I am a god in another world

Chapter 539 Gavin the Conqueror

These six female mages didn't know that Gavin used special abilities to observe their attribute panels. They felt that his gaze was unusually revealing, as if he could take off all their clothes. When they saw what was inside, they felt a little at a loss. There is no unrestrained feeling of proactive teasing when they first met, because they know what kind of special mission they still shoulder. This is the price of their enjoyment of family resources and their upbringing. If it is the man in front of them, he seems to be a good one. Choice is always better than those fat-bellied, seventy-year-old lords.

Gavin looked away and asked: "How long will their training mission last?"

He has to decide how much resources to invest in cultivating them based on how much time he can use them. If he cultivates them in the first place, the Royinghorn family will take them away. Although this possibility is unlikely, he still needs to ask clearly. as well.

"Three years." The period given by Master Ambala is neither long nor short. In fact, there is no real guarantee for this.

If Gavin's subsequent potential is far less powerful than it seems now, this time will definitely be shortened.

If it is strong enough, it will definitely be extended indefinitely.

"Okay." Gavin nodded, turned to Veranika and said, "From now on, they will belong to the Chief of Staff and serve as your staff. We will discuss the specific tasks when we have time."

Veranika's position is called chief of staff. In fact, she has always been the bare commander, and now she has been supplemented by the first batch of staff officers.

"If there is nothing else, I won't disturb you too much. I'll go and tell you about the war horses." Master Ambala stood up and said goodbye very discerningly. He knew that there were still a lot of people waiting to see Gavin. Being able to meet him first has already given him enough face, so he can't delay any more.

"Veranika, send sir off for me."

"Yes, sir please."

Wait until Veranika and Master Ambala leave.

Gavin just smiled at the six female mages and said, "Ladies, don't be so nervous. I'm still the same person. I won't change places and eat you up. To be honest with you, I just left Anhui this morning." When I came back from Phil Village, I just heard them say that you were arranged to go out to study. I didn't expect to be arranged to come to my place. I will have a lot of needs for you ladies in the future, and I hope you won't hold back. "

Upon hearing the mention of Amphier Village, the tension on the faces of the six female mages immediately relaxed a lot.

Olila, who was still their backbone, smiled and said: "Actually, three days ago, we didn't know that the person we were going to learn from was an adult. One day ago, we didn't even know that your identity was so special. It's different. Many of what we saw and heard this day completely broke our previous understanding. We apologize for some of our misdeeds in Amphail Village. "

The most common thought in the minds of these six female mages right now is that things are impermanent.

They still clearly remember the first time they met. The six sisters were extremely bored. When they saw that the other party was young and handsome and had an unusual mount, they intercepted him from the air and struck up a conversation to kill time.

Who would have thought that he would turn into a big fish. In less than half a month, he would build an industry in Anfeier Village that many people would never be able to build in their lifetime, and then with a wave of his sleeves , not taking away a cloud, leaving only a legend of the place.

I originally thought that there wouldn’t be too many intersections in this life, but as soon as I turned around, the six sisters were packed up and sent to someone else’s army. The other party suddenly changed and became the person they were about to be loyal to, and became the existence they needed to look up to. .

When they first heard the news, they couldn't believe their ears, and they repeatedly asked Teacher Ambala to confirm whether this Gavin was the same person as the Gavin they knew, although they had already determined in their hearts that they were the same person. people.

What they saw and heard in the migrating army in one day, many things completely broke their understanding.

When did building roads become such a simple matter?

When did treants and fey become so common?

When did giants among hobgoblins swear allegiance to a human and protect them for him?

When did low-level and medium-level spells become so common and fully used in daily life?

When did humans, kobolds, treants, elves, and hobgoblins mix together so many races, not only did no conflict break out, but they all performed their duties and enjoyed themselves?

And they had seen all this in the migrating army. The creator of all this was the young man in front of them who was nearly five or six years younger than them.

Gavin showed a sly smile and said: "Did the ladies behave inappropriately in any way? Why don't I remember? I only remember that you helped me a lot, and it was you who single-handedly facilitated my war horse in Amphail Village. The transaction also introduced me to Teacher Craven and Ms. Gowther. I hope our next cooperation will be as pleasant as the last time.”

"My lord is still as humorous as ever." The brief exchange made Ollila and the others feel a lot more relaxed. What the other party had changed was his identity, but his temperament was still the same as the young man they knew before. It was a big deal to be with such a person. It's a very interesting thing, at least I can see a lot of scenery and things that I haven't had the chance to see before.

