I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 132: This one is so light that it hit the antlers directly

  Chapter 132 This one is so light that it hits the antlers directly

  After Gu Shanhai did a fortune-telling calculation, the hexagram showed auspiciousness, which made him burst into tears. After coming here for a long time, he finally met auspiciousness.

   This auspiciousness is naturally the hexagram after going to Tianzong. It is true that many good plants can be found.

As for the two masters and apprentices, Gu Shanhai also got acquainted with them. The middle-aged man is called Song Cheng, and the girl is called Chen Liu. The former is the elder of Tianzong, and the latter is naturally a direct disciple. Investigate a certain extermination incident, and then discovered the traces of the Demon Gate.

The reason is naturally because of this "Wan Hua Shen Gong". In short, although he caught the tail of the Demon Sect and successfully obtained the "Wan Hua Shen Gong" because of Gu Shanhai, but the next thing was naturally given by the people who responded to the Demon Sect. After watching it, he poisoned Song Cheng before making the move to avoid accidents.

   Unexpectedly, Song Cheng took Chen Liu away, and then met Gu Shanhai who gave Song Cheng a halo, and he was completely wiped out by Kai Wushuang.

  After listening to the specific story, Gu Shanhai was also silent. The security in this world is really bad, and it seems that it is common for families to be wiped out at every turn.

  If it weren't for the fact that the ancestors of the exterminated family were once disciples of Tianzong, this matter would have been left alone.

   "I have a little question I want to ask you guys."

  On the way, Gu Shanhai held back for a long time, and finally asked: "Why do you Tianzong wear white clothes and Momen wear black clothes? Is this an agreement?"


  Song Cheng thought that Gu Shanhai was going to ask something secret, but he actually asked such an unreliable thing.

   "This, maybe it's a coincidence." Song Cheng is not very easy to answer this, he really doesn't know why, everyone wears like this, it's a convention.

   "Oh, then I can understand you wearing white clothes. Is there something wrong with Momen's black clothes being night clothes? Isn't it more conspicuous in broad daylight." Gu Shanhai continued to ask.

   "Let's cover up people's eyes and ears." Song Chengtao didn't even know why his Tianzong wore white clothes, so how could he know why the enemy's demon sect wore night clothes.

   "Are you sure?" Gu Shanhai asked rhetorically.

   This made Song Cheng even more guilty, how could he know.

   "Well, it seems that you don't know for sure." Gu Shanhai said regretfully, and then asked again: "At our current speed, how many days will it take to go to Tianzong?"

  Gu Shanhai didn't want to go with them for a month, he still had to go to the capital to do business.

   "Based on our footsteps, we can arrive in a month at most." Song Cheng told Gu Shanhai according to the time he originally came.

   "Yueyu, that's acceptable, but then again, I'll take you back to Tianzong, what price are you going to offer?" Gu Shanhai asked directly.

  The Tianxin Pill was the reward for directly saving them, but now it is another matter.

   Judging from the current situation, Momen will never give up, so there will definitely be conflicts with them in the future.

   Gu Shanhai will definitely not do anything, he will only give Song Cheng a halo and let him fight by himself, but even so, he still has to charge.

   Song Cheng was a little embarrassed when he heard this. The most valuable thing in him was Tianxin Pill. It was originally intended for Chen Liu to take, but it ended up being used to save his life.

  The martial arts on his body must not be given away. Without Tianzong's permission, he cannot pass it on to the outside world, otherwise his martial arts will be abolished.

   As for other things, he felt that Gu Shanhai would definitely look down on him, so it was not easy to bid.

   "Senior, if you have anything you need, just tell me. If I can give it, you will definitely die." Song Cheng had no other choice at this time, so he could only speak like this, otherwise what else could he do.

"Tsk, you don't have any good things on you. Forget it. Go to Tianzong first. You can get it from your Tianzong suzerain. If he doesn't give it to you, I can take it myself." Gu Shanhai said that things don't have to be cash, and they can also be borrowed , when the time comes he charges interest.

   Anyway, there is no standard, he can try the lion's big mouth later.

  As a righteous knight, the necessary means are to be good at moral kidnapping and standing on the moral high ground to point and point. As for being a chivalrous man, fighting against the strong and helping the weak, there is no need to learn.

   "This. Not very good." Song Chengren was numb, why are you so shameless when you are so strong.

