I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 405: Sleep forever in Chang'an, entangled for thousands of years

  Chapter 405 Sleeping forever in Chang'an, entangled for a thousand years

  Yunxing City, this is a third-tier city surrounded by mountains. If it is not for the modern transportation, it will be extremely difficult to get in and out.

  Gu Shanhai came here by plane, but he can also take the train, but it takes too long.

   As for using the Five Elements Escape to directly move over, Gu Shanhai never thought about it at all, because he was leaving traces for himself.

  Whether it is buying tickets or communicating, it is a deepening of traces in itself.

   Besides, one second you were at the Yongsheng Technology Headquarters thousands of kilometers away, and the next second you came to Yunxing City. Isn’t this clearly saying that you have a problem?

   It's fine if you don't get noticed, but wouldn't it be a loss if you get caught and cause unnecessary trouble.

   It only took half a day in total, and it was still an evening flight, so Gu Shanhai couldn't afford to waste it.

  After coming to Yunxing City, Gu Shanhai found that there were quite a few engineering teams taking measurements today.

   "So fast?" Of course Gu Shanhai knew that this was Xiao Yongsheng's investment in the reconstruction of Yunxing City, but he didn't expect the efficiency to be beyond his expectations.

Judging from the results of his prophecy and divination, it was communicated at noon yesterday, and the design drawings were released and approved in the evening, and there are still a series of procedures to go through. Normally, it takes at least a month to complete these procedures, even if Xiao Immortality is a big investment, so it will take ten days and a half a month.

  It turned out that it started the next day, which is really money-making.

  Of course, Immortality Technology is not only rich, but also powerful. These plans are naturally the green light all the way.

   "Wait to find a way to find a person in charge to search for the soul."

investigation? It is true that Gu Shanhai came here to investigate, but he has the ability to directly search the soul to look at the memory, why did he have to find out the truth bit by bit.

  For him, the evidence is not important, and he doesn't need it, as long as there is suspicion, he will do it.

  The reason why he didn’t go to Xiao Yongsheng was also because he was worried. The failure of his own divination meant that something interfered. Interfering with his divination could also prove that it could threaten his life.

  For the sake of caution, first insinuate, and then wait for the opportunity to do it.

   It’s not really going to be reckless. You have to be prepared and eliminate hidden dangers before reckless. This is called crushing.

   "Look for the person in charge of the construction or the official high-level or even the designer. These people talked with Xiao Yongsheng yesterday."

  Gu Shanhai quickly found all the insiders through prophecy, divination and spiritual knowledge, and then retrieved the memory remotely.

   Then, the previous meeting was reproduced through memory.

   "Sure enough, part of my divination is missing."

  In fact, the content is almost the same, the only missing part is some nodes in the planning and design diagram.

   "A formation or ceremony?" Gu Shanhai extracted the core key points in the design drawing through layers of screening. Others are not a problem. The real problem is the effect of this formation or ceremony.

   "In other words, Xiao Yongsheng has mastered the only extraordinary in this world."

  He really doesn't know what the formation or ritual is used for. He has never been to this world, nor has he mastered the language, characters or even related settings of this world.

  The world in "The First Age" is so vast that it is impossible for him to collect it all.

The reason why he was able to know whether it was a formation or a ceremony had to be deduced from his own rich knowledge. It is probably like an illiterate seeing an advertisement on the side of the road. He may not understand what the words on the advertisement are, but common sense accumulated over the years It made him recognize that it was an advertisement.

   This is Gu Shanhai's current problem.

"So Xiao Yongsheng can travel between the two worlds." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but think of the two worlds. Maybe Xiao Yongsheng can travel to other worlds, which is why he can obtain so many technologies, or travel through several worlds, such as this formation Laws/ceremonies are not necessarily a specialty of the technological world, but a brand new extraordinary world.

  As for why he still gets cancer after having an extraordinary world, it is also very simple. This extraordinary world may be just opened by him.

   "If this is the case, wouldn't Xiao Yongsheng be more like the protagonist than his domineering president's son." Gu Shanhai couldn't help complaining when he thought of this.

   "Oh, no, his son is not the protagonist, but Suman is the protagonist. This world is of the female genre."

