I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 169: Today, this arrogant person will take me for granted!

  Chapter 169 Today, this arrogant person takes me for granted!

  The death of Liang Xing’s family is clichéd, and it was Lao Miaozhu who did it. He must have bumped into something, which made the group of bandits in Hushan Grotto kill them.

   To say that the most frenzied thing is to cut out Yu Niang to raise her, which is a bit grassy when you think about it.

  Everyone around knew about this, only Yu Niang didn't.

  Gu Shanhai didn't make too much noise after listening to it. Although this kind of thing is rare, Gu Shanhai has experienced it. He usually doesn't do this, and he only sends people on the road to give the other party a good time.

   "I see, I'll reward you." After Gu Shanhai threw out a golden melon seed, he got up and was about to leave.

  Just as he turned around, the neighbor behind him smiled, and pulled out a sharp knife to stab Gu Shanhai in the back.

   "Give it to me. Die?" The sharp knife in the opponent's hand was blocked by an invisible object, which made the smile on his face that was about to succeed also froze.

"Well, I really don't want to say such discriminatory words as outrageous people. After all, many people are simple, but it seems that you are not among the majority." Gu Shanhai sighed. From the very beginning, he I noticed the other party's malice, but I just wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

   "Actually, you should have poisoned the tea before, at least it looks decent."

  Gu Shanhai turned around, pinched the sharp knife in the opponent's hand, and gave him a good suggestion.

   "You me." Cold sweat came down the other party's forehead, and the corners of his mouth began to tremble, as if he was thinking about how to explain.

   "If you can't think of a reason, you don't have to. Sometimes I can't think of a reason when I kill people." Gu Shanhai smiled and crushed the sharp knife. At this moment, the other party's expression changed drastically and he kept backing away.

"Do you have any last words?" Gu Shanhai is still a very good person, at least he crushed the other party's head before asking, lest the other party really say any last words. As the saying goes, silence is golden, and the other party belongs to Duojin up.

   "Tsk, it seems that chatting with some short-sighted people can't be of great benefit."

The other party's idea is very simple, Gu Shanhai is so rich, and he is an outsider, the only person he knows in Qingxian Town is Liang Xing, who has been dead for more than ten years. As long as he is killed, all these gold and silver treasures will be lost His.

   Others don't care about him, it's true that he has money.

   When Gu Shanhai left, he even set fire to it. As the so-called murder and arson gold belt, now that he has done the first two things, the next step is to put on the gold belt.

  As long as no one sees it, it doesn't affect him being a righteous knight. If someone sees it, then just deal with the person who saw it.

  How can a righteous chivalrous man be such an inconvenience.

  The flames rose, and the voices of many people yelled to run away one after another, but Gu Shanhai didn't care about it at all. He came to the best inn in the town with his briefcase, and he didn't even hide his identity at all.

   Spend a lot of money while living, and expressed that he is Liang Xing's cousin and that he returned from studying abroad.

This incident quickly spread in this small town, which made the whole town a little weird. Most people were greedy for him, but they were bothered by the events of the year, which made everyone have a baby. Crooked mind.

Anyway, Liang Xing's family is almost dead. Find an opportunity to secretly kill this person and then rob things. As for the so-called investment, they all expressed the same idea, that is, as long as they have money, others It's better to die poor.

  In fact, Gu Shanhai thought that the first person to visit would be Luo Huaisheng. Given the greed of the other party, he would definitely come to investigate immediately, but he didn't expect it to be Fan Shi.

  As soon as the other party came, he looked down at Gu Shanhai, as if he was here to criticize him.

   "Mr. Gu, I heard that you came back from overseas?" Fan Shi's tone was suspicious, as if Gu Shanhai was lying.

   At this time, many people in the inn stopped their movements and were watching the excitement.

  As for Fan Shi, who looks like a dog, everyone knows his virtues. Obviously, he can't stand that there is someone in this town who understands people outside better than him, so he ran here.

   "Yes, who are you?" Gu Shanhai said slowly after taking a sip of porridge.

   "What evidence do you have?" Fan Shi asked aggressively, apparently in a hurry, without even introducing himself.

   "Oh, you said this, come, have a look, this is the Sun Never Set Dynasty Returned Overseas Chinese Certificate, this is the personnel approval document of the Sun Never Set Dynasty, and this is the award document of the Sun Never Set Dynasty."

