I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

87. Crazy World! Kaido's Last Words: Don't Take Revenge! ! (Please Subscribe, Please Subsc

"The redhead escaped?!"

"Kaido really caught it!"

Levi's words to the whole world made countless people guess the truth.

It was obvious that they could hear it from Levi's plain words.

Just now at Impel Down, he had a conflict with two Four Emperors alone.

Now the Red Hair Pirates have been beaten away and the Four Emperors Kaido have been captured alive.

No matter how Levi did it or what the process was, the result was already in front of him.

With the ironclad facts in front of you, no one can argue!

It’s just that this thing is so shocking!

So much so that the entire battlefield fell into an eerie silence.

The same is true for the viewers in the live broadcast room, reporters, and giants.

Hearing Levi say this from his own mouth, and seeing Kaido in such miserable condition.

The Golden Emperor and others instantly felt an invisible mountain suppressing them.

It felt like they were suffocating.

Although these giants are not all wanted criminals, they often wander on the edge of darkness.

It's just that their methods are softer.

At the same time, I will often say hello to the World Government and give certain benefits to the World Government.

But the underground world is an underground world after all, and they do a lot of dirty work.

And Marine's strength may affect their business.

After all, there is a person who is so strong, and he is young, and he may be full of a sense of justice.

Then they would feel uncomfortable.

There is no guarantee that they will be the next ones to be sent to Impel Down, or even be directly obliterated!

This makes them think too much.

Levi is now a man who can influence the world.

Holy place.

"He really caught Kaido, but why did he insist on executing him?"

"I don't know, but I just said hello to Marshal Sengoku. I hope it's not another unruly Marine Admiral. There are one or two lazy guys, that's enough."

"It's not that killing him will do us no good. Our prestige can be raised to the highest level! It's just that compared with the strongest clone warriors in the future, we may still be at a loss. After all, strength is the foundation of everything."

"Let's take a look again. We can also learn more about Black Crow's character. But did you call Kosas back because you suspected Black Crow?"

"I have only been out twice recently, but I have met many people, Sora, Sengoku, Garp, and I also went to the laboratory once and met some old guys... But I also met 163 Black Crow

The stronger the Black Crow is, the higher the suspicion will be, but I hope not! Otherwise..."

"It should be unlikely. His family background is very innocent, and Master Sengoku also attaches great importance to him.

"Let's see if Kaido can be saved first, but Black Crow is also a cunning little fox. What this kid said is equivalent to blocking half of Sengoku's persuasion. After all, he is in front of the world. Talking about the public execution of the Four Emperors is definitely enough to drive people around the world crazy! If this madness is not curbed in time, once it spreads to the Marine... I'm afraid Sengoku will not go against the general trend, but will follow it."

"No matter which one it is, it's good for us. It's just a matter of more or less. Let's see..."

"Oh!!!" Everything was just as the Five Elders said. After the entire battlefield was silent for a while, the Marines suddenly let out a deafening roar!

"Black Crow!!!" This is an unparalleled achievement, and the best evidence is the miserable-looking Kaido in his hand!

Marine's morale reached its highest peak after venting with crazy shouts!

The sound waves of the mountain roar and tsunami seemed to collapse the Marine headquarters!

Their Black Crow Admiral even defeated two Four Emperors!

What are the Whitebeard Pirates?

The black crow is coming, the Whitebeard Pirates will lose!!

Their Marine headquarters will win!

In Marine, the fanatical looks gradually turned into admiration!

There were those who questioned Levi's youth and his exceptional promotion.

Those who question his actual combat experience...

At this moment, there is nothing left! There is only admiration, enthusiasm, and worship!

This riot directly suppressed the morale of the pirates.

The pirates looked at the black crow, with a sense of fear and awe deep in their hearts.

If Black Crow can really fight two Four Emperors alone, how should they fight in this battle?!

You will lose no matter what!

Just look at Kaido's miserable end.

