I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 172: Xiaobai, use trample!

  Chapter 172 Xiaobai, use trample!

   Facts have proved that the plot party players don’t have much of a stand when it comes to interests. After Gu Shanhai’s proposal that Yuniang can help them reduce the financial pressure of raising Dragon Lady Lolita, the two said they would go back and think about it.

  Gu Shanhai knew that their consideration was not whether to accept Yuniang, but who would accept Yuniang.

   Time flies, and it is already the sixth day of the second week, and tomorrow is the wedding day, and there are actually a lot of things going on in the middle, but most of them have nothing to do with Gu Shanhai.

  For example, last night, Fan Shi tricked Yuniang into Luo Mansion, and then disappeared early this morning. I don’t know if he disappeared or left Qingxian Town to study in Dongyang.

  But Gu Nei Mamura is still there, and has become the witness of the silly son of the Luo family, which is expected.

In fact, Gu Shanhai was rather surprised that Fan Shi was able to trick someone over here, not to mention the suspicious Yueniang who was dragging her feet and couldn't do anything, and the situation of Tianxian Kuangzui and Baiyun crushing the two of them, how could this person will be cheated.

  At present, Yuniang is locked up in the backyard and shed tears. She is crying miserably, but she doesn't seem to accept her fate yet, and she probably needs some help.

  In addition, Gu Shanhai also discovered a very serious problem. Luo Fu didn't seem to really want to get married, he found some traces of mana.

   It's like a ritual.

Of course, what's more important is that he also discovered Yuniang's date of birth. The newcomer must be exchanging birth dates, so he also went to join in the fun and take a look. , also seems to be part of the ceremony.

   From the perspective of Gu Shanhai, a former imprint druid and former green knight, this is likely to be some kind of luck-changing ritual.

  ‘Women who were born during the yang year, when the moon was yang, and men who were born when the year was yin and yin, there is a sense of confusion between yin and yang. '

  Yangnian is Yuniang, and Yinnian is Luo Huaisheng's stupid son. Well, whether it is his son is another matter, and it is estimated that even being stupid may be part of the calculation.

  'Qingxian, Sansheng'

  Gu Shanhai felt that his heart was so tired, he hoped that he could fight monsters in the last link.

  ‘Wait, that painting! ’ Gu Shanhai suddenly remembered something, he hadn’t found that painting all this time, could there be a possibility that they were in the painting.

  The name of this painting is Sansheng Town, not a town called Sansheng, but the meaning that Sansheng Sansheng will live in it.

  If you start from this idea, does it mean that there is some kind of evil being suppressed in Qingxian Town?

  ‘Oh my god, it’s really possible! '

  The reason why the painting was sent to Yunniangniang Temple was because it was sealed from there.

   As for the fact that Gu Shanhai did not find it after digging three feet, the reason is very simple. He is in the painting but not outside it. This is not the real Qingxian Town.

  Thinking of this, Gu Shanhai was extremely frightened.

   "Calm down, calm down, it's just a word game." Gu Shanhai calmed down. As for Yuniang and Yueniang, they are probably the core or something.

   Just after the calm down, there are more conspiracy theories.

   For example, what is suppressed?


  He knows that there are gods in this world. After all, he has met Heihu, the God of Daishan, and even seen the blood book written by the blood of the mountain ghost thousands of years ago.

Immortals exist in theory, at least in ancient times. Gu Shanhai collected some when he went to Xuanweimen. What a wretched world.

Ascension sometimes does not necessarily mean arriving in a certain world of the same origin, it may also go to other worlds, but if you go to other worlds through ascension, there will not be too much trouble, similar to the type of exchange students, the two worlds communicate and form The convergence, of course, this type is relatively small.

  Most Ascension or Shattering Void are true trips to the Upper Realm.

   Gu Shanhai doesn't know what is going on in this world. He has never ascended in this life, and he doesn't know the specific structure of this world.

  For players, ascension is also beneficial. You can get additional attributes, and even have a chance to acquire skills and attributes, such as the benefits of players on the Xianxia side and fantasy side system, but ascension must be a disaster.

Gu Shanhai also tried it in his previous life. He ascended many times and got a lot of rewards for nothing. Ascension does not mean that you can only experience it once. This world has experienced another world with similar settings and flies again. no.

