I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

86. Reiatsu Has Paved The Way For His Debut. I Suggest That Kaido Be Executed Now! (Please Subscribe

The battle between Whitebeard and Akainu is close to madness.

Both of them were working hard, and in order to reach the square, the Whitebeard Pirates paid a heavy price.

This is Marine's home court after all.

Here, it can be said that there are murder arrangements, sharp weapons and traps everywhere.

But even so, under Whitebeard's order and leading the charge.

No one hesitates, this is Whitebeard's powerful charm.

As long as Whitebeard is at the front, they won't hesitate.

Many captains were originally abandoned by this world, but Whitebeard accepted them.

Gave new meaning to their terrible lives.

Akainu and Whitebeard fought until they were covered in blood.

Even though Whitebeard kept stimulating Akainu with words, the times were too many.

Akainu also understood this, but he still suffered a lot at the beginning.

Several bones were broken by Whitebeard's hammer, but Whitebeard was also punched several times.

During this period, Aokiji and Kizaru found opportunities and took turns attacking Whitebeard.

It's just that captains such as Marco can often appear in time to stop the attacks of other Marine Admirals.

"Dark Hound!!" Akainu found an opportunity, and his whole body turned into a red dog's head like magma crystals, and then concentrated all his power on his right fist.

Prepare to penetrate Whitebeard's full body defense with one blow.

Then there was a loud bang! The magma flew around like a goddess scattering flowers!

Akainu punched Whitebeard's Kumogiri, which was covered in earthquake halo.

Although Whitebeard was knocked back a step, it also showed that Akainu's attack was completely useless!

Whitebeard had obviously expected it: "Gla la la la... Lava kid, it seems...

Pfft! Just as Whitebeard was about to say something, the sound of a long knife piercing his body suddenly sounded in front of his chest.



"Whitebeard was stabbed?!" This scene immediately caused everyone to scream in horror.

The backstabber, the Vortex Spider Scudo!

Although Levi told Akainu that he would use upright means to defeat Whitebeard.

They thought so, but even though Whitebeard was old, he was still terrifyingly powerful.

If only Whitebeard could be defeated with dignity.

That is naturally better, and that is what Sengoku and Akainu want.

It further demonstrates the power of their Marine.

If you backstab Whitebeard then kill him.

After some discussions afterwards, I would always say that if it were not like this... Whitebeard would not necessarily lose, and he would not necessarily die!

This shows that their victory was not very convincing.

But Kaido's arrival gave Sengoku the tension to win.

Now even the other Four Emperors are taking action.

And it’s impossible to predict their next move with certainty.

No matter what method you use, you must first capture Whitebeard.

So Sengoku ordered people to use this information collected previously.

And successfully persuaded Scuado.

"Whitebeard!!" Akainu seized this rare opportunity and blasted a magma fist with his left hand that melted everything into Whitebeard's abdomen.

The rolling magma burned Whitebeard's body in an instant.

Even though Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world.

But defense isn't what he's good at.

For a moment, Whitebeard's consciousness was a little blurry, and he staggered.

It seemed like he was about to fall, but in the end he stood still with his strong will.

Then murderous intent burst into his eyes, and he quickly slashed at Akainu with his Cong Yunqi.

This distance, plus Akainu's arm is still inside Whitebeard's body.

Unable to dodge in time, the blade cut a bloody mark directly on Akainu's chest.

At the same time, the terrible concussive force sent Akainu flying far away.

Instantly causing many Marines to scream in horror.

They didn't expect Whitebeard to be attacked from both front and back.

He was actually able to launch such an attack.

If an average person were to be pierced by lava, they would probably be unable to move for a while and would be completely dead.

But Whitebeard also launched a fatal attack.

Marco flew over, kicked the big vortex spider Scuado away with an angry kick, and then pinned him to the ground.

After some communication, they figured out the whole story.

"Ace, has he done anything to you... Aren't you all very happy all this time?... Just being Roger's son can erase the feelings of these years. ?What does what the father does have to do with his son...~..."

Under Whitebeard's few rhetorical questions, Scuado was speechless.

"No, it's impossible. Didn't you already sell us to Marine...in exchange for Ace..." Scuardo realized that he might have been deceived.

