I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 408: Top Pull, Peek into the Future Meet Simulator

  Chapter 408 Top Pull, Peeking into the Future Meets Simulator

   "Another person wants to destroy?"

  Xiao Yongsheng raised his head, and a ring-like existence appeared in his pupils.

"Which little mouse is it that repeatedly sabotages my plan?" Xiao Yongsheng felt annoyed in his heart. Since a few days ago, he found that his sacrificial ceremony had fluctuated repeatedly, and it would fail from time to time. It is also constantly being modified and adjusted for success.

   This gave him the illusion that the opponent knew his actions, and he could predict the opponent's actions. Two people who knew each other's details were fighting each other.

   "I have to find a way to find the other party, otherwise I won't be able to bear it any longer."

  Xiao Yongsheng didn't intend to continue entanglement with the other party. If the entanglement continued, he would definitely die, and the cancer on his body was getting more and more serious.

   "So I have to be the first to attack and get rid of the opponent in advance."

  As long as the person who has been trying to destroy his sacrificial ceremony dies, no amount of planning will be in vain.

   As for how to solve the opponent, it is also very simple, that is through the official of Yunxing City. After all, he has invested so much money, and the 10 billion is still taken by the official. If they don't do it, who will do it?

   "Director Xiao, something happened." Assistant Li hurried over.

   "You came just in time. I have something for you to do." Xiao Yongsheng was planning to call Assistant Li, but he didn't expect it to come so well.

   "Speak." Assistant Li didn't interrupt or say anything first.

   "Go and inform the city lord and others that I have something to discuss with them and tell them to come as soon as possible." Xiao Yongsheng also said it out of the way.

"Yes, Director Xiao." After Assistant Li responded, he said: "Young Master Xiao has been missing for seven days, and Su Man is also missing together. According to the investigation, both of them came out of the airport after arriving in Yunxing City. , disappeared after taking a taxi, probably... killed."

  Killed Assistant Li was a little cautious when he said the three words and kept an eye on Xiao Yongsheng's situation. He was worried that Xiao Yongsheng would not be able to bear the blow when he lost his son in old age.

   As a result, Xiao Yongsheng's expression was very calm.

   "Where's the taxi? Have you found it?" Xiao Yongsheng didn't seem to care about Xiao Yunting's life or death at all.

   "No, it's a deck." Assistant Li quickly replied.

  As for why it wasn’t kidnapping, it’s also very simple, because kidnapping must have something to ask for, it’s impossible to wait seven days without news, and revenge is also unlikely. If revenge is really necessary, some body parts should be sent over by now.

  So there is a greater probability of being killed.

   "That is to say, there are no clues yet?" Xiao Yongsheng asked again.

   "Yes, but the government office has put a lot of effort into looking for Young Master Xiao, and some of our people have also dispersed." Assistant Li also said hastily.

   "Understood, this matter is put on hold for now, and the matter of Niizi is not in a hurry, first deal with the things I ordered you." Xiao Yongsheng didn't care about Xiao Yunting at all.

  Before he got seriously ill, he would have been furious, but now, he only wants to live forever, not to take his own life for a son who has done little and failed.

   Assistant Li's expression changed slightly when he heard this, but he quickly suppressed the strange look.

"I'll contact the city lord right away!" Assistant Li naturally didn't dare to disobey him. He found that since Xiao Yongsheng came back, his temperament has become more and more weird and gloomy, which makes people feel a trembling feeling that cannot be described in words, even if The opponent's body became weaker and weaker, but those eyes seemed to be able to swallow human life.

   After contacting all the senior officials of Yunxing City, both the city lord and the city guard commander rushed over quickly.

"Xiao Dong, don't worry, we are already searching for your son's affairs with all our strength, and we promise to bring this thief to justice and protect your son's safety." As soon as the city lord came in, he promised, he thought Xiao Yongsheng was in such a hurry The reason for looking for him is because of his son. After all, the Xiao family is such an only son, so they must be in a hurry. It is understandable to look for him.

   "The city lord is here, please sit down." Xiao Yongsheng also got up to greet him, but just got up, his body was a little unsteady and he fell back on the chair.

   "Hey, Xiao Dong, don't worry, be careful." The city lord also has quick eyesight and quick hands, and rushed to help Xiao Yongsheng with three steps and two steps.

