I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 131: You're empowered, come on

  Chapter 131 You have been strengthened, hurry up

   He didn't know what "Wan Hua Shen Gong" was, but Gu Shanhai could sense that this kid was fooling himself.

  The constant divination spells on his body are reminding him of this, not to mention the Detecting Thoughts, Thought Probes, and Detecting Thoughts on him can directly read what the other party is thinking now.

  The other party gave fake cheats, and he has hidden the real ones, and he will come back to get them after he gets out of trouble first and the limelight passes.

   "Oh, no need, you can keep it for yourself." Gu Shanhai read the location of the other party's real cheat book, so let's keep it for death.

Tianzong belongs to the righteous way, and the other party is more inclined to the orderly camp, and is more concerned about reputation and face, but the magic way of the Demon Sect is different. It is not a bold person with contrast, it is really the kind of murder and arson. Is proficient in everything.

Just like the guy in front of him, if the other party gives a real cheat, Gu Shanhai will consider sending him out of the city, but this guy doesn't want to give the real thing, but also wants Gu Shanhai to help him, and even wants to trick him. If you practice a fake cheat, you can easily If the victim is seriously injured, he will die. This kind of malice is not small.

   "Senior, this "Wan Hua Shen Gong" is."

  Before the other party finished speaking, Xiao Bai bypassed the other party at an extremely fast speed and left just like that.

   "Damn it, I didn't fall for it." The other party looked at Gu Shanhai resentfully, with a look of reluctance, but seeing the yamen servants who surrounded him quickly, he could only stand up and leap forward to leave.

  He had been injured by a disciple of Tianzong before, if it wasn't because he had no hope of leaving, how could he have taken the risk.

  Just as he jumped onto the roof, before he took two steps, a sound of breaking wind roared, and before he had time to react, his entire head exploded, like a smashed watermelon.

  The headless corpse fell down, and the people underneath were also in a mess.

   "This kid is really short-sighted, and he still wants to take revenge on me." Gu Shanhai muttered in a low voice, didn't he know that he was short-sighted?

   The coins of the 2nd ring prophecy magic spy master were originally similar to detection sensors. Gu Shanhai prepared a lot of them, and now they are used as hidden weapons.

  Gu Shanhai just prophesied casually just now, this guy has resentment after Gu Shanhai was not cheated by him, so he is going to retaliate against him, so he can make him retaliate? So I decided to send him on the road.

  The other party really can't threaten him, but Gu Shanhai has discovered this matter, so he must solve it in advance, otherwise it will be a disaster if he keeps it.

  The headless corpse was quickly dealt with, and reported layer by layer. What happened next had nothing to do with Gu Shanhai.

"I have to say, this kid is really ingenious in hiding things, and he is not afraid of being taken by others." Gu Shanhai looked at the plaque on the brothel, and the other party had hidden the real "Wanhua Divine Art" on it, through magic tricks. He felt it and took it off, but he didn't do anything.

  Since having the magic trick, many things have become much easier for Gu Shanhai.

Flipping through this so-called "Wan Hua Shen Gong", at first Gu Shanhai thought it was some kind of disguise or other kind of skill, but it turned out that it was not at all, it was similar to the great law of transformation, which can dissolve other people's body True energy.

   "That's it? I thought it was something, something not popular." Gu Shanhai casually threw the exercises back.

  A middle-aged man in a white shirt with a long sword pinned to his waist took over the "Wan Hua Shen Gong" with elegant lightness.

   "I never thought that the myriad magical skills that everyone in the world is fighting for won't be able to catch your eyes, senior."

   "In Xia Tianzong."

  The middle-aged man received "Wan Hua Shen Gong", and then began to declare his family.

  Unfortunately, Gu Shanhai used the interrupt skill: "I'm not from the rivers and lakes, don't talk to me about it, your little girl closed the gate of the city for this thing, you can open it now, I still have something to go out of the city."

   "Of course, the gate of the Sifang City has been opened, senior, please go ahead." The other party didn't mind Gu Shanhai interrupting his words.

   This middle-aged man should be an elder of Tianzong or something. He is also a first-class master in the arena. Not to mention his strength, but he is definitely a first-class existence in terms of eyesight.

   "I don't know where senior is going. If we go on the same road, I can help senior on the road." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

  Gu Shanhai was not polite at all: "It's none of your business."

