I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 147: Inheritance·Ten days before the Tribute Examination

  Chapter 147 Inheritance · Ten days before the Tribute Examination

"It's finally been dug through, and I almost broke it." Gu Shanhai couldn't stop shaking when he looked at his hands. This thing is really too hard, even if he digs it with extreme effort, this thing is definitely not Enter according to his method, but through some kind of transmission technology.

   Otherwise, with this hardness, the true martial arts immortal would have to shake his hands just like him if he wanted to dig it out.

   "Is it similar to the special space of the enchantment secret realm in the Dynasty on which the sun never sets? Interesting." Under this layer of unknown metal, there is a layer of enchantment-like things.

  The strong aura emanating from this barrier gave Gu Shanhai the illusion of facing some kind of ocean.

"That is to say, this should be the source of spiritual energy in the world of two veins. Such a strong spiritual energy is not found in Tiancheng." Gu Shanhai compared the data. If Bai Fen was here, the first time If the concentration of spiritual energy is too high, the spiritual energy will not be fainted. If he doesn't stay away in time, the next thing waiting for him is death.

"It's just why no one dug it out in the previous life. It's stupid again. At this time in the previous life, the players were almost running around, and there were only three big cats and kittens left. If this thing really comes out, it will have to wait ten years later. Even a player is in full swing." Gu Shanhai also realized that the timing was wrong, and many things lost their corresponding enthusiasm.

"Next, jump in?" Gu Shanhai thought for a while, he should jump in right now, but he doesn't know what's inside, he only knows that there is danger, and he can't find out through divination. With a heavenly shield, it may be due to other reasons.

   "It's all here!" Gu Shanhai gritted his teeth, and immediately took back all his roots.

   These are all good things. After recycling, they will all be cut up, and they will be stewed into elixirs after being saved. Otherwise, it is not easy to enter such a big battle.

  The recycling process took him more than half an hour, mainly because the root network is really huge, and Gu Shanhai has to deal with it, this stuff has to be processed as a medicinal material, or it will be broken if left alone.

   "The quantity is still a bit beyond my expectation, and there will be too much left to stew into elixirs."

  After thinking about it for ten seconds, most of them were thrown into the pocket of the magic pet, and they were regarded as feed for Xiaobai. It was better to eat it than to spoil it.

  Xiao Bai was also a little dazed looking at this huge pile of plant roots and roots, but the smell was a bit familiar, as if it was Gu Shanhai's smell.

"Yo!" Then it understood in an instant that these plant roots and roots were definitely cut by Gu Shanhai from his body, which made it a little frightened. Is it really okay to eat the spiritual plants cut from the body? ?

   Oh, there seems to be no problem, Gu Shanhai eats it himself, and cooks it into small balls, and even distributes them to others. He has also tasted a lot of small balls.

   Thinking of this, Xiaobai's psychological burden became heavier and heavier. He had eaten it before co-authoring, but it was not as fresh as it is now.

   Gu Shanhai didn't know Xiaobai's thoughts anymore, he had already jumped in directly.

   "Illusion?" Gu Shanhai looked at the bustling street, making him a little confused for a moment.

  After he came in, he didn't see any wonderful scene or the horrible appearance that all the avenues had been wiped out.

   Instead, he changed his appearance as soon as he came in, as if he was forced into someone's perspective.

'inherited? ’ Gu Shanhai moved his body, and he found that all his strength had disappeared, and his physical fitness had become like an ordinary person.

  This kind of situation is more common in the inheritance of great powers such as Xianxia and Fantasy. It probably means that after completing certain plots, it is considered as passing the level.

  However, if you encounter the inheritance of the evil way or the evil way, there is a high probability that it will be taken away instead of being given to you for inheritance.

"Why does a world of martial arts have things that can only be found in fairy tales and fantasy." Gu Shanhai couldn't help complaining, he now suspects that the source of aura in the world of two veins may be caused by a big guy who died here, Even the so-called unknown metal may be a bone of the boss, but because it has lost its power over time, it was only able to be dug up by Gu Shanhai.

  Thinking about it this way, Gu Shanhai felt a little unlucky.

