After learning about Shun's performance, Yao was very satisfied, but he was not very relieved. He married his two daughters, Ehuang and Nuying, to Shun.


Check his character and ability.Shun not only made the two daughters live in harmony with the whole family, but also showed outstanding talents and noble personality strength in all aspects.

Yao investigated for a long time and finally recognized Shun, so he decided to take the position of Zen with Shun, but Shun thought that he still needed to learn, and his reputation was not enough, so he declined Yao's request for the position of Zen.Yao retreated and asked for the next best thing, and let Shun temporarily take the responsibility of the co-lord.

Shun could not refuse, so he agreed, and with the help of Yun Zhongzi, he managed the affairs in an orderly manner, and made improvements in the employment of personnel.The calendar was also revised, and ceremonies were held to worship the way of heaven, the four seasons of heaven and earth, and the gods of mountains and rivers.

In a drastic manner, he re-collected the standards of the princes who had been enshrined by the previous co-owners, re-selected auspicious days and auspicious days, checked the character of the princes, held a grand ceremony to re-categorize the princes, and issued new standards.

Yao was very satisfied when he saw what Shun had done, and learned that Shun's virtuous name was getting louder and louder among the human race, so Yao found Shun again to pass the throne to him.

This time, Shun did not refuse, and officially took over the position of co-lord. Yao also had perfect merits and soared into the Fire Cloud Cave. Under the instillation of merits, his cultivation had also reached the initial stage of quasi-sage.Taiyi Zhenren also successfully advanced to Da Luo Jinxian with the merit of teaching Yao this time.

After Shun succeeded to the throne, he went to various places to patrol, sacrificed famous mountains, summoned princes, and inspected people's feelings.It is also stipulated that the patrol will be carried out once every five years in the next five years to examine the improvement of the feudal lords' performance, and to clearly determine the rewards and punishments, which strengthens the rule of the locality.

Shun knew that people were good at appointments, and according to each person's director, he was appointed to different positions: Gun served as Sikong, in charge of water and soil; Houji was in charge of agriculture, sowing crops; Qi was Siji, in charge of education; Gao Tao was judicial officer, in charge of punishment .

Kui is the Gonggong, in charge of handicrafts; Yi is the official of Yu, who is in charge of the grass, trees, birds and animals in the mountains and forests; Boyi is the Zhizong, in charge of sacrificial ceremonies; Kui is the music, in charge of educating the children of the nobles; Long is Nayan, specializing in conveying Shun’s teachings. Orders and conveys complacency.

Shun also rectified the administration of officials, stipulating that the performance of officials should be assessed every three years, and those with good achievements would be promoted, and those who were incompetent would be dismissed.Shun set up the division of official duties, so that the duties of officials were clearly defined, the efficiency of work was improved, and all industries were prosperous.

However, when Shun took over the 450th position of the co-owners, Gun's water control became even more unconcerned. He thought that Yao looked down on him and played tricks on him.

When Shun learned about it, he went directly to the place where Gun was in charge of flood control. He found out that Gun control water only knew how to block the flood, but he didn't seek the cause of the flood.

With the help of his master, Yun Zhongzi, Shun knew that there were water monsters causing chaos, and the flood would happen. To calm down the flood, it was necessary to completely eliminate the water monster.And Gun has been controlling the flood for more than ten years, but he still doesn't know these things.Therefore, Shun thought that Gun did not seriously control the water, and that the people of Li people were nothing.So Gun was punished.

Gun was exiled to Yushan by Shun. Under Maitreya's provocation, he believed that Shun was jealous of the virtuous. Originally, under Maitreya's opinion, Gun would rebel, but he did not expect to die of depression, which was a disappointment to the West.

ps: The [-]th update is on the shelves, you can look at the top comment and discuss it!

Chapter [-] _ Taikoo Ape

This content is first published

After Gun was exiled, Shun began to look around for someone who could control the flood. Finally, he heard that Gun's son, Yu, had a lot of experience in flood control, so he went to Yu's house in person and asked Yu to go to control the flood.

Yu was apprenticed to Yu Jie from a young age, and was a virgin who was both civil and military. After Shun personally came, he promised to go out to the mountains to control the water.He even got the Dinghai Shenzhen and the mountain-opening axe that his teacher asked from Yangshan to help control the water.

The Mother of Wudang went to find her own brothers and sisters, and a few people from Duobao who were not in retreat came to help Dayu to get rid of the water monster.The name of this water monster is Huaishui Wuzhiqi. It is said that it has obtained the inheritance of Gonggong. He has superb water control skills, and his cultivation has reached the Golden Immortal of Daluo.

When Duobao and the others came, they realized that the so-called Huaishui Wuzhiqi was not an ancient water ape, but a red-haired horse monkey, one of the four monkeys in the world.Life is at the water level of water, fire and wind.

