The hotel newspaper is usually delivered at noon, because he is anxious to see the third section of “This Killer Is Not Too Cold”, Xiao Nan got up early and went to the newsstand to buy a copy, intending to take it back and read it slowly.

After she finished reading the latest “This Killer Is Not Too Cold”, she felt bored and began to read the news again. After calmly reading the first news, Xiao Nan’s eyes added a hint of sarcasm.

I really didn’t expect that Konoha would have such a dark thing, the families of the dead ninja could not get the ninja’s deposit, and in the end, their lives were so difficult that they had to rely on others for help.

In Konan’s eyes, Konoha is a village that loves peace and tranquility. After all, the image project of Konoha Village is very well done, and most of the unsavory things are to find someone to back the pot and leave themselves clean.

With his hand pressed on the newspaper, Xiao Nan looked up at the window, and he didn’t know what he was thinking in his orange eyes.

Raising her hand to cover the hair of her sideburns behind her ear, she 13 said, “It seems that this is just the appearance, no matter where it is, there will be a dark side, this is the case in Yu Shinobu Village, and the same is true of Konoha.”


In a forest on the outskirts of Konoha Village, a middle-aged ninja wearing a forehead guard with the word “oil” written on it, and long white hair that fell to his waist, was quickly running towards Konoha Village, his red robe blowing in the wind, and his face was a little gloomy.

This person is Jiraiya, who has been traveling the world! On the surface, he was traveling and writing books, but in fact he was secretly investigating “Xiao”

Jiraiya also received information yesterday evening, and the Xiao Organization sent two people to Konoha Village after the last meeting. However, the intelligence did not indicate what the two people of the organization came to Konoha for, although there were three generations of old men stationed there, but they were not worried about the village, but they rushed back at nearly noon the next day.

The tall woods were gradually receding, and the tall Konoha city wall was becoming clearer, gradually becoming silhouette from a line, and even when he looked up, he saw the fire shadow stone statue carved on the cliff.

Seeing a slight change on the old man’s face, feeling everything familiar around him, he thought in his heart: Finally back.

He has been investigating the organization for many years, and he has not returned to Konoha Village for several years, and he wanders out alone, even if he is accompanied by fine wine and beautiful people are often in his arms, there will be a deep sense of loneliness.

He was almost at the gate of Konoha Village, Chakra had increased by a few points, he jumped on the wall as fast as he could, and he didn’t want others to know that he was back.

It is noon, and the villagers who have been busy all morning either eat together in the restaurant, or they are shopping in pairs, and Jirai, who has used the transformation technique, walks the streets alone, looking around for suspicious people.

However, these two “” people have not been found, but in a small stall in front of a restaurant, they heard a few nonsensical words, which made Ji Lai feel very strange.

“You don’t believe me, so where do you say the money goes?” A middle-aged man who was more than a year old took a sip of wine and said with some anger.

A few sitting next to him were also unconvinced, and a boy who looked to be in his teens pouted and said: “Uncle, don’t be unconvinced!” Although I don’t know where the money goes, what you said is definitely not reliable. ”

“In my opinion, this money is not guaranteed to be swallowed by the people at the top, ha!”

Zi Lai also stopped, glanced in that direction, then leaned over, and asked with a grin: “Brother, hello, inquire, what were you talking about just now?” I’m interested. ”

“Eh, you don’t even know?” The middle-aged man in his forties glanced up and down strangely, then took out a newspaper and pushed it in front of him, clicked the first news and said: “Oh, this is it!” “Konoha Daily” broke a big news today, making a fuss, basically the whole of Konoha knew, because of this, today’s newspaper was sold out. Big brother, you’re from the outer village, right? ”

Perfunctory nodded, Zi Lai also quickly scanned the news with a pair of eyes, understood what happened, he silently suppressed the anger in his heart, and then asked: “This matter is very troublesome, isn’t the third generation of Hokage also known?”

Patting his thigh, the middle-aged uncle said excitedly: “Hey, I guess I already knew!” Now the ninjas in the village who are idle and have nothing to do are investigating this matter. Like our brothers, there are no conditions, just guessing! This matter is so big, it is estimated that there must be an explanation. ”

“Thank you brothers!” After thanking a few people, he left the small stall just now, and when he turned around, his face was obviously not good-looking.

If someone dares to embezzle the deposits of the deceased ninja, this matter must not be stopped. Jiraiya snorted and released the clenched fist that had been clenching, it seems that this time when he returned to the village, in addition to investigating the two members of the Xiao Organization sent to Konoha, he also had a very important task.

After walking down the street for a while, Jiraiya also felt that he couldn’t go to someone so nonsensically, and after thinking for a while, he planned to go find Kakashi’s guy first.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to find two powerful ninjas in the huge Konoha alone.

Came to Kiki’s house 577, saw that the door was open, and knew that Kakashi should be at home, so he went directly inside and knocked on his door three times.

“It’s coming.” Kakashi yawned to open the door, then looked at him strangely after seeing Jiraiya, made sure he didn’t know the person and asked, “You are?”

“It’s me!” Jiraiya smiled, lifted the transformation technique, returned to his original appearance, and said, “Kakashi, I haven’t seen you for a long time, don’t you invite me in and sit down?”

“Jiraiya-sama!” Kakashi exclaimed in surprise when he saw Jiraiya disable, and then quickly turned sideways to let him in, and after asking him to go in and sit down, he asked, “Why are you back?”

Zi Lai also put his hands on his knees and said: “There is a very dangerous organization that sent two people to the village, I will come back to investigate if I can’t worry, this is the organization that Orochimaru joined after defecting back then.”

“Huh?!” Kakashi opened his mouth in surprise, and then said, “Then let’s hurry up and report to the third generation and let him send someone from the dark department to search it.”

Shaking his head, Zi Lai also said: “At present, I don’t want the three generations to know about my return, so I came to ask you for help.”

………… The dividing line…………

I didn’t expect to add four more chapters, this is the first chapter. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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