I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Chapter 1151: Self-righteous

Truffle sets the result in one sentence-just five to five points on what is on the bright side.

As for what was secretly transferred or taken away privately, it was not within his scope of consideration at all.

Man Yun said anxiously: "Upper part, they removed more than 5,000 cows!"

"Huh?" Truffle frowned. "You mean you didn't get one of them?"

Man Yun was stunned, not daring to speak.

How can it be?

The Fire Bull Array hit Yunmeng last night, not to mention, it also hit their people.

Although they have also won hundreds of cows, they are also at the cost of losing a lot of their tribesmen.

But how do you talk about this kind of thing?

He can only be dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and there is no way to tell.

Truffle showed impatience, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what you say, according to the agreement between your two and my warchief, the 82 armored earth dragons and more than 4,000 cows and horses we captured before are all counted as yes. I lent it to you from Da Jiang.

Now my big **** needs to take 82 armored earth dragons from these trophies. I only need two thousand horses, and the rest will be shared equally with you.

If you don’t have enough, you have to make up for it!

There are also those golden eggs that I have harvested, and I also want to take away some of them.

As for the captives, you two will watch and deal with it, but I will not take it alone! "

When he said this, he first saw a word of Manyun and told him to shut up obediently, and then he looked at Xiang Yu Huang, Yue Huang didn't even have the courage to face him squarely.

Man Yun secretly clenched his fists, the expression on his face fluctuating.

Truffle caught a glimpse, pretending to be missing, and said with a sneer: "Of course, if you don't want to abide by the agreement, you can kill me and the soldiers who came on this trip. These are all yours!

Then you can get some more horses and golden knives, and try to see if you can withstand my anger! "

Yue Huang shook his head again and again: "Don't dare!"

Man Yun paled instantly.

Truffle didn't say anything for a long time, but he naively thought that the other party was a good negotiator!

"Half points are not bad either." Man Yun comforted himself.

He hurriedly bowed his head and arched his hands: "My Miao Man Department has no such thoughts!"

Truffle smiled meaningfully: "There is no best!"

After that, Truffle was not polite, and directly rushed to Man Yun and Yue Huang and said, "You will have one person in each of the two of you, and you will count the battles together. After I take it away, you will be half-divided!"


The two each pointed out a savvy and capable person from behind, and then began to count.

The number counted is naturally enough for three parts.

Truffle directly named twenty or so fighters to take over the share that Jiang deserved.

Yue Huang, who had always played the black face, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The people of Da Jiang wanted to take away the armored earth dragon and horses on the spot, which meant that they were leaving soon.

The oppressive feeling of spending so many days with truffles kept him in terror.

He could hardly imagine how he would react if the young warchief was in front of him.

Da Man and Man Yun also quietly breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

Although not as many as expected, but fortunately, they have been allocated more than forty armored earth dragons, and several thousand beasts and horses.

The rest, such as gold ware, bone knives and sticks, are also divided into a lot.

As for salt, they didn't want it.

Because the salt is produced from the salt lake in the south of Miaoman.

Regarding the Yufubu, they have made up their minds to stay away from it and take precautions against it.

Because after the first battle, the Yunmeng Tribe will not exist, but Yufu and Miaoman have benefited from this, and will be even more powerful than the original tribe.

However, the Yufu Department would definitely surpass the Miaoman Department as a result, threatening the existence of the Miaoman Department.

Even though they are not reconciled in their hearts, there is nothing they can do.

After all, the opponent's strength has been preserved too well.

Fortunately, the emergence of big **** prevented the worst from happening.

They got a lot of things and returned to the tribe to devote themselves to development, but the Yufu Department did not dare to kill them.

Unwilling to return unwilling, they can still distinguish the priorities.

Taking advantage of the moment when the two sides divided the spoils, Truffle found Man Yun quietly and discussed with him about the future "joint cooperation".

Man Yun was flattered.

Started a conversation in front of Daman.