Shaped like an ape, with a white head and long cockroaches, snow teeth and golden claws, it rushed ashore and was about five feet high.Crouching like a monkey, but unable to open his eyes, he seems to be in a daze.The water from the eyes and nose is like a spring, and the saliva is foul, and people should not approach it.Jiunai stretched his neck, his eyes suddenly opened, and the brilliance was like electricity.

Our Lady of Wudang's cultivation base is still shallow and naturally does not know this monkey, and Duobao is the master who has heard the sermons of Zixiao Palace. Looking at the white ape the size of a hundred feet, the sharp claws are shining with golden light, and he immediately recognizes that it is the four of the world. One of the monkeys, the Akashiri horse monkey.

The Mother of Wudang looked at the water monster of Daluo Jinxian and said to Duobao: "Senior brother can know this strange!"

Duobao and Kong Xuan looked at each other, nodded solemnly and said, "I know it, if I'm not mistaken, this monster is one of the four monkeys in the world, the red horse monkey!"

Wudang said very suspiciously: "Four monkeys in the world?"

Kong Xuan explained to him: "These four monkeys in the world, when we were listening to the sermon in Zixiao Palace, we heard the master say: There are five immortals in the Zhoutian, they are heaven, earth, gods, ghosts, and there are five insects, but they are scales, feathers and feathers. Kun. There are also four monkeys in the world that are not heaven, earth, gods, humans, and ghosts, and they are neither skins, scales, feathers, feathers, nor Kun. They don’t belong to the ten categories, and they don’t reach the name of two rooms 々~!”

"The four monkeys of the mixed world are: Lingming stone monkeys, able to change, know the time of the sky, know the advantages of the place, move the stars and change the battle, and their lives are in the fire position of water, fire and wind.

The gibbons and monkeys, take the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, distinguish the blame, move the universe, and live in the position of water, fire and wind.

The six-eared macaque is good at listening to sounds, able to observe and understand, and knows everything before and after.Life is located in the wind position of water, fire and wind.

And there is this water monster, the red-haired horse monkey, knows yin and yang, knows personnel, is good at access, avoids death and prolongs life.Life is at the water level of water, fire and wind. "

Duobao said again: "It's just that this red-haired horse monkey has always been alert. Why did we come out here to make trouble?"

When the Mother of Wudang heard the explanations of the two, she was stunned. At this time, she didn't know what Duobao was wondering?But he still said: "Senior brother, don't worry about it so much, just clean up him directly, don't delay Dayu's flood control!"

Duobao also nodded, and took out his finger-profound sword directly: v Dao Qinglian sword qi slashed through the air, and there were blossoming green lotuses in the sky, and there was killing in the gorgeousness.



When Wuzhiqi saw Duobao attacking, he gave a strange laugh, and with a flick of the iron rod in his hand, he drew a shadow all over the sky, blocking the blossoming green lotus.

Seeing that Duobao would not be able to take down this water monster for a while, Kong Xuan also directly released five-colored divine light. In an instant, the five-element vitality filled the void, and the five-path and five-element qi turned into a sharp sword and stabbed Wuzhiqi fiercely.

Wuzhiqi was not in a hurry, and when the magic trick was pinched, he saw the monstrous flood turned into nine water dragons rushing towards Kong Xuan's five-colored divine light.However, this Wuzhiqi didn't know the domineering of Kong Xuan's five-color divine light. He saw a flash of the blue divine light representing the water movement, and the nine water dragons disappeared in the air.

Wuzhiqi was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Duobao seized the opportunity, and the Duobao Pagoda suddenly appeared on Wuzhiqi's head and smashed it down.

This Wuzhiqi is also a veteran Da Luo Jinxian for many years. He reacted very quickly and turned into water and light into the flood under his body. Then he appeared in front of Duobao, and the iron rod slammed into Duobao's face.

Duobao turned pale in shock, and quickly recalled his Zhixuan sword to block the iron rod.However, this monkey is extremely powerful and capable of capturing nine dragons. This [-]-pound iron rod hit Duobao's Zhixuan sword and smashed him out directly.Simply suffered a little shock.

Duobao shook his numb hand and said, "The strength of this water monster is quite strong!" Wuzhiqi said with a strange smile, "You Da Luo Jinxian is really water!"

Duobao sneered and said to Kong Xuan, "Junior and brother together!" After speaking the magic formula in his hand, he saw a different kind of light appearing on the Zhixuan sword. Wuzhiqi stabbed in the past.

Wuzhiqi turned pale in shock, and saw that Kong Xuan's five-color divine light turned into a five-element sword, and it was also a sword energy that flew over, but it was the scarlet slaying sword energy.

The two swords slammed back and forth, Wuzhiqi screamed, and the iron rod flew up, and the rushing flood directly turned into a water curtain, trying to block the two swords.

With a bang, the water curtain shattered, and the water splashes scattered all over the sky, followed by a blood arrow that sprayed out and dyed the waters red.The arrogant water monster Wuzhiqi just now floated on the water, the blood on his chest dyed his white hair red.

This Wuzhiqi said to himself: ".〃No, I think it should be a surprise, Hong Fuqi genius is right! How could this be?"

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