Tota saw this scene and said to Zhao Gongming arrogantly: "You twenty-four bridges bright moonlit night, but that's it!"

Zhao Gongming smiled slightly and said: "This is only a bridge, what's so happy about it! Don't you understand? Twenty-four bridges in the moonlit night! There are still twenty-three bridges!" Another three white jade bridges came to suppress Taoist Taota!

Taoist Taota's face changed greatly, and he quickly used the technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow to avoid the suppression of the three white jade bridges. Zhao Gongming saw the action of the tower and said with a sneer: "I think you can escape as much as possible.


Long! "After he finished speaking, the eight white jade bridges came to suppress Taoist Taota in the direction of gossip!

This time, the Taoist Taoist was blocked from all the places where he could escape, which made Taoist Taota tremble. Just when he was about to be suppressed, Taoist Tota thought of a magical power he had learned, and secretly used his magic power to cast it.

It's too late to say that, just when this magical power was just unfolded, the eight white jade bridges took the gossip orientation to suppress the Taoist Taota!Zhao Gongming looked at the suppressed Taoist Taoist and said indifferently: "It's not your cultivation, you can't use it if you force it! But I'll give you a good time seeing you look like this!"

After speaking, the God-killer spear appeared in his hand again, facing the Golden Crow turned into Taoist Taoist, it was a pitch-black spear light, the spear light penetrated the head of this Golden Crow but turned into a golden Crow feather!

Zhao Gongming knew that he had been tricked this time, and shouted angrily: "Li Dai's peach stiffness technique?" Although it is a question sentence, it is also extremely affirmative!But where can this Taoist Taoist go?Zhao Gongming felt that he could not find it, but he said with a mysterious smile: "Under my supernatural power, let me see where you can hide?"

Immediately, a mana hit the bright lunar star.Immediately, the bright moonlight shone down, a momentary effort.This Tota, who was hiding and preparing to attack, was found by Zhao Gongming.The bright moonlight made him have nowhere to hide!

Zhao Gongming looked at him and said, "If you dare to play with me, you will have to pay the price!" After he said that, the last twelve white jade bridges appeared directly, ruthlessly pressing towards Tota. Under the light of the stars, this Tota has nowhere to escape, and can only find a way to resist!

I saw this Tota controlling Jinwu's body and running its mana, and then I saw a burst of true sun fire sweeping the heavens and the earth, and ruthlessly greeted the twelve white jade bridges!

In an instant, under the blessing of the Golden Crow, the domineering Sun Fire directly overturned the nine Baiyu Bridges, but the remaining three Baiyu Bridges still suppressed him fiercely!

Zhao Gongming saw Taoist Taota who was pressed under the bridge by the three white jade bridges and said, "... 〃You are just you, not Emperor Jun Taiyi, even if you have the body of the Golden Crow, you are not the blood of the Golden Crow, and you cannot exert the Golden Crow. The power of the body! If it were the only remaining Lu Ya, I might not have won so easily. To be honest, you are not as good as that Zhu Rong!"

"You are in control of all this, you can neither exert their fire control power nor their strength, this is your biggest failure, you have the mana of Da Luo Jinxian but use a Taiyi Jinli Just like Nuo’s Immortal, if you haven’t been to Daluo Golden Immortal, you won’t understand the mystery of Daluo Golden Immortal!”

Tota struggled and asked, "Then what exactly is the Great Luo Jinxian?"

Zhao Gongming took out the god-killing spear and said to him: "Daluo Jinxian, you can use at least one kind of law. The Golden Crow you control can only be gifted with supernatural powers. Although the mana cultivation base has Daluo Jinxian, the actual Taoism is still in Taiyijin. Immortal level! Well, I explained it too, it's time to send you on the road! Don't miss the time to be on the list!"

ps: The [-]th update is on the shelves, thank you for your great support! ! !

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Chapter three hundred and forty seventh mysterious ice formation

This content is first published

After Zhao Gongming finished speaking, the black God-killing spear appeared and pierced the head of the last golden crow, and then the golden crow also turned into a ball of true sun fire, and Taoist Taota also showed his own primordial spirit, without Zhao Gongming When he took the shot, the sun that he was surrounded by was refining with real fire, and a real spirit was left flying to the Conferred God Ranking!

Zhao Gongming let out a long sigh, took away several kinds of innate fires that remained in the formation, waved his hand and a Xuanqing Divine Lightning directly blew the difficult Nine Suns formation to pieces, and then slowly swept through the white fog in the sky. Come out!

After feeling the temperature of the sun outside, Zhao Gongming realized that he and Tota had been fighting in the formation for so long, and only an hour and a half had passed from the outside world!He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. At this moment, before Wen Zhong jumped out, he saw Chang-eared Dingguangxian standing up and said, "Zhao Gongming is leaving, where is my junior brother Tuota?"

