I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 409: come, let me give you a ride

  Chapter 409 Come, I'll give you a ride

   "Fuck, why are these two making such a big noise?"

  Gu Shanhai turned on the TV and watched the latest report, saying that a terrorist had absconded after a failed terrorist operation.

   More importantly, Xiao Yongsheng, who has a series of titles such as a well-known entrepreneur, philanthropist, federal honorary member, and founder of Immortality Technology, was injured. This caused a great shock in the entire federal territory.

   After all, I am afraid of this kind of thing. The Federation family has a big business, and they encounter it from time to time, but this time it is a big person who is attacked, which is different from the low-level people. Naturally, it has to be special.

  Even the highest member of the Federation issued a serious condemnation, and arranged a large number of armed forces to enter Yunxing City to investigate, and even blocked all exits, in order to catch this absconded terrorist.

   "But having said that, how could this eccentric Luli lose? With his strength, he can easily destroy the entire Federation."

Gu Shanhai is also a little puzzled. The energy level of this world is too low. If there is no event of the disappearance of the concept of death, it may be lower than the one that was just opened at the beginning of the Holy Federation. It is far behind in terms of technology. .

  So even if Yunxing City dispatched heavy firepower to suppress, Lu Li would not be injured, and he could calmly kill Xiao Yongsheng and leave.

  However, he failed.

   "Fortunately, I didn't go, the water is too deep for this thing."

  Gu Shanhai also had lingering fears, sure enough there was something wrong with this product.

  As for why Gu Shanhai didn't monitor it, it was because the area where the two sides fought was not in Xiao Yongsheng's old house, but in the city center, not to mention that Gu Shanhai didn't know that Lu Li would fight.

  He thought it was explosives at most, but he didn’t expect the eccentricity to be reckless, which made him a little incomprehensible. You have become a top player, so why are you like this? Oh, it may be poor.

  Gu Shanhai also reacted, Guang Wei Luli switched to the system before, and sold everything that should be sold. What a ghost, no matter how poor you are, you won’t be able to go to battle in person.

  That's why Gu Shanhai didn't understand. If it was him, he would wipe the entire Yunxing City for you from a distance, so there is no need for such trouble.

  Even if it is said that after switching to the system, Guang Wei Lu Li's combat power has dropped and he still can't keep up with the team, but he must at least be level 480+.

   Not to mention anything else, just venting the energy in one's own body is enough to raze the entire city to the ground.

   "That is to say, either he is reduced in intelligence, or he is restricted. There is no third possibility."

  To be honest, the difficulty of tasks in this world is actually not that great. The real difficulty should be the return of high ratings.

   "I don't know if I'm dead or not."

  Gu Shanhai's vision turned to the Xiao family's old house. At this time, Xiao Yongsheng had also returned, and the aura of the other party was already very low, and he looked like he was about to die.

   "It seems that they are preparing to launch the sacrificial ceremony in advance."

  If Guang Wei Lu Li wins, his mission has been completed now, and Gu Shanhai will lose a lot.

"But is Lu Li dead or not?" Gu Shanhai was also puzzled, the news reports on TV would definitely not go into details, only some unimportant information would be repeatedly mentioned and then rambling on. .

   Let people know the harm but not know how big the harm is, so as not to cause panic.

   "If there are no accidents, Xiao Yongsheng should launch the sacrificial ceremony tonight, which will be interesting."

With a sweep of Gu Shanhai's spiritual consciousness, everything in Yunxing City was constructed into a three-dimensional image by him, and then optimized through the Four Sacred Beast system. All the nodes of the sacrificial ceremony were marked in red by him, and then extracted , converted into a drawing.

   "There are still many gaps. Judging from the success rate, it should be 70%."

   "The main thing is that it is too urgent."

  After the large-scale deduction of the Four Holy Beasts system, a lot of mistakes and omissions were quickly found.

  The success rate of 70% is not small. The analogy is that the signal will weaken, so the quiet eye of death will receive it, but it may be ignored because the signal is too weak.

   "However, since the mission has not failed, it means that 70% is just the success rate of the ceremony, not the probability of the arrival of the Tranquil Eye of Death."

