Above the gray fog.

Klein had a dark golden brooch in the shape of a sunbird and the 'Dark Emperor' card in his hand. He had the experience of expelling Amon's parasite for the little 'Sun' last time. When he received the 'chariot' encountering Amon's At the time of the news, Klein had already prepared for the 'chariot' to be parasitized, and prepared to expel Amon for the members of the Tarot Society.

But now he observes the prayer picture sent by the crimson star, and sees the 'chariot' in the bathroom, but he does not have a transparent and illusory figure wrapped around him, there is no suspicious young man wearing a monocle made of crystal figure.

The 'chariot' was parasitized by Amon at the end... Klein could confirm this, and heaved a sigh of relief before adjusting his posture and responding in a casual tone.

"I know."

After replying to 'chariot', Klein didn't let his guard down.

The 'chariot' went to the city of Gurain, and Amon went there too. What did he go there for?

What a headache, how come Amon's clones are everywhere? I just got the news that Amon the Blasphemer was on his way to Backlund, and his clones also appeared in Gurain City.

I don't know enough about Amon... Well, the grandfather in the poet's classmate is an angel of the Thief pathway, maybe I can get more information about Amon from him?

Although I still don't have a clear grasp of that old grandfather's current position, I believe that he definitely doesn't want to be caught by Amon. An enemy of an enemy is a friend, and on this basis I have reason to believe that He will provide the necessary help.

Klein raised his head again and looked at the crimson stars. He had not yet cut off the connection with the 'chariot', and through this prayer light spot, he raised his horizon and gradually extended it to the one where the 'chariot' was. Bar, that square into the eyes.

He saw the peculiar-style buildings of the Southern Continent, the crowds in the square, and the black coffins that were carried by two people, four people, or pulled by horses to shuttle through the square.

Klein locked the area, lowered his field of vision slightly, and examined the humans and animals there one by one to see if he could spot a man with black hair and black eyes wearing a monocle.

During this process, he saw the 'chariot' leaving the bar, and saw a bird flying over the head of the 'chariot', suddenly the bird turned to look at him, there was a black bird on the bird Eye circles, and unconsciously made the action of pressing the glasses with the wings!

What the hell!

Klein immediately cut off the connection with the 'chariot' and made the image in the crimson star disappear. He was sure that the bird had been parasitized by Amon, and maybe Amon was also parasitized by other humans or animals. body.

However, these Amon seem to have no further action. They are just monitoring the 'chariot'. They found that the 'chariot' has the same aura above the gray fog as the 'sun'?

This is very likely. Last time, Amon almost invaded here with the help of the connection between the 'sun' and the gray fog. Now the Amons have started to monitor the 'chariot' again. No, the Tarot next week will have to be temporarily suspended, or Exclude 'chariots'.

As long as there is Amon's surveillance around him, he can't take risks.

Klein hurriedly wrapped himself in spirituality, left above the gray fog, and returned to the real world. He immediately took out a pen and paper, wrote a letter, and then summoned Miss Courier to send the letter to Lun Nader Mitchell.

As for the fact that the 'chariot' was monitored by Amon, Klein decided not to tell him for now, lest Amon notice anything about his abnormality. After receiving Leonard's reply and knowing more about Amon, decide the next action.


Gurain City.

A local man in his thirties was walking down the street with a smile on his face. He wore a monocle made of crystals on his face. At this moment, he stopped and looked up at the sky.

Smiling, he walked away again.


There is a Trana River not far from the city of Gourain. This large river connects several large cities in East Balam and is one of the important traffic routes in East Balam.

However, recently, the Trana River has been temporarily impassable because the local rebels have occupied the Baridrona Bridge that crosses the Trana River. They have used the bridge as a stronghold and have repelled the Ruen army several times. attack.

They asked to talk to the head of Loen in the colony, claiming that if their demands were not resolved, they would blow up the bridge and completely paralyze this important waterway.

On the surface, Loen agreed to negotiate, but in fact, he organized a military operation to completely solve the rebel army on the bridge tonight.

This task was placed on the shoulders of Major Cumberney.

Major Cumberney is a typical Ruen, who pays attention to his image and has a dignified mustache. At this moment, he is in a temporary camp 1 kilometer away from the Baridrona Bridge.

Tonight, he will be in charge of commanding the nearly 200-strong team in his hand, laying down the bridge and driving away the rebels.

But at this time, Major Cumberney didn't have the slightest confidence in tonight's action.

In a tent, the middle-aged Major Cumberney looked at the photo posted on the blackboard. There was a man with brown hair and beards, no eyebrows, and a grim smile; There are also women with black hair and brown eyes and many faint scars on their faces.

These people are tricky characters in the rebel army, members of the 'Rose School', among them there are 'wraiths', 'living corpses', and 'werewolves'.

It is precisely because of the support of the 'Rose School' that the rebel army was able to occupy the bridge and repel the repressive army on the Loen side again and again.

"At this time, can't they wait for Colonel Alfred Hall to come back before taking action?" Cumberney picked up a glass of wine depressedly and took a sip.

His adjutant coughed dryly and said, "Major, we have received news that the Beyonders who supported us from the Black Sails have arrived in Gurain City, and they said they would fully cooperate with our actions at night."

"Black sails..."

Major Cumberney put down his glass and said, "I don't trust them. Those guys don't even give us detailed information, saying that this is to protect their members."

"We don't even know what the reinforcement commander is like, how should I act?"

The adjutant looked at his pocket watch and reminded, "Major, it's time."

Comberney snorted, put on the general's hat on top of his head, and strode out of the camp: "They better get there in time, otherwise, I will sue them in a military court!"

After arriving at the camp, Cumberney looked at the soldiers who had already lined up. The major nodded and pointed in the direction of the Baridrona Bridge: "Let's go, tonight, let's shoot down the rebels and tell them who He is the real master of this land!"Click to download the APP of this site, and read the massive novels for free!

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