"What's the problem? You are on a business trip at public expense. Your Tianzong must have reimbursed the expenses and losses on the way. Listen to my advice and tell your suzerain that Tianxindan lost money due to business during the mission. , you also don’t want your disciples to take Tianxin Pill.” Gu Shanhai’s tone was bewitching.

  The fledgling Chen Liu is a little cautious, but Song Cheng, who is an old fritter, knows that this is a good idea.

   "Senior was joking, it's gone if it's gone." Song Cheng refused without hesitation.

   "Tsk, there is a bottom line." Gu Shanhai complained.

On the way, he and Song Cheng chatted one after another. Song Cheng was a little tired, but Chen Liu seemed to have opened the door to a new world. After all, Gu Shanhai's strange remarks seemed to be implementable at first glance, oh , and it can indeed be implemented, as long as she has the strength of Gu Shanhai, it doesn't matter how weird her behavior is.

After walking like this for more than half a month, I also met someone who didn't have long eyes on the road, but as long as he wasn't a member of the Demon Sect, Song Cheng, relying on his status as the elder of that day's sect, could basically brush his face, even on the road. Rubbed a lot of wine and meat.

   I have to say that these two people are indeed vigilant. These wine and meat are only eaten after inspection, and they don't dare to eat them as soon as they start.

  It was just today, but it was difficult, and they were stopped again.

   "Demon Gate, Mr. Caiyu!" Song Cheng looked at the handsome young man who stopped them not far away, his expression changed drastically.

"Heh, Tianzong's Qingsong Sword Song Cheng, it's you who took my Demon Sect's Wanhua magic skill, so you can stay here today." Mr. Caiyu glanced at Chen Liu frivolously, and didn't put Gu Shanhai at all. in the eyes.

   "Then what, why do you have the face to call yourself Mr. Caiyu?" Gu Shanhai asked very curiously.

  Just now Chen Liu explained to Gu Shanhai who this so-called Mr. Jade Cai is.

"Let's just talk about it. You should have a nickname that fits your profession. For example, traveling alone is not bad. What stands out is a fast word." Gu Shanhai thinks that a prostitute should not be arty, and there is nothing elegant about a bad guy being innocent. .

Mr. Caiyu looked gloomy, thinking that he is also a first-class master in the Jianghu. Although he had heard that this person might be a master, but when he met him, he found that he was too young. A master must be at least fifty years old, so in his eyes Li Gu Shanhai is just a person trying to catch fame, and Song Cheng uses it as smoke to confuse others.

  For a moment, there was malice in my heart, and with a little step, the whole person came towards Gu Shanhai like a ray.

   "Yo?" Xiaobai looked at the people who came over, his deer eyes widened, this is too arrogant.

  So, he raised his head and pierced it with an antler, and he was pierced into a blood gourd while he was still in midair.

   "This is impossible!" Feeling the sharp pain in his chest, Young Master Caiyu was not only stupefied but also unbelievable that he was actually stabbed to death by a deer.

   I think there are only a few people who can match his lightness kung fu in this arena, but now he is easily mastered.


Xiaobai flicked his head, and Mr. Caiyu was torn into two halves by Qiao Jin. As a deer mount, Ammut Greenwood naturally trained Xiaobai's horns and hooves accordingly. It is necessary to give full play to the greatest advantages, and the advantages of the deer are naturally these two.

   "Xiaobai, you can't talk about hygiene. You have a corner of your flesh and blood, so how can I clean it up for you?" Gu Shanhai felt a little stupid, for him, this matter is really a big trouble.

   You must know that Xiaobai's horns are not as simple as those of sika deer or antelope, but intertwined like a crown, and they are still extending backwards. Now that it is so sudden, it is not easy to clean the gaps.

  After hearing Xiaobai's name, Young Master Caiyu didn't swallow his breath after all.

   After all, he died on the horns of a deer named Xiaobai, which is a shame.

  Song Cheng and Chen Liu were also lying, the famous Mr. Caiyu was killed by antlers, no one would believe this in Jianghu.

   But the fact has already happened, and it is useless to deny it.

   What's even more ridiculous is that Gu Shanhai actually called such a big deer Xiaobai, how small is that!

  Gu Shanhai helplessly cleaned the blood and flesh stains on the little white antlers. This thing must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will not be so easy to deal with.

