Shun saw that Yu's reputation was increasing day by day, and he was a great sage who sincerely contributed to the human race, so he specially held a grand sacrificial ceremony for him to recognize his achievements in water control, and even gave him a black jade Guigui. , to show his unique merit.

Later, in order for Dayu to take over the throne smoothly, Deshun even made him his uncle and gave him a fief Zai Xia. In a time, Dayu gained prestige and reached the peak of the human race, catching up with the co-lord Shun.

Not only did Shun not guard against being Yu Yu, but he praised Yu Yu many times to the people: "If there was no Yu, we would have become fish and turtles long ago."

So the people respected Da Yu even more, and Shun often said to Da Yu beside him: "Yu, Yu! You are my arms, thighs, ears and eyes. I want to benefit the people, and you help me. I want to observe the celestial phenomena. , Knowing the sun, moon and stars, writing and embroidering clothing, you advise me."

"I want to listen to the Six Laws, Five Voices and Eight Voices to control the chaos and promote the Five Virtues. You help me. You never flatter me in front of my face and slander me behind my back. You use your sincerity, virtue and example to make the court pure and innocent. You carry forward For my holiness, the credit is too great!"

Every time Da Yu heard Dao Shun praise him, he just smiled and said nothing.As Shun got older and older, Shun found an auspicious day, and it was he who decided to give the throne to Da Yu. After Da Yu got the news, he left in a hurry.

In desperation, Shun could only pass the throne to his own son Shang Jun, and he flew into the Huoyun Cave, and with the instillation of merit, he also reached the early stage of quasi-sage cultivation.Yun Zhongzi was also teaching Shun to gain merit and virtue, and it was precisely because he broke through the Daluo Golden Immortal and became the fourth Daluo Golden Immortal under the Taichen Sect.

However, even if Shun passed the throne to his own son, everyone in the world believed that Yu was the real co-owner, so all the princes and people in the world left Shangjun and went to Yangcheng to meet Yu.

With the support of the princes, Yu officially took over as the co-lord, with Anyi as the capital and the country name Xia.It was divided into Danzhu in Tang and all merchants in Yu.

After Dayu took over, because he traveled all over the world in the process of water control, he knew the terrain, customs, and properties of the human race very well.So Dayu re-planned the world into nine continents, and formulated the tribute varieties of each state.

However, due to the floods that have been raging for decades since the end of Tang Yao, various people of the human race


The big tribes have begun to govern themselves, and regard the co-lord as nothing, and their attitude towards the co-lord has become no longer respectful, so Dayu ordered a conference to be held in Miaoshan to re-establish the majesty of the co-lord.

The time soon came to hold the Miaoshan Conference, but very few princes came, and there were even more arrogant ones, such as the Fangfeng clan, the patriarch of the ancient Yue tribe.

Dayu looked at the Fangfeng clan who had slapped in the face at the Miaoshan Conference, and directly beheaded him in public and beat him to death for three days. Then he dispatched his general Geng Chen to lead tens of thousands of elite troops to attack the ancient Yue tribe. Both men and women were denounced as slaves.

As soon as this matter came out, the princes from all over the world knew about Dayu's methods, and they no longer dared to offend Dayu. They went to Anyi to make tributes and meet the co-owners, which pushed Dayu's prestige to a new peak. .

However, Dayu is not a person who loves power. Soon after the Miaoshan Conference was held, he began to search for talents and cultivate the next co-owner. After inspection, he elected Gao Tao's next heir and delegated power to him. government affairs.

Unfortunately, Gao Tao passed away unexpectedly soon after.Dayu could only be in power again. At this time, there was a man named Yidi who improved the recipe and produced a kind of fine wine, which was presented to Dayu.

After drinking it, Dayu felt that the taste was very mellow and intoxicating. After sobering up, he ordered Yi Di to stop making wine.

Yi Di was very puzzled, so he asked Da Yu: "Since the co-owners say that this wine tastes good, why not let everyone taste this deliciousness, but ban it?"

Dayu said with a smile: "It's because the taste of this wine is so mellow, it makes people unconsciously indulge in it, and people don't think about other things except the wine, so there will be people among the human race who are addicted to it, so it's a mistake. What he should do, in the end, let the people of the world suffer."

After hearing this, Yi Di admired Da Yu very much, so he spread Da Yu's words throughout the human race, and the people all over the world praised Da Yu.It is said that he is a beautiful jade given to people by God.However, the method of making wine has been disclosed among the tribes and has been handed down by people.


