“Master, the apprentice has heard.”

“Xiangang martial arts, divided into external refining and internal refining.”

“As for the martial arts realm, there are nine grades in total. It is further divided into the upper three products, the middle three products, and the lower three products. ”

“Nine, eight, and seven are the lower three products, which are the epithelary realm. Six, five, and four are the middle and third grades, which are the muscles and bones. Three, two, and one are the upper three products, which are the internal organs. ”

“The epithelial realm and musculoskeletal realm are external refining, and the requirements for qualification root bones are not strict, and it is very easy to achieve.”

“Ordinary people can become nine-rank martial artists after three or five years of tempering their flesh.”

“and the internal organs realm belongs to internal refining, which requires extremely high talent and understanding, and it is also taught by famous masters.”

“In the internal organs realm, a top-notch internal refining superior exercise is the most important.”

“In one sentence, refine the muscles and bones on the outside, and refine the breath on the inside.”

“Looking at the time of external refining, even if a pig has been tempered for two or three hundred years, it can rank among the fourth-grade martial artists.”

“Internal refining depends on qualifications, roots, talents, and opportunities, all of which are indispensable.” The vast majority of fourth-grade martial artists, who have been refining for decades, are difficult to touch the threshold of third-grade. ”

Ah Frisbee sat in front of the cave and talked.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was lying on the ground, raised his eyelids slightly, “All of this is what that Mr. Qi told you?” ”

Ah Fei shook his head, “It’s Uncle Han Ying Han from the blacksmith shop in Windward Lane.” ”

“Hehe, a big fart town, but a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.”

“What about alchemists?”

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

“Uncle Han scolded me for not being a god and a demon, and I have seen too much.”

Ah Fei replied.

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red vertical pupils slightly.

Could it be… There are no alchemists in this world?!

“By the way, Master, Uncle Han also said that after the external martial artist tempers the flesh, he needs to soak the medicinal soup as soon as possible, repair and warm the loss of qi and blood, otherwise the whole person is very easy to refine and refine and waste.”

Ah Fei gently shook his two arms, “Master, it hurts, it hurts so much that I can’t lift it at all.” ”

“If you don’t rest for ten and a half days, it’s a problem for apprentices to even go to the hut.”

Zhu Jiuyin rolled his eyes and said, “Is the medicinal soup expensive?” ”

Ah Fei smiled bitterly and said, “The apprentice went to the Yang family medicine shop and asked, the medicinal soup used by the foreign refining martial artist, the cheapest, also got a hundred taels of snowflake pattern silver. ”

“It’s not cheap.”

Zhu Jiuyin smacked his tongue: “Poor and rich in martial arts, the ancients are sincere and do not deceive me.” ”

“Master, all the apprentices, can’t even afford the residues of the medicinal soup, or … Forget it. ”

Zhu Jiuyin gave the young man a blank look, “In the end, don’t you warm up your qi and blood, follow me.” ”

stout python body swims towards the depths of the cave.

teenager followed closely.

after a blaze of incense kung fu.

Ah Fei looked at the mountains of red spirit fruits in front of him, and the eyeballs in his eyes were shocked and almost fell to the ground.

“What a shit medicine soup!” Can it be compared to the red fragrant fruit of the teacher? ”

Zhu Jiuyun said lightly: “Eat casually, eat big, eat open, eat to death~”

“36”> Ah Fei, who has a dry mouth, grabbed a fruit.

click, straight bite juice splash.

juice mixed with pulp and slipped into the belly.

Ah Fei immediately felt warm and fluttering, and a pair of arms were slightly itchy.

a red fragrant fruit into the belly.

Fei tried to swing his arms.

pins and soreness, but disappeared.

“Does it still hurt?”

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Fei shook his head.

“Get out and raise your sword if it doesn’t hurt!”


day and night.

blazing sun and moon.

Buzhou Shannan, in front of the cave, under the two peach trees on the edge of the cliff, I don’t know when, there was a young boy holding a Xuantie epee.

or wave, or flat.

teenager was sometimes so tired that he was panting and lying on all fours on the lush and soft grass.

sometimes jubilant and cheerful.

“Master, I have one hundred and ninety-seven more heartbeats than yesterday!”

Whenever this happens, the red python lying on the mouth of the cave basking in the sun lazily says: “It’s just a minute or two, what is there to be happy about?” For mating females, they are not even hors d’oeuvres. ”

“Apprentice, don’t be a milkman.”

the boy wondered: “Master, what is a milkman?” ”

Red Python’s eyes were confused: “I don’t understand is a blessing~” IDX=”60″> Time passes day by day.

summer to autumn.

this day.

boy is raising his sword.

has been holding out for half an hour.

a calm and relaxed look.

As for the red python, there are fat peaches like a mountain in front of them, hanging their heads from time to time and eating a few.

in my mind, I suddenly heard the cold mechanical sound of the system.

