I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 535: Ghost Survivor Sanctuary

  Chapter 535 Ghost Survivor Sanctuary

   "I found it. I didn't expect to be hit by the boss. This place is really a gathering place for ghost survivors." Shura looked at an area not far away, and he could easily detect a certain familiarity.

This area is the same as the previous shelter area formed by the protection time in the first level, the difference is that the protection time in the first level is more like a small fight, and here, not only the intensity is higher but also there is no time limit, And also went deep into the whole city.

   "Is it double bosses or are the two originally one?"

   "With this set of equipment, I can fight the BOSS, but this time the task is no longer to solve the BOSS."

   Shura didn't know what was going on, and acting rashly would be detrimental to the entire mission.

  The task is to clean up the ghosts in the whole city, not just the BOSS and ghost survivors, but also all the zombies.

   This is only a task on the bright side, and it may be necessary to cut off some of the erosion of the Survival Survival Platform.

  So Shura actually prefers that the level this time is two bosses.

  One is the gray mist, which he guessed was the source of the zombies.

  The other is the area that shelters ghost survivors. The ghosts transformed from humans in the entire city should be in the BOSS room.

   Otherwise, how can it match this reward.

   "The ghost survivors and zombies are isolated, and it is not so easy to get in."

"I don't know if this set of equipment can be successfully broken?" Shura glanced at the equipment in the inventory. Although Gu Shanhai has been saying that this equipment is a counterfeit product, in terms of attributes and effects, it is at best a Imitations, fakes are definitely not counted.

   "Don't be in a hurry to do it, investigate the situation of worshiping the deceitful religion, and mainly collect information."

This kind of thing is definitely inseparable from the worship of the cult, but this time it should not be that the whole city is full of followers of the cult, it is more likely that the cult has climbed to the top through some means, and then sacrificed through rights the whole city.

   Otherwise, there would be no problem for the millions of worshipers of the Cult of Worshipers to hide wherever they need to hide.

  As for why this city has fallen to this point, it is probably because it was abandoned by the human world after being irretrievable, and it is most likely used as some kind of barrier to block the penetration of the All-Deceitful Survival Platform.

   Otherwise, the gap between the fourth level and the third level cannot be so large.

   "Let's go first." Shura's figure gradually disappeared. He definitely knows how to sneak, stealth and other means.

Because he is not a player specializing in this field, his skills may be a little higher, but because he does not have relevant specialization, the effect is relatively ordinary, just a normal effect, and he has not obtained various powerful skills like the sword technique on him. effects and increases.

   "Go to the municipal department first, I hope the materials are still there." Shura naturally knew that if he wanted to sacrifice, then there must be a magic circle.

  The project required for the magic circle covering the entire city is bound to be not small.

Then there must be an official to take the lead. There is a high probability that such things will be recorded in the municipal department. Even if they are not, there will be some fragments. He can find some clues through his own text simulation, and then gradually discover them. .

   It is best to find the backup design and bring it to Gu Shanhai.

Although Gu Shanhai's reaction is a little slow now, if he can make layouts through the design drawings, such as changing the nature of the magic circle, from the original transformation magic circle to the killing magic circle, then his difficulty will be reduced by at least several times .

  Of course, this is just Shura's idea, whether it will be successful or not is unknown, after all, many things cannot be satisfactory.

  The reason why he thinks this way is also very simple. Gu Shanhai is suspected to be a thousand-level. This kind of strength is absolutely extraordinary, so he thinks it is impossible, what if it is only a little short of this.

   "Speaking of which, the sudden transformation of skills can be caused by "First Era". Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence." Shura suddenly thought of this, and frowned.

   "If so, then why did you suddenly target me and Da Tianwei, is it to test our potential?"

  Aiming at Gu Shanhai? In Shura's eyes, this is simply impossible, and it is more likely to be aimed at the two of them.

  Skill transformation is a good thing for any player, even if it needs to complete the task, but this kind of task is not limited to a certain world, and it will not disappear due to failure, it will only start again.