"Sir, can you tell me what the position of this staff officer is? Why have I never heard of it before?" A female mage with a round face and a few freckles on the tip of her nose asked boldly.

"Pashara, right?" Gavin showed off his amazing memory.

"Yes." The female mage was very happy that her name could be remembered. After all, they had not met in private when they were in Amphel Village, and it was not her turn to be Gavin's escort yet. Girl, Gavin has already dealt with everything there, which has always made her regretful.

"Assistant is our self-designated position. It is mainly responsible for effectively collecting and summarizing the intelligence collected from below, controlling the overall situation, analyzing the situation, and putting forward your own suggestions and opinions for my reference and adoption. Currently, this is only your temporary position. , after we get to know each other better, I will assign you more suitable jobs and positions. If you feel that there is any job here that is more suitable for you, you can also recommend yourself, and I will consider it carefully. "

The arrival of these six female mages was a temporary incident, and Gavin could only make temporary arrangements. As a group of family mages who have received systematic education, they are all trustworthy in terms of their IQ and EQ. Outstanding, but also surprisingly well-proportioned, with intelligence, perception and charm all above fifteen points.

This means that what the Roinghorn family taught them was not just magic knowledge, noble etiquette, handling of various family affairs, etc. They all went through systematic study because they were trained as mistresses of another family. .

If it weren't for themselves, within a few years, one or more of them would most likely become the mistress of a small noble family near the Glory City, most likely at those emerging horse farms.

"Understood." The six female mages nodded one after another, but the expressions on their faces were a bit unclear.

"You don't have to worry. If necessary, Chief of Staff Veranika will arrange specific matters for you." Gavin added and explained, "Before this, the first task for you is to teach the family to you. To sort it out systematically, let’s put it this way, if we give you a group of magic apprentices, how are you going to teach them? You can discuss it together, or you can each write your own opinions.”

Although Gavin had received a systematic education, he was either from the Tethyr militia or from another world, which was completely different from magic education.

He decided to take a look at the systematic magic education in this world before deciding on his next plan.

Aurilla said in surprise: "Sir, are you going to let us teach magic apprentices?"

"What? Is there a taboo?" Gavin knew the biggest flaw in Faerun's magic education, which was the hidden treasure. Many mages believed that magic knowledge was a valuable asset and would not be taught easily without paying a sufficient price. , those magic apprentices who want to obtain magic knowledge from them must use their own service and labor as reward.

Not only those wandering mages have this kind of virtue, but also the regular mages academies are like this.

Therefore, don't be surprised if you meet a magic apprentice wandering outside and performing academy tasks.

"To be honest, sir, we have been taught since we were young that all the magic knowledge we learn is family property. Without the permission of the family, we cannot teach outsiders at will, even our own sons." Aurilla answered truthfully, "We have to ask Teacher Ambala for advice on this matter. This restriction is limited to magic knowledge. There is no problem with other ordinary knowledge."

"Okay, please ask for advice. If it doesn't work, don't use the magic knowledge taught to you by your family. When the time comes, teach me the magic knowledge I have collected." Gavin thought of the magic book he had just acquired and wished he could give his brain a try. hammer.

How could he have forgotten the great golden mountain he was guarding? In terms of the amount of theoretical knowledge of magic, how could there be a legendary arcanist among the six female mages who had just entered the apprenticeship stage?

The arcanists of the Netheril Empire have many prominent names in Faerun, such as the founders of the floating city and the founders of the magic theory system. Even after the empire fell, they still left Faerun with the largest legacy. The mage group is now the mage kingdom Halua.

What Gavin saw was what was hidden behind it—a sound, complete, and universal magic education system.

Only when magic education is popularized will a large number of middle- and low-level spellcasters emerge, becoming the underlying building structure, and talented cross-generational figures emerge.

He does not need to copy the magic education of the Netheril Empire mechanically, he only needs to use systematic things to help him promote magic education in his territory.

It didn't matter that Filancini didn't agree with this matter. She was very bored most of the time, so this was equivalent to finding something for her to do.

"Thank you for your understanding, sir. I didn't expect that there would be disagreements on the first task." Olila looked a little embarrassed. She had not fully adapted to this dual identity.

"It's okay. Don't take this matter to heart. You are not the only ones who have such regulations. Most of the mages who belong to you have such regulations." Gavin smiled nonchalantly and said, " That’s all for today. I still have guests to meet. When you go out, tell Ms. Veranika that next, I will meet with the representative of the deceased. She knows what it means. She will also do everything you do here. I’ll help you make arrangements, just tell her if you need anything.”

"Then we won't disturb you too much, sir." Under the leadership of Aurilla, the six female mages bowed and bowed before retreating together.

