I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 534: It is impossible to return the product, you can only use it

  Chapter 534 It is impossible to return the product, you can only use it

   "How much do you think it is possible for Shura to investigate the gathering place of ghost survivors?" Da Tianwei asked Gu Shanhai curiously.

   "Guess if I knew, I wouldn't need to sit here." Gu Shanhai complained, if he wasn't busy, he would still know, but now that he's busy, he doesn't have so much time to think about it.

  With this time, he might as well gather more things he needs from this city.

  He thought that the ghost survivors would be stored in the core area of ​​the Survival Survival Platform, but unexpectedly, they were thrown into the transfer station.

  As for the main body of the Survival Survival Platform, it is estimated to be in the next level.

  Of course, this should not be regarded as the core area, at most it is the peripheral area.

  From this point of view, Quanwei Survival Platform doesn't care about these ghost survivors at all.

  Thinking about it, the whole Survival Survival platform lacks everything, but there is no shortage of ghosts. Anyway, as long as the ghost world is not extinct, there can be as many ghosts as you want.

  Combined with the corresponding civilization guidance, it is estimated that there are a lot of ghosts on the current All-Sly Survival platform who are enjoying the bonus of cheating.

  So it doesn’t hurt at all to use ghosts as cannon fodder. It’s not that you quit and some ghosts do it, but that if you quit, other ghosts will come up anyway.

  Use the lowest consumables to maximize the value.

   This group of ghost survivors is also really miserable. It is estimated that after completing the ghost candidates in the plan, the treatment may be better, but this kind of treatment is not the preferential treatment of the Survival Survival Platform, but they have the ability to fight for it.

   Candidates are not selected by the platform. On the contrary, they have the ability to perform outstandingly to get this treatment. In essence, they have worked **** their own, but most of the results have been intercepted by the Quangui Survival platform.

  To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that the ghosts are incapable of resisting the Survival Survival Platform, how could this thing survive to this day.

   Gu Shanhai has also deduced part of this situation. The main reason is that the Quanwei Survival Platform has powerful force. It can not only pull people casually in the ghost world, but also control the death of ghost survivors.

   Even more specifically, if the ghost survivor dies, the ghosts in the ghost world will be punished to show their own strength.

   "Speaking of which, why did you let me release Tai Sui to deal with zombies just now? The gap in strength is so obvious. It's no different from sending him to death." Da Tianwei asked.

  Tai Sui's strangeness involves one's own strength. When Shura was around, the Great Heavenly One was naturally embarrassed to ask directly.

  So I can only ask after Shura is gone.

  The previous refusal was a previous thing, if Gu Shanhai was really right, he wouldn't mind letting Tai Sui out.

   "Well, you came to me for after-sales service." Gu Shanhai also said the same thing.

  Da Tianwei nodded: "Yes, you have to tell me anyway."

   This is what he deserved.

   "Zombies are also ghosts in essence, but they are different from normal ghosts and more like immature experimental products."

   "In addition to having excellent nutrition, it is an excellent supplement for a man-made creature like Tai Sui."

   "If you eat zombies, not only can you grow quickly, but if you eat enough, Tai Sui can also acquire special skills, talents, etc. by absorbing zombies."

   "The probability of being alive is much higher than that of dead corpses."

  Gu Shanhai also opened his mouth to explain, concealing what the other party was doing, no matter what, he was also a customer, and he bought everything he bought, so it is not impossible to include an explanation.

"That's right, but haven't you considered that Tai Sui can't beat zombies?" Of course Da Tianwei is very tempted, but so what if he is tempted, he is also tempted by the rewards of the fifth level, and now he is still tempted. Not hopeless.

   Wanting and being able to have are two different situations.

   "No, Tai Sui has special skills, plus it's a ghost, so it's enough to quietly drag a zombie to eat."

   "Using this snowball method, as long as you don't face him head-on, Tai Sui Gui's chances of winning are still very high." Gu Shanhai has naturally thought about it, and it is impossible to really let Tai Sui Gui die.

  Hearing this, Da Tianwei was moved, but he was still thinking.

   Gu Shanhai said it was easy, but the problem is that Tai Sui has no brains, how could he be proceeding in this way.