  So there is a lot of opportunity for trial and error.

What? Let Gu Shanhai give up the opportunity to transform his skills.

  He wanted to say it, but he couldn't say it, just like someone asked him to give up the benefits of this dungeon.

  Furthermore, even if Gu Shanhai wanted to give up, he couldn't give up. There are only two states for the task of skill transformation, successful transformation and transformation in progress.

   That is to say, the task cannot be given up, and it will restart after failure, and it will proceed directly without your acceptance.

   Shura has also experienced this kind of thing, so naturally he wouldn't say such a stupid thing.

   "Forget it, there's no point in being entangled with these things." Shura quickly pressed the matter down, even if it was confirmed that "The First Era" was against him, so what.

  Going to discuss an explanation? Don't be kidding, there is no customer service and complaint channel, where to go to ask for an explanation.

   When encountering such a thing, I can only accept it silently, turning pressure into motivation.

   Fortunately, the mission rewards this time are very rich, and it fits my talent and system very well.

  The benefits are enough, Shura has nothing to do.

   "If you want to find the municipal department, you have to find a map first, otherwise you don't know where it is."

   "It's good that Lu Li is here, although I don't know what his talent is, but he is much better than me in searching for information."

  The two have collaborated before, and they don't know the specific talents of both parties, but they can vaguely perceive some of the talents of both parties through several cooperations.

   “Fortunately, things like maps are not uncommon in the modern world.”

  Asura knows that even some bus stops will have their own, but these are all regional maps, and will not contain the map of the entire city. It is more likely to draw the bus routes.

   Soon, he passed several bus stops and found the Law Enforcement Bureau.

   "Law Enforcement Bureau? That's fine. Go ahead and collect information about the city."

  On the map, Shura saw the location and logo of the Law Enforcement Bureau at a glance, and chose this place without hesitation.

   Municipal departments? There must be a map in the Law Enforcement Bureau, and there may be some more important information, such as some abnormal events that may occur before and after the sacrifice, and so on.

   Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found something that seemed familiar.

   A large lump of constantly moving flesh and blood, occasionally swallowing some zombies in one gulp while they were not paying attention.

"Tai Sui is weird? Why is this thing here? Isn't the Great Heavenly Throne so precious that he is willing to release it?" Shura was a little puzzled. He suspected that during the time he was away, the Great Heavenly Throne was miserably fooled by Gu Shanhai. That's why Tai Sui was sent out to fight monsters.

   "*** shouldn't be too ruthless, Tai Suigui's specialization in zombies is so high."

  Sura was also a little surprised, this Tai Sui was only in his early 200s, yet he could bite a zombie of more than 500 levels.

  Even if he doesn’t know how many skills related to the summoning boost on Da Tianwei, he can be sure that such skills are only effective for Cui Yingying.

   Even if there are, there are not many, so Tai Sui Gui doesn't even think about killing zombies by leapfrogging, let alone this kind of boredom.

   What makes it have such a powerful ability should be Tai Sui Gui's own specialization ability, otherwise it cannot be explained.

  Of course, it is also possible that Gu Shanhai sent some things to Tai Sui, and it was precisely this that made the Great Heaven willing to release Tai Sui.

   "It's also a good thing." After Shura muttered, he left directly. He didn't intend to contact Tai Sui.

What did people do in the past by killing monsters and eating to become stronger, not to mention that he doesn't know about Tai Sui's lack of brains, and he and Tai Sui have nothing to talk about. .

   He was pressed for time.

   "Hey, Tai Suigui can actually see through invisibility and stealth!" Da Tianwei said abruptly.

  His eyes are piercing, and he is very energetic. Apart from being a little sick due to excessive energy, there are not many problems.

   "Oh, you met, no, it was Tai Sui who met Shura, right?" Gu Shanhai knew what happened without even thinking about it.

  In this world, only players can use the two abilities of stealth and invisibility.

  Stealth is a skill that is biased towards skills, while invisibility is a skill similar to spells or magic. The two can be superimposed to form a dual effect.

