Led by Major Cumberney, the team took advantage of the cover of the mountains and headed towards the Baridrona Bridge from the left side of the Trana River, and reached the vicinity of the bridge in a blink of an eye. Cumberney raised his hand to signal the team. Stopped, they hid in the bushes, and looked through the night, there were a lot of fire lights moving back and forth on the bridge under the crimson moonlight, it was the rebels with lanterns patrolling.

Even under the bridge, there are several rebels standing guard on the river bank, and it is almost impossible to attack the bridge silently.

However, when he came, Conberney had expected such a situation to happen. He immediately nodded to a few people behind, and then approached the river bank. With the cover of trees and grasses, they came to the rebel army smoothly. near the sentinel.

Conberney made a gesture, then locked one of them, and suddenly launched 'mental piercing'!

As the 'Interrogator' of Sequence 7, Conberney likes the ability of 'mental piercing' very much. It can act on the spiritual body and can bring coercion at the spiritual level, pierce the target's spiritual body, and directly attack the spirit of others. , so that the other party temporarily loses all ability to think.

Just like now, the rebel army who was carrying a metal box and a steam rifle that he didn't know where he bought it was suddenly in pain and couldn't make an effective response.

The major's companions attacked quickly, rushed to the sentinel, wiped their throats before the rebels had time to warn them, and let them die while clutching their necks.

This is the first phase of the plan to clear the sentinel under the bridge.

Next is the second stage, the silent touch of the bridge, which can be achieved from those piers under the bridge.

After clearing the sentry point, Major Cumberney's men quickly changed into the rebels' clothes and pretended to be still on guard, so that the rebels on the bridge did not notice anything unusual.

At the same time, Major Cumberney made a gesture to let the soldiers hiding behind the trees move quickly and enter under the bridge. They came to the bottom of the bridge and found a lot of explosives on the piers of the bridge.

Apparently, the rebels were ready to blow up the bridge at any time.

"What a sinister guy." Comberney gave an order first, sending a team to be responsible for removing the explosives, and the others followed him and climbed up with the help of the bridge piers to attack the rebels on the bridge.

Everything went so smoothly.

But just as they climbed over the guardrail and boarded the bridge, Comberney's adjutant's body quickly stiffened, his eyes became dull, and the same figure was reflected in his eyes.

A man with brown hair combed back, a thick beard on the chin, no eyebrows, dark green eyes, and a pale face.

This is a member of the 'Rose School', Torres the Wraith!

Almost instantly, the adjutant was under control, and his thoughts quickly blurred, so when the soldiers had begun to flood the bridge, ready to fight, Cumberney found the adjutant with his head lowered and motionless.

With a thump in his heart, he saw the adjutant suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed dark green, and he showed a hideous smile. He pulled out his revolver and shot at the soldier closest to him.


The sound of gunfire immediately shattered the quiet night, and when the soldier's head was blooming, the adjutant turned the gun again and fired continuously.


"He is possessed!"

Without hesitation, Cumberney first used 'mental piercing' on his adjutant, and then personally shot and killed his colleagues.

In the absence of any other better way, this is the only way to fight against the possession of the Wraith. If left alone, the adjutant will also be controlled by the Wraith after killing all his companions, sending bullets into himself. in the brain.

When the adjutant lay down, an illusory figure jumped out and landed on the bridge, instantly gaining a sense of texture. In the state of the other party's release of the 'resentful soul', he stared at Conberney with a grinning smile: "I knew you idiots. The benefactor will not negotiate with us so easily!"

"Kill them all!"

Under Torres' order, the rebels rushed out, and inside, there were also numb and pale living corpses. They were a black-haired, pale-skinned, short man with large ugly scars on his face. Under the control, acting as the role of cannon fodder, he rushed to Cumberney and his soldiers before the rebels.

'Living Corpse' Gerald!

Seeing the famous target in the rebel army, Cumberney had another headache, and then he heard a strange whistling above his head. The major raised his head and saw a woman in an inhuman posture under the crimson moonlight. pounce on him.

The woman had black hair and brown eyes, and there were many faint scars on her face. The black nails on her hands were as long as daggers, flowing with a metallic luster under the crimson moonlight.

'Wolfman' Candice!

Almost all the members of the 'Rose School' in the rebel army appeared, and the three who appeared now are the most troublesome.

Conberney yelled 'spread out', and she used a roll to dodge the attack of the 'Wolfman'. Candice had a crazy smile on her face and rushed towards the major. Wear', the major raised his gun and fired as the woman paused for a moment with a painful expression on her face.

But there were a few more corpses in front of Candice. Those numb-looking corpses blocked the bullets for Candice, and then reached out and grabbed Conberney.

The major's face was extremely ugly, and his mood was extremely depressed, and he felt like he was going to lose his life here tonight. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

At this moment, a blue light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. In that blue light, while silhouettes were outlined, a few orange-red fireballs shot out first, hitting the living corpses, creating a strong explosion that shattered the corpses. , so that the power to manipulate them can no longer be maintained.

Those figures were finally drawn.

Conberney saw the tall girl, her body burst out with light like the morning sun, condensed on the body surface and condensed into a set of armor, and condensed a shield and a long sword.

The girl strode towards Candiz the Werewolf on the spot, easily blocked the opponent's claws with the shield of light condensed, and caused damage with the long sword.

The major saw another man with short gray hair, raised his hand and bounced a gold coin to Gerald the Living Corpse, and then used his revolver to attack and suppress the opponent.

Another man wearing a mask raised his hand, and said solemnly to Torres the Wraith: "Possession is prohibited here."

Conberney's body shook slightly, knowing that this was the ability of the 'Sequence 6' judge, and this was one of the means to restrain the 'Wraith'.

Finally, he saw a young man wearing a half-height silk top hat, a long black trench coat, and a white scabbard in his hand, a strange weapon with a slight arc, and turned towards him.

The man had dark hair, dark green eyes, and a faint tear-like scar under his left eye. With his back facing the battle on the bridge, the huge red moon above his head shone, and he said with a smile.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Westfa, and the members of the 'Rose School' will be handed over to me and my companions. Please suppress other members of the rebel army."

Conberney immediately understood that the reinforcements of the 'Black Sails' had arrived! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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