But it's still hard to accept, because after this, why on earth do I do this!

He hurt the man he most respected...his father!

"You are pirates, it is up to you to decide what you believe in! Those who believe in me, follow me to destroy Marine!" Whitebeard's voice filled with Haki instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

All the pirates came to their senses after the initial shock!

Scuado was used as a knife by someone from the Marine headquarters.

"No no..." Scuardo screamed in pain.

"Follow Dad! Destroy Marine!"

"Damn Marine, you're using such a trick, it's so despicable!"

"That's right, kill them!" Although he successfully injured Whitebeard.

It also successfully created an output environment for Akainu, and hit Whitebeard's body with one blow.

But it also ignited the anger of the pirates.

Whitebeard noticed that his life was passing away, raised his arms, and used Haki to stop the deterioration of the injury.

Protecting the main internal organs, he continued to rush to the front.

Ace hasn't been rescued yet, how could he fall down.

He rushed forward in a few steps, facing Akainu who was holding himself seriously injured and trying to push him down all at once, with an earthquake punch from the air!

Akainu resisted with Emission Haki, and then launched a fierce attack.

The two world's strongest men were once again locked in a fierce battle.

And Whitebeard didn't seem to be affected at all.

Akainu was a little impatient.

He believed that Whitebeard was seriously injured after being attacked from both sides and was a good opportunity to decide the winner.

In fact, I am right about this. It is indeed a better opportunity than before.

But he ignored one thing, and that was the anger in Whitebeard's heart at this moment.

Lying to his own children and doing something to himself is something Whitebeard cannot forgive.

After the two fought again, Akainu suddenly discovered a shocking fact.

Whitebeard seemed to be crazy, and his body was filled with a terrifying aura like a devil.

The wounds on his body were still so bright, but his desire to attack was even more fierce than before.

And in order to hit himself, he even used his own body to resist his attack!

The magma bomb hit Whitebeard's body covering Haki. He didn't dodge at all and was injured in exchange for injury!

Peng! Earthquake Fist and Cong Yunqie were used alternately, and terrifying atmospheric cracks spread and bloomed everywhere.

There were so many that Akainu could not dodge at all, and he received several shots in an instant, with bones breaking and flesh and blood flying everywhere.

After a while, Akainu looked even more miserable than Whitebeard.

Whitebeard, the most powerful monster in the world, fights tooth and nail with his terrifying murderous intent, which is enough to scare even a strong man like Akainu!

After successfully assassinating Whitebeard, Marine should have established a big advantage.

But no one expected that the more anxious Akainu was to win, the more he would be beaten by Whitebeard until he could not hold his head up.

After being punched several times in a row, Akainu's face was full of anger, and the lava surged crazily.

But he couldn't stand it. Whitebeard was getting more and more crazy and his life-threatening style of play was getting worse.

Whitebeard, who does not care about any injuries, is definitely more terrifying than the Demon King.

When the furious Whitebeard was left with only one breath, he almost destroyed the entire Blackbeard pirate group.

At this moment, Whitebeard has more than one breath left.

There was an explosion, and Akainu was once again blown away like a rag bag.

Although his struggle also left another burnt red mark on Whitebeard.

But Whitebeard seemed not to feel the injury at this moment.

Waving Cong Yunqi, he walked towards Akainu step by step.

The current situation is that Marine headquarters is at a disadvantage...

The pirates' morale is high and angry, and Whitebeard is crazy!

"Just stay here." Upon seeing this, Aokiji and Kizaru wanted to help Yan.

But Marco, Jozi and others also launched an onslaught.

As for the Seven Warlords of the Sea, it’s back to their daily paddling routine.

They don't intend to sacrifice their lives for Marine.

If you really want to stop Whitebeard, I'm afraid not many people in Shichibukai can do it easily.

Except for Hawkeye, everyone else who rushes forward will have to pay the heavy price.

The strongest man in the world is not just talk.

"Sakazuki Admiral!!" Many people looked at Whitebeard who was pressing closer and couldn't help but sweat for Akainu.

Everyone is extremely worried if Akainu loses.

This battle will be even more difficult for them.

At this time, Sengoku saw this and immediately said to the two executioners beside him: "Prepare to execute the execution in advance!"

