This Celebration Cloud is several feet high and divided into octagons. The horns are equipped with golden lamps, and the pearls are hanging on the top of Puxian's head. Puxian is also a finger, and there are many white lotuses under his feet. Puxian stands on it and moves with the waves. , The waves of the Beiming Sea can't hurt this Taoist Puxian at all!

When he reached out his hand to see this, he smiled coldly and waved the little blue flag three times in a row, only to see the icebergs on the Beiming Sea suddenly rise one by one, smashing straight towards Puxian!But Puxian was not afraid. When the iceberg hit Puxian's head, it was naturally blocked by Qingyun, and then it was illuminated by a golden lamp, and it was naturally digested, and Puxian could not be hurt at all!

Pu Xian smiled slightly and shouted at the big formation: "Fellow Taoist Detective, is this the only thing you can do in this formation? This is not good!"

ps: The [-]th update is on the shelves, thank you for your great support! ! !

Chapter [-] Burning the Mountains and Cooking the Sea

This content is first published

As soon as Puxian said this, he directly angered the Taoist probing hands in the array. I saw that he didn't do anything, just waved the small flag in his hand. In an instant, more than ten icebergs smashed towards Puxian. Puxian The Beiming Sea under him is also making waves, and he wants to press it underwater!

It doesn't have any effect. This huge wave makes Puxian's two white lotuses sway in the water, making his body more elegant, and the iceberg has no effect. It was restrained by the Qingyun golden lamp on Puxian's head!

However, the detective Arhat did not believe in evil, and repeatedly waved the small blue flag in his hand.The [-] icebergs on the Beiming Sea rose up one after another, pressing on Puxian. Puxian's calm expression could not be maintained after seeing this scene.

I saw Pu Xian frowned slightly, took out a ball of real sun fire with his backhand, and directly sacrificed it. Then he saw a round of scorching sun slowly rising, countless real sun fire sprinkled down, and the eight hundred icebergs in the Beiming Sea melted directly. , and the Beiming Sea under Puxian also gradually raised white smoke.

Puxian sucked in a breath of cold air and secretly asked, is this the so-called burning mountains and boiling seas?This sun is really hot and really domineering!But it's really cool to deal with others!I just don't know what the mood of this detective Luohan is now!I'm probably going to cry!

It really made Puxian guess about the same. The current detective Luohan is about to cry but has no tears. This iceberg is his main attack method. Puxian burns it all at once.

Just when the detective wanted to abandon the formation and escape, the Puxian spoke up: "Daoist Taoist detective, isn't this all the means of your formation? Compared with the previous three formations, you The formation is really quite simple, I heard Senior Brother Gongming say that this Nine Suns Formation has evolved into the Golden Crow, Zu Feng and the Great God Zhu Rong!"

"You only have these icebergs in this Xuanbing Formation? I said, why did Senior Brother Xuandu send me to break the formation? It turns out that there is no danger at all!"

The detective Arhat was about to slip away, but when he heard Puxian's words, he was directly angered. He was fascinated by the suffocation. Then he sneered and hid in the periphery of the formation. This was his last resort. If he still lost, he would just escape from the formation!

Although it is not very glorious, at least one life can be saved, which is still a solid profit!If you have broken your own formation, can you still go to break the opposing Ten Great Arrays?If you can give the opposite side - trouble, you won't admit it!

Puxian didn't know the plan of the detective. He just found that some changes suddenly occurred in the big formation. He saw that the galaxy, which had not changed in the formation, suddenly flowed, and the temperature of Beiminghai gradually decreased. You, then saw a huge shadow appearing on the surface of the North Underworld Sea, rushing towards him quickly!

When Puxian saw this dark shadow, his heart suddenly rang out, and he didn't care about the lotus flower under his feet, and appeared directly in the air a few feet away from his toes!Just as Puxian stood still, he saw the black shadow on the sea suddenly emerge from the sea. It was a big fish with a strange shape!

If Tongtian and Taichen were present, they would definitely recognize that it was the Kunpeng's Kunpeng form. At that time, he even simmered a pot of fish soup with this Kunpeng's Kuntou.


How delicious!

And Puxian, who knows everything, doesn't know what Kunpeng's original body is, so Puxian is naturally surprised when the big fish that covers the sky and the sun appears!

But the surprise is still the surprise, the battle is still to be fought, the law is still to be fought, and the formation is still to be broken!Therefore, Puxian was the first to be struck by a thunder of Yuqing Shen, ready to test it!

However, when the thunder hit the big fish, there was no reaction at all, which made Puxian very depressed, and this Kun has been hiding in the bottom of the Beiming sea, and there was no way to take him. Puxian suddenly fell into a deadlock, but this Puxian Xian is also a ruthless man, and if he hits directly, he sacrifices the real fire of the sun and hangs it above the sea!

For a while, the Beiming Sea seemed to be boiling, steaming hot, making a rustling noise, and the sea level was getting lower and lower, this huge Kun could not stand the hot water and jumped out directly. Hyun's face pounced!

Seeing this, Puxian hurriedly used the golden light method to turn into a streamer to escape, and the Kun did not fall directly into the water as Puxian expected, but turned into a big bird in the wind, it was Dapeng !

