said.

“…” Yun Haiyang was unable to refute.

Anliang laughed at one side, is there so much black history in this cloud ocean?

“Stop talking, Brother Gangzi, I gave up, let’s change my name!” Yun Haiyang took the initiative to give up.

Li Cunyuan looked at Anliang and said, “Brother Liang, what do you think is your name?”

Anliang thought for a while before responding, “Do you remember that you came to Shengqing to play during the Chinese New Year before, how many people in the Shengqing circle we met at Surprise Bar?”

Li Cunyuan nodded, “Remember, they seem to be called Song Zhifeng, Wu Xiwen, and Han Zhaoyu, right?”

Li Cunyuan continued, “Song Zhifeng’s family is the chief arrester of the patrol department, Wu Xiwen’s family is the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Han Zhaoyu’s is the Xicheng County magistrate’s family, right?”

“Awesome!” Anliang praised with a thumbs up.

This Li Cunyuan is really amazing!(Read more @

After only meeting once, he not only remembered the names of the three, but even silently investigated the identities of the three.

Qian Xiaogang asked, “What happened to them?”

Yun Haiyang also looked at Anliang curiously.

“I learned by accident that they have a name for us, and they call us “Bai Yujing in the sky”. What do you think?” Anliang asked.

Li Cunyuan responded, “It seems to be Li Bai’s poem.”

Yun Haiyang seconded, “It really is.”

“I think it’s okay!” Qian Xiaogang said, “Bai Yujing and the tens of billions are a little homophonic, and Bai Yujing in the sky sounds very comfortable! Brother Liang, do we use this name in our club?”

“I think it can!” Yun Haiyang seconded.

Li Cunyuan added, “If our club is called Tianshang Baiyujing, our peripheral organizations can also use the ’12th floor and five cities’.”

Anliang seconded affirmation, “I think so too. Our club is called Tianshang Baiyujing, the four of us are the core, and the rest of the peripheral members are the ‘12th floor and 5 cities’.”

Li Cunyuan asked, “Brother Liang, does our club need to pay membership fees?”

Qian Xiaogang said on the side, “I suggest that we should set a high membership fee threshold. I am in the LCF Automobile Club on the Imperial Capital side, and the membership fee per year is 100,000 yuan.”

Yun Haiyang explained on the side, “LCF Auto Club is the Lamborghini Auto Club, a high-end auto club that only accepts Lamborghini first-hand owners. Its positioning in the Imperial City is a bit high-end, far surpassing the supercar club known to the public.

The open super sports car club, generally speaking, entry-level Porsche models can be joined, and there is no restriction on first-hand car owners, second-hand car owners, or even eight-hand car owners.

0 ·······Find flowers···········

Therefore, the public super sports car club is actually a mixed bag. There are real dragons lurking in it, and there are also people with special intentions.

Yun Haiyang seconded, “I agree with Brother Gang’s opinion that the annual membership fee of our Heavenly Baiyujing Club should be set a bit more expensive.”

Li Cunyuan did not comment. He asked Anliang, “Brother Liang, what do you think?”

Anliang responded with a smile, “Everyone here is a billionaire, I think your ideas should be arrogant. After all, for us, if it is a problem that can be solved with money, is it still a problem?”

……… ……… …

Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang all froze for a while.

It seems to be what Anliang said!

They are now multi-billionaires. As long as they can solve problems with money, they are almost no problems.

“So the question of membership fee is not a problem at all. The membership fee of our Heavenly Baiyujing Club is a symbolic charge of 1 yuan, but our Heavenly Baiyujing Club will develop new members and will be positioned in the invitation and consent system.” Anliang explained. .

“For example, if Brother Yuan wants to invite a new member, if the other three of us have no objections, the other party will join the Tianshang Baiyujing Club and become a peripheral member.” Anliang explained.

As for becoming a core member?


At present, the Tianshang Baiyujing Club has no plan to develop core members!

Li Cunyuan asked questions he might encounter, “What if it is a peripheral member who wants to invite new members?”


Update time: 07:02:46, September 6, 2020, the old rules, ten consecutive changes, is there a monthly pass? work.

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