I am a god in another world

Chapter 538 The Long-term Plan of the Roinhern Family

"Baron, you are too polite. Except for the war horses, which need to spend a little extra energy to take care of, the horses are all grazed on the spot. It doesn't cost much and no extra fees are required. This is also our small sincerity." Ambala waived Gavin's penalty in this regard very readily.

Ten days ago, they really wanted to make a lot of money from Gavin. The penalty must be very high, and it would be best if they could use part of the ownership of the Vizeme Vineyard as a deduction. The value of such things is intangible. At that time, it all depends on their mouths.

But when the other party destroyed a troll kingdom on the other side of the Giant Plains and easily swept through the Giant Plains where monsters were rampant.

This idea immediately disappeared.

Are you kidding? You are asking for a price from a warlord with a large army. Aren't you afraid that you will live too long?

If you are not careful, he will eat all the war horses you brought and not bring you a penny.

If it weren't for the fact that the monk could run away but the temple could not, they would have thought of running away with the horses overnight.

Now they dared not pray for anything else, but only prayed that this transaction could be completed smoothly according to the contract price, which would be a great success.

"Mr. Ambala is so straightforward, I shouldn't continue to delay the payment time, but such a large-scale migration involves too many things. In order to deal with those trolls, we turned all the cash in our hands into weapons, equipment and supplies in Ruitawen.

Therefore, we need a little time to cash in the spoils and supplies we harvested this time before paying for the war horses.

If you are willing to change the original agreement and are willing to accept part of the goods, we can also discount them through the goods." Gavin stated the dilemma they are facing now.

He has a lot of valuable things in his hands. Just the ten quick healing rings and ten regeneration rings that he just traded from the dwarfs are enough to pay for most of the war horses.

But doing so will not achieve the goal of maximizing benefits.

These regeneration rings should shine in the auction houses of those big cities. This kind of practical magic equipment that can save lives will definitely be sold at a price far exceeding the market valuation.

Gavin prefers to sell the discounted goods bought cheaply from the city of Retaven to recover the funds and use them to pay for the war horses, but this takes time.

After hearing Gavin's conditions, Master Ambala was not surprised but happy: "The Baron does have the goods we need in his hands, but I don't know if the Lord is willing to sell them."

"You are talking about those giant livestock." Gavin used an affirmative sentence, not a question.

These horse farm owners must be concerned about what they are best at. The first thing they think of when they see these giant war horses is whether they can breed them with magic and raise these giant war horses on a large scale.

"That's right." Master Ambala gave an affirmative answer.

Although it is known that there are a large number of giant livestock in the Giant Plains, all of which are ownerless, there are not many people who are really capable of going deep into them to tame them and bring them out.

Especially for people like Gavin, who are brought here in an organized way, there is no other one.

"If you are willing to buy, I am willing to sell, but there is one thing I must explain in advance. As far as I know, these animals can grow huge not because of their bloodline, but because of the special environment of the Giant Plains. Once they leave here, they may breed ordinary species." Gavin told the truth about the information he had.

There are many cities on the Dragon Coast to the north of the Giant Plains. This news must be common stuff. It is better to take the initiative to say it to show the nobility of one's character.

As expected, Ambala said with admiration: "The Baron is indeed a kind person. We actually knew this news a long time ago, but these giant animals still have their own value. This involves our unique business secrets, so I can't say more. We are willing to purchase these giant war horses for one thousand gold coins, and we can also offer eight hundred for giant bison."

Gavin's eyes flickered involuntarily. Knowing this news, he was still willing to buy, which shows that it is profitable.

It is definitely not for sale, that is the thinking of horse dealers, not a group of horse farm owners.

Turning them into chickens that lay golden eggs is their normal practice.

It is not necessary to cultivate this kind of giant warhorse. They can be used to improve the genes of ordinary warhorses. Their body size is here. The offspring bred, even if they are not giant, will definitely be taller and stronger than ordinary warhorses, greatly increasing the production rate of heavy warhorses.

This is vividly demonstrated by the hobgoblins in the Giant Plains. Their average height is close to the upper limit of the height of ordinary hobgoblins, and many of them are comparable to Goliath, who is a half-giant.

The value of heavy warhorses is two or three times that of light warhorses, and five or six times that of those packhorses.

It is even possible to breed warhorses with spell-like abilities to transform into giants, which will further increase their value.

In terms of breeding warhorses, Gavin is a novice, but in terms of training kobolds and hobgoblins, he is an absolute expert, and many things are connected.

After figuring out the joints, Gavin directly raised the price and said: "Giant war horses are one thousand and fifty each. I can find a way to give you a thousand evenly. Giant bison are one thousand each. I can prepare a thousand for you." , you can choose the male or female, but not here, but to Blood Gorge City opposite the Giant Plain. If you are worried about the safety of the Giant Plain, I will send someone to deliver it to you. "

Since the other party is going to be a stallion, it certainly cannot be sold as an ordinary livestock.

