Chapter 507 The fascinating “Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix”

Chapter 305 The fascinating “Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix”

“Sir, isn’t it three thousand gold? Zhao Ji likes Big sis so much. I bought it. Isn’t it worse than our own villa?”

Lu Lingqi was the first to report the injustice for Cai Zhaoji…

In her opinion, three thousand golds are only two days’ worth of income from a villa, and this must be rejected. Is the husband a bit too, too, too, too stingy?

Not waiting for Yi Xiaotian to speak…

“Lingqi…” Cai Zhaoji hurriedly explained to Yi Xiaotian. “I don’t want it anymore, don’t blame the sir!”

Despite that, Cai Zhaoji still wants that guqin in her heart…

She faintly felt that this guqin was a bit like…a bit like the famous piano ‘Green Qi’ in the hands of Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru.

What she is more fascinated about is…

Will one day, someone like Sima Xiangru wooing Zhuo Wenjun to open his heart with a song “Feng Qiuhuang”…

“Sister Zhao Ji, don’t help your husband explain. In my opinion, your husband is stingy.” Lu Lingqi pouted, still complaining!


Yi Xiaotian couldn’t help coughing. “Lingqi? Now that she has a lot of skills? Speaking of husband, we have a different set? Who is the husband?”

“I’m…that’s…” Lu Lingqi was speechless immediately, after all, she was still afraid of her husband, especially her husband’s angry look.

However, she still mumbled her small mouth, which seemed to be stiff. “I just think, but for three thousand gold, the husband should buy the guqin for Sister Zhao Ji…”

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian directly “haha”, are you teaching me how to do things?

Just wanting to teach Lu Lingqi a few words.

“Okay.” Diao Chan said, it seems that because of her older age, she is also more transparent. “Lingqi, don’t you know what Mr.’s intentions are? Mr. did not spend any wronged money… but also to buy a guqin for Zhao Ji Little Sister!”

Diao Chan’s background is not high, and she also knows some of these “bargaining” tactics used in the market… But she did not expect that her husband would bother so much for a guqin. It seems that the husband is really a frugal man. Of people too!

Thinking of this, Diao Chan’s afterglow slowly glanced behind him, counting the time…it seems…that the seemingly savvy store should be chasing after him, right?

Don’t give up this big business!


The sound of “tatata” footsteps from far to near… trotting quickly.

“My son, my son…” Hearing the yelling from far away, I saw the merchant running over with sweating profusely on his fat belly, looking hurriedly… It looked like he was coming to make profit.

Hehe… I love to hear it.

Yi Xiaotian turned around. “Why is the store in such a hurry? The price of your guqin three thousand gold? I can’t afford it here. Forget it, you should sell it to someone else…”

Yi Xiaotian raised his hand and put on a look of rejection.

“no no…”

The savvy store waved his hands again and again, as if he was too fat. After running so many steps, he was out of breath, and his tone was a little stumbling. He looked at Cai Zhaoji and then at Yi Xiaotian. “My son, this girl likes it so much, I…I…I’m willing to give up some prices!”

Um…Sure enough, it’s on the road.

Yi Xiaotian only feels that now he looks like a female shop owner who is chasing his old mother two streets before. It is really not easy to open the door to do business.

“Make some price?” Yi Xiaotian put his chin in both hands…seems to be thinking deeply.

Diao Chan smiled “pouch”, then covered her mouth, whispering to Cai Zhaoji and Lu Lingqi. “Did you see it? The savvy boss will make a profit when he leaves like this. Now, at least he can pay a thousand dollars less!”

Phew…Is that so?

Cai Zhaoji and Lu Lingqi exhaled together.

From their surprised eyes, you can see… Their hearts are full of doubts, can they still buy things like this? But in a few moments of effort, can… be a thousand dollars cheaper?

Thinking about this… the two of them looked at Mr. and the shrewd boss.

…”You said it earlier!” Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. “Come on, quote a price, quote a real price!”

Yi Xiaotian pondered that what Cai Zhaoji can value is definitely a good piano. It is estimated that there is no big drop. Two thousand gold is almost the same… Besides, I just don’t want to be slaughtered, and I don’t care about these thousand gold coins. .

