I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 153: Enter the gate of heaven, see the city of heaven

  Chapter 153 Entering the Heavenly Gate, Seeing Tiancheng

   "Come in, the identification of Tianmen seems to be a bit difficult."

   After setting up Huang Yanshan and Xiaobai, Gu Shanhai quietly crossed the Heavenly Gate and entered the Heavenly City.

  Then hibernate again, and observed for about ten days in a row. During this period, Tiancheng's spiritual energy level dropped a lot, and it seems that the trapped spiritual energy circulation is gradually insufficient.

  Because of the decline in the level of aura, the heavenly beings also had a lot of problems, similar to altitude sickness.

   "Everyone in the entire Tiancheng is practicing martial arts. Without the support of the spiritual environment, the daily consumption of resources is simply massive."

That's why the energy environment is needed to help reduce resource consumption. Gu Shanhai is actually following this path. He relies on the spiritual environment formed by the spiritual plant to reduce his own intake of various nutrients, otherwise he would need it every day. Food consumed is estimated in tonnes.

   This is still in his normal state. If he switches to a strong state or an extreme state, he will consume a lot and need to consume more.

  In Tiancheng, there are at least hundreds of thousands of warriors raised, and there is an energy environment, so they can be self-sufficient. But if this environment really disappears, then the true martial artist will not let these heavenly people go.

   "I have to say that Martial Dao True Immortals are really not suitable for management, and heavenly people are like this. The monitoring of identity is full of loopholes." Gu Shanhai got an identity, not forging or impersonating, but directly going to Wuge to register.

  The reason is that the identity certificate was lost, and then the other party made a copy for himself, which directly gave Gu Shanhai a legal identity.

   This made Gu Shanhai dumbfounded for a while. He thought it would be very troublesome, but after thinking about it carefully, the heavenly people never thought that someone would be able to pass through the heavenly gate and enter the heavenly city.

  So those who can be in the heavenly city are heavenly beings, there is no doubt about it.

   "The original management system is not a big problem, the real problem is people." Gu Shanhai also couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  He has inquired about a lot of things. Over the years, the interior of the Martial Pavilion has become more and more rotten. The Martial Dao True Immortals don't care about it. As long as their own interests are not damaged, they will not care about any changes in the Martial Pavilion.

   "If it wasn't for the interception of the large-scale wealth formed by the aura circulation, it is estimated that this would have been the scene of the last year of the dynasty." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but complain.

   Entering the Martial Pavilion, Gu Shanhai looked left and right and walked around a lot.

  Wu Pavilion is not an attic, but a large building complex located in the center of Tiancheng, where everything from the political center, medical center and even the Library Pavilion are located.

  Gu Shanhai is a more honest person, so he went directly to Zangshu Pavilion.

   "Third-class celestial beings can only read martial arts cheats on the first and second floors." After checking Gu Shanhai's identity card, the staff at the door of the Library Pavilion waved their hands sullenly, signaling to get out.

There are three classes of celestial beings. The lowest third-class celestial beings are similar to ordinary people, while the second-class celestial beings are people with a certain social status. The first-class celestial beings are different. , has extremely high rights.

  The elders and deacons of the Wu Pavilion are composed of first-class heavenly beings. They claim that they have immortal blood flowing from their bodies.

  ‘I thought it was a heaven and earth, but the result is still oppressive. '

As the disciple of the elder of Wuge, Bai Fen is naturally a first-class celestial being. Gu Shanhai also wanted to apply for the identity certificate of a first-class celestial being. Unfortunately, this first-class status requires the relevant documents of Wuge and the elders or deacons of Wuge. It can only be done if you come to accompany you. Generally, you are either a disciple or a son or daughter. Otherwise, how could those high-ranking elders and deacons condescend to come over.

  Although the identification of the second-class celestial beings is not as troublesome as that of the first-class celestial beings, they need to pay a large amount of celestial coins and show their property certificates. The so-called celestial coins are currency.

   Gu Shanhai’s third-class celestial beings proved the easiest way, just pass by. They don’t even bother to collect money, because in the eyes of these people, the celestial coins of third-class celestial beings are filthy.

   Gu Shanhai can only agree with this kind of thinking, otherwise he would have to find Tianbi somewhere.

   It seems that the staff of Zangshu Pavilion are second-class heavenly beings, otherwise how would they be qualified to work in Wu Pavilion, even if they are just guarding the gate or cleaning, it is enough to prove their identity.