[Ding, detected host apprentice Chen Mengfei, has successfully advanced to the ninth rank of wufu. 】

[Master-apprentice return system: in effect

apprentice’s name: Chen Mengfei

talent: born sword fetus

age: twelve years old

cultivation: nine products (0.3/100)]

74″> years of cultivation, the seeds can be regarded as germinated.

Zhu Jiuyin had the urge to burst into tears.

Unfortunately, only on the day that Fei dies, the system will return the boy’s body.


“Master, there are no peaches on the tree~”

“79”> The red python tail flicked gently.

In the sound of breaking through the air, something shoots out from the cave.

Zheng sounded, and inserted in front of the teenager.

a rusty iron sword.

“Master, what are you?”

the boy said stunned.

God is blazing.

Zhu Jiuyin turned into a human form.

took a few steps forward and drew his iron sword.

“Apprentice, open your dog’s eyes and look at it, this sword technique, the name is famous!”


“Falling Ying Sword Method” is customized by the system for Ah Fei, who was born with a sword fetus.

not only external exercises, but also the entire internal exercises.

enough for a teenager to become a pint of martial arts.

autumn to winter.

Zhu Jiuyin took away the iron sword and gave Ah Fei a soft sword like a ribbon.

Run the mountain first and exercise a strong body. Heavy sword, fight strength. Then hard sword, skilled in falling English swordsmanship.

Soft sword, polishing details, mastering power, to achieve a state of ease. Finally, change back to the hard sword, and then soar into the sky.

Wenjing 29th year, winter.

cold snap rags.

heaven and earth are bleak.

with a bang, the soft sword slashed across his cheek, and the boy immediately bleed.

“Master, it’s too difficult, it’s not easy at all!”

The boy was afraid that the soft sword would cut the cotton jacket and cotton pants, so he took off all his clothes, leaving only one shorts.

At this moment, the boy was holding a soft sword like a belt, wanting to cry without tears, and his body was covered with cuts.

the red python lying at the mouth of the cave waiting for hibernation, opened its blood basin and yawned.

“Apprentice, is the water soft or not?”

“Of course.”

“Have you experienced flooding?”


“Ever heard of it?”


young man nodded and said, “Listen to my mother, in the seventeen years of Wenjing, Qixia Province in Aquarius Prefecture has rained for more than two months continuously, causing floods. ”

“The monstrous flood broke the Bailijian embankment, engulfed the entire Qixia Province, and affected hundreds of thousands of people.”

Zhu Jiuyin asked, “Since water is a soft thing, why can it break down the embankment?” ”

the teenager thoughtfully.


30 years of Wenjing, summer.

[Ding, detected host apprentice Chen Mengfei, has successfully advanced to the eighth rank of wufu. < p idx="118"> This year, the teenager is thirteen years old, which can be regarded as proficient in soft swords.

Thirty-one years, autumn.

this year, the boy successfully advanced to the seven-rank takeo.

soft sword is also exchanged for hard sword.

Wenjing thirty-two years, summer.

this year, the teenager is fifteen years old.

realm has reached the peak of the seventh grade, and it is only one step away from the sixth grade of the middle and third grades.


early in the morning.

town looms in the mist.

deep in Wuyi Lane.

crunch, the east door was pushed open.

a boy in shorts, shorts, straw shoes, and a wooden sword hanging from his waist came to the courtyard.

gently close your eyes and greedily breathe fresh air.

Today’s teenager, with a long body and long hair tied up at will, is black and thick, and he is no longer the skinny little dot he was at the beginning.

untie the purse around the waist.

the teenager weighed it twice.

copper plate collides, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

“I finally saved enough five taels of silver, I can let Uncle Han open the furnace and forge the sword for me~”

“137”> With a bright smile, the young man left the hospital.

after a blaze of incense kung fu.

Windswept Lane.

looking at the locked blacksmith shop, the young man frowned slightly, “Won’t Uncle Han open the door today?” ”


teenager walks out of town.

was about to go to Buzhou Mountain, when he suddenly looked at the ancient road in the distance, and a car drove up.

a luxurious chariot pulled by three white horses, drove over the town’s covered bridge and slowly towards the fenced courtyard on the bank of the Taiping River.

chariot or so, and two white horses, carrying two women.

the distance is too far, you can only see the tall and slender figure, and you can’t see a clear face.

“Coming to Mr. Qi?!”

muttered, Ah Fei withdrew his gaze and plunged into the mountain forest.

“I wonder if Master will agree?”

A teenager who is running fast through the forest is in a state of confusion.

man is back.

the prodigal son named Zhonglishan.

Poor sister Cui’er, she hasn’t gotten out of bed for three days.

“If Master promises, I will leave Brother Shan with all five poisons, and my good brother will definitely cut you by a thousand cuts!”

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