Chapter 501 The Second Daughter Cao’s Festival, Cao Cao’s Pearl in the Hand

Chapter 299 The Second Female Cao Festival, Cao Cao’s Pearl

“Stop…Hold brother, you are floating!”

Yi Xiaotian also stood up, he patted Cao Cao on the shoulder. “Do you know who Cao Cao is? He is a man known as the’First Butcher’. You dare to beat his daughter… Are you crazy?”

Yi Xiaotian looked at Cao Cao’s eyes again, as if looking at a neuropathy.

“Brother, don’t think that if you have made credit these few times, there will be capital drifting. In front of Cao Cao, people will often die miserably. It will be cold, if you float down again, he will be your fate!”

“Brother, you have to take a low posture, don’t think anything crooked, let alone drag Cao Cao’s daughter to me, my neck is soft, but I can’t hold the butcher knife in Cao Cao’s hand!”


The amount of information in Brother Yi’s remarks is so huge!

Suddenly he was dubbed the “No. 1 Butcher” by Brother Yi, and Cao Cao grinned out of his mouth. He seemed to like this name a bit.

As for what is mentioned later, don’t float in front of Cao Cao. Xu You, who is arrogant and arrogant, will soon be cold. These are not important, so put them aside.

The most important thing is that Brother Yi still doesn’t believe that he has this ability!

In this case…


Cao Cao waved his hand. “Brother Yi, I have already said this, and I absolutely can’t change it. Let’s…I have decided. After Pingding North returns to Xuchang, I will arrange for Cao Cao’s three daughters to meet with you separately. If Brother Yi sees which , Just give me a look, you don’t have to worry about everything else, it’s all on me.”


Suddenly, Yi Xiaotian felt like he wanted to cry. From his point of view, Brother Husband was going further and further on the road to death.

“Brother, don’t mess around. Did you arrange for Cao Cao’s three daughters? Give you a look, dare you, do you think Cao Cao’s daughter is so cheap?”

“I can tell you, especially Cao Cao’s second daughter, Cao Jie, Jin Gui… If she doesn’t nod, this is impossible! Not to mention, I haven’t seen him yet. Don’t mess with the mandarin duck scores, in the end it hurts me!”

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian’s remarks directly made Cao Cao happy.

Yes, Cao Cao’s second daughter, Cao Jie, is Jingui, but if Brother Yi is your favorite, then Jingui will have to serve you for a lifetime.

As for those who nod but not, she daddy is standing here, dare she nod?

Come on… It seems, no matter how much you talk about it, Brother Yi doesn’t believe it!

Simply wait to return to Xudu, Haosheng arrange some…

Let Brother Yi take a look, I’m Cao Cao…No, it should be said that Aha has this ability? That Xiao Nizi, Cao Jie, dare not to be presumptuous in front of you, dare not to say half of the word “no”.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao sat back slowly.

While smiling, he filled Yi Xiaotian with wine. “Brother Yi, don’t panic about this, let’s wait and see, now, we will drink, drink…”

“Will you still drink?” To be honest, Yi Xiaotian didn’t want to drink anymore… The main reason was that he was afraid that he would really drink his brother, so he had to carry him to the bed. This is not the point, the point is not to resist.

“Brother Yi, it’s just a few more days now. On the days of great success, it would be boring if you don’t drink!” Cao Cao asked back…

“Let’s talk about business!”

Upon hearing this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. “Brother, don’t you think that you won the Guandu World War I, and everything will be fine. The current situation is actually even more dangerous for Cao Cao!”

Um… more dangerous? How do you say this? Haven’t the hidden dangers of 400,000 pawns been eliminated?

Cao Cao was suddenly attracted by Yi Xiaotian’s words, and he couldn’t even drink the wine, he asked again and again. “Brother Yi, what are the hidden dangers you are talking about?””You don’t know, don’t you know? During the battle between Cao and Yuan Guandu, Yuan Shao was after all powerful, after all, he had an absolute advantage… The consequence of this was that many of Cao Cao’s civil and military officers were afraid and worried because they wanted to keep a record for themselves. Regardless of the future, many of them exchanged letters with Yuan Shao, and even secretly conveyed military information…”

Yi Xiaotian described it in detail…

This matter is still relatively urgent. It is related to the stability of Cao Ying’s people. Compared with external troubles, internal hidden dangers are more terrifying and more difficult to prevent.

Phew… Cao Cao sighed softly.

Yuan Shao was in the hands of Wu’s illicit communication. He knew a little about this matter, and he also found some letterheads. As far as the current list, there are no less than a thousand people involved, let alone a lot of them. Official!

What about these people…

The battle of Guandu had just won, and Cao Cao couldn’t even think about it…

Just when Brother Yi proposed this time, Cao Cao simply asked.

“Brother Yi, I know a little bit about this, and I have found some specific lists. These people have both ends of the head and rat, and they end up with Damn it! I will report to Cao Cao tomorrow. The people at both ends of the rat must beheaded to show the public… in order to be disciplined!”

I thought that Brother Yi would support his own decision, and he could not increase the arrogance of the villain at both ends of their son-in-chief.

Never thought… Yi Xiaotian waved his hand directly. “Brother, let me ask you, is this going to be killed? Can Cao Cao be killed?”


Without waiting for Cao Cao to think about it, Yi Xiaotian’s voice continued.

“Catch a person who is inconsistent under his confession. Ten people will become ten people, ten people will become one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, I dare say… the officials who privately communicate with Yuan Shao’s letter paper can take over. Cao Cao’s command, or more than 80% of the high-ranking officials of the imperial court, that’s all… I feel that the prediction is a bit conservative!”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian paused and continued to analyze. “After all, when Yuan Shao was in his heyday, even Cao Cao was about to collapse, and he felt resigned. He felt it was difficult to protect himself, let alone other people!”


It seems that Cao Cao really feels that this is the case.

The grain and grass were robbed, and the Guandu Walled City bears the arrow rain on the head every day.

At that time, his Cao Cao himself was thinking…mostly it was cold, it was so cold…

If he can, Cao Cao wants to surrender Yuan Shao, let alone his men…

With Yi Xiaotian’s reminder, after Cao Cao’s empathy, he really felt that this group of officials should not be blamed for this matter!

But… just leave it alone?

It doesn’t seem to work, after all… to be honest, these officials have a guilty conscience!

They always feel that they have a handle in Yuan Shao’s hands. If Yuan Shao publishes this list, wouldn’t they be finished?

Maybe… they just panic at first.

But… with the passage of time, this very oppressive mood has extended into a certain vicious, a certain vicious, a certain way to solve the problem once and for all with a sharp blade!

Instead of hanging around with such a thing all day, being held by others with such a hidden danger, sleeping well, eating and eating unsteadily, I really voted for Yuan Shao! Or is it better to kill Cao Cao first and get a certificate, is it better than the daily anxiety in Cao Ying?

It’s okay not to empathize.

What happened… Thinking of this, Cao Cao frowned, and his whole body became tense.

kill? As Brother Yi said, the law does not blame the public, so many people? Can it be done? If it is really killed, it is estimated that more than half of the officials will be cold, and the consequence will be that everyone in the Central Plains is in danger.

If you don’t kill it… it won’t work even if it’s a special cat. Does anyone have this in mind? Everyone is in danger…

Anxiety… How come the Guandu War is won, and there are still so many troubles.

Sure enough, Brother Yi was right. Don’t think that everything will be fine if you win the battle of Guandu. Now Cao Cao is in the most dangerous moment. A mistake in decision-making and uneven security will ruin the current situation of Dayou!

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