They flatter and flatter the first-class celestial beings, treat the second-class celestial beings equally, and the third-class celestial beings are naturally full of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. They even feel that the third-class celestial beings are just like ordinary people and should not live in this world. world.

  ‘They don’t seem to think it’s oppression. ’ After Gu Shanhai entered, he turned his head and glanced at this second-class celestial being. The other party's happy feeling seemed to indicate that this situation had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   After entering, Gu Shanhai began to look through the books, and he found that all the books stored in the library were martial arts cheats, without any historical materials or other things, as if these things did not exist.

  In the past ten days, he also wanted to find some historical materials to check the development of Wucheng, but in the end, let alone these, there might not even be records, and even if there were, they were just martial arts cheats.

  The development of the entire Wucheng is very deformed, never considering other things, all for the sake of martial arts.

  To be honest, Gu Shanhai was surprised that this could develop in such a stable way.

  ‘These martial arts are really good. It seems that the development of martial arts is all controlled by Wu Ge. '

  Any random martial arts secret book here spread to the mortal rivers and lakes can cause a bloodbath, but in Tiancheng, it is just placed in such a random manner, and there are still a lot of them.

   There are four floors in Zangshu Pavilion. Third-class celestial beings can only watch on the first and second floors. Second-class celestial beings can go up to the third floor. Naturally, first-class celestial beings can enter the fourth floor.

  'Unfortunately, these exercises have been eliminated. ’ Gu Shanhai knew that even if these exercises were spread, mortals in the world would not be able to practice them, because there would be no aura.

   Soon he found the technique of Tianzong Momen, which was placed on the shelf, and he couldn't help smiling.

  The magical secrets that people in the Jianghu are flocking to, is this all?

  After reading it, I felt a little bored, but it was still useful to Gu Shanhai.

  At least, his "Tiangang Boy Gong" can also learn from each other through these exercises.

   Even if it is said that these exercises are about to be eliminated due to the energy environment.

  Unknowingly, the sky gradually dimmed.

  There is also a cycle of day and night in the Celestial City, but there are no stars.

Gu Shanhai actually guessed a little bit about the origin of Tiancheng. It is very likely that this bone of Jiujuezi was smashed into the crack formed in this world. It was washed away by spiritual energy for a long time and could not heal. The immortals found it and further transformed it into a heavenly city.

  Belongs to a different space type, so there is a difference between day and night, but it is impossible to detect the sun, moon and stars through the different space.

   "The Wu Pavilion is about to close, what are you still doing here? Get out!" A second-class celestial being walked over, looked at Gu Shanhai contemptuously, and then scolded Gu Shanhai with disgust in his tone.

   "Okay." Gu Shanhai put the book down, turned and left decisively.

  He knew that the third-class celestial beings could not stay in the Wu Pavilion, and could only come in during the daytime, while the second-class celestial beings were different from the first-class celestial beings, they had special privileges.

  So Gu Shanhai's idea is to watch martial arts on the first and second floors during the day, and watch martial arts on the third and fourth floors at night.

   There is no need to worry about being discovered, because no one will check their identities on the third or fourth floors. After countless generations of ideological reform, the heavenly people are quite conscious in this regard.

  After leaving, he walked around and quietly went up to the fourth floor of the Martial Pavilion. There were only a dozen or so people on the fourth floor, and not all of them were reading cheat books, some of them were still practicing on the spot.

  Compared to the first and second floors, as a place for the masters to stay, the fourth floor has all kinds of facilities very complete, and there are even a lot of natural materials and earth treasures for them to use.

  Gu Shanhai didn't even read these, and started to choose books to read casually.

  He also saw the "Jiuji Tianchen Gong" practiced by Bai Fen.

  'It is indeed much more subtle than the first and second floors, but unfortunately, the problem seems to be bigger. ’ Gu Shanhai finished flipping through a copy of "The Supreme Magic of the Golden Tower", the content is very powerful, pointing directly at the true martial arts, but the actual situation is that in this world that is gradually losing its aura, it is not much different from bragging.

Putting the book back, Gu Shanhai casually found a place to sit down. Now that the kungfu skills he read are not bad, the main purpose is to find out the difference between the two parts of martial arts in Tiancheng and Mortal World. After finding it, use it as a resource for "Tiangang Boy Gong" to learn from each other's strengths and make up for its weaknesses.

   Now that it's done, it's time to move on.

