I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Chapter 1150: Invisible brain supplement, the most deadly

It's dawn and the melee is over.

Yunmeng was defeated, leaving more than 3,000 fighters, and the other young men were killed and injured in the melee.

Even without the intervention of outsiders, it is difficult for them to form a climate.

Some are happy and some are sad.

It is the big **** and Yufu who are happy.

It is Yunmeng who is sad.

There is also Miao Man who gritted his teeth.

However, Truffle did not appear on the spot in time, but waited until the curtain of the war came to an end, he "coincidentally" brought the soldiers just came from Wanzhangyuan.

"Coincidentally" saw this scene.

The matter "has nothing to do with Da Jiang."

Da Man and Man Yun had a livid expression on their faces with Yue Huang to discuss how to carve up the Yunmeng Ministry.

But the development of the matter obviously exceeded the expectations and control of the Miao Man Ministry.

They didn't expect that the Miao Man soldiers killed and injured so many people in the melee, more than 800 died, and nearly a thousand wounded!

Although Yunmeng killed more than a thousand people, the result was obviously beyond their expectations!

Secondly, they didn't expect that the Yufu Department would even want to attack Yunmeng with a fire cow, taking the opportunity to surprise Yunmeng. Many things had been removed by them last night.

No one knows the exact number.

Because Warchief Oolongya was said to have been burned to death in the melee last night, and there was not even a whole body.

If only this is the case, Da Man and Man Yun can also use Miao Man's advantage to force Yumao to submit, obediently spit out what he ate.

But the biggest accident is that Yufu suffered very few casualties in this battle, so small that the total number of casualties is only more than 300 people!

After such a comparison, they are getting more liver pain.

But they dare not tear their faces with Yufu now.

It's impossible that they killed Yunmeng's one or two thousand soldiers last night, and today they will turn around and join forces with Yunmeng to deal with Yufubu.

The matter has reached this point, it is an ironclad fact that most of Yunmeng's destruction.

In case the Yufu's appetite swells, Miao Man will be worse off under the fight.

For the present, they can only come up with the "alliance" that had been discussed in advance to say something, broke their teeth and swallowed them in their stomachs, and walked to the end one by one.

It's black or white, better than tearing her face with Yufu right now.

Just when they were in a dilemma and didn't know how to "bargain" with Yufubu, Truffle showed up in time with someone.

"Da Jiang is here!" Man Yun shouted in surprise.

Daman was shivering.

The two have obviously different attitudes towards Da Jiang.

Man Yun had seen Mu Feng's "peaceful" side.

Daman only remembers being crushed and slaughtered unilaterally when he attacked Dragon City.

He looked at Man Yun for help.

Man Yun whispered: "This time we left the Yunmeng Department only with the support of Jiang, and the same is true for the Yufu Department!

As long as Jiang comes, the Yufu Department will definitely not be too arrogant.

At least Dajiang sent people to contact us privately, but did not contact the Yufu Department! "

Very surprised, but excited.

Sure enough, after truffle led the person to appear, he first looked at Man Yun, and then at Yue Huang, and nodded indifferently: "You two, we meet again!"

Man Yun hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Upper part!"

The corner of Yuehuang's mouth showed sarcasm, but it disappeared in a flash, and he stepped forward to salute: "I have seen the upper part!"

Truffle nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to destroy the Yunmeng Ministry for so long, so I'll wait for Jiang!

Before I came, my warchief also told me, if you haven't done it yet, then don't do it! "

"Huh?" Man Yun was strange.

Truffle's expression was cold: "The Yunmeng Department is so weak that you can't destroy it. It's better to destroy it at the same time as my big ginger!"

Man Yun shivered.

He also thought of the fear of being dominated like a barbarian.

The more Huang lowered his head.

The look is gone.

Truffle nodded and slowed down her tone: "Fortunately, you have destroyed the Yunmeng Ministry, and it saves me the Great Jiang Warrior who has crossed Wanzhangyuan so far!"

Man Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly straightened up and said: "Upper part, you are here at the right time. We are the Yunmeng Ministry that only left yesterday, and the Yunmeng Ministry that was destroyed today.

Right now, we are discussing how to divide the spoils with Yufu's brothers.

According to the previous agreement, we should be half-and-half! "

He looked at Truffle expectantly, deliberately accentuating the words "previous agreement" and "half-half".

Finally, he added: "The upper part is the promoter of this matter, and Man Yun urges you to be a witness for us!"

"Witness?" Truffle frowned, as if thinking, then looked towards Yue Huang and asked.

Man Yun was overjoyed in his heart.

Obviously, when this upper part came, he was entrusted by the young warchief to stare at this matter.

"Da Jiang really fancy my Miao Man Department!" Man Yun shouted wildly from the bottom of his heart, "It's a pity, otherwise I can take the opportunity to destroy the Yufu Department!"

The more Huang saw the truffles in his eyes, he was really "paniced", and immediately raised the volume: "Upper part, our Yufu also means the same thing!"

"Huh!" Daman on the side exhaled a heavy breath.


Before the appearance of the Great Jiang, the more ridiculously distinguished, this is not what he said!

Their argument is three to seven open!

At this time, Daman really wanted to go up and vomit more wildly.

Having stayed with him in Yunmeng for so long, why didn't he realize that he was such an arrogant person!

"Fortunately, Da Jiang is here!" Da Man was also grateful.

Invisible brain tonic is the most deadly.

Looking at the more wild look, it is clear that he dared not say anything.

Not to mention any comments!

"Upper part!" Seeing that the situation is going well, Man Yun said hurriedly, "Last night, my Miao Man tribe restrained most of Yunmeng's fighters. Their Yufu tribe took the opportunity to attack Yunmeng and intercepted a lot of cows and horses. Give it back to Jiang..."

"Huh?" Truffle frowned, looking at Yu Huang again,

Yuehuang also became nervous again, and hurriedly said, "Upper part, this time in order to destroy the Yunmeng Department, our Yufu Department dispatched 5,000 cows to break the Yunmeng Department..."

Truffle nodded: "You can take part of this as compensation!"

Yue Huang finally "sighed a sigh of relief": "Thanks to the upper part!"

"Where is Oolong Teeth?" Truffle asked actively.

Now Man Yun and Daman were excited.

They didn't expect this upper part to be so shrewd, and he immediately asked the point.

As long as you find Warchief Oolongfang, you will know how many things you can ask.

They don’t believe that if the oolong tooth is dead...

Sure enough, Yue Huang hurriedly replied: "He, he was burned to death in the middle of the rebellion last night, and there is no whole body!"

Man Yun and Daman sneered, waiting for Truffle to be held accountable.

What surprised them again was that Truffle just frowned and muttered: "Dead?"

But he immediately sneered and said: "It's good to die, this kind of dirty person, dare to send someone to attack my Jiang!"

"Upper part!" Man Yun shouted eagerly.

"Huh?" Truffle frowned. "What's your opinion?"

Man Yun subconsciously shut up.

Because there was a strong murderous look in Truffle's eyes just now.

Without waiting for Truffles to think about it, Truffle said lightly: "I am here to take back what my **** lent you according to the agreement. As for how you divide it, you will also divide it according to the agreement!"



Yue Huang, Man Yun, and Da Man all bowed their heads and agreed.

Regarding this decision, they have no opinion.

No one dared to have an opinion...

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