I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Chapter 1152: The price of five horses

Truffle led three hundred soldiers and drove more than 80 armored earth dragons and two thousand horses to leave the Yunmeng Department.

Of course, many horses also carry golden eggs-potatoes.

The warchief said before that these potatoes are transported back to the tribe for seedlings, and after they are planted, they can provide more food for the tribe.

And this "potato" can not only be cooked and roasted like yellow potatoes, but also can be cooked.

So truffle took half of the golden eggs very rudely.

Let's meet in half!

Although there are few Dajiang Three Hundred Warriors, the people of Miao Man and Yu Fu sent them away respectfully, not daring to act strangely.

After Truffle left, Man Yun and Yue Huang also sneered and left.

The Yunmeng Ministry has been destroyed, and Miao Man and Yufu have successfully recovered.

Since then, there has been opposition and conflict between the two hidden dates.

If it's not done right, life and death will come together.

Naturally, no one will give anyone a good face.

But the key is that Miao Man has no gold tools, and Yufu has no salt. Unless the two have a certain victory and kill each other in one fell swoop, they will not tear their skin on the bright side.

The two hated each other and constrained each other, and they were busy digesting and absorbing the gains after the war.

Therefore, for a considerable period of time, both of them will no longer be able to cross the ten thousand zhangyuan.

This is the main result of Truffle's secret trip!

Truffle led the people out of the Yunmeng Department to go north. Sure enough, in the grove of Yuehuangsaid, they saw the warriors waiting for a long time, and several prisoners who were firmly bound.

He could tell who was the Great Chief Oolongfang with a word.

Because his hands were tied behind his back, he was tied with his knotted cane.

Truffle remembered that she had been to Paixiu City for a period of time, and had seen many small tribes in Xiaoshi displaying what they could exchange at their stalls.

There are prey, there are bone knives, some strange stones...

There are many like ginger, salt, bone knives, horses, cows, sheep...

But everything that everyone can exchange without exception puts a piece of white grass on it to show that it can be traded.

So the look of this oolong tooth suddenly reminded him of the "things" that could be traded.

He joked, and smiled at the soldiers in the Yufubu and said, "How many prisoners?"

The Yufu warrior hurriedly replied respectfully: "Go back to the upper part, there are five in total! This is the Warchief Oolongya, this is the headhunter, this is the high priest, this one is the eldest son of Oolongya, and this one is the Yunmeng Department. The true leader!"

"Hey!" Truffle was happy, and now it almost finished the top of the Yunmeng Department in one go.

To say that the more desolate head is still enough.

He just clicked on him, and he knew that Oolongya had been burned to death in the rebellion.

In fact, Oolong Fang was captured by the Yufu Warrior the first time last night, and he was sent out the first time.

Otherwise, how could the huge Yunmeng Ministry be destroyed in such a short time?

What he didn't expect was that Yue Huang was so efficient in doing things that even the high priest would be arrested!

Fortunately, he really thought that Oolongfang was still alive, but the high priest died.

It turns out that both were captured alive!

Truffle was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "You Yufu Department has done a good job, and I will truthfully report what you have done to my Chief Chief.

Well, depending on your performance, I will give you five horses! "

"Five horses?" The Yufu warrior was stunned, his face full of confusion.

Truffle is serious: "In my Dajiang market, if you give me something, I will also give you something. This is an exchange transaction, understand?

And I have to tell you, in my Dajiang, ten captives can be counted as one horse!

So you five captives, I will give you five horses for your good performance! "

The Yufu fighters looked at each other and dared not talk-they didn't know what to do!

Truffle didn't make it difficult for them, and waved his hand: "Okay, you can go back!"

The Yufu fighters are as amnesty, and thank you for your kindness: "Thank you, the upper part!"

Then the group of them hurriedly left, as if they were afraid that truffle would go back, they even forgot to take the horses.

Truffle hurriedly reminded: "Take away these five horses too!"

The Yufu warrior shivered, carefully leading five horses away.

Seeing that Truffle is no different from the great **** warriors, he thanked again and turned around and walked quickly.

Truffle curled her lips: "How courageous!"

Then he looked at his own oolong teeth, and sneered: "Old man, what do you look at!"

Oolongya was taken aback.

Old man?

Then he was furious: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Truffle sneered: "Guess!"


Oolong Fang was furious: "Who are you? The Blue Bird Club, or the Dragon Club?"

Truffle tut was amazed: "You can be a great chief even if you are so stupid, then if I go to your Yunmeng Department, don't you have to go down?"

Oolong teeth are suffocated.

He hadn't figured out what was going on until now.

The only thing he can be sure of is that Miao Man and Yufu have rebelled against the Yunmeng Tribe.

And the Yunmeng Department will definitely suffer heavy losses.

In fact, because he was arrested last night and taken away from Yunmeng earlier, he didn't even know the defeat behind Yunmeng's department.

Truffle also guessed this, and mocked and said, "Old man, you don't need to know who I am. It's you, the most important thing to know is that the Yunmeng Department is gone!"

"What!" Oolongya glared, thinking that he had heard it wrong, "The Yunmeng Department is gone?"

Truffle pointed to the armored earth dragon and horse beside him: "Hey, look at it!"

Oolongya looked around for a week, then trembled all over.

No matter he didn't believe it, the Yunmeng Department was really gone!

Truffles are very refreshing in my heart.

I only feel that the revenge held in my heart for a few years has finally been reported.

Looking at the arrogant and desperate oolong teeth just now, Truffle frowned and said, "It's really boring!"

Then he waved his hand: "Go!"

After all, he grinned and led people to the east, deliberately slowing down, looking back from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

It's just that he didn't wait alone after all, and finally had no choice but to shook his head: "What a pity!"

Not long after Xiangdong walked, a group of no less than a thousand people appeared on the grassland, and they began to shout from a distance: "Truffle!"

Truffle knew that it was the person who came to meet her, so she hurriedly asked people to wave the animal skin flag in response.

One person rushed to the horse and said with a smile: "We rushed over here after receiving the news of the capture of Che Lang. Why are you so slow?"

Truffle sighed: "I wanted to go slower to see if Miao Man or Yufu had any disagreements. As a result, one was more timid than the other, and no one dared to come!"

The man couldn't laugh or cry: "It's very timid!"

After a pause, he asked, "Where is the person?"

Truffle stepped aside and gestured: "Hey, five, big and small, are all here!"

The man was full of envy: "Ah, you have to do a great job this time! The price is not small, right?"

Truffle also grinned: "No, I paid five horses!"

Mu Feng had returned from the burly city, followed by Yuxing, King Li, and Fifty Jingqi guards.

When he arrived at Wangxi City, he happened to receive a letter from Dragon City.

After reading the letter, Mu Feng laughed and looked at Yu Hao: "Let’s go, Yu Hao, there is no need to go back to Longcheng, let’s go to Longcheng!"

"The Dragon City?"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng laughed, "Most of Yunmeng has been destroyed, and now they are rushing back with the prisoners from the south of Wanzhangyuan!"

Yu Xi was very excited: "Okay!"

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