A few seconds later, a suppressed female voice laughed and whispered in the distance. You can imagine the scene of the six female mages laughing and laughing together.

Coercion is real.

Either due to the huge size, or due to the lofty status.

This kind of thing is not necessarily the aura generated by the person involved, but a natural reaction of outsiders' body and mind due to these unique things.

Another kind is like the ferocious aura of the giant dragons, which is a kind of special ability and magic.

Gavin now has both. Externally, he has the blessing of the head coach of the migrating army, and internally, he has various special abilities caused by high charisma. The effect of female friends on women is special, but with the blessing of the former, the effect is even more extraordinary.

This is before he activates his extraordinary body. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as being unable to breathe. Whether they can stand firm here is still a problem.

Gavin was not in the mood to eavesdrop on what these women were talking about him behind his back, but was thinking about setting up a new department.

A situation like this is definitely not isolated, but just the beginning. This is what will inevitably happen when one's own power develops to a certain extent.

Not only those noble families will place people around them, but also various forces and organizations will send people to their sides, with good intentions and malicious intentions. They will even attract people with lofty ideals to swear allegiance to them. , follow yourself and create great achievements together.

The newly established department is responsible for recruiting and screening these people.

Let those who are well-intentioned and sincerely seek refuge be able to be used by you, and keep out those who are malicious.

This work will be continuous and permanent. As long as he wants to develop and grow, there is no way to avoid this kind of thing.

"This is the owner of Tesselnot Castle, the restarter of Myth Noel, the organizer of the conqueror's army, the destroyer of the Wailing Dwarf Kingdom, the builder of Blood Gap City, and the remodeler of the Dwarf Statue City. "Baron Gavin Nott, the Breaker of the Giant Plains and the founder of the Road of Conquerors." Veranika's voice was filled with pauses, and she paused for a few seconds every time she said a name, as if to give the listener time to react.

Gavin didn't know how the other party felt after hearing this, but he had goosebumps all over his body.

Although most of what is said is true, doing so is a bit too showy and overwhelming.

What is going on with this army of conquerors? What about the Path of the Conqueror?

Isn't it decided to call the migratory army? Migration route?

Regardless of just changing a name, the nature of many things will appear different.

Migrating Army, as soon as you hear it, you will know that the main purpose is migration, which gives people a relatively soft feeling.

The army of conquerors is full of a sense of hegemony. It is no longer simply for migration, but for conquest.

But now is obviously not a good time to discuss this issue. Gavin can only sit in the coach's position with a serious face and let Villanica do whatever she wants.

"I have met the Conqueror." A soft and beautiful woman bowed to Gavin.

Like him, this person is also a half-elf, the one with a relatively pure bloodline, which can be clearly distinguished.

She looks very young, in her early twenties, less than thirty, and has a beautiful appearance. The most personal characteristic is that she looks very skinny. From top to bottom, she is very slender, and her bones are not directly broken. Her shape was exposed, but she was wearing a large black robe, which made her appear thinner and more slender, and she exuded an aura that made me feel pity for her.

There is a vague and powerful negative energy exuding from her body, indicating that she is a cultist or a necromancer.

The skinny woman introduced herself: "Grace Irene, I am here on behalf of my teacher. He is the current guardian of Ivanso, the driver of the bone dragon Agatha, and the co-lord of the living and the dead, Arms. I come with goodwill and peace, and if possible, we would like to start trade with you."

After listening to a series of names that the other party boasted about, Gavin felt that such an introduction was not useless at all.

It is not only used to bluff people, but also allows the other party to understand their strength most intuitively.

For example, the driver of the bone dragon Agatha directly told Gavin and the others that they controlled a bone dragon. If they wanted to start a war with them, they should first consider whether they had the strength to fight against the bone dragon.

This is a typical example of conquering the enemy without fighting.

The person who responded to the female necromancer was not Gavin, but Veranika, who said coldly: "This is the world of the living. For the dead to rule the living is against the laws of the entire world order and against the gods." God’s will, now that we have encountered it, we cannot sit back and let this situation continue.”

She has now fully adapted to the position of chief of staff and has her own unique perspectives and opinions.

This position is very similar to traditional counselors and university scholars, which is to give advice and assist the lord in doing various things.

For example, in occasions like now, she is responsible for playing the supporting role and singing the opposite tune.

There is no need to communicate in advance, since everything proposed by the other party, no matter good or bad, has an opposing opinion.

In this way, Gavin can take the absolute initiative, and he has the final say on whether it is an enemy or a friend.

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