He was not going to sell the existing livestock of the migrating army, but asked Blood Gorge City to prepare them. It seemed that there was still a lot of value in this Giant Plain that could be exploited.

It would not be a problem to gather several thousand giant wild horses and bison.

Turning around, there are millions of dollars in net profit. They all grow wild. It is just a matter of finding them and taming them.

Unfortunately, this is a one-time deal.

The huge wild animals on the Giants' Plain are also relatively rare. A herd of one hundred wild horses can have three or five, which is quite good.

Of the gigantic animals currently owned by the Blood Claw Legion, only a small part of them were caught in the wild. Most of them were collected as tributes from the monster tribes.

In order to prepare tributes for the Blood Claw Legion, these monster tribes will take the initiative to collect giant livestock in the wild.

After the first wave of benefits is used up, you can only wait for it to slowly regenerate. This can only be used as additional assistance.

Establishing a huge ranch is a long-term solution.

After listening to Gavin's quotation, Master Ambala couldn't help but look bitter, and said helplessly: "It's not that we want to bargain, but the war horses we shipped this time are mostly pack horses, and they are worth two million in total. According to your Excellency, For the price offered, we still owe you half a million."

Due to the uniqueness of the goods in the hands of the other party, they have no room for bargaining.

And as far as stallions are concerned, the price offered by Gavin is relatively reasonable.

It's just that the horse seller had to pay a huge amount of money to the horse buyer after struggling for a long time. This was the first time in Ambala's life that he had experienced such a transaction.

Gavin pondered for a moment, then asked without answering: "How many horses did you bring this time?"

"One thousand heavy war horses, two thousand light war horses, and the rest are all light and heavy pack horses, totaling about 10,000. According to the market price in the Glory City, the total is about 2.2 million." Master Ambala A total was reported directly.

When the business reaches their scale, miscellaneous matters, such as some war horses being pregnant or carrying foals, are no longer considered.

"Where are the horses now? Didn't they enter Ivanso?" This is one of the things Gavin is most concerned about.

"No, how could such a huge herd of horses enter the city? What's more, the current situation in Ivanso is very turbulent. We don't dare to gather the horses here at all. The horses are on the other side of the green field and are heading here. We can arrive there in less than two days. "Master Ambala and the others are a group of cunning businessmen. Their ability to assess the situation and be flexible is absolutely unique.

"We are old friends. First, there was a delay in delivery, and then there was a change in the payment method. I took the initiative to give in and follow the quantity I said, but I am only responsible for giving you the huge animals. Transport it across the Giant Plains, and leave the rest to you, what do you think?" Gavin is now considered wealthy and doesn't need to be as calculating as he was when he bought the war horse a month ago.

If something can be solved with 300,000 yuan, just solve it on the spot. The saved manpower and material resources may help him earn back several times. He is now a bit addicted to fast money.

It seems that there is no need for him to rush back to the valley in such a hurry. There are countless opportunities for him to show off his skills on the Dragon Coast, such as the Ivanso outside.

Again, people's situations will continue to change according to their abilities.

Gavin's abilities are growing too fast, so his ideas are particularly out-of-the-box.

No way, who would have thought that just by walking more than a thousand kilometers, their strength would have doubled several times?

Once he acquires the war horse from Amphiel Village, his strength will skyrocket again.

Not only could Nora's heavy cavalry legion be expanded to two thousand men, he could also raise a light cavalry legion of two thousand men.

As for the manpower, not all of them may come from the migrating army. This kind of chaotic political place is a paradise for all kinds of mercenaries and brave people. Here, everything has a price, including human life, including loyalty.

Their loyalty is not to you, but to the price they offer you.

Gavin's current focus is on being a wealthy man.

As long as he puts out a price, those mercenaries will come like a tide.

Even though Master Ambala was very knowledgeable, he was also overwhelmed by Gavin's wealth. He couldn't help but re-examine the young man in front of him. He was the same person who picked out the trade contract word by word in Anfeier Village a month ago. Personally?

After careful consideration of the other party's behavior in Amphail Village, it seems to be the other party's usual behavior. He only showed off his behavior when trading horses with them.

Elsewhere, he is absolutely generous and incredibly generous, which is why he quickly gained favor in Amphail Village.

At that time, the reason why the other party withheld Sosou was probably because he had limited funds in his pocket. Even if two million was not his limit, it was probably all his working capital.

The reason why he became so generous now is that the resources in the hands of the other party have increased dramatically. This giant animal alone is worth millions, not to mention the goods and materials they brought with the army.

This is only the tip of the iceberg that he has seen. Are there more things that he has not seen?

The other party just destroyed a troll kingdom. This kind of war of annihilation is the most profitable.