  Really think he is a fool, he got the secret book of "Wan Hua Shen Gong", and the pressure will fall on him next, if there is no way to return to Tianzong as soon as possible, maybe he will be intercepted and killed halfway.

   At that time, no one will know who died in the wilderness. Even if Tianzong wants to avenge him, he has no goal.

  So following Gu Shanhai is a very good thing.

  The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed when he heard Gu Shanhai's words, and he was also a little annoyed in his heart, but it was different from the expression on the face of the man from the Demon Sect. Instead, he pressed it in his heart. As an old fritter, he knew how to behave in the world.

  Can only watch Xiaobai leave with Gu Shanhai on his back in resentment.

  After Gu Shanhai left, the original smile on his face gradually disappeared and turned serious.

He never thought of taking revenge on Gu Shanhai, which would bring troubles to Tianzong. Unlike Demon Sect, people from Tianzong have a strong sense of identity with their own sect, and their three views are much more upright. There is a reason, and a lifetime of false benevolence and righteousness is also true benevolence and righteousness.

   Gu Shanhai, who left, made another calculation, and murmured in his heart: 'Why is this thing so ordinary and lucky?'

  This shows that we can meet a tasteless thing similar to this "Wan Hua Shen Gong". If you want to be useful to him, you must at least have Xiaoji, and this mediocre Qi is actually not enough for the category of Ji.

  Taking "Wan Hua Shen Gong" as an example, Gu Shanhai still uses this kind of trick to transform people, and he can use his flesh and blood as nourishment for his soul.

   It's just that he has become a knight of the righteous way since he mixed with the protagonist, so he uses this method secretly, and it is impossible to give up. Such an easy-to-use method has a quite formal name, called healing!

Out of the city, Xiaobai memorized the map. As a qualified mount, knowing how to read maps is a standard feature. This is not Gu Shanhai's standard, but Ammut Greenwood's standard. His previous mount Hurricane Wolf will Looking at the map, I have never lost my way.

But when Gu Shanhai watched Ammett Greenwood teach Xiaobai this part of knowledge, he understood one thing, that is, when the mounts of the green knights are really miserable, the knights also require their mounts to be strong and strong. To understand the instructions, it would be better if there is a tacit understanding. As a result, the green knight's mount is more versatile.

  But it’s normal. The mounts of the green knights are actually animal companions, and they follow their lifelong companions. It’s not like for the knights, the mounts are sometimes just mounts.


   "Have been hunted down so soon? It hasn't been half an hour since we left the city gate." Gu Shanhai complained.

  Xiaobai means that the two Tianzong people he met just now are chasing after them, should we wait for them.

   "I'll make a fortune." Gu Shanhai said that he doesn't make up his mind when things happen: "Is it up to them?"

   "Then just wait a minute and see what they offer for their lives."

   It's good, so it's okay for Gu Shanhai to wait. In fact, as a player, the task is already triggered at this time.

   From a distance, he saw the middle-aged man leading the woman towards Gu Shanhai, followed by a group of black men in night clothes.

   "Ah, this. It can't be that Tianzong's standard equipment is white clothes, and Momen's standard equipment is black clothes."

   "You put me in uniform here."

  Gu Shanhai couldn't help but complain, he didn't have much feeling before, and only now did he compare and found that this thing is really outrageous, all of them are uniform uniforms.

   "Senior, senior~" The middle-aged man staggered and fell to the ground before he finished speaking, his face turned blue, obviously poisoned.

  It's just that at this time, I didn't care too much, and said hastily: "Please send the young disciple back to Tianzong, and I would like to give you Tianxin Pill as a reward."

   After saying this, it seemed that he was about to die.

And the man in black at the back also rushed over, looking at Gu Shanhai with a fearful expression: "Senior, you and I will not interfere with each other, as long as you hand over the two people from the Tianzong to us, we will turn around and leave immediately .”

"It's not good. They bid for a Tianxin Pill. As for you, as long as the bid is higher than theirs, I will hand it over to you." Gu Shanhai said, he is very fair, he will help whoever gives more , anyway, he doesn't know anyone.

  The man in black headed by the head turned cold: "I'll give you a shout out, senior, you have offended my Demon Sect, and there is no place for you in the entire rivers and lakes!"

  Gu Shanhai's face turned dark, are people so arrogant now? Everyone trades fairly and you actually make threats.

   "Very good, our deal has been concluded, but I have to change the content." Gu Shanhai glanced at the middle-aged man who was about to die, and he picked him up and cast the omnipotent healing technique to restore it.