In his opinion, this is the kindness that Jiang gave, and Miao Man must catch it!

So he put his attitude very upright, and respectfully said: "Don't hesitate to say anything from the upper part!"

Truffle said in a kind manner: "The reason why I asked you to determine the division of the spoils as soon as possible is because your war was set at the beginning. At this time, the people of Yunmeng were the most angry and hated. They stayed for a long time and were a threat to you.

Man Yun said quickly, "Thank you for your understanding!"

Truffle waved his hand: "It should be so.

In this way, I have nothing else to do with you. I want to know that when the salt was divided, your people didn’t care about it. They also reached an agreement with the Yufu tribe to exchange the salt you deserve for other things. Right? "

Man Yun smiled pretentiously: "The salt produced by the entire Yunmeng Department was previously traded from my Miao Man Department. Later, we forcibly annexed our Miao Man, which made the salt a product of the Yunmeng Department."

Truffle nodded: "In this case, you can use salt instead of what your Miao Man Department pays to my **** in the future."

Man Yun was overjoyed: "Really?"

Truffle nodded.

Man Yun was very excited.

It seems that Da Jiang's fancy to the Miao Man Department is a certainty.

When this happened, he would tell the tribal chieftain to send someone to Dragon City to destroy the Yufu tribe together.

At that time, there is only one Miaoman tribe in the south of Wanzhangyuan. What kind of tribe should it be?

If you really have reached that point, the humiliation you have suffered under Da Jiang's hands is not without hope to make up for it...

Thinking of this, he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to let Truffle see it.

After all, I still have to rely on Da Jiang, and it must be an alliance and a joint team in a short time...

If Truffle didn't see it, she confessed for a while before turning around and leaving, looking for Yuehuang.

Man Yun frowned.

After a while, he immediately understood.

The upper part is the upper part, knowing to contact oneself secretly to show good, can't make Yu Fu's heart alert, have to act.

Be careful!

After truffles are found, the more wasteful they are, the more wasteful they are naturally very pleasantly surprised.

And also took a look at Man Yun who was always paying attention to him.

In Man Yun's view, this was a provocation.

"Ignorant idiot!" The corner of Man Yun's mouth showed sarcasm.

The more ridiculous the smile, the stronger.

Truffle turned his back to Man Yun.

Man Yun could not hear Truffle's expression, nor could he hear what Truffle said. He only saw that the more Huang Huang's expression changed from his smile to seriousness, and then he bowed his head and said yes, not daring to disobey.

It seemed that Truffle had asked for something, and this request made it more difficult.

"Let me just say it!" Man Yun was secretly delighted in his heart.

In fact, Truffle said in a low voice: "We won't go to Jinqishan this time. Don't take action against Miao Man in a short time.

As for the salt that your tribe lacks, I will give it to you. Don’t worry about this! "

Yue Huang listened to the bottom of my heart overjoyed.

They are worried that this time they have a bad relationship with Miao Man, and Yanba will definitely be affected in the later period.

During the war, it would be troublesome if they clashed with Miao Man again.

Although they knew it was a good opportunity to shoot Miao Man now.

But in that case, the clansmen would suffer a lot of damage.

After all, after knowing that they had successfully attacked the Yunmeng Department, the Miao Man Department would also guard against them.

They also didn't want to defeat Miao Man, they suffered heavy losses.

Can't pay.

Unexpectedly, the first thing that truffles came up pointed out.

Then they will have enough time to digest the proceeds of this battle.

Of course, what he may not know is that the source of truffles that solves the difficulty of salt in the Yufu is the salt that he just told Man Yun.

If Man Yun knew about this, he might beat his chest to death.

Then Truffle asked: "Where is the oolong tooth?"

Truffle hurriedly lowered her head in response: "He has been caught by us and sent to the north of Yunmeng Department, which is the small forest to the Yufu Department.

We will send him out when the upper part leaves! "

Truffle was expressionless and nodded and said in a low voice: "Okay!"

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