  If this ceremony really fails, then with Xiao Yongsheng's physical condition, if he can't live until tomorrow morning, it is equivalent to the task being completed.

  As for the successors of Yongmian Sect and Chang'an Sect? Stop making trouble, the two only children have now been turned into a cocoon of flesh and blood by Gu Shanhai, even if they are reborn from the cocoon, they will no longer be the heirs of these two sects, but some kind of treacherous monster.

  In the eyes of Xiao Yongsheng and Guangwei Luli, the ceremony is very important, but in the eyes of Gu Shanhai, the ceremony is really not important, especially after the failure of Guangwei Luli, it is enough to prove that the power of the quiet eye of death has penetrated into this world.

  The pollution called extraordinary has begun to breed.

  That's right, it's pollution, not the real supernatural, it's just a disaster in the name of supernatural.

   "I have to do him a little favor, otherwise, this concept of death really cannot be erased, I'm just kidding."

  Gu Shanhai stayed here just to see the world without death, how could he allow failure.

   "But it can't be repaired too well, let's repair it 90%."

   As Gu Shanhai said, he slipped out a twisted heart demon soldier from his body, and then controlled the heart demon soldier to escape through the four holy beast system, and went to help repair it.

  With the efficiency of the Inner Demon Daoist, it can be done in at most three minutes.

The Heart Demon Daoist was used to help in battle before, but now it is mainly used as a tool man, but Gu Shanhai has a better tool dragon on weekdays, so the Heart Demon Daoist retreated to the second line to maintain the spiritual plants in his body, He does small jobs like tickling and blocking knives.

  Three minutes passed in a flash, and the mission of the Heart Demon Dao Bing was completed smoothly.

   "The next thing is to wait for the good news tonight." Gu Shanhai actually wished that Lu Li had died.

   But he made a fortune, and he is still alive, which is a bit regrettable.

  As a teammate, he was really embarrassed to stab the knife directly, so he could only do nothing but die.

  He won’t go out of his way to directly attack. After all, there is no conflict between the two sides, but he will still do indirect actions like dying. As long as he closes his eyes, he won’t watch his teammates die.

  Of course, if Guangwei Luli can hold his breath and ask him for help, Gu Shanhai will also save him for the sake of his teammates.

   "The big show won't start until night, so I'll continue to deal with my little cutie." Gu Shanhai looked at the cocoon of flesh and blood with a smile.

   Now this cocoon of flesh and blood is more than ten times larger than before.

   This is definitely not developed by itself, but transformed by Gu Shanhai.

  He was not satisfied with the original form, but after changing it, he felt that something was missing, and finally it became like this.

   But it doesn't matter, the strength is much stronger than before.

   is definitely a good tool man.

   As for what is inside, it doesn't matter anymore, whether it comes from the Tranquil Eye of Death or the special blood of Chang'an Sect or Eternal Sleep Sect, it has now taken the shape of Gu Shanhai.

   "That's why, the incubation time has to be extended again." Gu Shanhai felt a little emotional.

   Fortunately, it can be seen from his majestic vitality that this is a very healthy guy.

   "Next, I. Huh, are you back?"

  Gu Shanhai sensed a strange aura. The other party seemed to have escaped from Yunxing City before, but now he turned back. Now he has arrived at the door of Gu Shanhai's underground laboratory, and he staggered into it.

   "Your injury is really serious." Gu Shanhai immediately supported him, and then helped him onto the operating bed used for dissection.

   "Cough, Xiao Yongsheng is unusual, he can use part of the ability of the Tranquil Eye of Death, at least level 700 boss." Guang Luli said weakly.

  Gu Shanhai glanced at Xiao Yongsheng, who was about to die, with a strange look on his face.

   This should be a one-time ability. If you sneak attack again now, the opponent will not be able to use this ability even if they squeeze themselves dry.

   "What's the situation?" Gu Shanhai asked while giving first aid to Guang Wei Lu Li.

"It was almost successful, but another eye appeared in Xiao Yongsheng's eyes. That's right, it was the quiet eye of death. I was seriously injured on the spot, and I also got two negative statuses, which were permanent. I wanted to remove them." I'm afraid it will be difficult."

   As he spoke, he revealed two permanent negative states.