This scene made the expression of the middle-aged man from the demon sect opposite him change, and his heart trembled a little. In their eyes, Gu Shanhai forcibly expelled the poison with his extremely strong true energy, and his volleying hand is enough to show that his strength is unparalleled .

  The middle-aged man also looked confused. Just now he saw his dead master come to pick him up, but he came back in the blink of an eye.

  I also found myself being held by someone.

   "Very good, you have been strengthened, send it quickly!" Hearing such a voice in his ear, he found himself flying into the air and smashing towards the crowd of people in the Demon Gate, and his face changed drastically at this moment.

  But the next moment, he felt an inexplicable force gushing out of his body.

   At this time, he couldn't care too much anymore. He pulled out the long sword on his waist and used a sword move. Only the true energy burst, and flames, frost, etc. all burst out.


The leader of the Demon Sect was caught off guard and was directly stabbed to death by him, and then he only felt a warm current flowing into his body from the tip of the sword. The refreshing feeling shocked him, and the energy he had just consumed Infuriating seems to have returned.

  He understood in an instant that it was Gu Shanhai's doing, so he took the long sword and slashed left and right like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

  Sword move? There's no need, now that he has this ability, these people from the Demon Sect will die from scratches.

"Thief, don't go!" He shouted loudly, chased after them, and killed them all one by one. Not only did his strength become stronger, but his speed was also ridiculously fast. It was faster than he could use his full strength to run his light kung fu without using it. More than several times faster.

  In less than half a cup of tea, he hacked to death all the people from the Demon Gate who had chased him to heaven and had nowhere to go.

   In this regard, Gu Shanhai said that as long as there are enough passives and high attributes, the moves and so on are just floating clouds. Even if you can move a thousand catties in four or two, then he will directly go up to a thousand tons or ten thousand tons, and it will be useless to move.

  ‘Sure enough, it’s a bit wasteful to use my aura as a passive, and I can make up for it with some armor spells or military supernatural powers. '

   This is originally part of the legal domain, and it is actually quite wasteful to treat it as a purely passive skill.

   "Thank you, senior." The middle-aged man felt the disappearing power in his body, and felt a little unsatisfied.

   "Don't thank you, pay the money and deliver the goods. Now you send the person back by yourself, so give me some Tianxin pill." Gu Shanhai thought that the auspicious part in his hexagram should be the so-called Tianxin pill.

  The other party took out a wooden box from his arms without any hesitation, and handed it to Gu Shanhai respectfully: "Senior, please check it."

   After taking it, Gu Shanhai asked casually: "What's the use of Tianxin Pill?"

   "???" × 2

  The two of Tianzong are stunned, you don't know Tianxindan.

   "Improving eyesight and rejuvenating the mind, can increase comprehension, and after swallowing it, you can get an epiphany. My Tianzong only has 81 pills per batch." The middle-aged man could only explain one sentence.

  Hearing this, Gu Shanhai didn't feel sleepy any more, and suddenly became energetic.


   "It's true, but each person can only take one, and the second one has no effect."

   "What is the reason for limiting the quantity, medicinal materials?"

   "This is a secret of Tianzong, so it is inconvenient to tell." The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and then said in embarrassment.

   "Okay, let me change the question, are all Tianxindans made from medicinal materials?" Gu Shanhai asked again.

   "There are still some dew and treasures." The other party also answered sincerely.

   "In other words, what can increase understanding is actually using one or more related medicinal materials as medicine." Gu Shanhai thought this was a surprise.

  For him, understanding is naturally not too much. At this time, he also suddenly remembered some good things in this world, that is, such exotic flowers and plants as Tianshan snow lotus, heartbroken grass, and mandala from the Western Regions.

For players, these things are useless and their attribute bonuses are too low, but they are good for Gu Shanhai. After being cultivated into spiritual plants and planted on him, he can not only obtain magical abilities, but also produce them as medicinal materials , In the future, I will learn alchemy by myself, and I can just pick whatever raw materials I want.

  True self-sufficiency!

   "So, your Tianzong should have these medicinal materials." Gu Shanhai looked slightly excited, as if he had found a prey.

  It’s not too late for the protagonist, anyway, he has already suffered, if he didn’t suffer, Gu Shanhai would rush to save a wave, now let him continue to be decadent.

  (end of this chapter)

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