Seeing that he was about to catch the golden bottle, in Orff's field of vision, Xifa's gaze that was staring ahead was deflected at some point, and looked at him lightly.

At the same time, Orff noticed that Sifa's other arm was sticking out of his armpit, his index finger pointed towards him.

Afterwards, there was no color, no warmth, and the almost transparent 'Yanyan' erupted violently, hitting Orff with an inescapable gesture, making him feel as if he had jumped into the lava, cursing himself for being stupid and inevitably being swept away by this nonsense. The transparent flames screamed.

Just like that night when I was betrayed.

Celeste's order was to 'follow that man', and the subtext was to monitor Sifa to make sure he wasn't sabotaged.

But Celeste did not order him to **** Abrio's soul.

It's just that Orff wants to make contributions too much. He hopes to seize the golden bottle and rescue the captain, so that Celeste is willing to invest in him and let him break through the current level.

Only in this way will he have enough strength to take revenge.

But now.....

The scream made Celeste on the other side of the black curtain turn his head to look. He had released the incomplete mythical creature form. Seeing that Orff's figure was melting and evaporating, Celeste narrowed his eyes slightly. There was a pale light in his eyes.

The colorless and transparent flames on Orff's body rapidly weakened and withered, and finally 'died' and went home.

Orff's figure became thin, and black ashes were floating from his whole body. If Celeste slowed down a little bit, he would be wiped out.

"Do whatever is superfluous." Celeste snorted softly, and glanced at Xifa again, "Axey is still alive, you finally came in time, if you have anything to do, let's go back."

He didn't even look at the golden bottle, raised his hand in Orff's direction, and Orff threw it towards him, turning into a thin shadow into Celeste's body.

Celeste turned around and stepped on a spirit world creature that looked like a manta ray. The thing supported his body and flew far away, leaving the crater.

Only then did Xifa put away the golden bottle, and saw that the black curtain gradually disappeared, and saw that Akshay, who had returned to human form behind, was trapped in a pale flame.

That flame is fading, and it won't be long before it disappears completely.

Xifa retracted his gaze and looked at Kardashian. He smiled and said, "After I go back, I will destroy the compass that can find this place."

Kardashian glanced at him, and after a while, two words came out of her mouth: "Thank you."

Sifa took off her hat and pressed it to her chest: "I've made good on my promise, thank you for your help all this time, Ms. Kardashian."

"Bye now."

"Please take care."

Putting the hat back on again, crimson flames rose from Xifa's body, turned into a stream of fire and rushed into the air, and then condensed into a huge flame spear and projected it towards Celeste at sea.

Kardashian's black hair fluttered in the air that was blown away by Xifa, and her amber eyes still reflected the picture of the flaming spear going away: "If I met you when I was still human... ."

She didn't continue talking, smiled faintly, turned and walked towards her teacher.


It is already evening.

On the Sunia Sea, the sky seems to be burning, and pieces of sunset glow in the sky.

Through the thick sea fog, Xifa saw the dim light of the sunset. Celeste had left the island and was sailing on the vast sea, returning to the waters of Rhodes Island.

"Captain Rayleigh, the master invites you to meet in the captain's room." The old pirate came over, he was missing a front tooth, and his words leaked.

Cepha nodded, and after a while, he saw Celeste in the captain's room.

Celeste went straight to the point: "Orff has done something superfluous, and I will make it up to you."

He said blankly: "You have a high-ranking ring of the 'Death God' pathway on you, but that thing is obviously damaged, and I may have a way to repair it."

"However, it will take a while. It will take a few days to reach the waters of the Rhosid Islands anyway, which should be enough."

Xifa took out the 'Ring of Styx' from his pocket, and threw the evil and holy gray-white ring over, not afraid of Celeste's personal pocketing: "When the time comes, I will use the Abrio spirit body in exchange for it. it."

"Okay." Celeste reached out to catch the ring, "Dinner is ready for you."

"Send me to my room."


Not long after returning to his room, the old pirate brought dinner. After Sifa tasted the food carefully, he summoned the 'Book of Mysteries'.

He is already a demigod, and now he can record a 'blasphemous projection' of the same level.

When the 'Book of Mysteries' fell into his hands, Xifa was not surprised to see that the number '4' had already appeared in the 'authority of knowledge' on it.

Also, a blurry pattern on the cover becomes clear, but the pattern is still constantly and repeatedly changing, as if it is still not fully fixed.

This pattern repeats and changes between transparent figures that can overlap each other, brilliant patterns like fireworks, and objects of different shapes.

At the same time, the 'Book of Mysteries' opened on its own, and turned to a brand new page, with a line of text on it: Time Projection.

"Time projection? This is, a new function?"

Xifa was surprised and surprised. At this time, the text continued to appear on the page: You can consume the number of subscriptions of the biography to project the abilities, characters and items that you have seen and heard in the past, but you must choose one of these three items to use this function normally.

The following is a brief description of the three functions

"Consume the number of subscriptions to the biography, project the abilities, characters and items that you have seen and heard in the past?"

"The projection ability is one-time, and it disappears after being projected once, similar to 'stealing ability', but it consumes the least amount."

"Projected characters and items can be saved until the projection is destroyed or destroyed, and as long as the number of subscriptions for these two items is sufficient, an unlimited number of projections can be performed, but the consumption is large, especially for items to be aired."

Xifa looked at the words on the page and pondered: "If I project Beyonder, it is equivalent to covering the first option. For example, if I want to control the ability of 'spiritual body line', I can project crazy adventurer. Gehrman Sparrow, in this way, I can not only use the ability to manipulate the 'spiritual body thread', but also obtain all the abilities of the Gehrman I knew in the past..."

"No, there is still a difference between UU reading The projection ability is something I can use actively, and I can use targeted abilities according to the needs of the situation."

"The characters projected in the past are likely to be similar to computer AI-controlled characters. They will act according to the situation or obey my orders, but the flexibility is generally not as high as my own initiative to use the ability, and it will come faster."

"As for projection items, magical items and sealed items can be projected. Although it's not bad, the items thrown out also have a negative impact. In this way, the price/performance ratio will be discounted."

"Which of these three functions should I choose? In fact, I really want them all, why can I only choose one..."

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