  【The pain of being chased by death: the upper limit of life is permanently reduced by 90% and in a state of pain】

  【Indulge in quiet confusion: All consumption increases by 100% and recovery ability decreases by 90%】

"Interesting power, this should be the hand of the quiet eye of death, but fortunately the other party did not come, otherwise, you may not only get these two permanent negative states, if the number is not doubled by ten times, you will be counted Good luck." Gu Shanhai gloated a little.

   This should be regarded as the first time a player has encountered an existence that can pose a great threat to them.

Weird Luli also has an ugly complexion, he must find a way to remove these two permanent negative states, otherwise he will be useless, after combining these two effects, only 10% of his body attributes that are sealed can take effect, and the recovery The ability is also extremely poor, among which the state of pain is the most disgusting, and it will permanently make him drop 1% of the attributes every day.

  If there is no pain effect, it is just that he cannot display his full strength, but if there is pain, it will turn him into a waste with only levels but no corresponding attributes after a long time.

"Don't mention this, I will stay for another three days. If I can't complete the main storyline, I plan to commit suicide and go back. If you can get valuable things, I will pay you a high price." The eccentric is also very decisive. Thinking about finding a way to relieve these two permanent negative states.

   It is only possible to go to other worlds to find it.

"Don't be so troublesome, I can solve the negative state of your body." Gu Shanhai said, and soon found two eyeballs that were spinning around in Lu Li's body. These two eyeballs grew between his ribs .

   "This thing is a bit capable, and it's actually directly rooted in your vitality."

   "If I forcibly pull it out, you will basically not be able to live, but it's okay, we have the protection of "The First Era", and we will not really die."

   "It means that you may have to die out of this world."

  Gu Shanhai was very curious about these two eyeballs, they should be the incarnation of the quiet eyes of death.

"After removing these two permanent negative states, will these two permanent negative states also disappear?" Now Lu Li no longer thinks about completing the task, but clears these two permanent negative states. As for the task, he can only give it to Gu Shanhai up.

  Unless Gu Shanhai can keep him, otherwise, the best way is of course to choose to clear these two permanent negative states at the price of death.

"90% probability, you don't have to worry about the remaining 10%. After the main body is removed by me, even if the permanent negative state is left behind, it will not be so powerful. After that, it will be much easier for you to remove it through other methods. "What Gu Shanhai said is true.

  He didn't dare to say that he would completely remove it. After all, this thing is indeed extremely weird. It comes from outside the world. As a clone of an existence, it is not so easy to deal with.

  So he can't be sure whether it can be completely dealt with, of course, even if it can't be dealt with, it can be weakened a lot, and the weirdness can also be restored through "The First Era".

   "Okay, let's do it." Guang Wei Lu Li confirmed without hesitation.

  As a top player, he knows that this middle-level area can no longer stay for long, even if it is completely eliminated and survived, he will leave directly.

  The first time you can get through it, but the second time you don't have such good luck, especially if you have already been recruited once, it is equivalent to leaving a mark.

   As for not falling twice in the same place? This is bullshit, the situation where he doesn't fall twice is that he has learned his lesson.

   It was because he learned his lesson that he planned to run away. If he couldn't beat him and went again, that wasn't learning his lesson, it was a disease of his mind.

   "Okay, then you bear with it, I'll do it now." Gu Shanhai pondered, after experiencing so many strange things, he shouldn't need anesthesia, and he can save some time.

   "Wait, what about anesthesia?"

  Gu Shanhai pretended to be stupid, but he was eccentric and not stupid, so he hurriedly stopped it.

   "No, this thing hurts and anesthesia doesn't work." Gu Shanhai calmly expressed his reassurance, he has experience.

   "Me!! Say something before you do it." Weird Lu Li felt that he would die after the operation, maybe not because these two eyeballs were connected to his life, but because Gu Shanhai didn't use anesthesia to hurt him to death.

   "Isn't this intended to be a surprise, so that you will be caught off guard by the pain?" Gu Shanhai said resentfully. He didn't get his eyeballs out just now, and he seemed a little guilty.

   "***, I know a pretty good psychiatrist, I'll take you to see it next time, and I'll pay for it." Lu Li tactfully scolded Gu Shanhai for being mentally ill.

  (end of this chapter)

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