I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 173: Whose life is repeating itself

  Chapter 173 Who's three lives are repeating themselves

  Hu Mazi confessed for more than two hours, during which Gu Shanhai didn't say a word. He wanted to ask, but he couldn't stand Hu Mazi because he was too afraid of death, so he just said everything out.

The demise of Hushan Grottoes was actually related to Liang Xing, but it was not all related. The person who really caused Hushan Grottoes to break the golden cave was Liang Xing's father. I will not mention the fate. He must have died. Liang Xing was touched, which led to retaliation.

Hu Mazi didn't know about the rest of the follow-up, because after that, the big guys had actually parted ways, and it wasn't until later that they couldn't afford to spend money like running water, so they reunited and formed a monopoly of meat in Qingxian Town. class of wealth.

  Before this, they also tried to reopen the Hushan Grottoes, but their reputation was ruined before. Not only did they not make any money, but they also lost a lot. Some things cannot be reproduced just by repeating them.

During the questioning, Gu Shanhai also learned one thing, that is, the person behind them is really an elder from Xuanwei Sect, but the exact one is unknown, the person who comes to collect money every time is a disciple, That's right, it was the disciple who sent paintings to Yunniangniang Temple.

Hu Mazi didn't know about sending the painting, but it was the elder Xuanweimen who helped solve the matter of Liang Xing and his family at the beginning through the secret of heaven. gold and silver.

Gu Shanhai was also a little dumbfounded about this, never thought that the elders of Xuanweimen would be so ignorant of the number of days, if it was a different world, it would be fine, he dared to do these things in the world of karma, I really thought he was the protagonist and shouted to me Can it be broken?

   It is estimated that the grass on the elder's grave is at least one meter high.

  At this time, Gu Shanhai was thinking about one thing, that is why the people in Qingxian Town had to suffer such a disaster.

  Here, the reason for being robbed is most likely due to evil causes and evil consequences. If you are a good person who planted a lot of good causes, he would have been rescued for various reasons before entering the cycle of reincarnation.

  So in other words, the people in the whole town are not good people.

  Thinking about it, it’s true that a rich man came to the town, but each of them wanted to kill each other to steal money, and they could even coexist peacefully with a group of bandits who did all kinds of evil.

  If normal people know about Hu Shan bandits, their first thought must be to get rid of these people, instead of getting along with them for decades or even becoming fellow villagers.

"So Tianxian Kuangzui is really a bad old man." Gu Shanhai's eyes twitched. Most of the copies that Tianxian Kuangzui experienced belonged to this causal world. It's no wonder that what he saw was the dark side. Simple, he has become a player who acts on behalf of the sky.

   Thinking about it is a bit grassy.

In this way, it can also explain why the opponent did not survive to the end in the previous life. Summoning players have been attacking in the world of causality, and they will inevitably overturn. The cocoon has become a butterfly, but there are not many such people.

  If the calamity is really so easy to pass, it is not called the calamity.

   Gu Shanhai may die if he encounters a serious omen. With his skills and strength, he can be ranked in the top ten, not to mention the first among players. It is naturally more difficult for a mid-level player like Tianxian Kuangzui.

   Moreover, his wife, Bai Yun, and Huang Enhaodang may also be involved. These two people have accompanied him to download many copies of this world, at least at the level of karma.

  At this stage, Gu Shanhai doesn't dare to help him too deeply, and it's easy to get burned.

In a situation like this, there is only one solution, either to use the causal system of this world, or to use the world, there is no third way, because you can’t solve it, this thing is not only a mess, but also has various knots , If you fall into the rhythm of the opponent, you can't save it.

   Only flipping the table is the best choice.

  It's a pity that Tianxian Kuangzui might not be able to reach the possibility of flipping the table when he was dying.

   "I'm very satisfied with what you said, let's move on to the next link." Gu Shanhai looked at Hu Mazi with a smile and said.

   Hu Mazi’s heart tightened when he said this. It was not a good word, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, and he could only show a very forced smile.

   "I have three bottles of medicine here, don't look at me like that, it's not poison, why is this person's mind so dark." Gu Shanhai said a little displeased when he saw the other party's smile that was about to cry.