  It is normal for this kind of problem to occur, because Gu Shanhai didn't install a brain in Tai Sui, and the original idea was to control it with the Four Holy Beasts system.

   It turns out that Da Tianwei actually fell in love with it, and Gu Shanhai had no choice but to sell it to him.

  So in theory Tai Sui is just a ruthless cooking machine with only instinct.

   Fortunately, Gu Shanhai made up a contract later as a control system, otherwise, it would be difficult for Da Tianwei to control it.

  Da Tianwei didn't suspect that there was something wrong with Tai Sui, but thought that this thing was really a brainless thing that needed to be manipulated.

For Da Tianbit, this Tai Sui Gui is not actually used as a normal summoning object, but intends to use it as a special type of summoning object through some skills after going back to "The First Epoch", such as making Tai Sui Gui become a His colony or armor.

  It can be shaped, has powerful attack power and fast regeneration speed, and can split, grow, etc. This is tantamount to a powerful growable equipment.

This is where he sees Tai Sui's cunning, rather than really intending to cultivate it as a summoning object, so it doesn't matter if he has a brain or not, as long as he can keep up with his speed and reaction, it is better to have no brains and ego, no A fit problem occurred.

   "Then what's the solution? Taisui can't do it to the level of detail you said." Da Tianwei asked directly.

   "You control it. Anyway, it's enough for your wife to be on guard against such things." Gu Shanhai complained: "This is an opportunity for you to grow up too old."

   "That's the reason, it's just my wife."

   "What's the matter? It shouldn't be the case when we met for a few days in a month. I remember that she came from a ghost." Gu Shanhai complained.

   "." He felt that Gu Shanhai seemed to have recovered a lot, and now he was able to talk nonsense so rudely.

   "I'm cultivating, and I can't get out of it." Da Tianwei didn't intend to pay attention to Gu Shanhai's impoliteness.

Cultivation, players in the first echelon will do this kind of thing. Although the progress may be relatively slow, it is not as fast as directly krypton gold to become stronger, but it does not cost money, and most of the dungeons are long dungeons. It can save a considerable amount of resources, and more importantly, it can continue to become stronger in the copy.

   "Aren't you two sharing?" Gu Shanhai asked suspiciously.

   "That's right, so she is practicing." Da Tianwei said confidently.

   "!!" Gu Shanhai also reacted, it seems that this is really the case, cooperating with Datianwei to hang around every day, but his wife practiced for him, which gave Gu Shanhai the illusion that Datianwei is a scumbag.

   Probably the wife works hard to support the husband who has nothing to do at home and smokes and drinks.

  As for the option of beating his wife less, it is naturally because theoretically speaking, the great heaven cannot beat Cui Yingying. After all, Cui Yingying is one of his sources of combat power.

   "Didn't your conscience feel disturbed by doing this?" Gu Shanhai said.

Da Tianwei's face darkened: "Don't look at me with such an expression that I have a bad stomach and eat hard, Yingying has a bonus in cultivation, which is much faster than my own cultivation, and consumes less resources. "

   "Ah, there will always be a reason." When Gu Shanhai said this, his expression was quite exaggerated.

   Regarding this, Da Tianwei's face turned even darker. He thought it would be best when Gu Shanhai was so unresponsive that he didn't move for a long time, and An Jing would not argue with him.

   "So you actually have no way to solve Tai Sui's ignorance." Da Tianwei changed the subject very decisively, and if he continued to entangle like this, he always felt that Gu Shanhai would say something more outrageous.

   "That's right, otherwise what would I do if I sold it to you? You foolishly took over the offer." Gu Shanhai spread his arms and said very sincerely.

   "Wait, you packaged and sold the fake purple gold gourd suit to Shura at a discount, and you also asked him to take over?" Da Tianwei suddenly thought of this matter.

   "Don't talk nonsense, I'll sue you for slander!" Gu Shanhai looked serious, how could this be called a takeover, everyone's willing.

   At most, it is called a soft landing.

   "Damn, you don't have a lot of unused equipment waiting to trick us." Da Tianwei didn't believe it at all.

   "That's not true." Gu Shanhai is very upright. Generally, those that are not needed will not be kept, and they will either be returned or rebuilt. After all, the number of times he has teamed up with players can be counted on the fingers, and the current customers are only a few people.

