Jiraiya left Konoha Village for two reasons, one was because of Orochimaru’s defection, and the other was because he really didn’t want to participate in the internal affairs of Konoha Village.

Originally, he was a person with little fame and fortune, and he was also very afraid of trouble. If the high-ranking people in the village knew that he was back, they would definitely fight with him, and he would never meet if he could hide from Tuan Zang and Koharu.

After thinking of Tuan Zang, Jiraiya’s eyes darkened a little. Although the main reason for Orochimaru’s defection was because he had embarked on an evil path, this was inseparable from the help of the old thing in Tuanzo.

Since the defection of the big snake pill, Zi Lai also left the village almost on the front heel and back foot, secretly investigating the news of the big snake pill. Through the various information collected over the years, he also learned that when he was in Konoha Village, Orochimaru had secret contact with Danzo for a long time.

The specific content is not clear, but he probably knows that Tuanzang is inseparable from human experiments, but unfortunately he can’t get definitive evidence.

Sighing, he was also a little melancholy. Another reason why he doesn’t want to show his face in people is because of three generations. Watergate has been dead for more than ten years, and now three generations are old and no longer young.

Hokage needs five generations.

If he appeared in front of the three generations, the three generations would talk to him about the fifth generation of Hokage, he would be free and lazy, and he would not be interested in the position of the Hokage at all.

Besides, Danzo dreams of being a Hokage! If he becomes a fifth generation, if Tuanzo is not allowed to make another “assassination” incident, how can he deal with it at that time? Whether to be blameless for this past like three generations, or to break the net with the group, this kind of trouble does not want to participate.

“Jiraiya hurried-sama, Jiraiya-sama!”

“Huh?” Jiraiya suddenly heard Kakashi’s voice, immediately woke up, looked at him a little confused, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Kakashi looked at Jiraiya’s confused eyes, spread his hands helplessly, and said, “Jiraiya-sama, I’m asking how you need my help?” Find out those two people who infiltrated the village and arrest them.? ”

“The strength of the people in that organization is not weak, don’t make a rash move.” Zi Lai also instructed: “After you find those two people, you are secretly watching, and then send someone to inform me.”

Kakashi nodded and answered, “Good.”

In Konoha Village, Kakashi also has a small intelligence network of his own, which is why Jiraiya came to him for help.

“Without further ado, let’s go our separate ways.” Jiraiya stood up, and when he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly remembered a person, the son of his apprentice, and paused again, turned his head to look at Kakashi, and asked, “Where does Watergate’s son live, you should know?”

Zi Lai also had some feelings, he wanted to see how he was doing now, it should be very similar to Watergate, right? Speaking of which, the kid’s name still comes from one of his own novels, and in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Jiraiya also planned to secretly go to see Naruto to see how he was doing.

After the series of turmoil of the Nine-Tailed Fox Rebellion and the death of the fourth generation of Hokage and his wife passed, Naruto’s identity was asked to be kept secret, and the three generations did not say it directly.

But there is only one surname in the entire Konoha Village, and with that golden hair, plus the nine-tailed fox sealed on Naruto, almost the upper Shinobi of Konoha Village know his truth

However, over the years, Kakashi has never visited the son of Hakafeng Shuimen.

Kakashi experienced the blow of his father’s suicide, the death of his companion, the killing of his teammates with his own hands, and the death of his most beloved teacher, even if he did not blacken his psychology, he was very desperate, and what was worse was that no one told him, and he couldn’t show it, all relying on one person to bear it. So he paralyzes himself by doing tasks like crazy and keeps himself from idle.

After a few days in the village without doing tasks, Kakashi went to buy small yellow books to pass the time, and then left the village again when he had a task.

This is how Kakashi came over for the first few years.

Later, after Naruto grew up and was able to live alone, Kakashi’s mood almost stabilized, although he no longer had to paralyze himself with the reason for doing tasks, but he really didn’t know what to do after seeing the teacher’s child, so he dragged it off until now and hasn’t seen it yet.

However, Naruto’s residence he still knew.

Now listening to Jiraiya mention Naruto, Kakashi felt a pang of guilt in his heart, nodded to Jiraiya, and said, “I know he lives there, Jiraiya-sama, I’ll go with me.”

“Then let’s go together.”

Zi Lai also turned his head, and after using the transformation technique to change his appearance with his hands, he then pushed the door and the two walked out of Qi Mu’s house together.

Naruto had his hands behind his back, walking alone on the street with a weed in his teeth, and he was even more bored after the holiday.

Looking at the various shops lining the street, Naruto rolled his eyes, he was thinking about whether to play a prank, or to play with Ha and Shikamaru, who were one of the few people in the village who were willing to fool around with him.


Suddenly there was a scream in his stomach, Naruto stopped and rubbed his little belly, he hadn’t eaten since the morning, because it was too late to get up.

Naruto wanted to go to the Ichiraku ramen restaurant near his house to eat a bowl of ramen, he hurriedly took out his wallet from his pocket, opened it and saw the amount of money inside, and his face immediately collapsed.

With only 10 taels, even the cheapest Ichiraku ramen can’t afford it. With a long sigh of disappointment, Naruto touched his stomach and glanced up at the bun shop not far away, intending to buy a bun mat.

In front of the bun shop, Naruto handed the remaining 10 taels on his body to the boss who sold the buns, and said, “Boss, I’ll buy a bun!”

The boss, who was originally sitting and napping, heard that someone (Nuomo Zhao) wanted to buy buns, and quickly opened his eyes, and when he saw that it was Naruto, his eyes were full of disgust, he raised his hand and pushed Naruto’s hand away, and shouted angrily: “Nine-tailed fox demon, if you don’t want to be beaten, get out of my place!”

was pushed by the boss, 10 taels of money fell to the ground, Naruto’s face was blue, hiding the loss in his eyes, he grimaced, and before the boss rushed out, he squatted down to pick up the money and ran in the direction of home.

Naruto was used to it, and only a few people in the village were willing to sell him something, so he was already planning to go straight home to eat instant noodles.

This scene just fell in the eyes of Jiraiya and Kakashi, the two people just stopped by, but they didn’t expect to see such a scene.

There was no emotion in Zi Laiye’s eyes, he walked to the owner of the bun shop, and asked with some doubt: “Why did you treat that child like that just now?” I see that he just wants to eat a bun, not to mention that he gives money. “_

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