I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 152: Turning bad luck into good luck, the treatment of the protagonist is different

  Chapter 152 Turning bad luck into good luck, the treatment of the protagonist is different

   "I finally found it, but it sank to the bottom of the water."

   Huang Yanshan was in a daze, only hearing a familiar voice, and then suddenly felt some kind of force forcibly pulling him up.

  The original chaos in the mind was instantly expelled, and the consciousness gradually returned.

   "Uncle, why am I here?" Huang Yanshan only felt the tearing pain in his mind.

  Hearing this, Gu Shanhai rolled his eyes: "I still want to know, as soon as I came out, I heard that you tore the entire capital into a mess."

Gu Shanhai continued to heal him for nearly a dozen times before waking him up from the death line, but even so, the other party's body was still not optimistic, it just changed from near death to serious injury, and the injury was still on the verge of death. A little worse.

  The opponent's body cells have undergone serious wear and tear, and the genes are also constantly collapsing.

  If it wasn't for Huang Yanshan's good luck, the place he was in happened to be in a special magnetic field, which formed a special balance with the magnetic field rotation force in his body, and this hung his life. It can only be said that the protagonist is worthy of being the protagonist.

"I remembered, they... Forget it, the matter is over, uncle, I lost the medicinal materials you asked for." Huang Yanshan also recalled at this time, and probably guessed his physical condition, and wanted to say something What, in the end, there was only a sigh, and nothing was said.

   "If you lose it, just throw it away, it's not a big deal." What else can Gu Shanhai say about this, Huang Yanshan almost put his life in it, he still cares about what medicinal materials are for what.

   "Your body is very serious, and I'm not sure about curing it." Gu Shanhai continued.

  Huang Yanshan's situation is very special. He forcibly used strength beyond his physical strength. This can be classified as explosive, but he is using his life to explode.

  If Huang Yanshan usually fights at 1 and his limit is 3, then this time he used a full 100 strength. If he can bear it, he doesn't have to wait for Gu Shanhai to come to his rescue.

"Aren't you sure? Then we can't save you!" Huang Yanshan was already prepared in his heart at this time, and then said: "As long as I don't delay my revenge, my life and death are just unimportant. I have lived for more than sixty years, and I am enough. "

  Huang Yanshan never gave up from the very beginning, instead he ran all the way in the direction of hatred. Whether it was his own changes or growth, he kept moving forward for revenge.

   "." Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, what kind of thing is this.

   "I'm just not sure, I'm going to take a trip to Tiancheng, maybe I'll gain something." Gu Shanhai said calmly.

   "Tiancheng?" Huang Yanshan was a little curious about this place name, he only knew Tianzong.

   Then Gu Shanhai explained to Huang Yanshan about Wuge, Tiancheng and Tianren, which made Huang Yanshan suddenly realize.

   "Because I didn't get the medicinal materials, so uncle can only change his plan, right?" Huang Yanshan quickly equated the two things.

"Not really, I have to go there sooner or later. Maybe Tiancheng can find a cure for you. You also know your situation. The cells, magnetic field, electromagnetic force and true energy have formed a special balance. Once you leave here, you His body will collapse and he will die.”

   "Unless you can reach the twenty-fifth level of magnetic field rotation and reach the star-breaking state to defeat fate, you will have a chance to recover."

Gu Shanhai's words are half-truth and half-false, the first half is true, and the second half is false, not to mention the counterfeit version of the magnetic field rotation "Zixuan Jinglei Gong" he deduced has only the content of ten heavens, the so-called broken star The realm was also made up by him, mainly for the purpose of stabilizing Huang Yanshan.

  The protagonist will not die under normal circumstances, but it does not mean that he will never die.

  The former protagonist, Huang Yanshan's grandson is dead, let alone this is Huang Yanshan himself.

  Under normal circumstances, someone would come out to save the scene, most of the time it was a woman, but obviously Huang Yanshan didn't have this kind of treatment, so he had to ask Gu Shanhai to come to the rescue, but the injury was too serious, and Gu Shanhai was also troublesome.

  So let’s fool around first, and then go to Tiancheng and use the Blood Barrier Pill to harvest a wave of celestial beings, and see if we can use a lot of vitality to heal Huang Yanshan.

He does have the Nine Absolute Outer Pill in his hand, but this thing has been refined by him now, and it is full of mana, which can also be transformed into life force. What can be transformed is Gu Shanhai's life force, if it is poured into Huang Yanshan's body, something will happen. .