The main operational significance of the early execution was not to execute Fire Fist Ace.

The most important thing is to attract Whitebeard's attention and let Whitebeard reveal his flaws.

In order to achieve the purpose of severely damaging or killing Whitebeard.

Therefore, it is very important for the Whitebeard Pirates to see the execution process!

Cang! After hearing Sengoku's words, the two executioners expressionlessly struck the execution knives in their hands in the air.

It shows that the execution is about to begin.

"Oops! Those guys from Marine are going to execute Ace in advance!" The purpose of Marco and others is to rush to the execution platform and save Ace. Of course, they always pay attention to the changes in the execution platform.

Marine's actions were not hidden, what they wanted was to attract their attention.

"... Damn it!" Marco ignored Kizaru and transformed into a phoenix, soaring into the air and flying towards the execution platform.

Even Kizaru behind him fired several laser beams and hit Marco.

It was directly injured, with Haki on it and blood splattered on it.

But Marco quickly recovered his body with the help of the constantly burning blue flame.

With such an ability, as long as it is not wiped out by someone with one blow, it is almost impossible to kill.

And even an Admiral-level powerhouse is unlikely to be able to kill Marco with one blow.

Marco's position was not far from the execution platform.

When he flew towards the execution platform, Garp had a downcast expression, but he still took action!

Whoosh! Garp appeared in front of Marco like a teleport, and Peng's punch sounded loudly.

Shoot Marco straight out of mid-air!

"It's Vice Admiral Garp!!" Many Marines looked happy.

But the leader of Rear Admiral felt his heart sinking.

Logically speaking, Vice Admiral Garp is the last resort.

Taking action now is not a good sign.

Mainly because Akainu failed on the battlefield and failed to achieve a good record.

"Garp...I didn't let you take action." Sengoku frowned slightly. Only he knew that Garp had thrown out a punch.

How heavy it is for him

But perhaps, true justice is always heavy!

"Black Crow Admiral! Black Crow Admiral is here!" Suddenly a high-pitched voice sounded from the crowd. Judging from the emotion of the voice, it clearly belonged to Marine!

"What?!" Upon hearing this, everyone immediately raised their heads and looked up.

Although the Black Crow Admiral had only taken action twice before at the beginning of the battle.

But every time it was extremely amazing, deeply reflected in everyone's mind.

One strike calms the tsunami, two strikes sends Whitebeard away!

Even many Marines were discussing (in Nuozhao) just now, if the black crow had not left.

Using him to deal with Whitebeard might be better than Akainu.

Because they all think that the strong man who can destroy Whitebeard should be stronger than Akainu.

Akainu was knocked away at this moment and knocked to the ground. Whitebeard pursued the victory and raised his fist.

After hearing such words, I couldn't help but look up.

It doesn’t matter what I saw, I was shocked after seeing it: “That’s that!? Kaido!?”

At this time, everyone noticed who the person in Levi's hand was!

The world-famous Kaido of the Beasts, known as the Four Emperors together with Whitebeard!

"No, it's not true... Why does this look so miserable! What happened? Didn't he turn into a blue dragon before, majestic?" a Marine Rear Admiral shouted directly.

This is a bit scary.

Even Whitebeard, Marco and others had their eyes fixed when they saw Kaido in Levi's hand.

It’s with a heavy heart that Ultimate, and everyone in front of the live broadcast at this moment.

They were all confused as to why the other Four Emperors was being held in someone's hand like a dead dog.

Buzz! From under Levi's feet, "Suddenly, stairs paved with black Reiatsu appeared.

Stairs continued from the sky to the execution platform below.

This made the two executioners hesitate and look at Sengoku.

Sengoku waved his hand, asking them to pause the execution, and everyone's attention was now drawn to Levi.

If the execution was really to be carried out, Akainu, who was looking at the sky and looking a little distracted, might not be able to seize that critical opportunity.

Levi looked at Sengoku and slowly reported the situation: "The Red Hair Pirates invaded Impel down, and Kaido of the Beasts took the opportunity to take action...Now, Kaido of the Beasts subdued, and the Red Hair Pirates escaped...I It is recommended that Kaido of the Beasts be executed publicly now to tell the world what will happen if you become a pirate!!"

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