  I thought they dug buns from the grave, but they turned out to be dead bones.

  As for how the boss came here and how he died, it doesn't matter anymore. It is normal for the traversers not to be able to pass through completely. Not all traversers come with all their beards and tails when they travel through the world.

   "Brother Gu is in a good mood today, instead of going to study, he is here to watch the bustling market." A male voice came over.

   The first time Gu Shanhai saw the other party, a general outline of the other party appeared in his mind.

  Deng Zhida, a student from the same hometown, came with me to participate in the tribute examination ten days later.

   "." Gu Shanhai felt a little cursing in his heart, this was too outrageous, and he actually let him skip the previous level and let him come to participate in Chunwei.

   What's more important is that he hasn't been given memory yet, which makes him how to play.

  How could it be possible to succeed in ten days? If he used his original body, it would be fine, but now his body is just an ordinary person, even in ten days, there is no way to really complete the tutoring from scratch.

   "Just take a look at this bustling place. If you fail the tribute test this time, you can't break your body." Gu Shanhai responded, without memory, what else could he do.

   And this inheritance has no clue, Gu Shanhai doesn't know what to do at all, and he doesn't even have the means to break away.

   This is where the danger of the evil hexagram begins to show its power. Otherwise, it is really like playing a house, how can it be called the word fierce.

   "So that's how it is. I thought Brother Gu was confident, but he was also worried if he didn't realize it." Deng Zhida joked, as if he was a little surprised.

Judging from these words, Gu Shanhai knew that the person he replaced was originally designed to be a schoolmaster. As for who it was, Gu Shanhai didn't know who it was. Because he replaced him in the inheritance, he used his real name, but It's not the name of the original boss.

   "This tribute exam gathers scholars from all over the world, and I'm just an ordinary person. How can I be so-called confident." Gu Shanhai said in a low-key manner that we can't be proud.

   After the two chatted for a few more words, Deng Zhida said that he was going back to continue reading.

   Gu Shanhai also breathed a sigh of relief about this, if the conversation continues, it might be revealed.

  This world is definitely not the world where the Jianghus of the Two Meridians live. Just now he made a side note and indirectly learned that there are no Jianghus in this world, so it is not the world of martial arts.

  The world of martial arts is characterized by the existence of rivers and lakes.

   During this period, I also inquired a lot, but in the end there was nothing, neither immortals flying into the sky, nor all kinds of strange rumors.

  It may be because there is a certain gap between mortals and practitioners, or it may be because this inheritance is not enough to evolve these things.

  Turning back to the inn, when he thought he had to worry about where to live, the location of his room appeared in his mind.

  ‘Arriving at the designated location or forming a special behavior will trigger relevant prompts, so will the corresponding prompts appear when I take the tribute test? '

After Gu Shanhai returned to his room, he thought about this matter, and finally tried it again, but found that the possibility was very low, because such hints were limited, and it was not enough for him to surface a large article, so You have to rely on yourself.

Picking up the books and flipping through them, they are all books similar to the Four Books and Five Classics. According to the articles, they are also stereotyped articles. , Thinking of this gave him a headache.

He can't memorize these books within ten days, and he has to be proficient in stereotyped articles, and he has to find time to practice good handwriting, each of which requires a lot of time, especially his current body is just that of an ordinary person. , many things are inconvenient.

I also tried exhaling and breathing to see if I could rebuild the "Qingdi Longevity Sutra", but it was a pity that there was no induction at all. 90% of it may be because there is no energy environment. There is a way to generate true energy, so don't think about getting stronger quickly, you can only exercise slowly.

  'It is estimated that I have to pass the Gongshi exam to unlock the next stage. If I fail the exam, I may be in danger. '

  ‘Well, passing the exam may also be dangerous. '

  'If you want to pass the exam step by step, it is better for me to directly transform into a magnetic field maniac to blow up the reliability of this inheritance. '

  ‘So I can only think of a way to operate the whole point very criminally. '

What Gu Shanhai was talking about was a very criminal operation, of course it was to get the test questions, and after having the test questions, Gu Shanhai would find a way to get some references from other students and learn some key points by himself, basically it was not a problem, and then just Just need to focus on writing.

