Chapter 506 Three Hundred and Sixty Lines

Chapter Three Hundred and Four Hundred and Sixty


Yi Xiaotian suddenly felt that Life was boring.

In particular, I accompanied Diao Chan, Cai Zhaoji, and Lu Lingqi to the market.

Speaking of it, the city of Yanjin is connected to the north and south of the Yellow River. Every day there are countless merchants going south and countless merchants going north. Everyone meets here and exchanges what is needed. One comes and two. The market here is gradually emerging.

Throughout the East Market, there were shouts, shouts, fish sellers, horse sellers, silk sellers, slave sellers, and everything else… there was an endless stream.

Diao Chan, Cai Zhaoji, and Lu Lingqi focused their attention on dry clothes and jewelry. These things are very trivial, but the price is not cheap…There are many types, enough for them to choose for a long time.

In response, Yi Xiaotian shook his head. A straight steel man like him can’t really feel the feeling of a girl shopping and picking goods.

What is there to pick? Picking and picking… Isn’t it still entangled to explode in place?

Yi Xiaotian has two big characters in his heart-ink!

Unfortunately… he made sufficient mental preparations in advance.

The ink marks are ink marks. Diao Chan, Lu Lingqi, and Cai Zhaoji are also good at serving themselves on weekdays. This time, it is rare to accompany them out once again. Choose carefully.

For this reason, Yi Xiaotian showed rare confidence.

“Sir, I want this…” Lu Lingqi blinked her big eyes… She chose a delicate jade dagger.

“Buy!” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, looking quite proud.

“Sir, can this be given to Diaochan?” Diaochan was affectionate, and she raised a pair of earrings in her hands, which seemed to be made of brass…

“Buy, sell them all.” Yi Xiaotian directly threw a bag of coins to the store, the whole sense of sight of a rich man.

Of course, Yi Xiaotian is also very happy!

Women will feel a sense of comfort when they choose the goods they like, and men will pay for them…No, to be precise, they will also feel a sense of comfort when they dump money!

The feeling of being admired…

“Sir, this violin…” Cai Zhaoji was a little greedy. She valued a quaint guqin, antique… from her expression, she liked it very much.

“How many coins?”

Yi Xiaotian should ask first…

Actually, he is eccentric, very lavish towards Lu Lingqi and Diao Chan, but stingy towards Cai Zhaoji.

The main point is that although Yi Xiaotian’s money is not small, it can’t be said to be particularly large. This guqin looks very expensive, and I am afraid that it will not be able to get it without a daughter.


“This girl really has a vision. The name of this guqin is ‘Round the Liang’.

The store is a sleek middle-aged man with a fat face and a shrewd look… He didn’t say the price. Instead, the first model told the story of this guqin in an attempt to increase the price of the piano.

“This guqin was handed down during the Zhou Dynasty. It was a gift to the king of Chuzhuang. Because of the fascination with this guqin, the king of Chuzhuang was not in the court for seven consecutive days and left the military affairs behind…”


Yi Xiaotian was taken aback when he heard the words…who is this store fooling around?

Guqin “wanders around the beam”, why didn’t Yi Xiaotian, a historical researcher, know it? How can it reach the big man? Yi Xiaotian shook his head and retorted immediately.

“The shopkeeper, what you said is wrong. It is true that the king of Chuzhuang did not go to court for seven days because of this’Raoliang’ piano, but his princess Fan Ji said,’Xia Jie loves sister Xizhise’ after hearing this. The story of “King Zhou Misheard the Voice of Suppression” persuaded him! King Chuzhuang knew he was wrong, but because he was worried that he could not resist the temptation of’winding around the beam’, he had to reluctantly cut his love and ordered him to use the iron Ruyi Scepter to hammer the qin, the body of the piano. Fragmented into several paragraphs. Since then, the famous’Rounding the Beam’ piano has completely lost its sound. Why is it now spread to your side?”


Yi Xiaotian’s blurt out.

Cai Zhaoji and Diao Chan were both taken aback. They knew that their husband knew the qin, but they didn’t expect their husband to know the guqin so much…Even, the story of the king of Chuzhuang and “Raoliang” could be told in such detail by the husband.