As Gu Shanhai said, he took out several parchments and scrolls inlaid with gold, silver, and various kinds of jewelry. Of course, these are all true. Artorius sent him a lot of proofs. The marquis's, the auxiliary minister's, etc., although they are not what he said, but even if they are put here, the other party can't understand the words of the dynasty on which the sun never sets.

  When Fan Shi saw these things, his expression turned blue and white, and he never expected that the other party would actually show evidence.

   As for the ghost-like characters on the top, he can't understand it, that's okay, he can figure it out by himself.

   "Is there anything else? Do you want to come over and take a look, there is a portrait painted by an artist on it." Gu Shanhai chuckled.

"Okay, just take a look." Fan Shiyi gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and turned it over to look, and he knew it was a good material when he touched it, so it was absolutely true, so his heart was full of jealousy, why should an extinct Orion can still study abroad and get so many honors, but he has nothing.

   "How about it, is it true or not?" Gu Shanhai said in a strange way, facing this kind of person, he had to strike hard.

   "Oh, I can buy a case of this kind of thing for a little money." Fan Shi immediately denied it, how could he admit that it was true, then wouldn't he be a joke, and the other party is not a foreigner, so it must be a fake.

   "You're right, then you can buy a few more boxes." Gu Shanhai didn't argue with the other party, but put away the things casually.

  He could see the longing for these things in Fan Shi's eyes, and even wanted to replace them.

The people in the inn couldn't help laughing when they heard this and saw that Fan Shisan was almost jealous. They don't care what's going on with Fan Shi, as long as there's excitement to watch, it's true.

Fan Shi glared at Gu Shanhai with resentment, he was the gift of being ridiculed, if he was honestly a fake, why would he have to bear this humiliation, and then glanced at the people who laughed at him, all of them Keep it in mind, when he develops in the future, he will not let any of these people go.

  'Wait for me, wait for Lord Yanai to come, let him peel off your fake skin! ’ Fan Shi was viciously thinking about how to save face and make the other party die, but in reality he left the inn with a face full of embarrassment.

  He is not stupid, if he really expresses his thoughts, he will definitely be beaten.

  Gu Shanhai also felt Fan Shi's malice, and also saw the other party's thoughts through means of detecting thoughts, so he could only give Fan Shi a thumbs up to show that he was very smart.

   After all, the dog was beaten outside, so he must go back to seek justice from the owner.

  'Now it seems that this Fan Shi has been in contact with Gu Nei Zhencun very early, and he may have been working for Luo Huaisheng in the first place. '

  'Before she was so enthusiastic, she must have been flattered. '

  Fan Shi probably knew Gu Nei Zhen Village, and had met Gu Nei Zhen Village, but he couldn’t talk about it on weekdays. No matter what, there was still Luo Huaisheng, and it was impossible to get past Luo Huaisheng to contact Gu Nei Zhen Village.

  Belongs to the younger brother's younger brother, and his status is similar to that of a dog. Dogs can't eat at the table.

   Otherwise, how could Fan Shi be flattered when he was invited to drink.

This also just explains Fan Shiren's dog-like capital. If he eats too much and is lazy, he will starve to death here. He is the only one with his entire household registration. If he doesn't work, whoever will support him, and he can eat rice and meat, there is a high probability It was obtained from Luofu.

  ‘So, apart from relying on selling Tianzhou’s skills and technology, there must be other ways to generate income in the Luo Mansion. Otherwise, how could it be possible to satisfy the extravagant life of the other party. '

  ‘More importantly, where did the gang of thieves in Hushan Grotto go? It is impossible to give up such a profit, and what happened to the death of Liang Xing's family. '

  ‘Could it have something to do with this Mamura Valley? '

  Gu Shanhai thought a lot, and a lot of questions and clues were integrated by him, forming a broken chain.

  As long as it is completed, you will probably be able to know the cause and effect. Perhaps the final answer is why Qingxian Town is called Sansheng Town and is still in the cycle of reincarnation.

   'I hate puzzles, I hate investigations'

  Gu Shanhai wanted to be reckless, but unfortunately, he was reckless before and didn't get what he wanted, so he could only choose to calm down and walk again.

  If it wasn't for the fact that his life was too expensive for the final answer, and he needed to pay extra calibration fees to confirm the answer in this disordered situation, he would have taken the answer directly.