   Gu Shanhai also realized that Xiao Yunting was at most a male protagonist, and the real protagonist was Su Man.

   "Then can I grab it. Bah, borrow it." Gu Shanhai felt that if it was true, then if he got it directly, wouldn't he be able to travel to other worlds as well.

   But thinking about it carefully, he didn't dare to use it if he really wanted to get it. The main reason is that there is a problem with it.

   "Well, maybe it's just a system." Gu Shanhai thought again, it doesn't have to be the two worlds, and maybe it's the Xueba system.

   If this formation/ceremony did not appear, Gu Shanhai would still think that this is a top genius, but now, even knowledge that does not belong to this world has appeared, which must indicate a problem.

In fact, there is another possibility, that is, the knowledge itself existed, it just belonged to the ancient aura era, and now it is the end of the Dharma era, so it has disappeared, but this possibility is so small that it can be ignored, Gu Shanhai has collected it a long time ago Various related records and documents of this world.

  There is no bright spot in science and technology, and those books that talk about gods and gods in ancient times are all fake.

   Otherwise, Gu Shanhai would be so sure that this knowledge does not belong to this world.

   "Well, let's go and monitor Xiao Yongsheng. It is easy to make mistakes in divination with prophecy, so let's use physics." Gu Shanhai has already finished his insinuation, and now of course it is only left to wait for the opportunity to do it.

  But he didn't plan to go there in person, but planned to monitor remotely.

  If this seemingly problematic thing is over, what if you fall into a trap?

  Although doing so may lead to some consequences, it is safe.

  He also thought about killing Xiao Yongsheng directly, then the next task might be completed.

   But then what.

  Maybe Lu Li would do this, after all, there are rewards, but Gu Shanhai would just go for nothing.

   After the task is completed, he really won't go back, but the benefits are also gone.

  Instead of preventing the concept of death from dying out, he wants to see what can erase the concept of death, and then see if there is any benefit.

  Mission failure is the least loss for him. Instead, completing the mission in the first way will make him lose money.

Gu Shanhai didn't think about being weird either. He was the one who took him to the dungeon, but he is different from normal players. He can indeed be resurrected after death, but he still has to be the main one. Could it be that the task is still the main one? award.

   "Damn it, why can't I find anyone?" Gu Shanhai confirmed Xiao Yongsheng's location through prophecy and divination, only to find that Xiao Yongsheng had disappeared from the world.

  The spiritual consciousness also scanned Xiao Yongsheng's old house, but found nothing.

   It means that the other party is really missing.

   "This is kind of nonsense, I can't even find it."

  Gu Shanhai knew that the other party was determined not to leave Yunxing City, because he was still communicating with the people in Yunxing City last night. With his current physical condition, he would definitely be very tired and couldn't stand the second bump.

  So it is more likely that they left through unknown means.

   Arrived at Xiao Yongsheng's old house in an instant, assistants, bodyguards and others were also busy.

   Gu Shanhai was a bit of a fool, because he saw Xiao Yongsheng and was working in the study.

   "So this is a quantum state, isn't it? I observed it so it appeared. Using spiritual consciousness and other means to investigate is not an observation, and it doesn't exist." Gu Shanhai complained.

  He didn't enter the study in Xiao Yongsheng's old house. Instead, he buried himself in the soil far away in the yard, and a plant grew out as a disguise.

   This monitoring lasted for one day. I have to say that this Xiao Yongsheng really worked hard. He sat for a whole day, got up and went to the toilet a few times, and the rest of the food and drink were brought to him by his assistant.

   During the period, the assistant also persuaded Xiao Yongsheng several times to go to rest, but Xiao Yongsheng also responded with a few words, almost perfunctory.


   There was a vibration in his arms, it was the phone ringing.

  Gu Shanhai used the plant tentacles to take it out from the ground. The caller must be strange, so he picked it up without any hassle.

   "What's the matter?" Gu Shanhai asked casually.

   "I found something, there seems to be something wrong with Su Man and Xiao Yunting's ancestors." Guang Wei Lu Li spoke immediately.

   "Can there be any problems, but is it not human?" Gu Shanhai replied casually.

  Even if there is a problem with the ancestors, it has nothing to do with the present.

   If it is really going to be resurrected, Gu Shanhai might still be interested.