For example, it is okay to use healing techniques to hang a small number of times. This is equivalent to cutting some meat for Gu Shanhai to eat. It is not absorbed directly, but through digestion and absorption. There is no sequelae. Infusing vitality is similar to tampering with the other party's genes, and he doesn't know what will happen.

"There's no chance. I'm only in the second heaven, the twenty-fifth heaven. Even uncle, you haven't deduced it yet." Huang Yanshan is still a little self-aware, and the current situation has made him gradually return to his normal heart. Not as bloated anymore.

   "Yeah, it's just an estimate, but it's also an expectation."

   "I had a premonition that something might happen to you before. I thought about it from the time you swelled to the point of being beaten, so I kept an eye out for you."

   "You should study this "Huang Ji Jing Shi" first during this time." Gu Shanhai said, took out a book and handed it to the other party.

  Huang Yanshan took it with some difficulty, and after opening it for a second, he really couldn't understand, what about the magnetic poles of the magnet and the resistance voltage, it was like a bible.

  Yes, this is a bound book that gathers all the physics knowledge in junior high and high school.

"This is."

   "After you learn it, the things that can make you go further are the supplements to "Zi Xuan Jing Lei Gong"." Gu Shanhai replied in advance.

   "Study carefully, the content is relatively simple."

In fact, Gu Shanhai also knows that it is actually very difficult for Huang Yanshan to study physics. After all, if it really counts, he is more like a liberal arts student studying science, so he felt a little dizzy at first, but with his study Ability and talent, it is not difficult to settle down and study hard.

   There is no way for him to perfect the follow-up of "Zi Xuan Jing Lei Gong", he can only do it by himself.

  With his understanding, he can definitely continue to develop his own magnetic field rotation.

   "Okay, I will study hard." Huang Yanshan knew that there was a high probability that he could only stay here, and he was just a burden at the moment, and he couldn't leave.

   After explaining to him a few more words, Gu Shanhai planned to find a better place for him, otherwise it would be difficult to leave.

   The first thing is to build a house. After testing that the magnetic field will not change, the construction will start.

   If nothing else, at least it can keep out the wind and rain.

   Any more would be a bit of a luxury. Huang Yanshan is already very good at turning the pages of books, don't even think about going to the field, and stay honestly.

   There is also the issue of life safety. He can trust the luck of the protagonist, but this luck is easy to be wrong. Don't wait for Gu Shanhai to come back, Huang Yanshan doesn't know where he went.

   It's just that he doesn't have any good means now. In fact, the best way is to keep Qinglong. The fighting power of this thing is enough.

   But it is very dangerous for him to go to Tiancheng, even with the Nine Jue Wai Pill, there is no way for him to guarantee that he will escape unscathed.

  Jiujue Waidan just ensured that his combat effectiveness is not the survival rate. When he really wants to do something, what he is facing is not one true martial arts immortal, but the siege of several martial arts true immortals.

   Only when he brings the green dragon with him can he retreat completely and even take away the target.

   It is impossible to hide, as long as you do it, you will definitely be discovered, not to mention that his blood barrier pill itself is very noisy.

   After some final thought, he chose Xiaobai.

Xiaobai is very powerful in fighting, but his ability to run is stronger. Another brain is much better than Qinglong. Qinglong is similar to an artificial mentally retarded person. He can answer one question and answer two. It is okay to use as a tool, but not to protect That's great.

  Another one is that Gu Shanhai went there this trip, Xiaobai can't help him, and it's a bit dangerous to go there, so it's better to stay.

   After finishing this matter, Gu Shanhai left.

   Don’t worry about not being able to find Xiaobai in the future, he has a telepathic link attached to Xiaobai’s body, even four eyes are hung on Xiaobai’s corners, and he can also conduct remote inspections through the field of vision.

   "Let Xiaobai take care of me for a while. Will it be okay?" Huang Yanshan looked hesitantly at Xiaobai who had an extremely outrageous physique. He always wanted to say that this body shape should be called Dabai.

   But even if he said it, Gu Shanhai would not agree, because shouting Dabai may cause unnecessary disputes, because there is already a fat robot named Dabai.

  Although Xiaobai is called Xiaobai, there is a dog named that name, the one with a greater reputation than Dabai.