Zhao Gongming turned his head to look at Chang and Dingguangxian and said, "Of course he died on the list! What advice do you have, Daoist Chang-Ear?"

The long-eared Dingguangxian looked at Zhao Gongming and said, "Zhao Gongming, how dare you have a fight with me, not only the outcome, but also the life and death!"

Zhao Gongming said indifferently: "Why don't you dare, but forget it today, I've calculated it, don't miss the time when the master of the Xuanbing formation will be on the list today, it's better that we don't break the formation tomorrow, we will fight, it's counted. 590 solved the cause and effect of you and me, how about this?"

Long-eared Dingguangxian also nodded when he heard the words and said, "Since that's what we said, let's fight tomorrow! I'm not taking advantage of the dangers of others. You're spending a lot of time breaking the formation today, so I'll let you go for the time being!"

Zhao Gongming was too lazy to take care of this long and Dingguangxian, and turned back to Lu Peng, while Wen Zhong came out with a prober Luohan and said, "Who is going to break my mysterious ice formation?"

The voice came to Lu Peng, and the Mother of Wudang turned her mana to look at the large formation, and said with a long sigh of relief: "This formation is quite simple, and it is more than weaker than the Nine Suns formation!"

This mysterious ice formation is made by the Probe Arhat collected from the extreme north mysterious ice. It is cold and freezing in the formation, which can affect the movement. It has great restraint on the fire attribute monks. Ray, it's much simpler than the previous battles, but the victory is weird.

This Beiming Yinlei is silent and can't be found hidden in the mysterious ice. This mysterious ice is also a characteristic of Beiminghai. If it is used as an auxiliary, it can clear the mind and prevent it from going crazy. If it is used for attack, it can directly freeze people into powder. !

There are weaknesses even if you don't go through this battle, that is, although the extreme northern ice is cold, if there is an innate spirit fire, it can greatly restrain this mysterious ice, especially the sun's real fire is more effective.

And Dewu in Lu Peng also expressed his own analysis. Zhao Gongming smiled after hearing it, and turned his hand to take out a ball of true sun fire, which was obtained in the Nine Suns Formation!

Wudang looked at the sun and said, "Then who are we going to break this formation?"

Xuandu thought for a while and said, "Junior Brother Puxian, Junior Brother Taiyi, which one of the two of you has gone through?"

Puxian and Taiyi looked at each other, and saw Puxian come out and said: "Brothers, although Brother Taiyi has the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover to protect his body, his kung fu is still too hot.


Attributes, let me go! "

Xuandu nodded and said, "Junior brother, be careful!" Zhao Gongming also handed this real sun fire to Puxian and said, "Since junior brother you are going to break the formation, this real sun fire will be given to you! I wish you success! "

Puxian took over the real fire of the sun and thanked Zhao Gongming. He said goodbye to his brothers and went straight out of Lu Peng. He also wrote a song in his leisurely mind: "I dare not forget the root of morality. The heart is puzzled and the devil is blocked, it is worthy of injury! The heaven is right in front of you."

But it is also the teaching of the twelve golden immortals pretending to be a Taoist song, and even Chisongzi has never done these fancy things, let alone the twelve golden immortals floating?

And the detective Luohan on the opposite side was even more furious when he heard this song, and said to Puxian: "Puxian Daoist, you first killed my fellow Daoist Yang Sen, but now you even despise my Western Dafa, and come back to me. It's really hateful to talk nonsense in front of the Zhenxuan Bingzhen!" After speaking, he will kill Puxian!

Puxian waved his hand behind him, and the Wu hook sword that Mu Zha was carrying flew into Puxian's hands, and Puxian said, "Good boy, I'll borrow this Wu hook first, and I'll give it to you after I break it. !"

After speaking, he held up the sword that was attacked by Rohan, and said: "Taoist, you are also a person with high morality in the West. Heinous crime!"

"Pin Dao came today, firstly, he opened the killing ring, and secondly, if I entered this formation, your whole body of Daoism will turn into running water, I hope you don't regret it!"

The probing hand listened to Puxian's words, it was furious in his heart, and he directly attacked Puxian for a while, saying: "Puxian, you are courting death, come into my big formation and talk about it!"

Puxian forced the detective Luohan away and said, "The detective, if you go away now, you can still save your life, why bother doing this!"

No matter what Puxian said, he turned around and entered the Xuanbing Formation. Puxian sighed and followed him in. As soon as he entered the battle, Puxian felt a change in front of him, and then he found himself in the Beiming Sea. The small iceberg, even the galaxy on the head is so similar!

The Taoist man on the altar in the formation sneered and shook the small blue flag in his hand, and then Puxian saw the calm Beiming Sea set off waves and swept towards Puxian.Puxian was also not afraid. He raised his hand and pointed, and saw a white light lasing out, like a line, with a Qingyun on it.

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