I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 404: Above the World·The Quiet Eye of Death

  Chapter 404 Above the World·The Quiet Eye of Death

"The Eye of Tranquility of Death originates from the existence above the dimension." Xiao Yongsheng flipped through a large amount of information on the desk, and finally found the existence of this statue. Existence, recorded from the data, is said to be an eye of a certain existence.

   There are not too many records above, but the whole article is described around the quiet eye of death.

   "Sacrificing to the Tranquil Eye of Death, you can gain the ability to live forever." Xiao Yongsheng's expression was full of fanaticism.

  The sacrifice is death itself.

  That's right, the Serene Eye of Death feeds on death. As long as it swallows dead people or things, it will never die. Even if it is old or beaten into a pulp, it can be resurrected again.

  Xiao Yongsheng's ancestors once made a sacrifice to the Tranquil Eye of Death, but it was destroyed by the court, and finally failed.

   "I need to sacrifice a million people to meet the standard, this is really."

  The number of one million people is really too many. Even if his tentacles of immortality technology penetrate into various fields around the world, there is no way to do so.

   It's no wonder that his ancestors were destroyed by the court. With a total of one million, his ancestors are also extremely terrifying.

"I hope that the peeping into the future on my body can be done." Xiao Yongsheng also found the name of his mutated eyes from the literature. The ancestors who sacrificed the eyes of death and tranquility also had these eyes, otherwise a How can the bottom-level people who can't read big characters be able to sacrifice millions of people, although they failed.

   "However, it's not impossible." Xiao Yongsheng had a chill in his expression.

   A population of one million is a huge amount in ancient times, but in modern times, not to mention other things, the Federation where he is located has a population of 30 billion, and the third-tier cities have a population of one million.

  So as long as he finds a way to become the master of a city, then he can do this.

  Even as long as it is a little remote, if he makes funding in his capacity, it will basically not arouse suspicion.

In modern times, the Eye of Tranquility of Death has long since disappeared. When the ancestors failed to offer sacrifices, the imperial court directly destroyed all the documents that could be found, and cut off the folk churches. Therefore, no one knows these things at all, even if they know , and don't care too much.

  In a world where science is paramount, you tell them that there are gods and ghosts in this world. This is too absurd, no one will believe it.

   "Then choose my hometown."

After the failure of his ancestors, the head of the sect who was the Serene Eye of Death was not executed. Instead, he left and finally returned to his hometown. Buried in the ground of the old house.

   Otherwise, he would never be able to turn over in his life.

   "My hometown has a permanent population of seven million people. If all of them are sacrificed, not only will the death in me be swallowed by the quiet eyes of death, but it will also allow me to obtain additional gifts."

  Xiao Yongsheng didn't care at all that these things were bestowed by a certain existence. For him, this was eternal life, the real eternal life.

   It is not something that parallel imports can compare to.

"Xiao Li, come over here. You can ask the company to bring me a charter. I am going to approve a sum of money to give back to Yunxing City. Let's tentatively set 10 billion. By the way, I have some on the design drawing. Request, you find a way to recruit people over here." After Xiao Yongsheng packed his things, he notified Assistant Li through the walkie-talkie.

   Assistant Li rushed over in a hurry, and called the company while walking.

   "Mr. Xiao, the 10 billion capital flow can't be squeezed out for the time being." Assistant Li said awkwardly. He had just communicated with Yongsheng Technology.

   "What? I can't get out even 10 billion. Didn't I see that there is still 100 billion in liquidity in the account? What's going on." As the controller, Xiao Yongsheng is quite sensitive to funds.

   "It's Young Master Xiao. He embezzled it. His whereabouts are unknown and he's still investigating."

   "However, the accountant implicitly expressed that it might be that Young Master Xiao used to go after Suman."

   These words made Xiao Yongsheng's face livid. He spent 100 billion chasing a front desk, and a prodigal is not so defeated.

   "It's not that he has been dismissed, how can he still mobilize funds?" Xiao Yongsheng was very dissatisfied with this.

