I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 170: The bandits in Hushan Grottoes washed their hands and became pigs

  Chapter 170 The bandit Jinpen in Hushan Cave washed his hands and became a pork guy

What Gu Shanhai fooled Luo Huaisheng was that he was a little bit lost, not how true what Gu Shanhai said or how good he promised, it all depended on him taking out all kinds of weird things that seemed to be very valuable at first glance. accessories.

  No matter how much the rich talk nonsense, it is called looking forward to the future, and no matter how sincere the poor say, it is not worth the poverty.

   "I had a good time drinking with Master Luo today, and we will guarantee to make a lot of money for Master Luo when our investment and construction start." Gu Shanhai looked like you kid and I have eaten leftovers and made a lot of money.

  Luo Huaisheng was disdainful in his heart, but he didn't express it on his face. When the funds are in place, he will directly arrange someone to be you, and all the one million silver dollars will be his own. Why take what you left?

   He even had a feeling that he wanted to take the other party down and torture him first. The main reason was that the other party's identity was Liang Xing's cousin, which made him feel stuck in his throat.

  ‘No, we have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise let him know the identity of Yuniang and the truth of the year, what should I do if the capital is withdrawn. '

  Actually, Luo Huaisheng knew that if the other party did not come here with great fanfare, but came in in a low-key way, he would not necessarily find out about it.

So he didn't care about Gu Shanhai, a person whose eyes are above the top. People who are really capable are always happy and angry. How can there be such an arrogant person like him, such a weird person? It's called Fan Shi, who was fooled by him and couldn't even find the north, thinking about going abroad to study and become a master all day long.

   "Then thank you, Mr. Gu, for the meal. It's getting late, and it's not too good for you to go to the inn. Why don't you just stay in my Luofu for a day." Luo Huaisheng said while the iron was hot.

  Gu Shanhai was dismissive at first, and then after comparing the differences in the inn, he was reluctant to stay.

   This time Gu Shanhai did not intend to use force, but to see what was going on as an outsider.

  For him, the task has never been important, the task reward is only to save his life back, and it is only two months, and he now consumes more than that in prophecy and divination.

   "The next step is to wait for this identity to ferment, and then see if anyone comes to the door." Gu Shanhai's idea is very simple. If he wants to find out the truth, violence is easy to cause problems for him, so it is better to let them come to the door.

  He hyped up his identity. Cousin Liang Xing and the rich man will definitely stimulate the mentality of the Hushan Cave people and even Lao Miaozhu back then, and he will definitely take action at that time.

   Otherwise, it would be tiring for him to search, investigate, and visit everywhere.

Besides, I already tried it in the last week, and they were all scattered to the extreme. Gu Shanhai had to go everywhere to arrest people, and more importantly, the people in Hushan Cave were hiding too deeply, unless he went to torture the old Miao Zhu. , but in this way, it is likely to irritate Yuniang, causing her to lose control and forcefully reset.

   Really want to open a new week, so what's the point of him doing this, Gu Shanhai just wants to solve the problem in this week.

Gu Shanhai looked quite drunk on the wine table, but in fact he was just pretending, volatilizing the alcohol with mana and controlling his own blood to achieve an illusion of drunkenness, so he was monitoring Luo Huaisheng, who would help him? With him, there is no other possibility except this Luo Huaisheng who is full of malice towards him.

At least Luo Huaisheng thinks that Gu Shanhai is drunk, and Luo Huaisheng still has a good capacity for alcohol, coupled with his non-stop drinking, he is still in a slightly drunk state at this time, and it doesn't affect too much. up.

"Go to Hu Mazi and the others and tell them if they want to share another sum. By the way, tell them that this sum belonged to Liang Xing's dead cousin. They must be interested." Luo Huaisheng stayed until he almost sobered up. After that, he ordered the butler of Luo Mansion.

"The Hu Mazi and the others are not good people. Although the golden basin has quit, they have been doing the butchering and selling of meat in our town for a living all these years. Are you really willing to get involved?" The butler hesitated, and he wanted to say more. They kept the money for themselves instead of leaving it to the people of Hushan Cave.

"Mr. Gu Nei is coming tomorrow. You can use Hu Mazi to kill them. It will be troublesome for this group of people to stay in our Qingxian Town." Luo Huaisheng is too greedy, and what he wants is not just the one million that Gu Shanhai said Silver dollars, but also want the wealth accumulated in the Hushan Grottoes.