At this time, Dayu found a new heir after many investigations: Boyi, Boyi was also a great sage in the world, and he was very talented, so Dayu once again entrusted government affairs to Boyi and let it go, but Dayu continued to delegate power. The behavior made the minister very puzzled, so they persuaded him.

"Co-owner! Although my human race is prospering at this time, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, it is still far from enough when compared to the two lich clans in ancient times. From the last flood, it can be seen that there are still many demons in the human race. , Your Majesty still has a long way to go!"

After hearing the persuasion of the ministers, Da Yu suddenly came to his senses and went back home and asked the female Jiao: "I'm embarrassed by something for my husband, and I hope a good wife can give me advice!"

When Nujiao heard the words, she hurriedly said, "Husband, but it doesn't matter! The courtiers and concubines will definitely help!"

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Chapter [-] _ Jiuding

This content debuts!

Da Yu stared at Nujiao and said slowly: "My human race has now experienced seven co-owners. Although the foundation is established, it is still very weak. Compared with the two ancient Lich clans, it is even less profound. The tribe still has monsters in trouble!"

"I hope my virtuous wife can give me some pointers. How can I strengthen my human heritage, so that the human race can truly live long and peaceful without being disturbed by external demons?"

Nujiao listened to Dao Yu's words, and after thinking for a long time, she shook her head and said, "In this prehistoric world, the strong eat the weak. This is the rule of heaven, but the human race alone cannot change it!"

Da Yu was very disappointed when he heard Nujiao's words, but he knew that his wife was resourceful and would definitely find a way, so he bowed deeply to Nujiao and said, "I know that my wife will definitely have a solution, and I asked my wife to teach me a lesson. Two!" "Four Five Zero"

Seeing the stubborn Da Yu, Nujiao said helplessly, "There is a way, but it's very difficult. You need to find an expert to gather the power of the human race and refine a set of magic weapons to set up a formation!"

"And my husband's teacher is a direct disciple of Intercept Cult. Intercept is proficient in formation techniques. My husband asks your teacher to find an expert in the teaching, and he is setting up a barrier with the power of the entire human race! This way, we can protect the integrity of the human race!"

Dayu said doubtfully: "What is the function of this barrier, how to protect my human race? Increase the heritage of the human race?"

Nujiao explained: "Husband can refine the Jiuding according to the Kyushu, and build the Jiuzhou Barrier with the power of the human race. Anyone who has a cultivation level below the quasi-sage, once they enter the Kyushu Barrier, their cultivation will be suppressed by the Barrier. If anyone kills the human race for no reason, they will be attacked by the enchantment, and they will never be saved."

When Da Yu heard Dao Nujiao's explanation, he was very happy and said, "Madam is really resourceful and solved the big problem of my human race. I will go to the teacher and ask him for help!" After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Nujiao looked at Da Yu who was in a hurry, smiled and did not speak, while Da Yu went to find the Virgin of Wudang.Wudang was very surprised when he heard Dao Dayu's words, and said, "Don't be impatient, I will go to Jinao Island and ask Master!"

Dayu got the unreasonable promise and was very happy. He returned to the capital and ordered the entire human race to search for the characteristic minerals of each state.

And Wudang turned into a golden light and quickly escaped to Jinao Island. Who knew that Tongtian was still in Kunlun and did not come back. Wudang could only turn around the cloud and went to Kunlun Mountain again.

But in desperation, Yuanshi and Tongtian were still discussing Taoism, and Wudang could only go down to Shouyang Mountain under Chisongzi's instructions.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu did not retreat. Wudang went to Shouyang Mountain and told Lao Tzu about Da Yu's thoughts. Please make up your mind. Do you want to support this matter!

Lao Tzu said with his fingers: "This matter must be supported. You take this copper of the Shouyang and give it to Dayu, and let him use this material as the main raw material for casting the cauldron. You are going to Yujing Mountain to find your daughter. Aunt Wa, borrow the Qiankun Cauldron!"

Without any difficulty, he said: "Master, this Qiankun Cauldron seems to have been in the hands of the second master! The second master is still discussing the Tao with the teacher and has not come out."

Lao Tzu said again: "It's okay, there is a fortune-telling tripod in your Nuwa's sister-in-law's place.

Wudang nodded and was about to go to Yujing Mountain when he heard Lao Tzu say: "Forget it.


I'll give you a ride! "After waving his hand, I saw a black hole appear, and there was no way to get in, and the next moment appeared at the foot of Yujing Mountain.

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