"Master Xiao didn't leave, and used his identity to force his actions. The financial director is currently hospitalized, and the rest of the financial staff are also injured." Assistant Li said that this Young Master Xiao didn't learn Xiao Yongsheng's ability, but Xiao Yongsheng The "domineering" learned very well, which is commonly known as gangster qi.

   "Nizi, Nizi!" Xiao Yongsheng's blood pressure was so high that he almost couldn't catch his breath.

   "Check it out for me, and tell him to go back to his hometown." Xiao Yongsheng's eyes showed killing intent, he was just a son, after he sacrificed the quiet eye of death to obtain eternal life, it didn't matter if he had offspring.

   "Tell Lao Chen to visit the staff of the finance department and comfort him, and there will be no accidents during this period." Xiao Yongsheng said after he calmed down.

  "All the staff in the finance department have left collectively. Everyone is scared. I just got the news that the chief financial officer was hospitalized and was rescued in the ICU. Just now, the rescue failed." Assistant Li also looked unhappy.

  Beating people to death and sending them to the hospital are basically two situations.

  Everyone came to work in your company for the sake of money, but it turned out that you beat people to death, and no one wanted to change them.

   "Also, other financial staff also suffered from many injuries, the lightest of which was fractured." Assistant Li was also quite speechless.

   These were leaked to him by a resentful accountant after he left the company, but he used a trumpet. He knew who it was, but he was pretending to be confused and pretended not to know who it was.

  He was also doing it for himself. If Xiao Yongsheng died of cancer, he would also think of running away instead of actually being Xiao Yunting's assistant. He didn't see that even the chief financial officer's life was in danger, let alone being in charge of a more intimate assistant.

   "It is urgent to find someone who wants to suppress this matter, and then collect 10 billion as soon as possible."

At this time, Xiao Yongsheng could only put his sacrifice to the Tranquil Eye of Death on the agenda first, and nothing else was important, because he was going to die, and as long as he survived, his son could be sent to prison, even if it was the death penalty. It doesn't matter, the company can also be reorganized, he has the technology in hand, coupled with years of business experience, it is not a problem at all.

   Instead, he died, and everything was over.

"If we sell a batch of patents, we can collect the 10 billion tomorrow, but" Assistant Li can think of the fastest way to get 10 billion, but this method is tantamount to killing a chicken and picking eggs. Every patent is a steady stream. A one-time sell-off of wealth is simply too much of a loss.

"Throw it away! Before nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I want to see this amount of money arrive in the account. Also, hire a group of external accountants today and let them put this money into my personal account. The tax that should be paid must not be less .” Xiao Yongsheng was worried that his son would cheat the money again, so he did this.

  As for paying taxes, it is also very simple. At this time, don’t resort to tricks, just pay the money honestly.

   "No problem, I will arrange it immediately." Assistant Li has been with Xiao Yongsheng for ten years, and he has been conscientious in these years, and his professional ability is very good.

   It only takes ten minutes, and this matter will be arranged. As an assistant, naturally, you don't have to go to find it in person, but go through the company's network resources.

   "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao, he refuses to come back." Assistant Li also looked a little weird, he still didn't say a word, that is, he injured someone.

  He even suspected that Xiao Yunting had mental problems, maybe he was a violent maniac.

   Otherwise, if you disagree, you will hit someone.

   "Forget it, I won't come back if I don't come back. I will notify everyone in the company that I will be paid my salary for one month's vacation. Except for some people who are not suitable for leaving and can work at home, they will work at home. All businesses will be suspended. I will deal with it when I go back."

  Xiao Yongsheng could also tell from Assistant Li's weird expression that it might not be as simple as refusing to come back, maybe there are other behaviors, but it's not appropriate to say it.

"No problem, I'll notify you right away." Assistant Li also didn't understand Xiao Yongsheng's decision, but it didn't matter, anyway, it wasn't his company, even if he wasn't on vacation, he couldn't leave his job or work at home. type.

   This process took another half an hour.

For such a huge company, the efficiency is extremely high. In just half an hour, the personnel Xiao Yongsheng needed arrived, especially the municipal, planning, and design personnel. Even the local leaders of Yunxing City came over. .