   "Let me tell you, don't use antlers next time, you're going to die this time, and I'll have to clean it up for you for half an hour."

   "No, let's use charge or trample and don't use piercing, it's too difficult to clean up." Gu Shanhai babbled while dealing with it.

   And Xiaobai also kept saying that this is not its pot. The truth is that the opposite side is too brittle. If it charges or tramples, it will splash itself all over, and it will be more troublesome to clean up.

   "Ah, yes, yes, you can't control some strength. As for using so much strength?"


  Song Cheng and Chen Liu looked at Gu Shanhai and Xiaobai singing together, they were always confused and couldn't understand what Xiaobai said, but they saw Xiaobai's appearance seemed to be a bit human.

  They have also seen some animals with human nature, but they have never seen such a smart animal that can even argue with Gu Shanhai.

   "Okay, I got it, next time you pay more attention, it's really bad luck." Gu Shanhai glanced at the corpse on the roadside, a little cursing.

   You can't scold Xiaobai, right? Xiaobai is his own deer, so he must scold outsiders.

   "Senior, you seem to be able to understand Xiaobai's words?" Chen Liu hesitated before asking.

   "Yes, you little girl is still lacking in experience, and you will understand when you have more experience in the future." Gu Shanhai said perfunctory.

   "With more experience, will I be able to understand animals?"

   "No, you can understand that the gap between people is bigger than the gap between humans and dogs." Gu Shanhai didn't intend to pour chicken soup on her, so he made a very bad and unreliable analogy.

  Chen Liu also didn't expect Gu Shanhai to say such a thing, and almost broke his defense.

   Fortunately, there is still some psychological quality, and there is no gaffe.

   "Cough, senior is a strange person, different, he is young"

   "Who told you that I was young? The combined age of the two of you is not even a fraction of my age." Gu Shanhai interrupted the other party.

   This is true, including his previous life, even if he lost his memory, he still had a genuine experience, so he is really old.

"Senior is really good at keeping a good face." Song Chengqian said with a smile, and he understood in his heart that it is no wonder he is so strong. The co-author is an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years. He took a look at the strength of his suzerain and Gu Shanhai in his heart. Time is not well divided.

   "These words are sweet, but it's a pity that time doesn't forgive people." Gu Shanhai did not intentionally maintain his appearance, for him, appearance is actually just a skin.

   "But having said that, aren't you going to touch the corpse? Although this prostitute is a little weak, he is still a first-rate master in the Jianghu. Maybe there is still something there." Gu Shanhai pointed to the corpse.

  Seeing this, Song Cheng also went to do it. He still loved his apprentice more. After searching, he found some bottles, jars, hidden weapons, broken silver and so on.

   "What are they?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

   "Some obscene drugs and some things used in the boudoir are nothing more than shameful." Song Cheng sighed, he had already been mentally prepared for what he could get out of a prostitute.

   "Let me see." Gu Shanhai asked to come over, and then smelled it, not to mention, it was quite exciting.

"Hey, these medicines are still good. If used on the right way, they are good for nourishing the kidneys, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and warming the inside and outside. You just need to use the right amount. It is probably the auxiliary medicine for the other party to practice, but it just happened to be used here. One way is on." Gu Shanhai was surprised to find that these are actually good medicines.

   "The effect is a bit wrong. These medicines alone can't achieve the effect you said. It is estimated that the other party's martial arts cooperation is still needed. This is complementary."

   If you take too much tonic, you will get dry at most, and there will be no undesired effects, so this effect is actually the martial arts effect of Young Master Caiyu.

   "This demon's sect is worthy of the demon's sect, but this good medicine has become such an evil medicine in their hands." Song Cheng didn't doubt Gu Shanhai's words, because there was no need for Gu Shanhai to lie to him.

"Okay, put it away, take it back and let your Tianzong physician or alchemist study it, maybe I can get you some more good things." Gu Shanhai threw it back to the other party, and then Xiaobai Get up and carry him away.

   Seeing this, Song Cheng had no choice but to accept it first, although he still felt a little reluctant.

  The three of them set off again. After the death of a first-class master like Mr. Caiyu, the magic gate will stop a lot. "Wanhua Shengong" may be valuable, but its value is definitely not as good as the loss of a first-class master.

  (end of this chapter)

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