  In his previous life, Gu Shanhai would also use it, but he used a lot of nesting dolls, not only stealth and invisibility, but also added methods such as breath suppression, disguise, bone shrinkage, etc., and his main focus is on stability.

   It's just that in this life, because of growing too fast, it is simply useless.

Moreover, this kind of ability can only be used in the early stage, and in the middle stage, it becomes more and more outrageous, such as causality tracing, fate observation, etc. detection abilities, stealth, invisibility, etc. are basically invalid, unless It can obtain higher-level abilities, such as fate concealment, existence severance, etc., or continuously advance stealth and invisibility, so that it can obtain a unique prefix.

  For example, Immortal Stealth, Supreme Invisibility, etc., just want to make the skills reach this level, the cost is too high, and few people will do it.

   Instead, it is a direct exchange of skills, and the cost will be lower.

   "Yeah, he took one look at me and ran away, he must have recognized me." Da Tianwei said.

   "It's not you, it's Tai Sui, don't make me mentally ill." Gu Shanhai found that Da Tianwei seemed to be getting used to two bodies more and more.

   If it goes on like this, he is worried that there will be a real problem with the big heaven. After all, he is an old acquaintance, and he is still young. If he really wants to be turned into a mental illness, it seems a bit bad.

"It's easy to confuse your tidal-watching hat after wearing it for a long time. Haven't you thought about adding something like steel will or mental toughness to this thing?" Da Tianwei also reacted quickly, and couldn't help complaining. .

  The effect must be very good, but the disadvantages are also great.

"I'm afraid that the octopus won't be able to handle it. No matter what you say, this thing is still alive." Gu Shanhai couldn't say that he made this thing now, and because most of his mind and energy were not on this aspect when making it, so Failure to account for resulting errors.

   If this is true, wouldn’t it be a blow to his own brand, and how can he continue to exploit resources from the great heavenly position in the future.

"That's true, after all. It's not right, what are you doing with live octopus as equipment, you can't use something serious." Da Tianwei has two thoughts at this time, the first half will indeed be misled by Gu Shanhai, But in the second half, he reacted quickly, and was extremely keen to find Gu Shanhai's idea of ​​trying to trick him.

  Even if this tide-watching hat was lent to him, he shouldn't use a live octopus again.

"And how do you keep this thing? You usually keep it in a fish tank, and then feed it from time to time?" Da Tianwei was a little speechless, and he had seen living equipment, such as tentacles armor, devil tights, etc. Wait, but this is the first time he has seen an octopus used as a living equipment.

"That's right, if it wasn't for this time, maybe I would make it into a dish and eat it at night." Gu Shanhai is not guilty at all. In such a state of mind, it is absolutely impossible to guess the truth.

   "Then do you have any other messy equipment? Such as a cat pistol or a dog mortar." Da Tianwei asked curiously.

   "No, if you want, you can customize it, and it's still very cheap if you don't require power." Gu Shanhai looked strange, and it turned out that the Wangchao hat would make people too distracted.

"Forget it, I just want to see it, I don't want to buy it." Da Tianwei struggled to raise his wife, and now he has added a nano-factory and a Tai Sui. The dog forced the cannon, purely out of curiosity.

   "That's a pity. I thought you were so energetic that you would be bold and order a set of animal heat weapons directly." Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful.

   "As far as my current state is concerned, at most it is called mental illness, and mental illness is not a fool. How could I really believe your foolishness." Da Tianwei is still very clear about his position.

   "Tsk, that makes sense."

   "How old is Tai Sui?"

  Gu Shanhai did not continue on this topic, but asked about Tai Sui.

"It's level 230. It's a pity that although specialization has a damage bonus to zombies, the experience gained from killing zombies will be reduced. Otherwise, it will be at least level 350 now." Da Tianwei said so, in fact I am also very satisfied.

  Other specialization abilities definitely don’t have this kind of side effect. The reason for this is that this specialization can allow Tai Sui to devour living zombies to gain experience and the price of acquiring skills and talents with a small probability.

  (end of this chapter)

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