Duobao sneered and said, "A mere water ape dares to be so arrogant, look at me beheading you today!" After saying that, a blue light flashed from the Xuanjian, and a green lotus flew out, pointing directly at Wuzhiqi's neck.

Wuzhiqi looked at Qinglian who flew over, and closed his eyes in despair. He began to regret it, Li's, and regretted going out of the mountain to create a flood, just to take a chance that he didn't know where it was.

At this moment, a seven-color rainbow flashed, and the Qinglian, which contained the supreme sword energy, disappeared.

Then came a long sigh: "Alas! Although this water monster is guilty, it will not die! What's more, it is still a wild alien, so it is not worth dying here!"

ps: The [-]st update is on the shelves, you can look at the top comment and discuss it!

Chapter [-] _Nv Jiao's love

This content is first published

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Zhunti appear in front of Wuzhiqi holding the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and the seven-color rainbow light just came from Zhunti!

As soon as Duobao saw Zhunti, he immediately stood in the way of Kong Xuan, and the three of them bowed to Zhunti and said, "Meet the sage Zhunti, the saint's life is boundless!"

Zhunti nodded and said to Wuzhiqi: "You two beasts, you made a monstrous mistake, you should have died, but I have a relationship with you and my Western religion, so please follow me back to the West and meditate on it! "

Only when Wuzhiqi heard Zhunti's words did he realize that his great opportunity was to go to the West, and he quickly said, "This disciple knows that he is wrong, and he is willing to follow the sage to return to the West and think about it!"

Zhunti saw that Wuzhiqi was very sensible, and a beam of Bodhi immortal light flashed out, and the two sword qi in Wuzhiqi's body were forced out, and the injury quickly recovered.

Then Zhunti said to Duobao: "Little friend Duobao, this water monster has already made a mistake, can you give me a face and spare him once?"

Duobao's face was ashen, and the saint opened his mouth. What can he do? He could only say: "The saints have opened their mouths. It can be seen that this Wuzhiqi should not die today, so I will spare him once!"

Zhunti nodded and said: "Little friend, I see that you are also related to my Western sect, can you follow me back to the 450 West, and you and I will be the three sect masters! Of course, so is little friend Kong Xuan, we teach Kong Xuan the throne of the Ming king. I'll keep it for you too!"

As soon as these words came out, Duobao and Kong Xuan's faces changed greatly. I didn't expect that Zhunti took away Wuzhiqi and wanted to fight them. These two were in Kunlun without being transformed, and they grew up with Siqing. , If you are crossed to the West, you will lose all your face!

Duobao said with a smile on his face: "The sage loves me so much. My younger brother and I studied art in Kunlun since we were young, but we can't sit on the back of the teacher and cast it!"

Kong Xuan also nodded in agreement, Zhun mentions that the moment he saw it, a big mudra of Xumi was grabbing towards the two of them, but he wanted to catch the West first, and then talk about it after crossing!

Duobao's complexion changed greatly, looking at the huge palm exuding the extravagant Sanskrit sound, he hurriedly sacrificed the Duobao Pagoda, trying to block the blow!

But the mighty power of the sage is something that a little big Luo Jinxian can stop. At this critical moment, a ruler exuding a dense purple aura appeared out of thin air, and with a single tap, it was a sword energy of Hongmeng, which directly smashed that one. Giant palm.

The next second Taichen, who was holding a little fox, appeared in front of Duobao and the others, and he smiled and said, "Zhunti Daoist friend, who is not in Mount Sumeru to receive blessings, why are you interested in bullying me, a lowly cultivator? nephew?"

Zhunti smiled awkwardly and said, "Nothing, I see that these two have excellent qualifications and have a relationship with me in the West, so I want to take them to my West to be a guest!"

Taichen said: "My nephew, my aptitude is dull, and I have no fate with you in the West. Don't waste your time in mentioning Daoist friends!"

Zhunti was very embarrassed, and what more could he say, he heard Taichen say, "Don't think about any crooked thoughts? My third brother and I don't mind going to the West to teach!"

Zhunti swallowed and said, "I have something to do here, I still have something to do, I will go back to Mount Sumeru first, fellow Daoist is free to come and play!"