Soon Levi escorted Kaido, like a god, walking on the Reiatsu road and walked to Marshal Sengoku.

Throwing the unconscious Kaido directly next to Ace who was in tears and was equally happy and sad.

"He actually captured that monster Kaido alive?!" Akainu was a little confused for a moment! Black crow, so ferocious?!

Is he that much stronger than before?

"Black Crow..." Garp looked at Levi, and suddenly felt that the entire Marine, even if there were no old guys like them in the future.

It should and can maintain its reputation as the world's number one military institution.

"Are you not hurt?" Sengoku asked.


"World Politics..." Sengoku was also in a daze. They had not been able to win the Four Emperors Kaido for decades.

At this moment, it was thrown to the ground casually like a dead dog.

Not even seastone handcuffs needed.

However, Sengoku was shocked. Two minutes before Levi arrived, he received a call from World Government.

Although he didn't know what happened specifically, the Five Elders just asked him to find a way to save Kaido's life from Levi.

It's just that people are so angry now that they don't go with the trend, but go against it.

It's not necessarily a good thing, but as soon as Sengoku opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Levi.

"Mr. Sengoku, I know what you want to say, but look at the world outside this battlefield. Hundreds of millions of people are watching... They have seen the horror of the Four Emperors and the survival of pirates. Under the shadow of! If nothing else, let’s just say Four Emperors Kaido!”

"He took control of Wanokuni and colluded with General Orochi to turn fertile land into poisonous land and rivers into poisonous rivers. Countless people were starved to death or turned into experimental subjects, including children and the elderly. If they were not careful, they would I will be labeled as a remnant of Kozuki and die inexplicably...I am not a hero, but at least I can know what a country under real pirate rule is like."

Levi spoke, and the countless excited Marines all fell silent at this moment.

Listening carefully to Levi's words, even the pirates remained silent for a while.

Whitebeard and Marco fell silent upon hearing this.

They visited Wanokuni decades ago, a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, fertile land and rich products.

I also visited Wanokuni before when Ace was shipwrecked and briefly talked about some things.

But it wasn't long before something big happened on Whitebeard's ship, and they also tried to attack Wanokuni many times.

But it's not easy. It's very difficult to liberate Wanokuni.

After hearing this from Levi again, they remembered this again.

Ace didn't know about the test product and hadn't mentioned it to them.

I just said that under Kaido’s tyranny, many people will not have enough to eat and will starve to death, and the land and rivers will become poisonous...

Sengoku is also silent, they know that the country under the rule of pirates will not be much better.

But for the sake of their own development, they should not do stupid things like killing the goose that lays the goose to lay eggs.

For example, the pirate kingdom under the rule of red-haired Whitebeard does not seem to be so miserable!

But Wanokuni is closed off, and they really don't know much information.

For example, using citizens for experiments is obviously destroying the foundation of our country.

They never expected that Orochi Kaido and the others had no intention of treating Wanokuni as a sustainable country.

(cbad) But after squeezing it out, I just started giving up and conquering the world.

Not to mention Wanokuni also has a real "Avenger" Orochi.

Except for the Flower Capital, he doesn't care if he destroys or kills as many people as he wants in other places.

"And such a country is just a microcosm of this era, a very small part. Sometimes we do have to consider interests, but sometimes we also have to consider people's hearts! As for this war, the whole world is paying attention. Do you think they What do they want?! It’s justice, justice, hope, and an environment where they can live with peace of mind!”

"And some justice is within reach now. Mr. Sengoku, do you want to take it away?" Levi said, condensing a Reiatsu Heavenly Sword and holding it in his hand.

Kaido's limbs were then pierced by four Reiatsu chains and firmly fixed on the execution platform.

A black Reiatsu beam of light dropped from the sky, suppressing Kaido and waking him up at the same time.

Just stimulate his unconscious soul.

"Justice!! For justice! That's right! Execute Kaido!"

"What about the Four Emperors? We Marine are the strongest!"