With this calculation, hundreds of thousands of dollars have indeed become a small number for him.

Could it be that all this is calculated by this young man who is not even as old as his son? If so, it is really terrible.

Master Ambala analyzed more things in an instant through the intelligence he had, and he couldn't help but feel awe for the young man in front of him. He said respectfully: "Then I will agree on behalf of those horse farm owners. We will calculate the cost later. The extra money will be sent to the Stone Peony Hotel in the form of horses. Do you think it's okay?"

If you can't take advantage of this kind of person, don't take it, because maybe at some point, the other party will take back the principal and interest.

Even if he didn't do that, if the other party needed it, he would still take it. At least he could have peace of mind now and keep a bond of friendship in the future.

"Okay, you guys decide." Gavin sighed at the benefits of power again.

A month ago, the other party racked his brains to calculate the assets in his hands, and even wanted to get involved in his Vizeme Manor.

Now he took the initiative to give the other party a profit, and the other party didn't dare to take it.

With the development of the Long Road Hotel Chain, the Stone Stallion Hotel did need a lot of horses, but these were trivial matters, and there was no need to solve them by himself. They would buy them by themselves, after all, they were in the horse-producing area.

Mage Ambala said in a friendly manner: "After discussing official business, I want to talk about some personal matters."

"Sir, please tell me what you want. As long as I can, I will do my best." Gavin's eyes fell on the six female mages beside the other party. Could it be related to them? Is the Roinhern family planning to have evil thoughts on him?

"You all know them, so I don't need to introduce them. They are all trained by me. They are the most outstanding wizards in our family. Over the years, they have accumulated enough magic theory knowledge, but their professional level is very slow. However, I am really worried about putting them in the adventure group because of their lively nature. I hope that the Baron can take them for a while and give them some opportunities to grow. I believe that their magic knowledge can bring some help to the Lord." Mage Ambala pointed to the six female wizards around him.

"As a family wizard, does your family agree with your arrangement?" Veronica's eyes showed a trace of disdain, as if she saw through Ambala's true intentions.

The high-sounding words are nothing more than seeing the great potential shown by Gavin and inserting women from her family around him.

If they can develop feelings with him and have a natural family marriage, that would be the best.

Even if there is no way to promote the marriage, if they can give birth to illegitimate children, one day their family can use this as a springboard to intervene in the competition for his inheritance.

This is the most common means of expansion for those big families, and it has been tried and tested.

It’s just that the number of women sent by the Roinhern family at one time is a bit too much.

Is it because the quality is not enough, and they want to win by quantity?

It’s too early to plot Gavin’s inheritance. His lord is only seventeen years old now, and he is still a half-elf. He has a lifespan of at least 150 years. If he enters the legendary stage, this lifespan will be even longer. It’s not certain who will inherit whose inheritance at that time.

“This training mission was approved by the family.” Mage Ambala replied calmly.

“So that’s it.” Gavin’s eyes involuntarily fell on the six female mages again, activating the ability of the dragon vision glasses to observe their professional levels.

In the past, he only regarded them as passers-by in his life, so he didn’t really explore their professional levels.

Two level eight and four level seven, not too high, but definitely not too low, entering the ranks of intermediate mages.

But the ability of a mage is not only measured by the occupation level, but also by the knowledge they have mastered.

Do you think Gavin is a mage?

Definitely, and he is a spellcaster who has entered the extraordinary level.

But his knowledge of magic is not even one tenth of that of the six female mages who have undergone systematic learning. In the past few days, Felanxini has at most helped him to make up for some of the most basic knowledge. If he wants to fully understand the huge magic system and knowledge, there is still a long way to go.

If it is just a difference in occupation level, even if there is no promotion grace and no elite grace of Zalanda, Gavin has a way to quickly stack their occupation levels to above the extraordinary level.

For mages with group attack capabilities, as long as there is a war, it is not difficult to improve their occupation levels.

Mages like the six female mages who have received systematic education are what Gavin lacks the most and are the most difficult to recruit, because they are either trained by their families or by major colleges. Even if they are trained by wandering mages, they have to be loyal to the wandering mages and repay the kindness of training.

In Gavin's eyes, the role of these six female wizards is not on the battlefield, because the fireball spells cast by them are no different from those cast by the kobold warlocks, and for Gavin, training a sixth-level kobold warlock is a hundred times easier than training a female wizard.

Their real use is to help Gavin do what he wants to do but has never had the conditions to do - establish his own magic school and train a large number of his own magic apprentices in a systematic and planned manner.

As for the long-term plans of the Roinhern family, Gavin doesn't care at all, as long as it doesn't hinder his big plan.

If it hinders, even if it is the gods, they will have to find a way to overturn it.

If it doesn't hinder, you can do whatever you want, and maybe you can use it by chance.

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