   "Generally, your equipment is made on-site."

   "Even the plan was written by you yourself. How can I have the equipment that meets your needs, but these equipment are modified from equipment that I don't need."

   Gu Shanhai’s words made Da Tianwei not know what to say for a while. He said it was new equipment, and it was refurbished second-hand, but if you said it was refurbished second-hand, it was rebuilt.

  I felt a breath stuck in my throat, neither going up nor coming down.

   "No wonder you are so rich, I really can't reach your level." Da Tianwei couldn't help but sighed, the richer he is, the stingier he is, Gu Shanhai perfectly explained this sentence.

"The bean curd Xishi in Lu Xun's "Hometown" once said that the richer you are, the more you will not relax, the more you will not relax, the richer you will be." Gu Shanhai came up with this sentence .

  Yes, Lu Xun really said this.

   "So, who is Lu Xun?"

   "Lu Xun's original name was Zhou Shuren, and there are a series of vests such as Chang Geng, Feng Sheng, Zun Gu, etc. Well, this is not what you should know."

   "I thought you would ask Tofu Xi Shi, but I didn't expect you to ask Lu Xun." Gu Shanhai didn't elaborate on Lu Xun, he was from his previous life, and this world didn't exist at all.

"Oh, a certain player, who hides deep enough." Da Tianwei nodded, and he didn't inquire further. In his eyes, he should be a solo player who is good at opening vests. Da Tianwei has no impression of these names.

  The two sides have no intersection, so it is naturally impossible for the great heaven to explore these, so as not to offend others.

   It won’t be too late to investigate when there is really a conflict of interest and it can’t be resolved by tearing faces. He doesn’t have enemies everywhere.

"No, what we two seemed to be discussing just now was how to make Tai Sui Gui eat zombies?" Da Tianwei felt that Gu Shanhai must have some kind of charm or language-related passive skills, otherwise how could it be so smooth? Just skew the topic.

   "That's right, then do you have a good solution." Gu Shanhai directly turned against the customer.

   "As far as I'm concerned, it's you who should give me a solution. I'm looking for after-sales service from you now." Da Tianwei was almost misled by Gu Shanhai.

  He co-authored the equipment plan and wrote it himself, but now the after-sales service has to directly provide the solution? Then what Party A did for him was too aggrieved.

   "Then I can't help it. I have sold them all, and the goods will not be returned or exchanged." Gu Shanhai is not afraid of boiling water, which means that you can do whatever you like.

"Like this, I don't need Tai Sui's brain, but at least give me something that I can temporarily distract and control." Of course, Da Tianwei didn't think about giving Tai Sui a brain, and it was originally planned to be used for it. Equipped, how embarrassing to have multiple brains.

   "Well, it's no problem." Gu Shanhai couldn't help thinking of a certain octopus god.

   He casually took out an octopus that was still moving from his arms, and handed it to Da Tianwei.

   "This thing is called Wangchao, come on, you can achieve the effect of multitasking by wearing it on your head." Gu Shanhai explained.

Da Tianwei saw that this was a black thread. Isn’t this thing an octopus? He would accept it if it was dead or made of wood carvings, stone carvings, plush hats, etc., but this thing is actually alive, and the octopus tentacles are still there mess around.

   "No, when you are fooling me, you should cover it up. Can this octopus do it? And what the **** is Wangchao." Da Tianwei said so, but his body took it very honestly.

   Then put the octopus on the head with a snap.

  At that moment, he felt as if he was split, and his whole body became energetic.

   If it were more specific, it would be the same as having a mental illness with split personality.

   "How about it? Does it work? If it doesn't work, I can adjust the power for you to make you more energetic." Gu Shanhai pays great attention to customer experience.

   "I feel a little dizzy, and I don't quite get used to it." Da Tianwei felt a little nauseous, especially since he had an extra self in his mind that could be controlled, which seemed very weird.

   "This is a normal situation, after all, it is your first time to have a schizophrenia." Gu Shanhai said seriously.

   "Can it be recovered?" Da Tianwei felt a little cold in his heart.

   "It is possible." Gu Shanhai said, and pulled the octopus off the opponent's head.

  Although Da Tianwei feels that he is not so energetic anymore, the schizophrenia has indeed been resolved.

  (end of this chapter)

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