Puxian said in surprise: "Kunpeng?" But after knowing that it was Kunpeng, he also smiled lightly and said: "What about Kunpeng, it has not become a small uncle's dish! Today I will follow the example of my uncle. Courageous, kill Kunpeng in anger!"

Then there is a handful of hands, this Yuqing Shenlei is smashing his hands, and blasting wildly towards the evolved Kunpeng!And this Kunpeng was struck by lightning, and it was fierce, and when he opened his mouth to Puxian, thousands of black ice needles shot over!

The Qingyun golden lantern on Puxian nodded, and suddenly the golden light was shining brightly, and the black ice needle was turned into ice water before it came to Puxian!Falling into the North Sea again!

This Kunpeng was not attacked by this mysterious ice, but the law of devouring he majored in. However, this mysterious ice formation can evolve Kunpeng is already the limit, let alone the law, the law of mysterious ice is not here. Kunpeng appeared on him, let alone the law of devouring!

Speaking of it, it is difficult for a strong man. After all, this Taoist Detective is just a Taiyi Jinxian, and he does not understand the laws himself, let alone let the creatures evolve in the formation appear. This is completely impossible!If the person who appears in this formation is a genius of the sky, then there is no need to practice the formation technique, and the advanced Daluo Jinxian has already been advanced!

However, this Kunpeng can't use the law, but it doesn't mean that this Puxian does not understand the law. I saw this Puxian lightly tap Kunpeng, and he saw a beam of yin and sunshine turned into two black and white dragons entangled and attacked towards Kunpeng!

It is this law that Puxian advanced Daluo understands. This yin and yang double dragon strikes Kunpeng directly, and knocks this Kunpeng far away, and Puxian also takes this opportunity to sacrifice his Wu hook sword and attach yin and yang. The law slashed directly at Kunpeng!

I saw a flash of white light, and the evolved Kunpeng was cut in half by the Wu hook sword, and reappeared as the sea of ​​Beiming!Puxian raised his lips just as he was about to speak, when he heard the detective Luohan behind him say: "Puxian, this time you won, even if you are broken this time, there will be a period later!"

ps: The [-]st update is on the shelves, thank you for your great support! ! !

Chapter three hundred and forty-nine to fierce formation

This content is first published

After speaking, the detective Luohan left the big formation and turned into a light escape. Puxian gave a wry smile, raised his hand and shattered the big formation, and walked out!

Although I broke the formation this time, it was really a disaster that I didn't kill the detective, and the previous formations that were broken all killed the master of this formation, but this time it was my turn to let this person run away, and it was a Taiyijin. Xian, Puxian feels that he has failed too much, and he will definitely become the laughing stock of the brothers and sisters!

Wen Zhong, who was originally outside the battle, saw Rohan, the detective, and thought he had won. He was thinking of showing off his power, but with a thunderous sound, the Puxian also came out!Hearing Zhong was blinded at once.

However, this Puxian had a dark face, and Wen Zhong didn't dare to go up to tease this guy. After all, if the real Daluo Jinxian kills him again, there's no reason to deal with it!

Puxian entered Lu Peng with a dark face. Just as he sat down at "Five Ninety", his fellow apprentices started to ask about the details of the breakout, and Puxian blushed.I really don't know what to say to let this Taiyi Golden Immortal stalker make a move, and he ran away after playing!

At this moment, Wen Zhong brought the probe Arhat, and Dingguangxian with long ears came to call the formation: "Jiang Shang, is your second formation ready? Let's break the formation!"

Jiang Shang Wenyan glanced at Zhao Jiang, Zhao Jiang nodded and went out with Jiang Shang, only to see Jiang Ziya said to Wen Zhong: "Master is so anxious? This is because the number of people on this list is not gathered, so I came here on purpose. Give it away!"

Zhao Jiang also nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong, who are you planning to send here in my fierce formation?"

Wen Zhong thought of the information given by Ran Deng. According to the technique of the tunnel, this earthly formation has obtained a wisp of earth-turbid air, and there is a thick body in the middle, which changes many times. The fire, accompanied by all kinds of divine thunder, if a person with a slightly lower cultivation base enters this person, there is basically no reason for him to survive!

However, he still vented the suffocation in the formation first. Wen Zhong thought about it and said, "Let's let Zhang Jie break this formation first!" This section is the third child of the Four Heavenly Monarchs of Huanghua Mountain. He admires Wen Zhong very much. He used it as a sacrifice, and the pity is really wrong with the master!

However, this festival didn't know what the sacrificial formation was talking about, and thought that Wen Zhong was optimistic about him, so he went to break the formation happily.

Zhao Jiang saw the people sent by Wen Zhong, his eyes became very subtle, he glanced at Wen Zhong and said, "Daoist Wen Zhong sent a mortal to break my formation, I'm really confident, are you looking down on me, or are you doing it on purpose? Send someone to fight? Your way of venting your anger is really good!"

When Zhang Jie heard Zhao Jiang's words, he glanced at Wen Zhong in disbelief, and Wen Zhong said without changing his face: "Fellow Daoist Zhao Jiang, it's fine if you don't help me, why are you slandering me? I just think you are here. The fierce formation, Zhang Energy has broken it!"

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