   "It's not that outrageous, have you heard of the Eternal Sleep Sect and the Chang'an Sect?" Weirdly asked him a rhetorical question.

  Gu Shanhai recalled it for a while, and then said: "I have a little impression that all the cults that were active a thousand years ago were wiped out. You wouldn't say that these two religions were created by the ancestors of Xiao Yunting and Su Man, right?"

   "That's right, the more important thing is that the two religions are one family, and the entanglement is extremely deep."

   "Actually, Suman is an illegitimate daughter."

  The two words, "Bright and weird," seemed a bit abrupt, but Gu Shanhai understood in an instant.

   "You mean that Su Man is actually Xiao Yongsheng's daughter?" Gu Shanhai immediately thought of this matter.

"That's right, what's more important is that this relationship is more than that. Xiao Yongsheng is also a combination of the Su family and the Xiao family. Even his wife also owns the Xiao family and the Su family, and the blood relationship does not go beyond five clothes, so theoretically, they They are all relatives, this is definitely not a coincidence, I can smell the smell of fate from it." Guang Luli is not a fool, he investigated the three generations of the Xiao and Su families.

  Compared to the investigation of the Xiao family, the Su family is a little more troublesome. It took hundreds of eccentric simulations to obtain the information, and it was directly dug to the root.

  For a while, Gu Shanhai didn't know what to say.

   Various genetic defects, genetic diseases, etc. caused by close relatives came to mind.

   "That's not right, why are they all right? They are all so healthy." Gu Shanhai didn't think too much, but asked directly.

   "I don't know, but I can be sure that their blood has some kind of means to avoid genetic defects and genetic diseases."

   "This method has been implanted in the Chang'an Cult of Eternal Sleep a thousand years ago, indicating that the two parties may have some kind of special relationship, such as the original Xiao and Su are a family, etc."

  Gu Shanhai's guess is much bolder than Gu Shanhai's.

   "Then what's the point of all this?" Gu Shanhai was a little helpless, so what if he knew it.

  From Guang Wei Lu Li's description, whether it is Su or Xiao, the population is not prosperous, and it is troublesome to find someone to do experiments on. Only Guang Wei Lu Li has a simulator and can continue to dig deeper.

   "Uh, it doesn't seem to make any sense." Lu Li also paused, knowing what to do, it's too piecemeal.

   "But it's not impossible. You tied Xiao Yunting and Su Man and sent me here. I'll wait for you here." Gu Shanhai sent Guangwei Luli a location.

  Since I don’t know what’s hidden, I’ll tie someone up and study it in depth, maybe I’ll be able to see something.

"That's not good. Besides, they have fate on them, and I will fail." Lu Li is not stupid. Kidnapping the protagonist is not courting death. Now that he already knows that there may be some abnormalities in these two people, how can he do it? Dare to do it.

   "It's really not possible. You can find a way to lure him here, and I can tie him up." Gu Shanhai didn't care about the weird little thoughts, he could still tolerate such small gains and losses.

   "It's really not possible, you come to monitor Xiao Yongsheng, I will go and kidnap someone."

  Gu Shanhai also added in passing that he was relatively indifferent to this.

"Then let me lure you there, it's too rude of you to do this." Guang Wei Lu Li also has a higher level of understanding of Gu Shanhai's unscrupulousness. Acting after the road, it's not like Gu Shanhai, who just doesn't care about it and directly strikes.

   It’s just that they are teammates, so they can only accept it, so as not to cause complications.

  Responsible to the next, you have to ask what should be asked.

   "What are you planning to do by arresting these two people? Are you threatening Xiao Yongsheng?"

   Gu Shanhai didn't hide the strangeness of the problem: "I want to study their peculiarities and see if I can find any clues."

   "Research? What can this research lead to?" Guangwei Luli was particularly puzzled by the way the reporter broke the game.

   "Even if you don't study it, just take a look." Gu Shanhai thought about whether he could extract something in the blood vein, which was hidden deeply, and it might have something to do with the secrecy of the two sects of Eternal Sleep and Chang'an.

It is a pity that all the documents and ancient books in hand did not mention in detail, only a few words and phrases of these two sects were vaguely mentioned in some corners, most of which were names, and there were no more records. The court covered up.

  (end of this chapter)

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