   "These three potions are Bull Potion, Plague Potion, and Mad Bear Potion. As long as you drink them, you can gain powerful power. As a reward for your honesty, you can choose a potion."

   Gu Shanhai said as if I am a good man and a legendary chivalrous man of the righteous way.

  Hu Mazi also hesitated. In the current situation, he doesn't want to choose anything, but in the current situation, he must not choose.

   "I choose the mad bear potion!" Hu Mazi could only grit his teeth and chose the last potion. Since he can have power, he must choose the strongest bear. Could it be that the bull and the mouse are the choice?

"You are very discerning, I just like your straightforwardness." Gu Shanhai praised Hu Mazi without hesitation, then picked up the mad bear potion and directly stabbed Hu Mazi's neck. After he reacted, after he reacted, the mad bear potion had already been injected.

  And Hu Mazi only felt the slight coldness of the wound, and was about to speak, when he suddenly noticed the darkness in front of his eyes, and his body seemed to become weak.

  It gave him the feeling that there was a brand new person in his heart who was gradually replacing him.

   "I ho~" Hu Mazi was about to ask him what's wrong, but a low bear roar came from his throat.

  The last scene when he lost consciousness, what he saw was his swollen hands covered with black hair.

  Gu Shanhai watched the birth of a brand new bear, and couldn't help nodding: "Actually, I'm more optimistic about the plague potion."

   "But bears can do it too, it's all the same anyway."

In Hu Mazi's eyes, it may be that the bear in the mad bear potion is more powerful. In fact, it is the same here in Gu Shanhai. The power and transformation, the real strength still depends on the transformation object itself.

"It's a pity, my intelligence is not very good, otherwise I would sell arms." Gu Shanhai sighed, this game will kill anyone who has opinions, only he can control to a certain extent, he can't fully control it, if not The white list was set up in advance, and even he dared to claw at this thing.

  If Gu Shanhai conducts in-depth research, it can be further optimized, but the upper limit of optimization is limited, and there is not much benefit.

He doesn't follow the mainstream and the legion stream, so there is not much benefit. As for cultivating for the aura of mana, it is nonsense. These transformed monsters are all alive, which means that they have to be responsible for their eating and drinking, which is far worse than spreading monsters. Magical spells like Dou Chengbing, even a little bit more, are worse than using Taoist soldiers and horses.

  Taoist soldiers and horses belong to Yin soldiers, ghosts, and heavenly soldiers and generals. They rely on incense, mana and the like. You don’t have to worry about daily consumption, cultivation and so on.

  Thus, these modified monsters are not cost-effective for Gu Shanhai. Instead, he has to worry about his daily life dragging him down, so they are hidden in the snow.

  It is only useful when entering the middle-level area, and it is basically not very useful in the high-level world.

   "Let me see, there are still a few alive." Gu Shanhai took out a lot of mad bear potion, and injected those Hu Shan bandits who were pretending to be dead and unconscious one by one.

   "Seven-headed bears, I don't know if it's enough."

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai knew that he would not have allowed Xiaobai to trample on it. This is Xiaobai's effort. If he didn't, there would be no one alive.

   "It's done, and then go grab a kiss tomorrow, I hope Tianxian Kuangzui will increase Yuniang's favorability."

  If this can't be picked up and taken away, then Gu Shanhai can only go to battle in person.

  Of course he didn't mean to take Yuniang away, but to kill her directly.

  Bearman definitely can't handle it, it's just used to delay the time.

It is estimated that Yu Niang's favorability degree is far more difficult than ordinary aborigines. When the love brain still has a partner, it is naturally not easy to pry it away, not to mention that the favorability degree will be reset. If you change someone, you have to brush it. Vomited.

   Fortunately, these have nothing to do with Gu Shanhai. Looking at the time, it is still early, and I just practiced for a while.

   "It's already here, why hide and hide."

  In the middle of the night, Gu Shanhai spoke abruptly.

  He knew the person who came, and it was the very special Yueniang.

  The other party was just an ordinary person, and Gu Shanhai had already noticed him before he got close to Hushan Cave.

Originally, Gu Shanhai didn't want to pay attention to each other, she wanted to go wherever she liked, but now, such a key person is actually not very important, especially when the two teammates can't attack Yuniang, Gu Shanhai chooses to further contain it by other means Under the circumstances, Yueniang is already worthless.