Another thing is that these people have formed a lot of power in Qingxian Town, but it is not his power on the surface, but all kinds of extortion, kidnapping and tearing up business secretly. I got it, but it was forced, and I was getting used to the money, so how could I be willing to work steadily.

Gu Shanhai, who was eavesdropping, was a little curious. Through language and detection of thoughts, Gu Shanhai actually knew that the Hu Mazi group was from Hushan Cave. As for being forced to stop, it was probably Liang Xing who did it, which led The husband and wife died tragically, and the daughter was taken away by Lao Miaozhu and is still being raised.

It's no wonder that everyone in Qingxian Town keeps silent. Liang Xing's family may be good people, so they dare to do this, but Hushanku is not a good person. They do all kinds of evil and are cruel. Of course, the townspeople dare not do anything up.

  ‘Tsk, good people should be pointed at guns. ’ Gu Shanhai thought with some sarcasm, he knew he was not a good person, but he liked to be friends with good people. After all, good people don’t backstab people, and those who can backstab people are naturally not good people.

A Holy Mother teammate who is willing to give you a hand and a decisive teammate who abandons you at any time with black hands and cold hearts, but anyone with a little brain will choose the former as a teammate, even if you belong to the latter type of person, you also like this kind of person .

"Yes, master, I'll make arrangements right away, but this Mr. Tanai is coming tomorrow, do you need to make preparations?" The butler asked again. In fact, he was asking if he really wanted to do something, and if the real village of Tanai was exposed. , Isn't it just a hole card for no reason?

  Luo Huaisheng also thought about this matter, thought for a while and said: "You arrange someone to wait at the entrance of the town, and take Mr. Gu Nei into the mansion in a low-key manner, without fanfare."

  Since it is a trump card, the less people know about it, the better.

   "Yes, sir, I'll arrange it right away."

"By the way, that kid Fan Shi went to warn him, tell him to keep his mouth shut, and don't say anything, if it wasn't for this kid being useful, hmph." Luo Huaisheng didn't think much of Fan Shi either, but who told him that he was valuable? Woolen cloth.

After listening to Luo Huaisheng's plan, Gu Shanhai was thinking about one thing, that is, Gu Nei Zhencun came from outside, but he also knew what was outside, it was some kind of barrier barrier, even if there was no air wall, it would not Don't even think about going out.

  He had inspected it before, but because of the air wall blocking it, Gu Shanhai had no way to test the strength of the barrier diaphragm.

  ‘According to the situation of the previous week’s goal, Mamura Tani should arrive tomorrow morning, so let’s go over and see how the other party appears. '

  Gu Shanhai thought for a while, took out the secret magic eye, and let it slowly float from the sky to the entrance of the village, which would take a long time.

He originally wanted to use the Eye of Power, but on second thought, it is useless to cast the prophecy spells on his body. Most of them are auxiliary types. If the druid spells on him are still there, it can still Release it through the eyes of power.

He also tried to let the eye of power carry the legal domain, but he found that it was not working, mainly because the internal structure could not match, and further modification was needed, but this is a large project, after all, the structure itself is used for casting spells rather than Bear the jurisdiction, and then this will not be delayed.

Gu Shanhai is not so bad at the current stage. Because of his own strength, the Eye of Power is not in a complete state, so even if it carries the Dharma, it is impossible to say that it is as strong as the Dharma on him, which is only about 100,000 Dharma. About five-fifths of the power is probably the kind of situation that is difficult for ordinary people to deal with.

   It’s no longer a question of tasteless or not, but a question of having no other use other than warding as a field of vision.

  It is exactly the same, Gu Shanhai is not interested in the transformation of the Eye of Power, and if he wants to transform it, he will have to wait until it is used in the future.

  Expanding the Eye of Power is not very good, because this spell is constant on him, and it is linked to his own strength. Only when he becomes stronger can he become stronger.

In addition, this thing belongs to the eyeball, and its strength is similar to that of ordinary people. Don't expect how strong it is, and it won't make much progress in the future. It needs subsequent biochemical transformation, that is, this thing is a magic creation. Even if it is destroyed, Gu Shanhai can be summoned again, at most consuming the elemental blessing power in the natural imprint, which doesn't even need to consume mana.