Of course, ascension is not without disadvantages, that is, once ascension, the original world cannot be returned, unless some special props are used to return, and even if they return, they will be rejected, weakened attributes, suppressed talents And so on, and it will gradually become serious, unless you leave, or it may become a permanent negative reduction over time.

"Forget it, let's stop guessing about this matter, let's find a way to deal with Hu Mazi first, and they should be ready to do it in half an hour." Gu Shanhai knew that the time was almost up, whether it was Hu Mazi or Luo Huaisheng, in fact, both It is impossible for Gu Shanhai to wait until tomorrow.

  The reason why they haven't done anything these days is because they are afraid of accidents, because if Gu Shanhai loses contact and loses one million silver dollars, they will be at a big loss.

  So their idea is very simple, that is to stabilize him first, and then wait until the last night to find a reason to lure Gu Shanhai out of Luofu, and then let Hu Mazi do it.

   If Gu Shanhai is unwilling to leave, then it's not a big problem, and it will be solved if he just feeds him with sweat medicine.

  The main reason is that Luo Huaisheng asked not to do anything in Luo Mansion. After all, it is really inappropriate to do it on this happy day.

   "Master Liang, my master is going to invite you to watch the moon." Butler Luo knocked on the door and invited.


   Well, here it is, but the time is about the same, it is right to do it in half an hour, but Gu Shanhai has to be sent out of Luo Mansion, it is impossible to say that it is really here in Luo Mansion.

   "Admiring the moon? It's okay." Gu Shanhai looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and he still admired the moon and ghosts, so he must find a similar excuse.

  But Gu Shanhai just pretended not to hear. Luo Huaisheng had already laid the groundwork before. For example, when he tied Yuniang to come last night, he used it to collect wind, and the day before yesterday he used it to appreciate flowers. Anyway, he just wanted to find a place to eat and drink well.

  If Gu Shanhai hadn't known this in advance, he would indeed have been blinded by inertial thinking.

  After going out, I boarded the arranged carriage, which was the same process as the previous two times, so under normal circumstances, I would not be suspicious.

  Leaving all the way out of the city, when they arrived at the designated location, they thought they had exchanged hands quietly. All the members of the Luo family left, and Hu Mazi took over.

  Gu Shanhai glanced at it, he was about to enter Hu Yunshan.

  He didn't stop him either. In fact, he guessed where the other party was going to take him, and it was their lair, Hushan Grotto.

  Although it has been abandoned, in the past two days, for the sake of one million silver dollars and Master Luo's family property, he has settled in again, and has prepared a lot of weapons. He plans to kill Luo Mansion after getting the money tomorrow.

  Don’t worry about the road, they are familiar with the road, do you really think this Hushan Cave is for the poor? No, it's for rich people, so they naturally have a way to let rich people enter the mountains comfortably, otherwise they have to go over mountains and ridges to come to you, no matter how good they are, they won't be interested.

  So the carriage entered the mountain smoothly, and even chatted with Gu Shanhai along the way to dispel Gu Shanhai's vigilance.

   "Master Gu, this place is here." A bandit said calmly outside the carriage.

  Gu Shanhai walked out slowly, with a calm expression on his face: "Tsk, this place is not bad."

"Of course, those who lived in our towns and villages were famous!" The bandit helped Gu Shanhai get off the carriage. I have to say that this group of people still have a sense of service, but what they do is not good. , to do these things, otherwise, with this attitude, why can't you make a fortune.

   "Speaking of which, do you make a lot of money in this business?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

  The bandit's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

   "It's okay, I need to support my family." The bandits could only pretend to be confused at this time, and led Gu Shanhai towards the Hushan Cave.

   "No way, Hushan Grotto is a famous gold-selling cave. You have been working with Hu Mazi for so many years. He eats delicious and spicy food, and you eat bran-swallowed vegetables?" Gu Shanhai said jokingly.

   "It seems that you came here for Liang Xing's affairs."

  The bandit didn't answer. The one who spoke was a tall, strong middle-aged man with a beard. He was at least fifty years old. At this age, he far exceeded the current average life expectancy.

   This person is Hu Mazi, the pork guy who monopolizes meat in the town, and the former leader of the bandits in Hushan Cave.