Zhun mention is to be polite, who knows, Taichen said: "Since fellow Taoist invited me, I will go after a while!"

After hearing this, Zhunti scolded himself for being cheap, and almost fell off the cloud. He didn't talk to him, and flew away pretending not to hear.Watching Taichen almost burst out laughing.

After Zhunti left, Duobao and the others bowed to Taichen and said, "Thank you little uncle for saving your life!"

Taichen said, "It's also a coincidence. Back then, I took over the Qingqiu fox clan, but this time it was a fox clan who had a foot-binding relationship with the next co-owner. I could only run once, but I saved you all. !"

"Hurry back to Jinao Island, and sort out your master's disciples. I feel that the second brother is going to inspect bfde!"

Duobao's eyes lit up when he heard it and said, "That's great, I'll go back and sort out a list and hand it over to him when the second uncle arrives. I didn't deal with these scumbags who ruined my luck, the second uncle definitely has a way! "Kong Xuan and Wudang also nodded to indicate that Duobao was right!

Taichen watched these few people feel a moment of silence for Tongtian. This direct disciple took the lead in rebelling. No wonder the third brother was often cleaned up by the second brother, and the second brother's means were too high!But my own disciple will not be bought by the second brother!Go back and have a good look!

Yun Zhongzi, who was at the Meizi Refiner in Yujing Mountain, sneezed, that's right, he was bought by a Yuqing Refiner Dafa in Yuanshi.

However, Taichen just thought that the top priority is to release the heroine of destiny, and she is nesting in Yujing Mountain. After this, the Xia Dynasty will be gone!

Tai Chen patted the little fox in his arms and said, "Nv Jiao, let's go, your love calamity is over, and after the calamity, you are choosing whether to go back to Yujing Mountain, you can follow the last co-owner to Huoyun Cave. !"

The little fox nodded, his bright black eyes were like two purple grapes, very agile, and after bowing to Taichen, he jumped into the grass and disappeared.

Taichen also smiled slightly, turned around and went back to Yujing Mountain to accompany Nuwa!Duobao and Kong Xuan also returned to Jinao Island.And Wudang went to find his own disciple.

After learning that the water monster was removed, Dayu was very happy. He took a little boy and started to draw a map of the river. He even inspected the river with Yi and Houji, and called nearby people to help.

He deeply reviewed the reasons for Gun's failure, and decided to reform the method of water control, changing from blocking to dredging.

Dayu led the migrant workers to travel all over the place, opening up mountains in every mountain, and building embankments when encountering depressions, to divert floodwaters into the sea.In order to control the water, Yu exhausted his brains, was not afraid of hard work, never dared to rest, and he passed by the house three times without entering.

And Nujiao married Dayu and gave him a son named Qi.Nv Jiao was born in Qingqiu, and she knows righteousness deeply. She knows that Dayu manages the flood, and even assists him to help him manage his own affairs, so that he can manage the flood with confidence and not worry about family affairs!

ps: The [-]nd update is on the shelves. You can check out the top comment and discuss it!

It's a new week, everyone will arrange a wave of flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets in your hands! ! ! _

Chapter [-]_The Great Yu Governs the World

This content is first published

And Dayu got the help of the Virgin of Wudang, the axe of the mountain and the iron of Dinghai, and the help of the female Jiao, and by chance, he even got the picture of the Yellow River presented by He Bo.So it is even more handy to manage the flood.

In a flash, more than ten years have passed. Dayu has been running around constantly, measuring the water level, making drawings, and dredging the river. I don't know how many mountains have been broken and how many dams have been cast.Slowly, I finally sorted out all the rivers in the human race. According to the excavated rivers, they all flowed into the sea!

In order to prevent the recurrence of floods, Dayu even left the Dinghaishenzhen needle to measure the water level in the East China Sea to suppress the water level.

After the flood control was successful, Shun took Dayu with him to train him, and strived for him to become the next co-owner. Dayu also lived up to his trust and improved the rice seeds so that he could grow on the wet surface after the flood receded.Increases the food production of the human race.

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