   "I'm in poor health." Xiao Yongsheng felt a little helpless after he sat down firmly, and then continued: "I don't dare to bother the city lord to make a big deal about the dog's matter. This time, I invite the city lord and commanders to come here, because there are other important matters."

   This remark made everyone a little puzzled, the son is not important anymore? So what's important, with your body, if you can survive a year, you are considered strong. If you disappear with a bang, no one will inherit the huge family business.

   "Xiao Dong, please tell me." The city lord also looked serious, he really couldn't guess what Xiao Yongsheng wanted to do.

   "Cough, this morning, I received a threatening letter. Of course, it has nothing to do with Gouzi, but it has something to do with Yunxing City." After speaking, Xiao Yongsheng took out the letter and handed it to the city lord.

  After the city owner opened it and read it, he frowned and passed it to the city guard commander.

  The commander of the city guard was furious after reading it: "This is too arrogant, it is simply too arrogant, I have never seen such an arrogant person!"

  The letter was Chi Guoguo's provocation, saying that he would sabotage the major construction of Yunxing City this time.

   Then the rest of the people looked at it again, and they all had different expressions, but none of them looked good.

   "Mr. Xiao, do you have any clues?" the commander of the city guard asked.

   "Me neither. I don't even know when it was placed on my desk, but I can be sure that this is definitely not a person, but a force, and it has even infiltrated into my bodyguards."

   "Perhaps the disappearance of the dog is also related to this force."

  Xiao Yongsheng had a bitter face on his face, showing that he had returned to his hometown to make a contribution, but in the end he was treated like this, which made anyone feel uncomfortable.

It’s just that no one would have thought that this threatening letter was written by him himself, and he got a reply through the gift he obtained from the Tranquil Eye of Death, Peeping into the Future. No one would think that this threatening letter was written by himself. Yes, after all he has no motive.

  Who would think that a person who invested 10 billion would do these things.

   "Five days, within five days, our Yunxing City will definitely give you an explanation to Xiao Dong." The city lord said in a deep voice.

  The impact of this incident is very large, involving future business investment issues.

   It is still in the stage of secrecy, but once it spreads, the reputation of the entire Yunxing City will be ruined immediately.

  Think about it, you come to invest, and the result is that your son and daughter-in-law-to-be are alive and dead, and there are people threatening you, so who will invest in the future?

  Even the famous Immortality Technology has fallen, let alone other companies, they ask themselves that they are not as good as Immortality Technology.

   "Okay, then I'll trouble the city lord, I suspect they may." Seeing this, Xiao Yongsheng naturally struck while the iron was hot, and revealed part of the location.

  These locations are the key nodes of his sacrificial ceremony. If you want to destroy it, the best places are these places.

   "Okay, I understand. With Xiao Dong's help, this matter will be resolved within five days." The city owner knew that it was the most taboo to be vague at this time, and it was necessary to give investors enough confidence.

   After the group of people chatted about some information, they got up and left.

  After the person left, Xiao Yongsheng also restrained his disguise.

   "Hmph, after being classified as a terrorist act, let's see how you continue to sabotage." Xiao Yongsheng understands one thing, that is, terrorist organizations don't need any evidence, just deal with everything on the list.

  As for going into battle in person, how can he go into battle? With his terminally ill body, he still goes into battle in person, so he might have to be killed by the opponent alone.

He has never underestimated the power of the government. His ancestors who were able to stop him thousands of years ago had this kind of strength at that time, let alone now, so only with the help of the power of the government can he complete it without anyone noticing. Instead of repeating the same mistakes as his ancestors.

   "Yunting, you disappeared in time."

  Xiao Yongsheng smiled lowly. If it was just a simple threat letter, the official would pay attention to it, but definitely not so much.

  The real bargaining chip has to be that his son's life or death is unknown, which is why the officials are so concerned.

  In this world, money and status can also become an invisible weapon.

   "Changed again?" Bizarrely, his face changed abruptly.

According to the perfect route he figured out last time, he could easily destroy the sacrificial ceremony, but now after simulating it again, he found that he not only failed, but also became a public enemy of the world because of this. The sacrificial ceremony also implicated Gu Shanhai, causing the monster he cultivated to be born early.

