Chapter 500 Oh, it must be the son-in-law of the Cao family!

Chapter 298 The son-in-law of a wealthy family? Oh, it must be the son-in-law of the Cao family!

The unreachable are always in commotion!

There is no fear of being favored!

After being reminded by Yi Xiaotian’s repeated flips, Cao Cao immediately felt like a divine enlightenment… Behave, Brother Yi’s trick was ingenious, and he was born after he was put to the death.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, you are really out of luck, your weakness in character… it is unreservedly magnified again and again in front of Brother Yi.

Four hundred thousand soldiers, if Yuan Shao racked his brains and forced their families through threats and intimidation, so as to achieve the goal of letting these soldiers escape back to the North, Yuan Shao would be extremely relieved.

But if it is…

Conversely, thinking about the four hundred thousand soldiers who had no warning, or was collectively… Or were they neatly dressed and armed and fled back to the North. Will Yuan Shao open the gates of the city and let them return?

No no no…

Yuan Shao, who has always been jealous, will definitely wonder, why are these soldiers coming back in good shape?

Why didn’t Cao Cao embarrass them and would let them back? Why are their weapons so sharp?

Do they have ulterior motives, do they have some ulterior secret… Or, this is Cao Cao’s trick, a trick that tricked him into opening the city gate, and then completely destroyed him in one go.

Cao Cao almost brought himself into Yuan Shao’s world.

Don’t say…

For a jealous and careful person, how could he believe that a pie is falling in the sky.

As Brother Yi said, he will have deep doubts about these 400,000 soldiers who have returned because of “persecution delusion”…

Open the gates? It’s impossible!

It must be the rain of arrows on the tower to welcome these four hundred thousand pawns…


Thinking of this, Cao Cao let out a long breath.

Having figured out all of this, he felt as if he had been electrocuted. He felt sour and refreshed. Of course, brother Yi’s ingenious plan was more thorough than that of sour.

Yuan Shao was afraid that he was planted, and he didn’t know how he was planted.

“Brother Yi, I understand, I understand everything!”

Cao Cao raised his wine bowl and drank it all in one go, with a thousand words in the wine…

It seems that a bowl of wine is particularly uncomfortable. Cao Cao filled the bowl again and drank a bowl again. He laughed while drinking, and the wine was spilled all over the floor, which looked extremely unsatisfactory.

“Brother Hu… Calm, Calm, this wine is spicy, you drink it slowly.”

Yi Xiaotian also persuaded Cao Cao to come. He wondered that his Ren brother is not here today. If Cao Cao is drunk, he won’t be able to carry his small body, but don’t vomit about yourself. Yi Xiaotian is disgusted. It’s very.

“Happy, happy! I have done this bowl, you are free!”

Cao Cao filled a bowl again. After this bowl, his whole person became a little dazed. He put his hand on Yi Xiaotian’s shoulder.

“Brother Yi, your trick is amazing, really amazing… Yuan Shao, no… not only Yuan Shao, but also Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan… The princes of the world are in front of you, as if they are stripped of their clothes. Their weaknesses are at a glance. No more! Hahahaha…”

Cao Cao’s words were a lot more bold and unrestrained…

On the other hand, Yi Xiaotian, he is still relatively calm.

“Brother, you have to eat food too. The dishes made by Diao Chan are so delicious. I can’t stop you from drinking.”Yi Xiaotian wondered if he couldn’t persuade him anymore, so he simply changed the subject… and persuaded him to eat a bite!


Never thought that Cao Cao patted Yi Xiaotian on the shoulder again.

“Brother Yi, does Diao Chan just cook good dishes? Isn’t she beautiful and delicious? Brother Yi… or you are blessed! The most beautiful girl in the world is right by your side, envy others, envy others! ”

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian chuckled, and don’t say too much about a person who is on alcohol.

But… Yi Xiaotian was silent, Cao Cao didn’t do it, he raised his hand. “Looking at Brother Yi’s expression, are you dissatisfied with the girl Diao Chan?”

Speaking of this, Cao Cao suddenly got up, he raised his hand and looked quite magnificent.

With a “bang”… Cao Cao slapped his fist on the table.

“That’s okay, Brother Yi, who do you like? It doesn’t matter if she is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, or as a woman, even the wives and concubines of the wealthy clan, the harem of the emperor, and even the wife of Cao Cao…I Ama will ask for you…”

Speaking of this, Cao Cao seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he patted his chest. “I’ll leave it here today. As long as it’s the woman your brother Yi looks at, it’s the king of heaven. Daddy will not let go, I’m Cao…hooah haha… I also snatched it for Brother Yi!”

The uninhibited go back to uninhibited, it always belongs to Cao Cao still maintaining some sense, otherwise he will be exposed.

“Brother, you are drunk, you are drunk!”

Yi Xiaotian was a little dazed. It was the first time he saw him. You said it was a drunkard, but the logic in the words was very rigorous.

If you are sensible, then you will be fattened up, so you don’t want to talk about the emperor. Can Cao Cao’s wife beg for it too? Yi Xiaotian had only heard of Cao Cao’s green others, and it was the first time he heard of anyone who could green Cao Cao.

Uh…Brother, I would like to treat you as “the old king next door”!

This… when you drink, you won’t be so drunk when you eat a few dishes.

Yi Xiaotian just haha.

It seems… Yi Xiaotian’s smile, in Cao Cao’s view, is because of his distrust of him, or his dislike for proposing such women.

“Brother Yi, I didn’t laugh with you.”

Cao Cao waved his hands… He seemed to think of something suddenly.

“Oh… I remember, Brother Yi is very picky about women. If he is a wife, he can be taken with him, but he will never marry a concubine, and there is a woman Brother Yi wants to marry, I remember There must be an interesting soul, so to speak… I suddenly thought of a woman, if Brother Yi marries her, it would be perfect!”


Yi Xiaotian is still a little confused. He is not a wife, and he has to have an interesting soul. Why doesn’t Yi Xiaotian know that there is still such a woman in this world.

“Brother, tell me what? Who is that?”

“Hahahaha…” Cao Cao first laughed openly, then he raised his hand. “Cao Cao’s second daughter, Cao Jie…”

Cao Cao seemed to be drunk, but in fact he was really not drunk. He said so much just to elicit such a sentence.

Brother Yi is his brother, and even the talented person who can help him win the world. Cao Cao can’t bear to… Such a talent has bargained other families and became the son-in-law of those wealthy clans!

Instead of doing this, it’s better to…

As long as I can capture Brother Yi’s heart, my daughter… One Cao Jie is not enough, and Cao Xian, as well as the eleven-year-old Cao Hua, can also stand up!

In order to further the relationship with Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao also fought.

If the brotherhood is coupled with the affection between the old father-in-law and the son-in-law, then it will be a tunnel across the mountain-the inside and the outside should be combined, and brother Yi will be caught directly, and no one can take it away!

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