   "Master Hu, it's the first time we meet, dog breeds dogs~" Gu Shanhai's voice was very strange.

  A cold light flashed in Hu Mazi's eyes, and he was obviously in a bad mood. After all, anyone who was scolded as a dog would be upset.

  That's right, Gu Shanhai did it on purpose, tearing up Jiu Yang's face by telling him about raising a dog, and still telling him how to be polite, he is not a gentleman.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Master Hu, I have a bad accent, and I always call Jiu Yang a dog. You are such a big man, you probably don't take it to heart." Gu Shanhai's words were almost cheap Out of the sky is coming.

   "Of course, how can I take it to heart, come here, give me a good treat for this old man, let him know what to say and what not to say." Hu Mazi said viciously.

Tolerate? Forget it, everyone has fallen into his hands. As a bandit who dares to spend money in golden caves, do prostitution, murder, and exterminate families, how could he have a good temper.

   A group of mountain bandits surrounded them with grinning smiles. Apart from middle-aged people, there were also many young people.

   "Everyone is a civilized person, talk but not move." Gu Shanhai took a step back, and then continued: "If you are uncivilized, I will be uncivilized later."

  Hearing this, the bandits all laughed, feeling that Gu Shanhai didn't understand at all, how could a person who knew nothing be uncivilized.

   "Well, you really don't intend to listen to my advice."

  Gu Shanhai sighed, then waved and shouted: "Xiaobai, use trample!"

   Before the bandits could react, they saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky.


  In an instant, a huge impact exploded.

  The bandits who were close were all turned into a puddle of flesh on the spot.

   Those who were farther away were also dizzy and bleeding from the seven orifices. This kind of person probably passed out due to internal injuries, and it seemed that they could not survive. Only Hu Mazi and the others stood still a little, but at least one concussion.

   Just like that, the bandits in Hushan Cave were wiped out.

   "Is there anything you want to say?" Gu Shanhai squatted down, looking at Hu Mazi who was struggling to get up.

And Xiaobai stood behind him, with his huge body and this body of tendons, he looked like a deer that could fight well. If he was topped with antlers once, he probably wouldn't be able to string them into candied haws, but would have to be turned into a sieve. The mentality completely collapsed.

  Everyone is slapped by you and I slapped each other. Suddenly there is a big push, who can not collapse.

   "I, I... have nothing to say." Hu Mazi lowered his head and gave up struggling.

   "No, I think so, you still have something to say." Gu Shanhai grabbed the other party's neck and picked it up, hanging it on Xiao Bai's corner.

"I'll give you three seconds to prepare your words. If you can't prepare them, don't call them Hu Mazi. You can call them Hu Bingzi or Hu Jiangzi." Gu Shanhai said very kindly and began to count down: "Three, Xiaobai hit! "

  Xiaobai was very decisive, and slammed into the wall of Hushan Grotto against the flax seeds.

"I said, I said!!" Hu Mazi became numb when he heard that Gu Shanhai skipped one and two and jumped directly to three, which was not according to the rules. It brought a sense of splitting on the skin, which made him cower immediately.

   "Xiaobai, stop~"

   Gu Shanhai's voice fell to Hu Mazi's ears at this time, it was like a sound of nature, and it was only a finger's distance away, and he was about to be crushed into a pulp.


  As Xiao Bai retreated, Hu Mazi panted heavily. He never wanted to experience the life-and-death thrill just now.

   "Please explain, I only give you this chance, next time, I will have your subordinates go to the wall and scrape you off." Gu Shanhai said slowly.

  Although Gu Shanhai didn't ask the other party to explain something, Gu Shanhai felt that the other party should know what he wanted to explain.

   As for what to do if Gu Shanhai is not satisfied later, let’s talk about it later.

  Anyway, Gu Shanhai looked at Hu Mazi up and down, and felt that it would be a waste of his flesh and blood skills if he didn't give him all the flesh and blood skills.

  Fengtai Village used it before, so Qingxian Town has to use it again, this is the beginning and the end.

  Hu Mazi began to explain the situation of Liang Xing's family back then, but he was still a little trembling in his heart. It was really the way Gu Shanhai looked at him that made his back a little chilly.

  (end of this chapter)

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