   "No, as long as you don't let it jump, basically nothing will happen." Gu Shanhai was very confident at first, but when he thought that Xiaobai likes to jump, he finally reminded him.

  If this tonnage jumps up, coupled with trampling and a series of derived trampling abilities, the movement will definitely be huge.

"Xiaobai still has this hobby?" Huang Yanshan looked at Xiaobai strangely. He always felt that Xiaobai was quite stable. At least there was no problem with being a mount for Gu Shanhai, so it was hard to imagine that the other party would jump. Ta, and it's still such a big jump.

   "Yes, I have it since I was a child, and I can't change it." Gu Shanhai sighed, his personality stabilized a little, but it was only a little, because he had the quality of a mount, so he didn't do too many movements on weekdays.

   But if Gu Shanhai leaves, no one will care, who knows how much Xiaobai will have fun, Gu Shanhai is actually giving Xiaobai a vacation.

   "I see, I will watch it." Huang Yanshan obviously misunderstood what Gu Shanhai meant.

"No, what I mean is that if Xiaobai wants to jump, let him go to a place far away, otherwise the house will collapse, and you can't see Xiaobai." Gu Shanhai said that you are now He looks paralyzed, it's better to be more stable.

  Xiaobai can not only trample, it can also charge, when the time comes to give Huang Yanshan a charging head, he will be unconscious for three to five days if he does not die.

   "Xiaobai is so skinny, uncle, how do you discipline him?" Huang Yanshan was also speechless. When co-authoring is in danger, Xiaobai is safe to rely on, but when there is no danger, Xiaobai is the biggest danger.

   "Usually it's called Shangdu, so of course I can't have a hippie smile. Now I'm called Xiu Mu, do you understand?" Gu Shanhai reminded me very kindly.

   "Understood, I will try my best to survive under Xiaobai's deer's hooves before you come back, uncle." Huang Yanshan also joked, and seemed to be in a much better mood.

   I don’t know if it’s real or fake.

   "You should be able to survive, but not necessarily around you." Gu Shanhai also responded.

  After Jiujuezi's saozi was made into Waidan, the revival of spiritual energy in the whole world came to an abrupt end. Even the concentration of spiritual energy that had been gradually rising was gradually decreasing until it finally disappeared completely.

   After that, it will fall back to the low level of martial arts, and it may even become worse than it was at the beginning.

  Before this, when the world of Liangmai Jianghu was just opened, it was probably at the level of Tianlongbabu. Now it is estimated that it will fall to the level of Xiaoaojianghu or even Jade Blood Sword, and it should not fall any further.

   But things are not so absolute. If Huang Yanshan's "Zixuan Jinglei Gong" continues to be perfected, it may ignore the aura environment and rely on the world environment itself to form a brand new system.

   It is probably similar to Jagged Utopia. Although there is no energy environment in that world, supernatural powers have still developed an extraordinary system.

  Everything is not so absolute.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai outside the house said that it can't enter the house, how to ensure safety.

   "Don't go into the house if you have nothing to do, just rush in if you have something to do, what do you usually do when you come in." Gu Shanhai complained, he didn't think about Xiaobai at all when he built the house, so he really couldn't get in with Xiaobai's size.

   It doesn't matter if you can't get in, it's just responsible for ensuring safety. With its perception and ability, the enemy has to be killed by it before it gets close.

   In addition, it also shares Gu Shanhai's legal area increase, so there is no need to worry about its own safety.

   "Yo?" Xiaobai said that there would be no problem.

   "No, based on the current situation, it is unlikely that anyone will come to find fault. Besides, even if someone comes to find fault, you can just plow a blood line as soon as you charge out."

   As far as the strength of the Jianghu people in this world is concerned, how can they compare with Xiaobai.

Now Xiaobai has been asking, and it is also a little flustered. It is the first time to leave Gu Shanhai's side after growing up. In the past, Gu Shanhai took it with him everywhere, whether it was in the portable laboratory or in the pocket of the magic pet. Leave Gu Shanhai.

   This time it really didn't follow, making it really panic.

  Xiaobai has received training in xinxing, but the experience is still insufficient, and he is more like a stable big child. Now that the parents are leaving, can it not be nervous, otherwise it would not be possible to talk so much.

  Gu Shanhai also noticed this, so he has been comforting Xiaobai all the time, treating it as a training for Xiaobai, so as to avoid what to do if something happens in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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