  In the imperial examination system, the test scores are very important. If you have the best content, you will be eliminated at the first glance. Gu Shanhai is not bad, but it is just not so easy. It is not so easy to stand out.

  ‘Let’s act after it gets dark, just to get used to this body, the ups and downs make me a little uncomfortable. ’ Of course, Gu Shanhai couldn’t act in broad daylight.

  First of all, you have to inquire about the location of the Ministry of Rites. The place where the exam is held is in the Ministry of Rites.

  The exam question itself is the most important weapon of the country, so it is naturally guarded tightly.

  Although it is possible to put the exam questions in other places, but now that the Chunwei Tribute Examination is approaching, there is a high probability that it has already been transferred in. It’s okay to guess wrong, and it’s okay to go to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials to turn around in the middle of the night.

   Anyway, there are only a few places, where else can I go.

   If it doesn’t work, try to find a way to find out.

   "Gu Xuezi, are you busy?" There was a knock on the door first, and then he asked.

   This voice Gu Shanhai had the impression that it was the shopkeeper of the inn, who had triggered a reminder when entering the inn.

  ‘Strange, what can I do for you? ’ Gu Shanhai was quite puzzled, there shouldn’t be much interaction between the two of them.

   "Yes, what's the shopkeeper?" Gu Shanhai responded, got up and opened the door.

"It's like this. The East Palace sent someone to deliver an oral order, saying that His Highness the Crown Prince is going to entertain all the students at the Yuzhu Pavilion tonight, and he specifically asked me to inform you that all the students must be present." The shopkeeper did not hide anything, Straight up.

   Yuzhu Pavilion, a place used by the prince to recruit talents.

  Gu Shanhai triggered the key word again, it seems that the idea of ​​visiting the Ministry of Rites at night is going to fail, and it can be used as a cover for his absence.

  The Prince’s thoughts are also normal. Those who can come to participate in the Chunwei Tribute Examination are all Juren. Even if they fail the exam this time, they are still Juren. They have talents, and in the future they will be candidates for magistrates.

  Although the main purpose is those who can pass the exam, but before that, the other party will not favor one another.

   "So that's the case, please inform the shopkeeper." Gu Shanhai replied very politely.

"No trouble, no trouble." The shopkeeper is quite happy. When he knocked on the door to explain, many students looked a little ugly, and the response was lukewarm. It is probably because they disturbed their study. It's normal to be under a lot of pressure when the exam is approaching.

  The shopkeeper can't afford to offend, everyone is a juror, and if the other party wins another tribute, then if he is offended, the business will not be easy to do.

  Even if there is someone behind his inn, the dignitaries behind him don’t value him at all. He is just an old shopkeeper, and another person can be a different person. It is not worth offending a tribute.

  After the people left, Gu Shanhai began to think about plans.

  ‘You have to prepare something. ’ After thinking about it for a while, Gu Shanhai decided to buy something to defend himself.

  Swords are not very good, unless he buys decorations, otherwise, in his ordinary situation, there is definitely no way to use them on a large scale. On the contrary, daggers are better.

  ‘In addition to the dagger, just use gunpowder. Explosion is art, and I still have some artistic cells in me. '

   Gu Shanhai thought that daggers are fine for self-defense, but if something goes wrong, daggers can't solve it. At that time, as long as the problem is blown up to the sky, the problem can be solved.

   Follow-up? Then let's talk about it, anyway, if we really have to wait for gunpowder to be used, that is not a problem that Gu Shanhai can solve now.

   Of course what he used was not the most basic gunpowder composed of sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, but the newly improved black powder.

   And it’s still a condensed version, but he has to verify first, whether gunpowder can explode in this illusory inheritance world, and if it can’t explode, then he has to revise the plan.

  If the test is not carried out, it will not be able to explode at that time, and the consequences will be serious. Maybe I will have to fold it here.

  ‘Next, find out the name of black powder in this world, and go to the pharmacy first. ’ Gu Shanhai made up his mind, got up and left the inn.

  (end of this chapter)

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