   This is an investment of 10 billion to support the construction of their hometown, even if they are stuck in traffic, they have to walk here.

   "Mr. Xiao, the man is here, look," Assistant Li said hastily.

   "So fast, please." Xiao Yongsheng was also refreshed, and there was no better news for him than this.

   At least, much better than the bad news from his son.

   "Speaking of which, are you sure there will be no problems if you do this?" Lu Li said helplessly.

   "Don't worry, this is called killing decisively!" Gu Shanhai said sonorously.

   "No, this is called a violent madman with brain problems." Guang Luli complained.

  He saw with his own eyes that Gu Shanhai stuffed an extremely distorted black shadow into Xiao Yunting's body. This thing should be a one-time consumable, which can affect the NPC's thinking and greatly change its negative emotions.

  For example, they beat up the staff in the finance department before, and today they attacked a supervisor, and they even beat Suman last night, which resulted in him not being able to come to work this morning.

   "Ah, you have to look at two sides of things, for example." Gu Shanhai began to think about how to argue.

   "Don't say it's two-faced, it's ten-faced. This behavior is also a violent madman with a brain problem." As a top player, Lu Li has already experienced many battles, how could he be fooled by Gu Shanhai.

   "Tsk, you will have no friends if you are so bad at fooling around." Gu Shanhai teased.

   "Okay, do you have any clues?" Wei Luli didn't continue talking with Gu Shanhai.

"I don't have any information, even on Xiao Yongsheng's side. The other party seems to have started to give back to his hometown and is going to donate 10 billion. Fortunately, I have squeezed out the cash flow of Yongsheng Technology through the domineering president in advance." Gu Shanhai actually felt a little bit Strangely, he felt as if he was missing something.

   I just checked again, but found nothing.

  So, this has become a big anomaly that needs to be investigated in depth.

   "What about you, what did you find?" Gu Shanhai also asked back.

   "Me neither. These days, I don't have any other problems except watching the domineering president and Bai Lianhua's embarrassing love affair." Lu Li also sighed. Obviously, this main line is too difficult.

"I'm planning to go to Yunxing City to investigate. I suspect that my skills have been blocked, so I can't see everything. Xiao Yongsheng is about to die. At this time, he can't suddenly realize that he wants to give back to his hometown. For sure. There is a more secret plan." Gu Shanhai is a man of action, if there is a problem, he will investigate it.

   "Even you can be deceived." Guang Wei Lu Li also looked serious, and he also had some feelings about Gu Shanhai's strength and mystery.

   "It's not surprising that you can hide it from me. The difficulty of this world is far beyond the difficulty of all the worlds at this stage." Gu Shanhai said directly.

  He felt that if Weird Luli asked Shura to form a team, this invitation letter might not be able to bring him to such a strange world, but if Gu Shanhai was added, he would be dragged down by Gu Shanhai.

The main reason is that Gu Shanhai is too strong, directly raising the upper limit, but also because Guang Wei Lu Li is an invitation letter user, so he has to take into account his strength, so he came to such a seemingly weak but strong when digging deep. outrageous world.

   "Okay, but you, as the number one player, can have this kind of accident, it shouldn't be." Guang Wei Lu Li also joked.

"Your words are a bit nonsense. I am not the number one player at all." Gu Shanhai said seriously. First, he is not a formal player, and second, he is not a human being, let alone number one, so the word It doesn't fit him at all.

  Lu Li frowned when he heard this. He misunderstood what Gu Shanhai meant, and then asked, "You seem to have met a player stronger than you?"

   "Oh, that's not true, but there are people out there who dare to call themselves invincible." Gu Shanhai has indeed never seen a stronger player than him, but he has seen a stronger existence than him.

   Seeing that Gu Shanhai didn't say anything, he didn't ask the bottom line.

   This kind of thing is not a big deal. There are quite a few low-key monsters among the players, who don't show off or pretend to be aggressive, and just grow up secretly.

   This type of player is like a ghost, who exists but is unknown, and usually looks ordinary.

  But if you really want to show your strength, it is enough to surprise most people's eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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