I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 148: It's over, I'm the scapegoat!

  Chapter 148 is over, I am the scapegoat!

  The fact that gunpowder can explode gave Gu Shanhai great confidence, and soon after he prepared high-explosive black powder and took corresponding protective measures, the sky had already darkened.

   "It's time to go to the Yuzhu Pavilion." Gu Shanhai sorted it out briefly.

  He also knew the exact location of Yuzhu Museum, and he had already inquired about it when he went out to buy materials.

   When he left the inn, he actually met a lot of people, because he was not the only one who was invited, and all the students who came to take the exam were invited, and there were quite a few of them.

  'It seems that invitations are made in batches, not all at the same time. That's right, if you really want to invite all these thousands of students and candidates together, the Yuzhu Hall doesn't have that much carrying capacity. '

Among other things, there are nearly fifty candidates in the inn where Gu Shanhai is located, and he has also inquired about it. During this period, their basic necessities are borne by the imperial court, and they do not need to pay for it themselves. This is a welfare treatment up.

Also in order to better control these student candidates, this is a selected talent, unified management can also avoid all kinds of accidents, it can be regarded as the emphasis on the imperial examination and the candidates, and the more important reason is that this place is under the foot of the emperor, so the treatment is good, If it was replaced by the previous provincial examination, there would be no such treatment.

  He also inquired. The Yuzhu Hall is more for a meal and to exchange feelings and relax the pressure. The prince will not appear on the stage.

  Gu Shanhai has no objection to this, if he doesn't want to follow the trend and find a cover by the way, otherwise he doesn't want to go there.

  Because it is too much of a waste of time, it is common for literati to underestimate each other, and when the time comes, it is inevitable that they will have to recite poems and fight against each other. He doesn't understand these things at all.

  When literati get together, it is not difficult to be romantic and worry about the country and the people. This is inherently problematic.

  Yuzhu Hall is not far away, Gu Shanhai arrived soon by himself, like Deng Zhida and other fellow villagers, they came together and belonged to a group of people.

   From this, one thing can also be confirmed, that is, the relationship between the characters he replaces and the fellow countrymen is not very good, otherwise, if they set off, they will be called to set off together instead of one after the other.

  The previous chat was probably due to a chance encounter, not an intentional conversation.

   Entering the Yuzhu Pavilion, soon there are servants making arrangements. After Gu Shan’s name was written on the poster, he was arranged in a slightly corner place.

  ‘Is there a list? Sure enough, reputation is very important wherever you go. '

  The arrangement of the Yuzhu Pavilion is actually quite normal. You, an unknown person, still want to occupy a good seat, which is simply too beautiful.

  ‘It’s just this way, it’s not right. ’ Gu Shanhai said with emotion in his heart, a student candidate sitting beside him looked very calm at first glance, but unfortunately his micro-expression also revealed displeasure.

  Student Hou Weiji.

This is the reminder that Gu Shanhai got. He found an interesting thing, that is, not everyone will have relevant reminders, for example, his fellow countrymen will have reminders, or those famous students sitting in the front row will Or the person sitting next to him.

  And like the servants of the Yuzhu Pavilion, some people who are unlikely to have an intersection at all, there is no corresponding reminder.

  So Gu Shanhai boldly guessed that it might be because the boss didn't know about these people.

  That is to say, the person with the hint may be some key, or it may be just a pure NPC.

The Jade Bamboo Pavilion soon became hot, and the students in front were also very hot, obviously they belonged to the type of long-sleeved and good at dancing, and after they reported their names, a group of people also started to praise each other, but these compliments fell short. In Gu Shanhai's ears, there was a slight taste of needles hidden in cotton.

  As the atmosphere became hotter and hotter, many student candidates sitting in the back row began to move their mouths. First, they chanted poems to retaliate, and then they planned to step on the reputation of those people.

  Gu Shanhai remained motionless, but instead watched the development with cold eyes, while Hou Weiji, who was sitting beside him, took the initiative, got up repeatedly, and walked around with a glass of wine, quite like a madman.

  For a while, Gu Shanhai didn't quite understand what was going on.

