Lin Quan was speechless about the girl's description of him...

What is a cute boy?

Isn't cute usually used to describe girls?

"Little girl, did you use the wrong word?"

"Cute is usually used to describe girls. To describe boys, you should use handsome or sunny."

Lin Quan felt that he needed to correct the girl's mistake, so that she wouldn't use the word cute to describe him again when she saw him again.

"Cute are one of them!"

"You are cuter than girls when you wear women's clothes, and you are very handsome when you wear men's clothes. You can be salty or sweet, and you still say you are not cute?"

The girl didn't think there was anything wrong with her description. She tilted her head and said seriously.

Lin Quan:...

Without waiting for Lin Quan to refute, the girl stepped forward and came to Lin Quan, looking him up and down.

As if she felt that this was not enough, the girl even circled around Lin Quan.

"Lin Quan, do you have a doll on your bed?"

"By the way, the bed sheet must be candy-colored to match such a cute you."


Lin Quan was completely speechless.

What is stereotype?

Isn't this it?

I just cosplayed a few characters in women's clothing, but now I have been suspected. There are dolls on the bed, and the bed sheet must be candy-colored...

This is simply treating myself as a complete girl...

Just when Lin Quan and the little girl were chatting casually, it suddenly rained heavily.

Big drops of rain fell from the sky and landed on Lin Quan and the little girl.

"I didn't bring an umbrella, what about you?"

The little girl spread her hands, then looked at Lin Quan opposite and asked.

"I didn't bring an umbrella either!"

"Who would go out with an umbrella on a sunny day!"

The sudden rain made Lin Quan speechless.

It was fine when we came out, how come it started to rain in such a short time?

And it's raining so hard?

It's even heavier than the rain on the day when Yiping went to her father's house to ask for money!

This kind of sudden rain is the most deadly!

Because no one would think that they should bring an umbrella when the sun is shining!

"Run to the side, don't get wet!"

The little girl shouted and ran towards a place with eaves next to her.

Seeing this, Lin Quan also stepped forward and hurried to catch up.

However, because the rain was so heavy, by the time they reached the eaves, Lin Quan and the little girl were already soaked.

"What should I do?"

"If you get soaked like this, you will catch a cold!"

The little girl looked at Lin Quan, who was already soaked like a drowned chicken, and smiled maliciously.

"What else can I do? I'll hide from the rain and go home to change clothes later."

Lin Quan said helplessly.

"My home is nearby. I'll take you upstairs to avoid the rain."

"It's better than getting wet."

The little girl pointed to a residential building not far away and said to Lin Quan.

Lin Quan thought about it and felt that what the little girl said made some sense.

In this season, if you get wet in the rain and don't deal with it in time, it is indeed easy to catch a cold.

If he missed the finals in a few days because of a cold, he really didn't know where to cry...

"Okay, then let's go to your house to avoid the rain!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

Lin Quan said, following the little girl and walking towards the direction of the little girl's home.

Soon, the little girl took Lin Quan into the residential building where she lived.

When going up the stairs, because of the rain, Lin Quan's white T-shirt was already stuck to his body, and even became a little translucent.

The little girl stared at Lin Quan's exposed fair skin as if she were staring at delicious food, and her eyes made Lin Quan's back feel cold...

"This girl's eyes are a little too creepy..."

"Also, is there something wrong? Generally speaking, aren't boys always coaxing girls like this?"

"Why do I feel like I'm the sheep that falls into the tiger's mouth?"

"Before I came here, I swore to the little girl that I was not a bad person... Wasn't it a bit redundant?"

When I thought about my promise to the little girl that I was not a bad person, Lin Quan felt his head buzzing...

The little girl took Lin Quan and stopped in front of a door.

The little girl opened the door with the key chain in her hand.

"Come in, this is my home."

The little girl said, and took Lin Quan into the door.

"Wait a moment, I'll find a towel to wipe you, don't catch a cold. "

The little girl said as she walked into the bathroom.

Soon, the little girl came out with a snow-white towel and handed it to Lin Quan.

"You wipe it first, I'll go change clothes first."

"Wait until I change clothes, and then find clothes for you. "

The girl said, and went directly to the next room.

Lin Quan noticed that the girl didn't lock the door at all...

"You must trust me..."

"Aren't you afraid that I will do something..."

Despite his complaints, Lin Quan was quite confident in himself and would not do anything worse than an animal.

Lin Quan thought secretly while casually observing the furnishings in the room.

Lin Quan guessed that the girl should be a high school graduate, because there was a graduation certificate on the wall, and the year of issuance was exactly this year.

On the graduation certificate, the girl grinned, and she looked like a quirky girl...

Just at this moment, the door of the room was pushed open.

Lin Quan, who was wiping his upper body with a towel, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Ah! "

Lin Quan threw away the towel and covered his vital parts with his hands.


The little girl sneered, but did not rush in to watch...

Then, a basket was thrown at Lin Quan's feet.

"I've found clothes for you. Take off your wet clothes and put on these dry ones!"

As the door closed, the little girl's voice came from outside the door.

Lin Quan breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed secretly.

Nowadays, the 18-year-old girl is too aggressive!

At that time, how could an 18-year-old girl be so aggressive?

Not to mention bringing a strange man home, even if she saw a shirtless man on the street, she would scream and throw him away...

Just now when she was outside, the little girl's eyes looked like she wanted to eat him...

Lin Quan felt that as a man, he couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought of that scene...

"Forget it, let's change clothes first. "

"It's a big deal if you catch a cold in this season."

Lin Quan shook his head, no longer thinking about what happened outside, and prepared to change clothes first.

However, when Lin Quan looked down and saw the clothes in the basket, the corners of Lin Quan's mouth froze...

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