For a moment, whether it was Cai Zhaoji or Diao Chan… a wave of ripples could not help but arose in his heart.

On the contrary, it was this savvy shopkeeper, he was stunned all of a sudden, and he dared to meet an expert today.

As soon as the expert made a move, he knew if there was any. He just wanted to use the beautiful story of the king of Chuzhuang and the “Raoliang” piano to raise the price of this piano… never thought that it would be directly given by this young and handsome man. See through it!If you just see through it, it’s fine, but you don’t know how to see through, it’s still a good friend!

But nowadays… people quote from the scriptures and talk about the truth… The savvy store is very embarrassed at once, and can only scratch his head.

“Um… this… this guest official, you know so… don’t come to this small piano shop, small small business… you can’t lift the countertop like this!”

The savvy shopkeeper scratched his head and looked very unnervous.

Yi Xiaotian turned his head to look at Cai Zhaoji, and asked quietly. “Do you really want it?”

Cai Zhaoji nodded, she didn’t say so much, just whispered back. “This is a good piano…”

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian noticed this Guqin…

Speaking of it, he has done some research on the guqin. It can be seen that this piano is made of fine paulownia wood and zinc wood. The workmanship is exquisite and the texture reveals a sense of time and history…

Cai Zhaoji, this Nizi, has a good vision, she is indeed a good piano.

“The store, stop making up stories, just say a price!” Yi Xiaotian asked the store directly…

“Three thousand golds!” This obese and savvy shopkeeper can see the fire, how can he not tell that the woman wants this piano.

Hey, the story is not the second story… the key is when you meet the gold master. It’s hard for a daughter to buy a smile from a beauty.

Besides, the handsome man in front of him was surrounded by three peerless beauties, and the store had noticed it early in the morning.

These three stunning women leaned in front of him for a while, and embraced him excitedly for a while, and it became a beautiful scenery on the street…

It has become the object of all men’s jealousy. The big guy wants to cry very much… The big guy has four words in his heart—the moat is inhuman!

Subtly, Yi Xiaotian’s image was judged to be a rich and affectionate “rich man”…

Obviously, this label seems to represent the eight characters “the leek has grown and the lamb to be slaughtered”. If you don’t slaughter him harshly, it will be difficult to eliminate the envy, jealousy, and hatred in your heart!

Well? Three thousand gold!

Before Yi Xiaotian spoke, Cai Zhaoji directly stretched out Qianqian’s thin hand, and she grabbed Yi Xiaotian.

“Sir, Zhao Ji no more!”

Cai Zhaoji looked very sensible.

The husband is always cheating on his master. How can Cai Zhaoji be willing to cheat him?

…Even if she likes this piano again, she doesn’t want her husband to be taken advantage of!

At this time, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly…

He asked. “Don’t really want it?”

“Yeah!” Cai Zhaoji nodded like a chicken pecking at rice…

“Then let’s go!” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. “excuse me…”

Soon… he took Cai Zhaoji, Diao Chan, and Lu Lingqi away slowly…


The store was completely stunned, just… just walked away?

This rich man, no…do not play cards according to the routine! This…this…this…

The smart store panicked. He was not willing to give up this business. He planned to start to catch up with Yi Xiaotian. Everything is easy to discuss…Of course, this is Yi Xiaotian’s plan.

It’s even more of his old mother’s habit of bargaining…

——Choose for a long time, and finally make a counter-offer, express dissatisfaction, and leave… Generally, at this time, the store has to take the initiative to chase, then make a profit and make a deal.

It’s still a familiar formula, or a familiar taste… Yi Xiaotian suddenly felt that three hundred and sixty lines, the best in the world, bargaining for this Realm, his old lady is the strongest king!

But… what Yi Xiaotian didn’t count was!

He had just left with his front foot, and the savvy store had not had time to catch up. The burly figures had surrounded the store, and at the same time, a bag full of gold was thrown in front of him.

Rough and restrained voices rose one after another—”What should I do next? You understand…”

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