  He knows there is danger here, but where is the danger? It has been an afternoon and he has not encountered anything. It is nothing.

   At least give him a hint or something, otherwise he will be at a loss and will have to go to the Ministry of Rites to steal the exam questions later as planned.

  The main reason is that Gu Shanhai thinks that there may be some relevant circumstances in this jade bamboo hall, otherwise it would be impossible to let him come here for no reason. Perhaps it is the previous experience of the original owner. If it can be included in the illusion, there must be a problem.

  The banquet became more and more heated, and he even saw his fellow countrymen go up, but there were only a few students who might be lonely and remained unmoved.

   At this time, Gu Shanhai was also thinking of getting up to find out something, when he suddenly heard a scream.

  Everyone was also taken aback.

   "It's dead, Geng Sheng is dead!" Then, a student shouted.

  A scholar surnamed Geng died, and Gu Shanhai was also a little curious about it. He had an impression that the man was called Geng Wu, and the reminder also added the word student in front of the name like Hou Weiji.

   Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also squeezed over, and saw the other party lying on the ground bleeding from all seven orifices, not breathing, and the Yuzhu Pavilion was in chaos for a while.

  The soldiers who heard the movement outside the door also rushed in and began to maintain the scene. Gu Shanhai took a look and sat back again.

  I thought in my heart that danger might be coming.

  He didn't know exactly what happened. Now that he is a mortal body, he naturally doesn't know what happened just now, but it looks like he was probably poisoned.

The scene was quickly settled down, and the government office, the city secretary, etc. all sent people here. Under normal circumstances, the dead would not have such a big battle, mainly because they died in the jade bamboo hall, and they were about to go to the exam This situation definitely alarmed the prince and even the current emperor.

  So a small matter has become a major event, not to mention that it is suspected of poisoning.

  The candidates and students present were also feeling uneasy, saying that everyone ate the same food just now, for fear that they would be poisoned too.

  Gu Shanhai also followed the trend, pretending to have a similar expression.

  The investigation process was carried out quickly, a large number of officials intervened, and the students had to be searched.

   "." Gu Shanhai also felt his heart skip a beat. There are three tubes of black powder hidden in his arms, and it will be troublesome if they are found.

  When he was thinking about how to deal with it, he reached out and touched it, his face froze.

   Not for anything else, just because at some point, there was an extra bag in his arms, just a small bag.

  He can be sure that before he came to the Yuzhu Hall, he had nothing on his body except black powder.

  'Holy shit, is this being framed? No, with their little ability, how could they frame me. "Gu Shanhai's first thought was that someone poisoned him and framed him, but after thinking about it carefully, this thing was put together with black powder. His pocket was not the original one. For his own convenience, he sewed it up again. It's been a while.

  If the person who framed him really has the ability, there is no need to poison him.

  Therefore, now Gu Shanhai has good news and bad news.

  The good news is that he doesn't have to go to the Ministry of Rites to steal the exam questions and don't have to think about the tribute exam. The bad news is that he may face prison and beheaded.

  The reason is very simple, the person who poisoned is likely to be 'he', his original body, this is one of the inheritance tests.

  The other party has done this before, which is an inevitable historical development. Even if he doesn't do it, the whole world will help him.

As for why he killed Geng Wu, Gu Shanhai guessed that he might have killed the wrong person. The one he wanted to kill should be Deng Zhida, not for any other reason, just because the person who was fighting with Geng Wu just now was Deng Zhida, and his reminder The most special thing is that the other students from the same hometown are just so-and-so students from the same hometown, and only Deng Zhida has another sentence: come with me to take the tribute exam ten days later.

  So. The two may have some enmity before, or it may be that 'he' is unilaterally jealous, just think about it.

  It doesn't matter whether Gu Shanhai makes a move or not. The important thing is that everything will develop according to history. If he doesn't want to find a way to break the situation, there will be a death sentence in the future.

What? Can 'he' break the game? But Gu Shanhai is not 'he', if he doesn't save himself next time, he will die.

   It's just that even if you save yourself, it seems that you will be forced to go back to the right path.

  So Gu Shanhai intends to try to see if this inheritance mechanism is flexible. If it is flexible, he can have more operations. If it is not flexible, then he will have to fight head-on.