   "Master Liang, my Master Luo has an invitation. Hearing that you have returned from studying abroad, he specially arranged a reception banquet for you at the mansion."

   After about fifteen minutes, a young servant came rushing over, with a respectful expression on his face.

   It is obvious that Fan Shi has filed a complaint in the past, and it is even possible that Fan Shi came to test him because Luo Huaisheng did it on purpose.

"Your Master Luo? Let me introduce you. You can't say that any cat or dog comes to invite me, and I will go." Gu Shanhai's expression became arrogant, revealing an aura of being in a high position for a long time. The people in the inn immediately became stressed.

He is indeed a **** in the Dynasty where the Sun Never Sets, but it doesn't mean that he really has nothing. After all, he is also a marquis, and he is also organized internally and externally. Coupled with the tolerance and attribute differences given by the natural imprint, the whole The smell is still pretty good.

   "My master."

  The boy gave a brief introduction under pressure.

   "So it's a squire in the town, I thought it was a nobleman." Gu Shanhai said contemptuously.

  This changed everyone's expressions slightly. The country gentry is said to have a high EQ, coupled with Gu Shanhai's contemptuous appearance, it is undoubtedly saying that he is nothing more than a local rich man.

   "Then let's meet and see how magnanimous Master Luo of your family is." When Gu Shanhai stood up, the pressure of everyone disappeared immediately.

  The young man hurriedly straightened up, leading the way, and said in a flattering tone: "The carriage is ready for Mr. Liang, please come this way."

   When Gu Shanhai walked over, he deliberately covered his mouth and nose, and said with some disgust: "The countryside is the countryside, and these animals are still used."

  The boy could only say yes with a smile on his face.

  ‘Finally, we have taken the initiative, and as long as we set up the characters to hold on to the follow-up plan, there will probably not be too many problems. '

Gu Shanhai had actually thought about it. It wasn't that he didn't do the soul search directly, but that he found that the memory of this group of people was only today's amount. All data is stored in the cloud, and the data in its own hard disk has just been reset.

   This made Gu Shanhai unable to search for the soul, probably related to reincarnation.

   On the way to Luo Mansion, Gu Shanhai kept thinking about how to fool Luo Huaisheng.

   It is obviously impossible for the other party to know nothing like Fan Shi. He has had enough contact with Gu Nei Mamura, and he must know more, so he has to use more powerful deception methods.

  Of course, deception is only part of it. The real situation is whether he can find out what he wants through more righteous means.

  Luo Mansion will arrive soon, not to mention, the reception is no worse than the one that greets Gu Nei Zhencun tomorrow.

   Entering Luo Mansion, followed the maid to the main hall, Luo Huaisheng had already set up the banquet, and after seeing Gu Shanhai's clothes and temperament, he became more and more sure that the other party really came back from overseas.

   "Hahaha, I've heard of Master Liang's name for a long time. It's rare to see him today. I've admired him for a long time." Luo Huaisheng immediately took the lead and complimented Gu Shanhai.

   "Master Luo, please don't put a high hat on me, I don't want to do that." Gu Shanhai shook his head, and then brought some drinks in glass: "It's not good to go empty-handed, bring some foreign specialties."

  Luo Huaisheng's eyes lit up when he saw this. It must be made of colored glass, which is definitely not an ordinary thing.

If this is outside, glass bottles are not a good thing at all, but here has been reincarnated for many years. Whether it is technology or knowledge, even the so-called Gu Nei Zhencun was also a person when the imperial court first appeared. Things are not mass-produced at all.

   "Master Liang is so polite, everyone is here." After Luo Huaisheng took it, he suddenly noticed that Gu Shanhai seemed to be joking, and then blushed, but he felt relieved.

   Those who come from the outside are knowledgeable. As for looking down on themselves, it doesn't matter. One million silver dollars has to be found in a way. This is a really rich man.

  Although he didn't know what a silver dollar was, he also guessed that it might be the currency of the Dynasty on which the sun never sets. It was made of pure silver, and the innkeeper had personally verified it.

  Luo Huaisheng is very greedy, but he also has foresight. How much can he steal by killing Gu Shanhai? Such a large sum of silver dollars will definitely not be taken with me, and it is definitely on the way here, so I have to inquire about it first, and then wait for Gu Nei Zhencun to come tomorrow to discuss what to do.

  (end of this chapter)

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