  Now he has two choices. The first choice is to find a good place to place the blood barrier pill, and then just wait for the blood barrier to play out. He pays more attention to the top of the main hall of the Martial Pavilion.

  Because the main hall of the Wu Pavilion is the tallest building in the entire Tiancheng, and it is also the most luxurious building. It is also the center of power, so it is impossible to be too hip.

  The second is to sneak into the medicine garden to find medicinal materials of natural materials and earth treasures. It may not be as good as those unique flowers and plants, but it is also grown in this aura environment, which is much better than ordinary medicinal materials.

  Huang Yanshan was unable to get the medicinal materials he needed due to an accident, and it happened to be back at this time.

  ‘Children only make choices, adults must have everything. ’ Gu Shanhai thought silently in his heart, this can be done in order.

  First go to the main hall of Wu Pavilion to place the Blood Barrier Pill and activate it to take effect, and then Gu Shanhai will find a way to sneak into the medicine garden in a fair manner.

  Things like this kind of rough work and far away from the Wu Pavilion are basically done by third-class heavenly beings. It is probably easier for Gu Shanhai to apply for jobs in the past.

  ‘It will take at least a month for the blood barrier pill to take effect. The scope of Tiancheng is too large, and it also needs to rely on the air circulation of Tiancheng itself and artificial spread to take effect. '

  'Combined with the fact that the warriors are physically strong, even the illnesses caused by the decrease in the concentration of spiritual energy are stronger than ordinary people. '

Gu Shanhai is actually not too worried that the blood barrier pill will be discovered by others. Whether it is a celestial being or a true martial arts immortal, what they are facing now is more serious than the matter of the blood barrier pill. The celestial being may not be aware of it, and the dormant martial arts True Immortals may notice a drop in the concentration of aura.

  Maybe all of them are hiding each other, and they really have to wait until they are united, at least when there is a big problem before they get together.

  Leaving Zangshu Pavilion, Gu Shanhai went to the main hall just like that. He could see that the closer to the main hall, the more luxurious and luxurious the Wu Pavilion buildings were, and they were all brightly lit.

  The farther away from the Wu Pavilion, the poorer it is.

   "It's really fun." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sighed, the first-class celestial beings naturally live in the Martial Pavilion, and the higher the status of the celestial beings, the bigger the better the house they live in.

  ‘It’s just that they are a little too confident, or because all the people are warriors, there are no patrolling guards or soldiers at all. '

  'Oh, maybe it's a model that simply rejects the imperial court, and is more advocating the Jianghu model? '

  ‘It’s just that at first glance it looks a bit like a suture monster. Although it looks like a river and lake, Lizi’s rule and power are more like the kings and princes in the court. '

  The elders and deacons of the Wu Pavilion are the princes, and the true martial arts immortals are naturally the emperor, but most of the time there is only one emperor in the court, and the real ruler of Tiancheng is more than one person.

  Gu Shanhai walked through the bustling, and soon came to the main hall of the Martial Pavilion. The first thought he gave Gu Shanhai was that he was huge, and then he was really rich and really troublesome.

  Such a large building not only needs to be meticulously crafted, but also requires a lot of investment. I don’t know how many third-class geniuses died to build such a building.

   These have nothing to do with Gu Shanhai, he jumped up to the top of the main hall nimbly, his figure gradually disappeared, and then quietly replaced the blood barrier pill with a decorative ruby.

  The whole body of the Blood Barrier Pill is red, so it is naturally the most suitable for camouflage.

   Then he quickly activated the Blood Barrier Pill, and a strange fragrance began to decompose and finally merged into the flowing air, spreading towards the entire Tiancheng.

Immediately, the fragrance disappeared, and it was colorless and odorless, but it could boost people's spirits. Even those heavenly beings who suffered from illnesses due to the decline of aura could still appear to recover to a certain extent after inhaling the air containing the blood barrier. The appearance of the flashback caused by forcibly overdrawing the body.

   "It's done!" Gu Shanhai jumped up and gradually disappeared by the night.

   Gu Shanhai, who left, was actually thinking about one thing, where do those true martial arts immortals live?

The Martial Pavilion is occupied by those first-class celestial beings, so as true martial arts immortals, they can't live in the wilderness, so it is more likely that they may be dormant in some special gaps in this different space to Resist the damage caused by insufficient aura to them.

  If they don't go to sleep, the daily consumption is an unacceptable expenditure for them. Even the real martial arts immortal who is suspected of being reborn in Huang Yanshan is probably half asleep and half awake.

  (end of this chapter)

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