"These butchers and villains cannot be allowed to live!"

"If he escapes, who can catch him? If he comes back to Wanokuni, then we can't do anything to him. He has successfully escaped several times!"

"Kill the Four Emperors and free Wanokuni!"

Sengoku hasn't finished speaking yet, some Marines with a sense of justice below have already spoken!

A country strategist who killed countless people, starved to death everywhere, and experimented on living people...

No matter how you look at it, death is inevitable! Sengoku is Marine Marshal!

Do you still want to keep Kaido?!

Of course, some people don't think so.

Seeing Sengoku hesitate, he couldn't sit still: "Marshal Sengoku, don't be stupid! Once Kaido dies, the structure of the entire world will be broken, and the New World will fall into endless chaos and war. This storm, It will definitely affect the whole world, don’t tell me you don’t know!”

Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo looked at Marshal Sengoku and shouted loudly.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his heart was beating continuously.

Four Emperors Kaido, he is his backer in the pirate world!

He was captured alive by the black crow!

How is this possible!? How could that monster Kaido lose!

And now he is going to die! He was publicly executed.

It's okay, he has been able to get along like a fish in the underground world over the years.

It's arms, it's slave trading, it's artificial fruits... it relies on Kaido's reputation.

The connections with the World Government cannot deter the other Four Emperors.

If something happens to Kaido, Brother Ming will be the first to be hit.

But from the situation point of view, Brother Ming's words are not unreasonable.

Sengoku frowned when he heard this.

But he quickly chose to ignore Brother Ming's words.

From the moment they decided to kill Whitebeard, they knew that the balance of power would be difficult to maintain.

Even if Kaido is not killed, Kaido will be locked up for research.

For Beasts Pirates, there is no difference at all, they will still be in chaos.

And now Marine has an unprecedentedly powerful Black Crow Admiral.

Younger and with a distinguished record, if Levi's prestige reaches another level.

The cohesion of Marine will be greater, and there will be more new blood joining Marine in the future.

It is of huge benefit to the entire Marine.

At the same time, in this situation, Marshal Sengoku is sitting on a tiger and unable to get off.

If we really want to save Kaido's life, I'm afraid the morale of the entire Marine Corps will be affected.


Some Marine officers with an excessive sense of justice may even mutiny on the spot!

Especially after what Levi said about Wanokuni's situation just now.

Many people are filled with righteous indignation. In that case, how can we successfully fight the battle with Whitebeard?

Whitebeard can't lose this battle even now,

And Levi is clearly obsessed with executing Kaido.

If he refuses, he will give up the business or paddle out. In addition, Akainu is now seriously injured. How much will it cost to win against Whitebeard?

Although the World Government may not like it, if you know the current situation, I am afraid that even if you cannot save Kaido, you should be able to understand...

Watch Marshal Sengoku musing.

Everyone in the whole world fell silent, and the whole world was terribly quiet.

Staring at Sengoku with burning eyes, waiting for his choice.

"You captured the person, so you have the first priority!" Sengoku said, taking a step back and handing the place over to Levi.

Levi smiled slightly, and Kaido slowly woke up at this time.

Kaido woke up and looked at the entire battlefield. He immediately wanted to struggle, but his combat power was reduced to Ultimate.

Moreover, Levi was suppressed by all the concentrated Reiatsu, making it difficult to even move.

After struggling for a while to no avail, Duo's eyes suddenly lost color.

He knew exactly what he was going to face next.

"Let you die in front of the whole world, I won't be rude to you! Do you have any last words to say?" Levi's Reiatsu Heavenly Sword was placed on Kaido's neck.

Kaido looked at this wonderful and colorful world. His whole figure seemed to have aged a lot. He did not insult or resist anymore. He looked in the direction of the phone bug and seemed to be talking to some people.

Saying his last words: "Don't take revenge!"

"Then please get on your way!" Levi held up the Reiatsu Sky Sword!

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