  'If I had known it earlier, I would have let Tianxian Kuangzui and Baiyun crush each of them with one eyeball, so I could watch a live broadcast anyway. '

   After dealing with these things, Gu Shanhai found that he didn't seem to have anything to do, unlike running around in the last week.

  ‘Forget it, let’s practice. '

  Gu Shanhai asked Qinglong to help him control the secret magic eye, and asked him to remind him when he came to Gunei Zhencun, so as not to miss the time.

  Qinglong's spiritual wisdom Gu Shanhai is not very satisfied, but it doesn't mean that Qinglong has no spiritual wisdom.

Before, he thought about borrowing some materials from Bai Yun's crushed dragon soul to study, but in the end he still didn't open his mouth, mainly because he had observed it, and the two sides had already merged into one. If he wanted to study it, he had to crush Lian Baiyun Catch it together, and it may not be possible to research anything.

  So he gave up, he wanted a complete dragon more than just a dragon soul.

  Early in the morning of the next day, abnormal waves appeared at the entrance of the town, as if something squeezed out of it, but the servants of the Luo Mansion standing aside to greet him seemed to have seen nothing.

   This abnormality was naturally seen by Qinglong through the secret eye, and then notified Gu Shanhai immediately.

  Gu Shanhai also withdrew from the cultivation in an instant, and the exercises were all tailor-made for himself. Naturally, there is no special situation such as not being able to quit half of the cultivation, or accidentally going crazy.

'Gives me an illusion of instant refreshing' Gu Shanhai watched the carriage being driven in and was stopped, and the butler of the Luo Mansion greeted him, and after muttering something in a low voice, Gu Nei Zhencun got out of the carriage and got into another A low-key carriage advances.

  ‘Is there something wrong with this? '

  Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled.

  'Luo Huaisheng said to ask Gu Nei Ma Cun to come over to help, but the problem is that besides himself, this guy brought a dozen or so people, and none of them can fight. Why do you think that with Gu Nei Ma Cun's help, the overall situation is settled? '

  ‘Just because he is a foreigner? It's so bullshit. '

   As for Gu Neizhen Village, Gu Shanhai had already investigated his strength in the last week, and he was just an ordinary person.

  The entire Qingxian Town is full of ordinary people, even Yuniang was also an ordinary person before she lost control. It is estimated that only Yueniang, a special existence, is a little detached, and everyone else has no extraordinary ability.

  At this time, the secret eye cautiously landed in the carriage where Mamura Tanai was located, thinking about monitoring the situation of the other party, no matter what, he is a key person, maybe there are some clues.

   It's just that the other party has been sitting cross-legged in the carriage, and Gu Shanhai didn't see any clues.

   And the decorations in the carriage are also ordinary, there are no weird things like human bones and skins.

  'Luo Huaisheng relied on Gu Nei Zhencun as the means of lore, but Gu Nei Zhencun didn't bring anything, there is a strange sense of contradiction.' Gu Shanhai frowned.

  He always felt that Luo Huaisheng was about to roll over. This was his intuition, not the result of deduction, because if it was the result of deduction, then he would definitely roll over.

  In fact, Gu Shanhai also knew about the situation of the group of people in Hushan Cave.

   Gu Shanhai also knows this person, a pork guy in the market, but he has hired many apprentices, he only needs to be responsible for lying down and supervising, but he didn't expect it to be Hu Mazi.

  From the current point of view, he has monopolized the meat of the whole town, probably because of the bandits Hu Shan.

  Last night, the housekeeper only revealed the situation, and Hu Mazi was silent for a while, and then said nothing. After Butler Luo left, he summoned the brothers of Hu Shan Bandit with a grim expression on his face.

It's a pity that Gu Shanhai couldn't hear what they said, but he got a rough idea of ​​what they said, and sometimes he couldn't understand it. After all, Hu Mazi didn't have pockmarks on his face, but he had a full beard covering his lips. This made Gu Shanhai a little helpless.

   Fortunately, he knew the general idea, and he was just discussing with other Hu Shan bandits who had washed their hands, whether to join forces with Luo Huaisheng to eat the so-called one million silver dollars from Gu Shanhai.

   It's just that these Hu Shan bandits don't seem to have a unified opinion.

  Some people agree, some people disagree, and Hu Mazi is more thinking about killing Gu Shanhai to take revenge on Liang Xing, and there is no way to confirm it for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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