   "What's the situation, what did the **** do?" Lu Li's first thought was what happened to Gu Shanhai, which caused the future to change and indirectly affected his own actions.

   Just thinking about it again, it is unlikely that it is Gu Shanhai, because the other party has been out of the door for a while, at most, he has used plants to remotely monitor Xiao Yongsheng, and has never left the underground laboratory.

   "Multiple changes, it is more likely that someone can detect my actions, so I arranged it in advance."

  Bright and grotesque looks a little ugly, so it seems that the two sides have to see-saw.

   "Is it Xiao Yongsheng?"

  Except for Gu Shanhai, there is no one else who can make such a big impact, except for Xiao Yongsheng, so he can mobilize official forces to encircle and suppress him.

  He doesn't care about the official power, after all, the official thermal weapons can basically do negligible damage to him.

  Even if it is a missile, he is not afraid of anything, but what he is afraid of is Xiao Yongsheng, who may have acquired some power of the quiet eye of death.

  If they really match up, they may use some kind of weird ability to kill themselves.

   "From now on, it seems likely that Xiao Yongsheng did all the ways I died before."

  Before, he could only live for one year in the simulator, and the cause of death was also unknown. Looking at it now, it should be Xiao Yongsheng, who has fully grown up a year later, did it.

   "It's not safe for me to go alone, I have to find a way to pull the **** together." Lu Li's first thought was to hold a group.

  After all, the results produced by his simulator are invalid for Xiao Yongsheng.

  It’s like two people who can read minds playing rock-paper-scissors, they can both know what the other party wants to do.

  Thus, the grotesque idea changed from a perfect line to directly killing the other party with Gu Shanhai.

   "Before it's time, let's simulate it." Lu Li has developed a habit of simulating everything he does to plan his plans.

【you are dead! 】

   "Why do you bring a gun, and the group will be wiped out tomorrow?" The complexion changed drastically, and he really wanted to know what Gu Shanhai had done.

  With him, he would die suddenly on the spot. Without him, he could survive for more than a month through mass killing.

   "So this teammate is a trap, right?!" Thinking of this, his grotesque mentality exploded, and he would have invited Shura if he had known.

  I thought that Gu Shanhai was strong enough to be a strong support, but it turned out to be a big hole. From entering the middle-level area to now, he has been squatting in the laboratory to do some horrible experimental research that he can't bear, just like a villain.

   That's it, I don't know how the opponent became so strong.

   "Since you can't count on ***, I can only do it myself."

  He simulated several times, as long as he took Gu Shanhai with him and went to Xiao Yongsheng to settle accounts the next day, he would definitely die suddenly, but he would be fine if he went there alone.

   It is impossible to kill Xiao Yongsheng, but he will be tricked by Xiao Yongsheng, who is just an ordinary person, and the best result is that both sides will suffer.

  However, if you go to Gu Shanhai after losing both sides, you will recover very quickly, and you can only use Gu Shanhai as a logistics, which is a big pitfall in battle.

   "I have to find a way to re-plan."

   "Why does Lu Li keep talking about me behind my back, and keeps peeping at me, what's going on?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled.

  Under normal circumstances, grotesque simulations would not bring him, because bringing him is like bringing an uncertain variable, after all, the simulator cannot affect him.

"This thing is too irritating." Gu Shanhai was a little helpless, then put down his work, searched through the spiritual plants, and pulled out some of the spiritual plants related to heavenly secrets to make them grow on the skin above.

   "Strengthen the shielding ability, so that the grotesque simulation will ignore me, and save me from teasing me from time to time."

Gu Shanhai feels as if someone is tickling the soles of his feet every time he imitates and babbles. This feeling is not very clear, but very vague. Big fire.

   "But having said that, this kid has nothing to do with what I do. Judging from the feedback, there is no malice. He is not planning on me, he is not pulling me to fight the BOSS, right?"

  Gu Shanhai felt that this was simply trying to kill him. With his cheap hands, if he really fought the boss, he might have to face the Serene Eye of Death directly.

   "Tsk, if he really comes looking for me, I'll just refuse." Gu Shanhai made up his mind, if he didn't come to tease him, maybe Gu Shanhai would really follow him to fight the boss.

  (end of this chapter)

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