  If she hadn't been peeping at him, Gu Shanhai wouldn't have paid any attention to him.

   "Who the **** are you?" Yueniang walked in and asked directly.

"Good question!" Gu Shanhai gave a thumbs up, indicating that someone finally asked him such a question, and then said: "I am the best friend of the **** of the world, the guide of the king of the red dragon, and the great master of martial arts. uncle!"

   As Gu Shanhai said, he also took out all kinds of parchment, imperial edicts and other things. No one else had these things, but he had a lot of them.

  Yueniang didn't know what to say when she saw this scene, she was a little speechless.

   "So you are not from Xuanweimen?" Yueniang's eyes flashed brightly.

   "." Seeing this, Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, the light was too dazzling.

  After thinking about it for a while, his eyes also flickered for a moment. It wasn't that he really flickered, but that he directly carried out photosynthesis through the spiritual plant in the eyeball and formed mana brilliance, in short, it was similar to the flash technique.

   "Why do your eyes glow?" Yueniang looked at Gu Shanhai's pair of glowing eyeballs, a little at a loss.

   "Oh, you also flashed your face just now, isn't this the way you greeted?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled, did he guess wrong?

   "How can a person's eyes shine." Yue Niang said a little speechlessly.

   "?!" Gu Shanhai was so shocked for the first time.

  You flash all your eyes, and then tell others that their eyes can't shine, isn't that nonsense.

  Seeing Gu Shanhai's shocked and numb expression, Yueniang restrained her emotions, and then said, "So, are you from Xuanweimen?"

   "No, I still have a lot of grudges with them." Gu Shanhai also temporarily put aside the fact that the other party's eyes can shine, and it's not too late to ask when he finds time later.

"Again, how do you know about Xuanweimen? According to normal circumstances, neither Yuniang nor you can get in touch with Xuanweimen, and even Fan Shi just chatted for a few words. .” Gu Shanhai raised his question.

   "Do you want to leave Qingxian Town?" Yueniang didn't answer, but asked again.

   "Why, can you break the cycle of reincarnation in Qingxian Town?" Gu Shanhai didn't answer either, and the other party treated him as a riddle, so Gu Shanhai naturally treated him in his own way.

  Refused to reveal anything, just played tricks with him in this suit, I really thought the other party was a good bird.

   "Yes! As long as you stop Yuniang's tragedy, you can succeed. I think you should have guessed it." Yueniang said nonsense.

"I said, can you stop messing with me with these stupid things, you have stopped me countless times, have you succeeded?" Gu Shanhai rolled his eyes, if this guy continues like this, he will I plan to come to Xiaobai to give her a charge and trample package.

"I can't stop it. Compared to you, I'm more like a bystander. Yu Niang has no defense against me, but she won't go according to my ideas. She will just lose control and reincarnate as always, and lose control and reincarnate again. There is no end." Yueniang said helplessly.

"So, you are the painting that Xuanwei Sect sent you back then." Seeing that the time was ripe, Gu Shanhai asked his doubts. As for another guess that the entire Qingxian Town is in this painting, it is next Come down and ask.

  Yue Niang was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Gu Shanhai to ask such a question, then she shook her head and said, "No, I am Yuniang's next life."

   "Damn it!" Gu Shanhai's expression changed when he heard the other party's words, he never thought that this would be the case.

  How can a person’s next life appear together with this life? If the previous life and this life appear together, it is still possible, but the next life appears at the time of this life, which is comparable to rebirth.

   "What's the matter with that painting?" Gu Shanhai asked again.

   Now it is no longer about Yueniang. His intuition tells him that the appearance of Yueniang, a person from the afterlife, must have something to do with this painting.

"It's Yuniang's previous life, and it's also the cause of everything. It is precisely because of the gathering of the three lives that Qingxian Town has been reincarnated." Yueniang said in a low voice, and in her shadow under the moonlight was a reflection of Gu Shanhai. Very familiar shadow.

   "Why the **** are the upper and lower parts still connected? You thought it was about cross talk." Gu Shanhai was really powerless to complain.

  (end of this chapter)

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