  He took out the package of poison without any trace, and a reminder appeared in his mind.

  Jiuxue powder is colorless and odorless, and the person who takes it will bleed to death from the seven orifices.

"It really is this thing." Gu Shanhai complained, and then stuffed it into the seam of his coat at a very fast speed. This seam was also newly sewn by him. It was originally intended to be used to hold a dagger. Obscure, at least from the outside, you can't see any problems or protrusions, unless he is a person who sews it himself, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to find it.

After putting it in, it is closed again, even if the other party picks it up and shakes it, there is no way to notice it, and there is no need to worry about the three tubes of black powder in his hand, the reason is very simple, he can push it directly onto the safety talisman, After taking this thing, it will not appear similar to Qiqiao bleeding to death.

   Now it is only the lesser of two harms.

  Of course, if you give him a plot kill, you can only use black powder to escape.

  The inspection soon came to him, after a lot of tossing, he couldn't find the package of Jiuxue powder, and then asked about his three tubes of black powder, Gu Shanhai answered and verified it, and found that it was not poison.

   You can die if you drink too much ink. Could it be that ink is poison?

   After returning the things to him, I went to check on other people.

  Other examinees and students are also whispering, as soon as the case of the Yuzhu Pavilion comes out, the next tribute exam may have to be postponed.

  ‘Could it be that the other party hasn’t been caught after killing the killer? ’ Gu Shanhai thought about this in his heart.

   There was an accident in the inevitable development, so if there is still a dead person in the following words, it means that not only was 'he' not caught, but he dared to commit crimes many times.

  ‘It’s not the kind of idea that kills competitors and is the first one. '

After this ordeal, most of the night passed, and most of the students and candidates were sent back, except for some who were left behind for further interrogation. People who fight wine are naturally the most suspicious.

  ‘The original situation should be the same. Killing the wrong person and using a knife to kill him not only solved the well-known Geng Wu, but also dealt with Deng Zhida who had a grudge against him. '

   Next, the other party will definitely not be able to participate in the tribute test, and even whether they can participate in the future is one thing, and the future will be ruined immediately.

   If the murderer is not found in the follow-up, he will be the scapegoat. Don't think about fame or anything, just wait for death.

If you kill people in other places, you may still be able to rely on your meritorious service to save your life, but killing people in the Yuzhu Pavilion of the Prince Chujun is not a slap in the face. Everyone's face.

  On the way back, the candidates and students were also guarded by soldiers, and they were really worried that there would be another problem. If one died, it would be such a big deal, and if another one died, Longyan would be furious tomorrow.

  Gu Shanhai went back very smoothly. Many candidates and students on the way were very silent. They didn't know whether they were scared or dared not speak up. Anyway, Gu Shanhai was thinking in his heart.

  ‘Don’t even think about stealing papers in this way, martial law will definitely be imposed in the near future. ’ Gu Shanhai was quite helpless. If he had known earlier, he would not have taken the risk of mixing black powder. Fortunately, he didn’t bring a dagger with him this time, otherwise it would have been even more troublesome.

  ‘I hate puzzle books! '

  When he got here, he understood it. This is definitely a puzzle book, and it's a very difficult one. If it wasn't for his superior skills, he would have stumbled before.

  ‘This boss was a criminal with a high IQ in the early days. '

Gu Shanhai is not good at solving puzzles at all, especially in this situation where he has no memory, which makes him even more passive, unless puzzle solving players come over, they not only have the digital assistance of "The First Era" , and the skills of the corresponding system, it is certainly not like he just entered from a blank board.

Gu Shanhai has experienced a similar situation in his previous life. He only temporarily sealed his skills, but all kinds of digitalization are still there, and he can gradually unlock skills by completing tasks and collecting clues. Because of the interference of "The First Era", it is naturally more I have favored the players, so is it possible to favor the colonized world?

   The player is his own son and an employee of Volume 996's takeoff, while the colonial world is just resources, and the status is different.

   Gu Shanhai doesn’t have this kind of treatment anymore. Temporary workers should stop thinking about it and be honest and down-to-earth.

  (end of this chapter)

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