A few days after the live broadcast, Lin Quan passed by the crew again and went in to greet the crew again.

The crew was still very happy to see Lin Quan coming.

Their work was about to be completed. After packing up the last few materials today, they could go on a short vacation.

Everyone's face was filled with a happy smile.

It was really hard to shoot during this period. It would be great to have a few days off.

"Lin Quan, if the crew is shooting again, can you still come?"

The cameraman of the crew asked Lin Quan beside him while unpacking the camera.

Filming with Lin Quan is indeed a very wonderful thing.

Lin Quan not only has a good image, but also has excellent acting skills.

When facing the camera, he performed very well. He could complete his role well without the cameraman worrying about it.

More importantly, Lin Quan's character is well-known throughout the crew.

Not only is he polite, he never puts on airs like a big-name actor. When it's hot, he will order drinks and buy milk tea for the crew.

When it's time to shoot at night, Lin Quan often prepares midnight snacks for the crew.

This is a treatment the crew has never had since its establishment.

How can the crew members not like Lin Quan?

"Yes, Lin Quan, it's much more comfortable to shoot with you than with other actors. Not only do you have good acting skills and a good image, but most importantly, you treat us as human beings."

"This is so rare."

The prop master of the crew sighed at Lin Quan.

Before, when the crew was busy, Lin Quan, as an actor, had nothing to do, but he would take the initiative to help the prop brother pack up the props and place the items.

The prop brother saw all of this.

"Everyone, I don't know what will happen in the future, but I think if we are destined to work together, we will definitely work together again."

Lin Quan smiled lightly and said to these staff members who are much older than him.

"That's great. I really hope that day will come soon."

Lin Quan glanced at the time and it was time to go home, so he politely said goodbye to the staff.

"Everyone, I have something else to do. I won't talk to you more today. Let's get together again when we have time."

After that, Lin Quan came out of the crew and prepared to go home.

On the way home, Lin Quan was surprised to find that the little girl who asked Yin Qingxue questions when he came to the crew last time was walking along the road.

Lin Quan thought for a while and thought that this little girl might be a chores in the crew.

Because with Lin Quan's photographic memory, he couldn't remember when he had seen this little girl during the previous performance.

That can only mean that the identity of this little girl should be a chores in the crew.

As the little girl walked, her eyebrows were wrinkled together, as if she was worried about something...

Lin Quan saw this and quietly followed her.

"When performing, you should forget your identity and put your spirit into the person you are performing for..."

The little girl muttered as she walked.

Lin Quan instantly understood that this little girl must be worried about her acting skills...

Lin Quan had nothing to do recently, so he just relaxed on his own.

Lin Quan didn't know why, but he walked the same road with this little girl for no reason...

"Oh my god, why did I walk the same road with this little girl?"

"Will I be caught as a weird uncle?"

Lin Quan remembered that in the news he had read before, there were often cases of weird uncles following little girls and then being caught by real uncles.

Then, Lin Quan looked himself up and down as if he was mocking himself.

"How can there be such a handsome weird uncle like me."

"With my appearance, I shouldn't be considered a bad guy, right?"

"Besides, I'm just strolling around, I didn't do anything bad, why think so much..."

Thinking, Lin Quan walked aimlessly.

Because he was too tired recently, Lin Quan simply emptied his mind and followed the little girl's pace, walking all the way.

As he walked, Lin Quan finally reacted.

The little girl has gone home!

What should I do?

Just as Lin Quan was thinking, the figure of the little girl suddenly jumped out at an intersection!

Then, Lin Quan felt that something, unknown but cold, was against his back.

The little girl's somewhat vigilant voice also sounded in Lin Quan's ears.

"A cute boy like you, it's dangerous to walk alone at night, you know?"

"Hurry up and tell me, why are you following me?"Lin Quan was stunned by the question from the little girl...

He was just strolling out and happened to see her. As for following her, what does it matter to her where he went?

"Little sister, I was just strolling, not following you."

Lin Quan told the truth directly.


The little girl yelled at Lin Quan fiercely.

"I have noticed you for a long time. Not long after I left the crew, you were behind me."

"If I go fast, you go fast. If I go slow, you go slow."

"I'm home, and you're still here."

"I ask you, my home is here, is your home also here?"

Lin Quan glanced around and found that this place was actually quite far from his home.

But there is no law in China that prohibits walking far away from home, right?

"Little girl, let me tell you this!"

"I went to the crew and said hello to a few former colleagues. Is there any problem?"

"After leaving the crew, I took a walk by myself. Is there any problem?"

"As for you saying that I followed you, it's simply nonsense. I'm tired recently, so I just want to take a walk. I don't have a fixed destination. I'll go wherever I want."

"If you insist that I followed you, I can't help it."

"You said I followed you, so did I do anything deviant?"

The little girl tilted her head and thought about it.

Indeed, Lin Quan's popularity in the crew can be said to be very good.

Almost everyone who knows Lin Quan praises him.

Moreover, Yin Qingxue is much more beautiful than herself. Lin Quan and Yin Qingxue have been partners for so long, and there has been no scandal.

These are enough to prove that Lin Quan is indeed a gentleman.

The little girl finally believed that Lin Quan was telling the truth.

"Forget it, I'll trust you for once."

The girl said, and moved the cold thing that was pressing against Lin Quan's back away.

When the cold thing left his body, Lin Quan felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

When Lin Quan turned his head, he was shocked to find that the girl was holding a keychain tightly in her hand?

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