Xifa decided to put this issue aside for a while, to give himself enough time to think, or to listen to the opinions of the observers before making a decision. After all, once a choice has been made, it cannot be revised.

So he turned the 'Book of Mysteries' to the 'Message Board' page, crossed out the previous message, and wrote new words.

'Watchers, I'm about to unlock a new feature that projects abilities, characters, and items I've seen and known about. I believe you already know the details, but do you have any suggestions? ’

After leaving this question, Xifa did not stop, and turned to the page of 'blasphemy projection'.

Now, he is a demigod, and he can also project a Sequence 4 ability of the 'Giant' pathway.

At this time, on the pages of the book, the detailed information about the various sequences of the 'Giant' pathway, which was presented after 'scanning' the blasphemy card, still exists.

"The Sequence 4 of this pathway is 'Demon Hunter'. Well, the abilities of this pathway include 'Dawn Barrier', 'Eye of the Demon Hunter', 'Secret', and 'Extraordinary Knowledge'."

Xifa studied it carefully: "The Dawn Wall is to strengthen the guardian power of the guardian stage. The defensive wall created by the witcher will be more difficult to shake and can better protect the companions."

"Eyes of the Demon Hunter will make a dark green complex symbol appear in each of the eyes, which will strengthen sensory and spiritual investigations, and be able to identify the nature, weakness, state of the target, whether it is contaminated or possessed, and even judge whether the target is sprinkled or not. brag."

"Keeping secrets can allow witchers to cover up their actions and intentions, effectively interfere with divination and prophecy from high-level and high-level personalities, and make targets who can predict danger undetectable. This is a state and can be regarded as a passive ability."

"Extraordinary knowledge can obtain knowledge of many monsters, herbs, materials, etc. Through this knowledge, corresponding magical potions, holy ointments, essential oils and special marks can be prepared. And by taking, smearing, and using these items, lightning strikes, freezing, and purification can be achieved. , burning, decaying and exorcism and other extraordinary effects, effectively targeting and restraining the target."


Xifa touched his nose and said: "It seems that after inheriting the abilities of the previous stages, the comprehensive abilities of the demon hunters have become quite comprehensive. They can protect their companions, interfere with divination and prophecy, cover up their action intentions, and have rich and varied abilities. knowledge, to discern traces of evil, depravity, and contamination."

"Let me see, which ability of projection is more useful to me?"

Xifa's eyes swept back and forth between those abilities, and finally decided that he wanted to project the ability of 'secret'!

For him, he is better at offense than defense. Projecting the 'Dawn Bulwark' will only destroy the past habits, disrupt the rhythm of the battle, and be inconsistent with the 'Hunter' approach, which tends to destroy and destroy.

Although both extraordinary knowledge and the eye of the hunter are good, the former Xifa can use a wealth of magical items to achieve the same effect, and the eye of the hunter is far less effective for him than the 'secret'.

For Xifa, whether it is his own ability or in terms of items, he lacks the means to effectively interfere with divination and prophecy, although this can be achieved by praying to Mr. Fool and using "Angel's Embrace" to achieve the same effect.

However, it is impossible for Western France to make a decision every time and then seize it, and it is impossible that there will never be emergencies. Compared with directly increasing combat power, it can interfere with the divination predictions from high-level and high-level personalities. The 'secret' that predicts the danger that the target cannot detect is far more useful to him than others.

So on that ability blank, Xifa projected the 'secret-keeping' ability of the Sequence 4 Demon Hunter!

As soon as this ability came into effect, Xifa's spirituality was immediately touched, and he felt that his own atmosphere became secretive, difficult to detect, and difficult to guess.

"With this state, it somewhat makes up for the lack of the 'Hunter' in terms of mystery and weirdness..." Sifa sighed and ended the summoning.


On Friday afternoon, Bayam, the capital of the Rorsted Islands, "the city of generosity".

Alger was alone in a dim room and began to pray to Mr. Fool.

Gu Hui

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of the restless..."

"The great Mr. Fool, please tell the 'world' that I have arrived in Bayam, and I will stay here for two days to replenish supplies."

"After the supplies are replenished, I can go to the primitive island, please let the 'world' prepare in advance, so as not to meet in time, if the 'world' has no way to go to the primitive island, I can arrange for him to secretly take the 'youlan revenge' number'."

It didn't take long for Argel's eyes to see boundless gray fog, and saw a vague figure praying devoutly.

Then, the hoarse and low voice of 'World' rang in Alger's ear.

"You don't need to be so troublesome."

"You should be able to move freely in Bayam. See you in the cemetery outside the city at 12 o'clock tonight."

"Before that, replenish your supplies."

After listening, Alger frowned slightly.

"In Bayam, I really can move freely. Those sailors are impatient to go to places like the 'Red Theater', and they will definitely not come back tonight."

"When they wake up tomorrow, they will go to the casino, go to the bar, and indulge as much as they want, so as to vent their depression and depression at sea for a long time."

"Even if I disappear for one night and one day, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will not be discovered."

Alger slightly opened the curtains and looked out the window: "Using this space is indeed better than using the blood race anesthetic gas. That method has been used twice, maybe someone has doubts now."

"However, how do you get to that pristine island without a boat?"

Alger had a flash of inspiration.

"Teleportation? 'World' has the ability or item that can use 'Teleport'?"

This is the most reasonable guess!


Saturday morning, Captain Celeste's room.

"In the evening, we can reach the waters where the Rhosid Islands are located." Celeste raised his hand, spread his palm, and in the palm of his hand was the enchanting and holy ring.

The Ring of Styx!

"I have roughly repaired it and made some of its abilities more perfect. For example, its ability to make life wither. Now it not only makes life die, but also allows items and abilities to rapidly weaken and wither."

"At the same time, for ordinary people and low-sequence Beyonders, they can die directly at the moment of glimpse, and it also poses a certain threat to demigods."

"In addition, even if you die after wearing it, even if your body disappears, you can still be resurrected. There are two ways to resurrect. One is to have no physical body and only exist as a spiritual body, but unlike evil spirits, the holder can Maintaining reason and divinity; the other is through the connection of the previous body, such as hair, blood and other items. Using these things as a medium to regenerate the body and complete the recovery.”

"However, this resurrection can only be used once."

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