Never thought…

The savvy boss’s plump face gathered together, and his eyes were almost invisible when he narrowed his eyes. He blurted out with excitement.

“Twenty gold… Twenty gold…”

Ah… Yi Xiaotian is a little disappointed, dare to be sentimental, if you run so far, it’s 20 gold cheaper?

This f*ck, three thousand minus twenty? Two thousand nine hundred and eight? Hug Guqin home?

Is this rhythm wrong?

Yi Xiaotian suddenly wondered, before crossing, the old lady’s “half-cutting” skill when bargaining for the price, did he miss the point…

“No…you? You dropped twenty gold?”

Yi Xiaotian frowned. He seldom gets angry, but this time he is really angry. “Are you a monkey who asked me to make a joke? You are planning to send this young man out for twenty gold. You really treat him like a fat sheep?”

“No…cough cough…cough cough…”

The shrewd boss is still waving his hands, it seems, because of the trot all the way, some breathless, a series of coughs.

Yi Xiaotian wondered whether he was selling miserably on purpose?

Finally, after a violent pat on his chest, the shrewd boss seemed to have a lot of anger. He arched his waist and said to Yi Xiaotian with a smile on his face. “Master…you misunderstood, I mean this Guqin will be sold for 20 gold…20 gold!”

What? Twenty gold? Good Guqin?

Yi Xiaotian reached out and knocked on his forehead… Now, he even more suspected that this businessman was invited by a monkey to make a joke.

Don’t talk about twenty gold, this thing is sold for one thousand gold on the market, it is also a treasure.

Is this businessman crazy?

“You? You say it again.”

“Twenty gold, genuine goods at a fair price, young man without deceit…” The shrewd boss’s eyes became urgent, as if he was very eager for Yi Xiaotian to buy this guqin…

Yi Xiaotian was completely dazed, what’s the situation? Was the skill of “bargaining” by the former old lady of crossing so great in ancient times? In just such a round, is the best Guqin more than a hundred times cheaper?

Yi Xiaotian himself was a little skeptical, he almost planned to pinch himself…have to prove that this is true, this is not a daydream.

Of course…

At this moment, it is not just Yi Xiaotian who is more shocked!

Lu Lingqi, Cai Zhaoji, especially Diao Chan, they were all shocked.

Lv Lingqi was shocked that her husband was mad, dragging, cool, dazzling, and dazzling… After this time, Gu Qin froze from three thousand gold to twenty gold. It was almost… Mr.

In Lu Lingqi’s known vocabulary, she couldn’t find a heaven-defying behavior that could match her husband.

Lu Lingqi only felt that her heart was rippling, the gentleman who would bargain was so handsome!

Cai Zhaoji was also shocked… Unlike Lu Lingqi who was simply shocked by the price drop, she was shocked by the quality of this guqin, not to mention whether it was a token of love between Zhuo Wenjun and Sima. It may be as low as this price!

Cai Zhaoji felt that this must have been agreed by her husband in advance with the store, in order to give him a surprise to recover from the loss, the husband was really interested!

The most shocking thing was Diao Chan. When she was at Situ Mansion, she occasionally went to the market, but… it was the first time that she encountered such an incredible “bargaining”.

How… how is it possible! Diao Chan Qianqian covered her chest with her hands. She felt that she was still too young and innocent. With her husband, she seemed to be able to encounter any incredible things!

“Shopkeeper, please make it clear!” Yi Xiaotian was also a little confused, but he still felt untrue. “You drop so much directly, I dare not buy it!”

“Don’t…Don’t…” The smart store hugged Yi Xiaotian’s thigh. “My son, you must buy it, you must buy it…”

It seems…the store is afraid that Yi Xiaotian will go back, “No, let’s get ten gold, and hardware will do too, come on… Simply, I’ll give you ten gold, I beg my son, you can buy it!”

Ah… Ah…

Yi Xiaotian is really dumbfounded!

Dare to love, did people do business like this in ancient times? It’s simply a loss to earn money!

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